
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

AuT Book 2, 3rd edition

Well, another banner day.  The largely (1/2) rewritten book 2 is now ready and really straightens out a lot of really confused "physics stuff" defining the universe.
I spend a lot of time on this "string" concept which I really like and which provides a lot of clarity to me as to how one dimensional space is bent into 3 dimensions.
I know what you're thinking.  Wait Greg, you said it stayed as 1 dimension, now you're saying its folded into three dimensions.  Which is it?
I think the answer is yes, ha ha.  No seriously, the idea is that it is both because none of those old definitions work with a quantum state universe where at any quantum point you have no movement and just a bunch of answers to a question.

So when can you order book 2, third edition?  Well, that is a question that I can definitively answer as probably tomorrow on kindle and certainly by Friday in a hard copy format, but maybe not.  Who knows.

1.      Construction of the universe

          The universe is constructed from negative 1, a “not zero” state, but once constructed, it separates into positive and negative diverging infinite series which alternate and converge to breathe illusory physics into the underlying equations.  Once established, quantum features are built from [2*f(n)]^(2^n) compression where f(n) is the Fibonacci number for n derived from an evolving value of curvature based on alignment which encloses increasingly large quantities of the underlying states. 
          States of matter or anti matter are the result of inflection point changes based on increasingly long diverging series which appear to be based on fpluspix (the denominator of pi) where each point changes in value to the next value of fpluspix when the number of changes in x, the sole variable, has changed the corresponding number of times.  In this way, at the edge of the uncompressed universe, there is a new point generated for every increase in x equal to -3 and presumably at the center is a point which has a value equal, at least to either positive or negative 2.4x10^62.  In the middle of this universe exist black holes with lives based on middle range lengths of x value which entrap much shorter lower ct states.  As the string straightens out during expansion phases, these trapped states move back towards their initial alignment although complete unraveling does not occur.

An interesting aside on this.  There are probably 10^42 quantum changes per second of at least 1.2x10^62 quantum points.  We're also about 2/3 of the way through the expansion cycle which matches the 42:62 ratio there which is probably just a coincidence, but it makes me wonder.  As the mystery writer once said, "there are no coincidences," except when there are.

There were some serious problems with createspace so the book cover will probably be messed up, but I'll try to fix it although it doesn't matter so much.

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