
Thursday, April 5, 2018

AuT Book 2, Third Edition

The electron and proton save between them the quantum information states that embody history.  how this process works exactly will be worth studying as books 2-7 are rewritten as well as the Origami nature of compression.
As I rewrite book 2 a whole slew of drawings are being generated and others discussed. I'm going to include the discussion at the beginning of book 2 as the universe as a long line in subsequent posts, although I may not include all of the drawings in the form they are presented there and I suspect book 2 will be published this month in the third edition with those.
One is worth showing since there are 5 figures with maybe 8 different drawings used to carry this discussion forward, although in general terms this is already covered in Books 1-8 as published.  The one below is referred to as "Concept String" and that means it is not actually an accurate representation which would be difficult to draw as much as a very rough part of a concept that requires many drawings, but not so many formulas which are set out together in the beginning of book 8.

The universe can be thought of as a very complicated string which is constantly being bunched together and pulled apart at every point, a string of math solutions where the results allow the perception of stacking and unstacking the results to create multiple “places” changing together giving the effect of dimensions for “net” areas of the string.

          While this may sound too simple, the underlying symmetry of the universe explains many things.  When you look at the entire population and say, for example; “we’re killing ourselves, how can we be so stupid when individually we are so smart?” AuT provides an answer.  When you look at me and ask "how can you be so stupid" both your question and my answer are explained by this process.
Sadly, this means there is no cure for stupidity.

The most recent version is available in book 8.

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