
Monday, April 23, 2018

Temporary video II and observations on time dilation

This is the second temporary version of the video.  While still not complete, it was uploaded with the new, shorter version of the second slide audio.  Thank you for watching this rough video, probably by the end of the month this first video will be finished andthe next one can be started.
While almost as long as the prior one, it has shorter per slide videos and some of the parts of video for slide 2, now at a reasonable 4 or 5 minutes, have been moved to other video or to the erata section which is part of the version on my computer but not this one. updated 4/25/18

Algorithm Universe Theory (AuT) defines not only the source and effects of Quantum Mechanics, but the origin of dimension and the subsequent creation of what we refer to as time and which is distinguished from the underlying, time free change that controls the universe.
Algorithm Universe Theory Books 1-2 contain the most up to date information on the theory.  Books 7 and 8 compare AuT to the standard model.  The intervening books cover other areas and the third edition of book 3 will cover this slide presentation in detail.
The universe can be thought of as a very complicated string which is constantly being bunched together and pulled apart at every point, a string of math solutions where the results allow the perception of stacking and unstacking the results to create multiple “places” changing together giving the effect of dimensions for “net” areas of the string.

While this may sound too simple, the underlying symmetry of the universe explains many things.  When you look at the entire population and say, for example; “we’re killing ourselves, how can we be so stupid when individually we are so smart?” AuT provides an answer.
Hard as it is to believe, when we launch a rocket into space and I use the voyager probe as one of the fastest and farthest of our undertakings we are not actually choosing to do this on a quantum level, instead we are following the dictates forced upon us at the quantum level.  Worse still, every individual is governed by this underlying symmetry.
Indeed, we probably do not have the technology to affect this since our actions are time and dimension dependent and the ultimate control of the universe is at a time and dimension independent level, even though it is simple.  The change this, we’d have to be able to break or change the underlying algorithm.  While probably impossible, it is an undertaking worth studying.
The next slide show will probably be directed to the problems solved by AuT which can largely be found in one of the later books 4,5 or 6, I would think.  Maybe its even seven, but if I was a betting man I would say 6.  Actually book 5, so much for being a betting man.
One of the issues that will be addressed is time dilation.
i picked this idea to go over while I swam a miserly 2000 yards although i worked hard at most of it and did the im part in its entirety surprising myself.
This has to do with the single string expanding model.
Here are some thoughts on time dilation.
The first, and perhaps least important thought has todo with place (see book 2 if you don`t understand).  Losing ct1 during the unraveling suggests that the 10s place and ones place are the points of primary transition during expansion.
The more interesting thought has to do with the pulling that goes on when an embedded ct1 going negative pulls a mass apart from the inside as a part of acceleration.
The idea is that relatively speaking the more ct1 pulling, the slower time.  This has to be similar to the "crushing" of time (the electron bundle) during high gravity.  The idea is that there is a type of crushing due to the time pulling the ct3-ct4 together as it pulls outward, creating the same type of pressure as the crushing of gravity which has the effect of slowing time.
This purely Aut way of looking at movement and gravity yields a commonality between velocity and gravity that is absent otherwise.  why exactly this crushing slows time is undertain although the movement of the electron bundle internally is slowed in both cases and perhaps that is where time is slowed.
There will be more on this with some sketches in book 3 and perhaps an answer to this question.

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