
Saturday, April 7, 2018

book 2-the universe as a single string 1 of several.

This is the first in a series of posts that lead intobook 2 3rd edition and make it the most precise yet in defining the universe.

The fpluspix windings and unwindings and the net values of this process define why the sun really burns so slowly (compare the standard model); the true nature of ct1 substitution (thewinding and unwinding of the string-bunching and unbunching it); and why this same feature of winding and unwinding spings the universe like a top going out and in reverse when it winds back.  Using 13.5 billion years and the change to time ratios, the amount of information in the universe based on the single big bang and the average (essentially that number times 2) for all the other years will give an idea of the total number of points in the universe.

It is an exciting chapter and it will appear here, probably without the drawings, but the second ediiton should be out this month.
If i could ask you to wait at least till then I would, but I cannot, so here it is.

1.      The Universe as a line

          The universe can be thought of as a very complicated string which is constantly being bunched together and pulled apart at every point, a string of math solutions where the results allow the perception of stacking and unstacking the results to create multiple “places” changing together giving the effect of dimensions for “net” areas of the string.

          While this may sound too simple, the underlying symmetry of the universe explains many things.  When you look at the entire population and say, for example; “we’re killing ourselves, how can we be so stupid when individually we are so smart?” AuT provides an answer.
          Hard as it is to believe, when we launch a rocket into space and I use the voyager probe as one of the fastest and farthest of our undertakings we are not actually choosing to do this on a quantum level, instead we are following the dictates forced upon us at the quantum level.  Worse still, every individual is governed by this underlying symmetry.
          Indeed, we probably do not have the technology to affect this since our actions are time and dimension dependent and the ultimate control of the universe is at a time and dimension independent level, even though it is simple.  The change this, we’d have to be able to break or change the underlying algorithm.  While probably impossible, it is an undertaking worth studying.
          This third edition is the first edition to include some of these drawings although the entire undertaking is part of eight books.
          In order to attempt to present this concept 5 figures (some containing multiple figures) are presented.  Detailed discussions of these figures follow in other published books so for this presentation only a superficial treatment is given.

          Before getting into the drawings it is important to understand that this is not a fancy new math like the Standard Model. Instead this theory is based on some fundamental mathematical principles and a moment to discuss those is worth a few minutes.  Again, a detailed explanation of each of these is covered in the other books.

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