
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

AuT Audio

So where's the audio?
I recorded a cover piece (a little over one minute) to go with the first slide.  That went fairly well, I was even able to edit the document without much trouble and get the volume so it was even if a bit erratic.
I tried loading it into the power point.  No problem. Then I tried changing the powerpoint into a wave file, again no problem, but when I played it, the timing was not set properly (something I'd think would be automatic) and it only played the first few seconds.
Then I decided to just upload the audio and it basically locked up the blogger and the file seemed pretty huge so I closed things down and left to contemplate the fact that the universe both saw fit to gift me this knowledge then throws up one roadblock in front of another to stop me.
Now if I had that grant which would literally save billions, then I'd get this done; but for some reason, no; the government would rather waste billions than support me.
Go figure.  No one saw that coming.
Anyway, my thinking is that I will somehow set the timing right on powerpoint, then upload the first slide with audio onto youtube and link you to it from here.  To the extent that isn't possible, I'll at least load the audio onto my audio blog and put up a link. 
It's not poetry, that should be there don't you think?  No, not poetry, but your grandchildren will have to listen to it in science class which will be something of a Pyrrhic victory for me.  Alas poor Pyrrhic, I knew him well, to misquote Poe.
There is tons that will follow this, but I will end this post with a bit of mea culpa.
These are some points that will be incorporated into the first slide to a greater or lesser extent, many of them resetting things from the original AuT thinking, but when you solve the secrets of the universe, you should be entitled to some mistakes.

(1)  Perceived linearity is the result of changes between conserved. quantum information coordinates states fixed in a non-linear time environment for any value of x.  All states of existence (space, energy, matter, black hole material, etc) are formed by exponentially compressed states of information according to an algorithm defining compressed information states.
(2)  Energy reflects the changes along the information arms forming the compression states.
(3)  The speed of information changes are the same from one quantum state to the next, but the relatively slow effects on high compression states compared to the underlying low compression states.  A small change in a highly compressed state has less of an effect than the same sized change in a lower state change.
(4)  Ct1 or space, is caught between the higher compression states and the release of this information as the compressed states break up leads to velocity as the ct1 states return to their linear, pre-dimensional positions as does the actual breakdown of higher states into ct1 states plus or minus lower intermediary states.

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