
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Last days (edited)

Twenty four hundred yards, followed by two thousand yard (surprised I even finished the second one) and then, despite my interest in taking today off, 25 minutes of stair and 3 sets of weights, some of it a little off.
I will, in this article wax sarcastically; if you don't like that side of me, you should probably stop reading now and be satisfied that I have the body of an Adonis and the mind of the writer of Metropolis.

For those of you who don't appreciate this movie, "The Hunger Games" is essentially a take off of this movie and if you see this movie in context of when it was produced in 1927; you will see that is as visionary as any movie ever made.
And just to keep things honest for a moment, I have the body of Jaba the Hut, a very old Jaba the Hut.  But enough honesty for a moment, the president of the united states and his minions care little for truth, and setting the standard for all Americans, I will do the same.

I finished the first draft of last days of the new orleans river zombie today.  I suppose I will have to make it available soon.
I also received in the mail the proof copies of the science of nostradamus.
This is the new and much improved copy.  I may come out with another edition, but I only have so much time and this book is very important; especially if you are facing death, like me.
There is so much I'd like to do before I die, but so little that I can do.

It begins with a quote from DaVinci which alone is worth the cost of the book and which, sadly, can be see in the preview without buying it. Lucky you.
I think there is a country out there that will appreciate what I have done here; that will adopt me for my science and patents; but it has not happened yet; so for the moment, let me point out with a couple of articles the stupidity of everything that came before me and why I will one day be the new Einstein, the new Edison, the new Newton, indeed, why one day I will be the new Parmenides, father of quantum mechanics by talking about two nothing articles.

Let's talk about these two articles and why they are nonsense and at the same time I will cover the material that you can find in the books.  For those of you who want to watch it built, you can start with post 1 and follow through to now; but the "audio summary" and the "model" book below contain most of the key elements; although there is much good and bad in the interminably long volumes 1 and 2, but I digress.

Let's start with the hologram within the hologram and black hole information, a quick look at the too massive black hole in our galaxy and then move on to the dark matter particle silliness.  You don't have to read the articles because they are so much horse manure as is all pre-aut physics.
The elegant field theory is just a way of estimating AuT's more specific pre-time and post time features and shows how small minded physics is not to have embraced me with the laurels of the conquering hero that I am, scientifically speaking.
The information in a black hole has merely made the shift from base 10 to base 16.
Since the maximum amount of information before moving on to the base 26 to the 64 conglomeration of black holes where if even the first two arms were effective, well, the math is interesting, do it if you want, which is where the molecular black holes change from ct6 transitional states to ct6 a level which our entire universe can barely reach if the entirety of it were compressed.
Since the minimum size black hole (16^32 AUT) has been compared to 3.8xsun; this 20x sun is far under the first information arm which would be 26x3.8 of our sun.
Hence, we are looking at black holes with 16^32 neutrons in mass before we exit AuT and the base 16 framework and 4 dimensional feel of black holes.  I seriously doubt that either the super-massive black hole of the information loss concepts have any relevance in light of this mathematical certainty.
That being said, aut had its roots in challenging hologram theory in terms of continuity and so the silliness of a hologram within a hologram has to be considered and it survives after a fashion because what is aut if not a lesser base state within a higher base state.  I give the article the rare blessing of two stars, the writers should be proud.

The second article deserves no such kindness; nonsense particles when dark matter is not so much a thing as a mistake in the actions of ct1-3 and low transitional states of ct4.  There is much to forgive, however, given the only recent understanding of space as being much more than ct1 as it is observed and for that I do not apologize; because the world of science that has been so cruel to me has much to answer for; but I have some understanding of prejudice because my own old thinking kept me from seeing what seems so obvious, once it is discovered and indeed it was late in this year when it came to me at last; the most brilliant of physicists, even for me it took some time.

I will take my tongue out of my cheek now.

16,000 word once the surplus is gone, meaning I have to cut out 6,000 words to enter it; but the entire story is ready.  It does need polishing; a lot of polishing; but I thought I'd share another chapter.

   25. Levee Board

Outside there is a steady flow of water, up from the drains, in the middle of the streets and down from the sky.  Inside the control room of the levee board various monitors shows the success and failure of the pumping stations.
The commander looking at the monitors asked, “This report says that we can’t even start on levee repairs until after the storm and there is at least 10 places where the water is topping the levee already and several potential failure points.  Can things get any worse?”
“The damn storm is coming this way.”
“Everyone said it was going to just brush by Louisiana.”
“It stalled, now they say it’s going to turn north and move up the Mississippi.”
“What do we do?”
“We’ve opened the spillways, the 9th ward is going to flood.  The pumps are still holding up, mostly, but if we don’t get some relief, they won’t for long.”
“We lost the army pumps.  Any word on survivors from the second bridge collapse?”

Monday, November 25, 2019

Closer enter the pct

There is much to cover since the last post.
First, the nonsense.  2200 yards and a slight down tick in weight.  1000 im, 2x400 plus 1x200; that is after doing 5x200 because I could not do even one 400 wondering what was wrong that I couldn't get my breathing to work, but that was at the end of a very hard workout.  Still unexplained, or perhaps too many explanations.

Where to start?  First, while I am not doing a lot of posts, instead focusing on patents and development; it is important to note that you have to go back 7 years before you get back to the point where my physics is not ahead of current physics.  So what use is it to add another post on science if you haven't read them all.

I have a backlog of unpublished posts.  At least 21 since October and who knows how many before that.  Well, the total is 344 including this one.

This is a nonsense post, I don't have to spend much time on this.
I'm hoping this week to finish Zombies; but who knows what will happen.

there is another zombie book.

Z pinch, where the electric current in the plasma generates a magnetic field that “pinches” or compresses the plasma.
generating a stable plasma from deuterium and hydrogen atoms. To do this, the team applied a shear force to the plasma as it advanced through the accelerator. This generated a radial flow that maintained the plasma—a solution to the stability problem predicted by theorists. The resulting plasma stayed stable for around 16 𝜇s, 5000 times longer than possible for static plasmas. During this stable period, the team detected the presence of the high-energy neutrons expected from a fusion reaction, with this signal lasting for 5 𝜇s.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Grants and spew Dreams and 13000 word books

2400 yards, 3 pounds over target, that is what I have to say this morning.
I do not understand the 3 pounds, but I am going to work on portion control and go from icecream to yogurt even though its only a little of either one.
I was swimming with someone who was doing 25's fly underwater the length of the pool which was a pleasure to watch and good motivation.  I'm afraid my days of doing that are numbered, but perhaps when I go back on monday I will try one.  The locker room is closed till then for painting which is not frustrating because I swam 2400, 1200 were im, 2x400 and 2x200.  The 400's made the 200's seem easy which is strange.
I have a little less than 30 days to do the pen to publish challenge which I am going to try with last days.  Unfortunately that means cutting out 3000 words which will be tough since normally my rewrites but it won't win anyway; its just a weird thing and after the contest I can put the words back in.  As a matter of fact, I may publish it both ways with two different names.
I am close to filing the grant and while I doubt I will have the full team, I will likely have a five person team which is on the high side.
Yesterday I was explaining absorption and spew, a 2019 year concept oddly enough, to the CE who is committed I am happy to say; and last night I had a dream where I explained that ct1-4 absorption and spew could be observed and why.  First, as set out in articles and this blog, we do observe them. CT1 absorption is ct1 to ct2 folding and gravity.  Spew is antigravity or dark energy.  That is a very simple example.  Ct3 absorption and spew is more complex and leading up to ct4 where there appear to be a couple of different versions is more complex still but we see on a grand scale the absorption of ct1 as gravity and the spew of the earth's magnetic field and later there is the black hole ct1 absoprtion and light plasma spew of black holes.  But there was more to this dream and this concept which is something I have been saying of late.  That is that "life" has figured out a way to control absorption and turn the spew into a channeled type of energy, controlling spew within a range as heat and various forms of electromagnetic radiation and, of course, movement which is heat after the scientific fashion.
Perhaps that is not the spew dream you were thinking about.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Others on Time; zombie chapter 21


Yesterday was 2200 including 1100 im at a good pace, today I am not so sure.  It is getting cold and I am very tired.  But things are moving, I can feel the pressure of history behind me like the wind in the sail of a wooden ship with a tall mast and all of the reefs are out.
I have determined that time is an effect and not a dimension.   That being said, it is an "effect" of dimensional change or a result of dimensional change as it were.
Perhaps I should have said it is a bunch of dimensions which give rise to time, which is both true and a little misleading.

The one thing we can all be certain of in light of AuT is that articles like this are total bullshit.
That is a lot to say, but this is not the first time I have said it.
The key to AuT was the determination of exactly what time was and that meant determining what time was, but AuT did it.
I'm not going into it all here, it appears in the posts that precede this one and in the books.

Well, Zombie Christmas is just a christmas story with zombies in it, and also the Zombie screenplay has zombies in it.
The guy who figured out what space and time are writes zombie books.
The world is in a weird place.
Time is this, it is the same as what we call space to a large extent because the way that what we call space changes dimensional is what we call time.  What changes after that builds on this quantum state of time, but that, that is...bazinga time"
I am the one who did this and it required a certain level of madness, a certain change in the focus to look at what is important.  And yet you are the most important thing, but where are you and where am I on you.
Things are getting ready to change, I am old, going blind, but I am healthy and vibrant in body and mind for the moment; if you ignore the blindness perhaps, and I, alone of all men and all women, have determined what time is and how it is something so much smaller that anything that went before.

Chapter 21

Levee breaks

Begging your pardon captain, the second mate says, lowering his eyes when he sees the teacher with a towel wrapper around her.  He cannot help but glance up then his eyes are back on the floor and he mumbles something.
The weather is banging on window as weather worsens
Out with it man
Vicky says I want to talk to….
Captain, the mate interrupts, will you look at that
The tv is on, the sound is off, but there is an excited reporter, clearly out of his mind excited.   Behind him there is a torrent of water moving through a gap, it hits a car and the car disappears, it hits a house, the house vanishes, then it begins to spread out, still doing damage,  but less propounded.  The damage disappears in the rain.
Turn on the sound
The levee has broken, the man says excitedly.  We are north of the city but the water is bound to go south
They may order an evacuation of the city, but the storm gates are closed
Wait, I am getting a message for the network…suddenly the levee under the reporter gives way and he disappears into the spreading maelstrom, a man runs out from behind the camera, but he turns away suddenly, then the mad disappears and the camera spins wildly towards the sky before the feed is gone and for a moment there is nothing, then the camera switches back to the studio, more pandemonium a crying broadcaster, another saying the levee must have broken under the crew.  Then suddenly there are three clowns on the camera, what are they doing here.  A man goes up to one, are you from the sound stage next door, you have to get out of here.
The clown spins and bites the mans arm that is retraining him.
The man yells and the screen goes black and stays that way.
What the hell is going on over there, comes the voice from the cell phone.  Then the cell phone goes dead.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

last days of the mississippi river zombie chapter 20

2200 yards, 1100 im, 2x400 and 1x300.  You ask, why so lazy, why not finish the last 400 and in truth it was as  much boredom as exhaustion.  I could barely breath at the beginning of the workout, heartbreak, which turned into heartburn towards the end, but it was done and is done.
Then yesterday I took off, today storms are forecast
Vitals 124/66; 02 96, pulse 53, something else 16; a bmi between 23 and 24.  Basically the body of a 35 year old; that 66 seems to be a problem as much as the slightly elevanted 124; but if exercise is critical, I can't do more than I am doing.  It is the pressure of life, the gloom that enters my mind every day when I wake up alone.

I am going to only shoot for one or two posts per week.  There is too much suffering to do more than that,but one or two per week seems reasonable as a target.

My grant team is shaping up if I can keep it from falling apart.
The real question if can I keep the main mathematician.  It may be an ego thing, a time thing, perhaps even a legitimacy thing, although how can it be wrong when its 7 years ahead of MIT?  Either way, I plan to have the paperwork done this week, even though there are only 2 days left.   Then I have to wait to the end of the month to gather resumes, then the real work begins.

 Getting the tech ready is a challenge, that is taking what is done and parsing out from that what needs to be done by several different areas of expertise, math, physics chemistry and engineering.  It will be a research and writing challenge but the proof of the model is there and the patents provide a roadmap towards success.

If only I could deal with the rest of my life, by comparison solving the model underlying thermodynamics was relatively simple and it should not be that way.  Let me say something, this way is miserable, but you have to be sufficiently miserable to change.  Can I get there?  i am so used to sacrificing myself for something soulless and dead it is hard to say.

Who is to die?  That is what it amounts to, my soul or someone else's.

It was good to get Nostradamus published, but it had a minor rejection in the print version which I hope I fixed today.  I went to order copies and despite the update, it tried to sell the old version.  Not sure what that is about, I may have to republish.

Kiss, well that is another story, but I plan to do less there, minimal editing after the thorough edit but it is a nightmare of formatting.

I started to do an article, but I am beyond traditional math, it is a wast of my time.
Its been a while since I posted a chapter, so here is another chapter from last days of the mississippi river zombie

Chapter 20

Last span is compromised

Coming back by small boat over rough water-stormy seas

Becky and Mason look over the flat bottomed pirogue.  “It don’t be so stable as a canoe, being its for still waters of the swamp,” the old Cajun says.
“Can all 3 of us get in?”
“Don’t be includin’ me in your crazy plan, I be staying here where its safe.”
“The gas…” Becky says.
“It not be bothering me and things across the river seem not too good,” as if to punctuate  his comment the sound of gunfire sounded distantly echoing across the river and then abruptly it stopped.
“But,” mason began.  It was too late, the Cajun had walked off. 
“There’s nothing you can do.”
Then, there is yellow gas topping the levee and coming down toward them, “Look!”
“We have to get him.”
“It’s too late.”  But Mason runs toward where the Cajun disappeared.  He gets there.  Nothing.
“Where did he go?” Becky says, then she starts coughing.
Mason looks around and then back at Becky then at the small boat, already with the yellow gas brushing against it.  “We have to go,”
Both coughing, they push the boat into the shallows and then jump in.  Almost immediately, the tiny boat is seized by the current and Mason paddles furiously to get it going across the river and away from the smoke.
 Setting off in piroux, slightly gassed from attempt to get through.  Gas is beginning to cross the levee making it impossible to stay.
Bridge collapse while in the pirox swamps it leaving you to wonder if they make it across or not.
The ship crashes into the remaining span as the marine trucks come up  to it and a quarter of the span crashes into the water with the relief pumps.
The ship keeps going then the bottom hits the underwater wreckage for the collapsed bridge and the ship spins into the riverwalk where its propellers connect explosively.

Monday, November 4, 2019

just plain wrong

Ahh the weird days when the seasons change.
Lets see, where to begin.
I was within 1 pound of my target weight.
I did three days of hard workouts in a row, today I plan to do yoga.

I finished editing and published.
The "Science of Nostradamus" book is updated and published.   I can forget about that for a while and recover.
These total edits are exhausting, but the book has gone from an interesting story to what I will call a fairly good and much better organized book.

I have to edit it again, but I need to take some deep breaths and I need some time to recover.
I'll try to stick with an electronic edit this time which will accelerate the process, but when...

All my readers should order it as the tech in it is now uptodate and the story, well it could be worse.

I am moving into high gear on the grant.
I have two phD level participants.  The intern part is moving slowly.
The next part is getting the paperwork out.
1) Employee paperwork
2) Availability and cost paperwork
3) Grant paperwork
4) Next group of patents

Since they are written in at least rough draft from I plan to have 1-3 ready this week.  The next patents, well the target is in 22 days, that is pretty unrealisitic.

Here we go again.
How does math change lead to perception.
Here we go:
1) to create fractals, iterated equations have to change.
2) To change, the curvature equations, the the unwinding of compression or the winding of compression takes care of it.

AuT discusses in detail the pre-aut universe.  It is a strange thing, the growing pulse from the early days to today, but it is clearly set out in the most simple of drawings and what that shows carries over to the more complex universe.

Of course the universe doesn't look right to the "non-AuT boneheads."  The reason is that AuT "proves" mathematically that the universe is inconsistently unwinding, this just proves that AuT is right.  It is so damn frustrating.  Of course, being alone gives me time to build my wagon as it were, but in a universe governed by logic and not irony I would have you.

Here is an interesting result, the localized net compression of gravity on the earth appears to be 2% of the net decompression for the universe as a whole.  That has  a lot of meaning, but for the moment, just deep breath in, deep breath out.  Try to be alive while everything around me is dead.

speed through space and gravity
47000000 47million km/day to background radiation
40k km/day around earth's center
2.5km/day sun center
19mkm/day to center of galaxy 0.1
gravity 9.8m/s 846720 m/day
2% gravity's percent of total speed
localized compression vs decompression

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Justified or not Institutional Bias

Its been colder, longer than I thought this week.
I need to swim today, the weather should not be a challenge, but getting in the water when its cold is always a little daunting.  I should go now or in the next hour, but I'll have to see how it works out.
I feel a bit lonely right now, despite a lot of support.  It is a strange place, halfway between life and death.

Speaking of the transition...

I need to buy some new swimming equipment and I'd like to check out some parameters for that, given the 30' requirements, it seems sort of dicey, but then this is the new world with its new world technology problems.  A little storage algorithm would go a long way and I still have the old fashioned stuff, even if the workouts are getting a little long in the tooth.

I've started reading the illiad.  I have a version I haven't read before and I already have some stuff to use from it.  I never realized that the story opens with the plague.  It is indeed a thing to ponder.

This post is going to include an updated press release citing the submissions to the aps.
I have seen a lot of institutional bias, including in the ratings of the comments, but self serving comments probably deserve what they get.  I would rather see intellectual commentary with the frowny faces of society.  What right does anyone have to frown on another's work in public without a reason given?  That is what the APS did to me, frown without comment.

The problem I have with the frowns with the model is that the model is so durable, so simple, so mathematically mathy.

I'm going to add a couple of articles, the one below is clearly preempted by AuT which has pre-time states specifically defining the triparte and even some quadparte nature of space, although the correct definitions only appear in the most recent patents.
I give a reason for my frowns, I don't just say, thumbs down.

I am not acting emperor, live or die, I am taking a stand.  Defy me, when we are dead, I will still be right, and alone.

Sorry, but if you're a country, I'm still open to the highest bidder, although I have to say the USA is in the lead right now.

This one is a little more troubling since dark energy in the form of antigravity.  Moreover cosmic acceleration in the form of decompression is a big thing and powers the movement of the universe.  Its a bit of a puzzle.

So I have to start thinking about the job that I'm trying to fill for the grant, three jobs.

Its time to start getting pretty specific with the requirements.  Since I get so many comments on this blog, I figure I can ask for some.

We can see the correlation of fpix to Fibonacci series; lets get a detailed explanation of the transition due to memorized solutions

We can see the relationship in the sin of pi-1:sinpi1 giving rise to the 256:27 ratio which also relates fpix to Fibonacci; explain that relationship in light of item 1

We have to pick materials to hold and concentrate different reactants as well as environments and features to bring them together either directly or through fast mixing and in the proper sequence and breaking them up as desired; a chemistry, physics and engineering problem.

We have to pick a particular model.

Maybe we can set up the basic parameters of the reaction and do the following for each candidate/employee

1) reactants
2) process
3) structure

And then have a contest to pick one.  That sounds sort of fun doesn't it?

Press Release Algorithm Universe Theory Compendium (AuTC)
Oct 2019
MIT study verifies research of CWI into AuT (Algorithm Universe Theory)

In October, MIT published results showing "completely unexpected fractals" in "Quantum Materials." Scientists discover fractal patterns in a quantum material.
SciTechDaily: “Completely Unexpected” – MIT Scientists Discover Fractal Patterns in Quantum Material.

Under AuT, Fractals are expected, even required, at both "true" quantum levels and at the quantum levels referred to by MIT.  Four peer review articles were published (copies can be found at this link: beginning in 2018 not only predicting the MIT result, but showing the mathematical basis.
Before those articles, books were published on this topic dating back to 2012-2013. This model was also presented at a physics conference in 2018 and to the American Physics Society in April of 2019.
This does not lessen the importance of the MIT study which verified the predictions in the AuT articles by Friedlander.

While such findings by MIT are not required, other observations render the AuT model self proving, it is a gratifying result and it goes a long way towards verifying AuT and proving that the model of AuT is Novel and accurate.

It is worth noting that five papers on this subject were submitted to the American Physics Society, but none were published there, nor were any reasons given for the failure to publish creating a strong impression of institutional bias.

Those articles, all predating the findings by MIT, were:
2/9/18 Algorithm Universe Theory (Friedlander)
2/12/18 Short article on Time
2/13/19 Model for the underlying structure of the observed universe
2/26/19 Schrodinger’s Solution for Relativistic Effects by replacing time with dimension
8/13/19 The case against time
9/9/19 A short paper on time

Friday, November 1, 2019

Perpetual e-motion

This post was originally written a couple of days ago when things were not so dark and cold, so I'll leave the upbeat tone, but a lot of the "tense" had to be changed.

You don't have to do this, of course.  What do any of us "have to do," other than die, as the philosophers say; but I am close to a reader objective on blogger, so if you'd share this post (or any other one) broadly that would be nice.

I'm supposed to be meeting this weekend with the PhD candidate Chemical Engineer on the NSF project.  I have made at least modest strides on the design phase  (The Halloween Patent) was filed after the last read through.

Perpetual motion exists in the universe as long as there is a count.  The universe is not a perpetual motion machine, but it is fueled with a count and a constant source of new information along with a memory that seems infinite but may well be finite.  What would it be like if the count stopped?  Time would stop, of course, but what else would it mean.

Here is something where I answered a question about god.

This is not a model you want to look at too closely if you are worried about faith, but it doesn't answer the question about god.
Let me explain in simple terms:
A single algorithm with a quantum counter determines the universe.  That algorithm is not a mystery, it's 1^x+2x(-1)^(x-1).

There are a couple of tweaks, but basically that is it.
what that means is that whether you believe or not, is just a function of the solution to that equation at very high values of the quantum count (around 10^150).
Now, you might say, well if that is the way that god works, it's not too impressive, but the "information bits" have capabilities that, while simple, are beyond the capabilities of the largest computers on earth, individually and together.

This picture explains the origin of the universe and the big bang, by the way.  It looks pretty simple, but once you understand fractals it makes a lot of sense.

The "master key" to the science is to change that equation or the application of the equation which would give us the power of gods, but I suspect its impossible, but you have to shoot for the starts to get off the ground, as I like to say.

Oct 2019
MIT study verifies research of CWI into AuT (Algorithm Universe Theory)

In October, MIT published results showing "completely unexpected fractals" in "Quantum Materials." Scientists discover fractal patterns in a quantum material.
SciTechDaily: “Completely Unexpected” – MIT Scientists Discover Fractal Patterns in Quantum Material.

Under AuT, Fractals are expected, even required, at both "true" quantum levels and at the quantum levels referred to by MIT.  Four peer review articles were published (copies can be found at this link: beginning in 2018 not only predicting the MIT result, but showing the mathematical basis.
Before those articles, books were published on this topic dating back to 2012-2013. This model was also presented at a physics conference in 2018 and to the American Physics Society in April of 2019.
This does not lessen the importance of the MIT study which verified the predictions in the AuT articles by Friedlander.

While such findings by MIT are not required, other observations render the AuT model self proving, it is a gratifying result and it goes a long way towards verifying AuT and proving that the model of AuT is Novel and accurate.

It's still not too late to order "Zombie Christmas" for all your friends, but I'll probably rewrite it now that I have a few days to finish Nostradamus.