
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

China's weaponized economy and their contempt for western intelligence

In "The art of war" the quote is "when you are weak, appear strong.  When you are strong, appear weak."
China knows how stupid the leadership of the country is as a result of re-election inbreeding.  The obviousness of so...well obvious...that it amounts to a scream "We Chinese are superior to you Americans and you are too stupid to see it."

And the US reaction?  Nothing, an ignorant congress hoping that someone else will deal with the problem.  I am here and congress is the problem as much as China.

From USA TODAY Report: China to overtake U.S. as No. 1 economy this year BEIJING (AP) — China has rejected a World Bank report that suggests it might pass the United States this year to become the biggest economy measured by its currency's purchasing power. China is on track to become the No. 1 economy by sheer size by the early 2020s and possibly sooner. But its leaders downplay such comparisons, possibly to avert pressure to take on financial obligations or make concessions on trade or climate change. The estimate by the World Bank's International Comparison Program says that based on 2011 prices, the purchasing power of China's currency, the yuan, was much stronger than was reflected by exchange rates. By that measure, China's economy was 87% the size of the United States' in 2011, or 15% bigger than the previous estimate, according to a calculation by RBS economist Louis Kuijs. Faster-growing China would pass the United States in purchasing power terms this year, though it still would be about 60% the size of the U.S. economy at market exchange rates. Get USA TODAY on your mobile device:

world War C and nationalized medicine

I'm not democrat or republican in these posts.  The reason is that if we are war with China, and we certainly are in effect if not in intent.  Of course, our exported economy is a democrat and republican phenomena.  That is they sacrificed our economy in order to remain in power.
The destroyed the critical middle class that not only acts as a bridge between the upper class and lower class but also acts as a social pressure release.  You need not collapse too quickly if there is a healthy middle class and you also have a method for rising which allows the poor to have hope.  Destroyed by our government by exporting manufacturing overseas.
While we cannot afford divisions of the idiocies that our congress uses to pit us against one another for their own accumulation of and now maintenance of decreasing power, congress depends on those to create teh illusion that they are not responsible.  It is the other side, half of us blaming the other half when it is the weaponized economy of the now superior (economically) chinese that has caused this.  This does not mean that suffering would not be associated with our joining the war, the weaponized economy requires cheap labor.
Likewise, the need for congressional reform and intelligence in government over different terms for both dealing with our immediate times and our futures is so great that given the inability of the government to be self healing requires a state constitutional convention.
And this brings us to Healthcare reform and why this law, passed with so little consideration to the effect on history and so much focused on just putting people into voting booths and not into hospitals is a problem.  It is not the law itself.  it is the method of implementation.
It was implemented nationally, not based on state experimentation.  It was put in place with the entire country and not tested.  Which is the way our government was set up, as an experiment, continuing by individual state action which, where it works, other states can adopt or adapt to it.
I want to write happy fiction, but as my predictions come true, I am forced to revisit these issues and remind you that I told you so..

China's weaponized economy-I hate to say I told you so, really, I hate to have to say it.
yes, the economists are apparently recognizing what was obvious 5 years ago when World War C (originally "Trust how we lost the war with china") and "China's Weaponized Economy were written and published (available from amazon).
China's economy will overtake the USA economy by year's end.  This in itself is neither news, nor of particular moment, but the ramifications to the US standard of living and indeed the future of the US as a world power (much less a world leader) are enormous.
A new edition of world war c is in the works, but for those who are interested in why this happened and what to do to save this country (assuming it isn't too late), you can find some potential solutions.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Coffee 31

I've located several intriguing works aligned with Non-Linear Time mathematically if not structurally.
Today I'm nearer the stone age since the phones and internet were out as a result of the storms which continue tonight, a constant flash of lightning and answer rumbling.
Having a pad with internet capability ruins the picture a little, but not too much.
Tomorrow is the last day of the self imposed coffee ban and perhaps, while not totally successful (3 glasses of tea and the occasional cup of decaf) the purpose of allowing some sleep was met and now, whether to start again or not will not be governed by some random clock, but by something altogether less certain.

non linear time and multi dimensional time of Gavin Wince

non linear time and multi dimensional time of Gavin Wince
Gavin Wince's film shows how Time dimensions can be used to explain the same phenomena as Non-linear time which makes these two theories somewhat equivalent, although not identical.
TDT (three dimensional time) of Wince is largely the equivalent of Multiple time coordinates and in fact, like all other physics, the differences are largely a matter of perspective .  NLT denies the existence of space except as a function of time, TDT says there are three dimensions of both.  This is essentially a statement of the same thing, from different perspectives.
I have spent quite a lot of time attempting to reconcile NLT with string theory (mainly showing string theory doesn't work as well) and trying to force it into the math of String and M theory and postulating how NLT can explain things like expansion (in a universe without real dimension), dark matter and dark energy.
Most of the concepts, however, dovetail much better with Multi-dimensional time theory since they are largely equivalent (time with multiple coordinates which come into play in stages are pretty much multi-dimensional time if you look at it that way).
There is so much rich material there, however, that it might even stave off publication of the second edition.  However, Multi dimensional time doesn't recognize that dimension is merely a function of time, although it does define mass the same way as NLT (in terms of solving for time) and makes excellent arguments for many of the proportional relationships.
Perhaps the biggest difference between the two is the heavy relationship of NLT on the ability of time to be non linear and therefore without dimension, but the ideas of a steady state universe without expansion takes a lot of pressure on NLT if that were in fact the case (although it basically means they chapters on expansion have to be re-written as a) expansion and b) non-expansion.  In point of fact, multi-dimensional time allows for black holes to function as places where time goes non-linear and nothing else which is something of a relief, and allowing for multiple dimensions vs multiple coordinate times to work opens some intringuing possibilities.  NLT looks at the forces we experience as the opposite of or "anti-matter state" of matter, energy, space, etc.  The explanation of what gives rise to these forces, is not so well defined. Enter multi-dimensional time which has matter and anti-matter co-existing, but anti-matter with a "negative time" and matter with a "positvie time"  The existence of something in the same place as matter but with negative time is an excellent springboard for figuring where these forces come from.  For example, the tendency of the two times to come together (negative and positive) would easily explain something like gravity and with a little imagination even things electromagnetic forces. Hence the two theories come together to make something greater than either one alone.
But more on this as time allows.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

coffee 30

Well, it's about time to start drinking coffee.  Except for the three slips at lunch (10%) for tea, it was once again proved that coffee is less addictive than heroin.
I saw, during the 30 day period, approximate 1 million people drinking coffee, 1,000 advertisements for coffee, 500 free coffee offers (in business or elsewhere including one yesterday which included danish) and 100 articles assuring me not only that coffee was good for me but that if I didn't have a cup of coffee immediately I was certain to die.
Well, we're all certain to die, so perhaps I will wait till May 1. There is already too much to do tomorrow.

Farther away

Every day apart
you seem farther away
whether geographically closer
I am conscious of your absence
when the wind blows through my hair
I remember your hands
and when i had hair
when the birds sing
and it isn't too annoying
i remember our conversations
which were not limited by sleep
when were together we did not need rest
we gave each other a fundamental energy
that cannot be replaced by coffee or drugs
or masked by alcohol or sleep
perhaps not even by death
when i look out at the world
rock and green, blue sky and grey
I remember all the colors of your body
the changing color of your eyes
the features that change with your mood
the texture of your skin
and how it changed as my eyes and my hands
moved from you neck downard
or from the bottom up
and when i lie sleepless at night
i remember what it was like
to lie sleepless in your arms
to conquer exhaustion with passion
and when I taste something exotic
i remember the sweetness of your lips
the salt of your skin
the strange smells and tastes
that we shared together
and which are now so far away

Non Linear time theory-chapterfication

I have too many chapter outlines for this work because there are too many ways
The layout in EHT is a good place to start, but NLT is mathematically richer and spiritually poorer.
While I originally felt like I would be able to abandon Einstein Hologram Theory, or rather relegate it a separate paper (like general and special relativity); I suppose the primary differences are approach to the problem.
This is true of NLT and String Theory or Quantum Gravity Theory or Relativity.  Space time and Time giving rise to the illusion of space are much the same.
The ideas recently developed in NLT of concentration of space, energy and matter;, conservation of time coordinates; transition of the "form of time" based on the transition to linearity of different time coordinates or back to non-linearity; and even the concept of quantum changes being tied to the existence of non-linear time transitioning for each linear quanta in our universe can be seen as little more than a change of perspective.  It's like looking at hill form the tom, middle or bottom; or my favorite, the blind men each trying to describe an elephant by touching one part.
I spend an inordinate amount of the time looking into this based on forcing these other perspectives in line with NLT and finding where NLT overcomes (perceived by me to overcome) their weakness, such as the ability of NLT to allow for unification of the forces, explaining dark matter and dark energy, the explanation of gravity, matter and anti-matter (matter is the manifestation of changing time coordinates, anti-matter the manifestation of resulting forces), universal expansion, and what happens in black holes.  EHT, in fact, may only diverge from NLT at the point before linearity and non-linearity change places.
I suppose the analogy might be the mountain one.  Doesn't matter which part you pick for the other.  If you climb down a mountain and find yourself at the base, what do you examine more closely first.  There are so many different choices, not the least of which is looking back up the mountain to decide what from up there you are now looking at down here.
Aside from the ideas of EHT that allow us to find and define a god like quality to our universe, the idea of NLT allows us to move further back out of the linear universe.  It is always amusing to see how scientists continue to stop a small fraction of time before the big bang originates, this place which is so mysterious but which is so clearly defined by NLT.  Of course, the real "meat" of NLT lies in defining this place which is devoid of linear time and dimension.  This is conceptually even more important if you assume that our "linear" universe is only manifested in the Non-linear one.  That is, there is no "true" linearity, just as a movie projected on a screen has no true dimension.  This means that we are conscious but that our consciousness is a "non-sequiter" (it does not follow) because "we think because linearity dictates our thoughts" and NOT that "we think, therefore we are."  It is like giving life to the characters in a book in our minds.  The ability to do so does not make them live, however so much we may believe in them.
So how would you form the chapters if you had to write the paper?

Friday, April 25, 2014

NLT-Introduction: The intersection of time and everything else

Non linear time theory is both novel and redundant.  Relativity was a novel concept, changing the way that we had to view space-time.  NLT is novel in that it forces a reconsideration of what space-time is and defines the entire universe in terms of time alone.  It recognizes conceptually that the "space" component of space-time is largely an illusion of time itself.  In this regard, it is a continuation of concepts originating with Perminides 2500 years ago in Greece, but not well developed.  It takes the recent versions of Perminides' ideas incorporated in hologram theory, largely a division of string theory, and abandons string theory in terms of a quantum variation approach.  It can be said to act as a bridge between Quantum theory and String Theory although it is true to neither in theory it is required to be consistent with the observations of both.
NLT allows for the unification of forces.  It is the first theory to give an origin to Gravity and it theorizes an origin for the other forces based on the model.  It steps one fraction of a second back from other theories to the origin of the universe and provides fertile soil for exploring the realm of non-linear time before the universe as we know it came to exist (you can't travel further back into this realm since there is neither time nor dimension to travel).
Space is defined in terms of "changing time coordinates, and Time is to changing coordinates as gravity is to non linearity. That is time is the tendency of coordinates to either begin our cease changing and gravity is at least one force associated with the tendency of time to change back.  In fact, matter and anti-matter can be defined in terms of "matter" and the forces generated by the tendency of the matter to cease to exist, that is the "clock time" of the matter to cease to change.
In such a scenario, the origin of the various "forces" beginning (not necessarily in this order) with dimension and gravity, then electromagnetic, then nuclear and finally clock time are nothing more than time coordinates being defined in two dimension, then three, then four and finally "spin".  While this suggests multiple dimensions in excess of three, there are no dimensions in point of fact, but only changing coordinates which give rise to the different dimensions being perceived due to linearity.
Times don't cease to exist when they are concentrated any more than the manifestations of time.  That is, matter still contains energy and energy a-priori still contains space despite the massive accumulations of one to make the other.  Instead, various dimensions just go from linearity to non-linearity at transition points, that is various coordinates cease to change and overall there is conservation (in NLT) of dimensional change.
Conservation, of course, is reflected in the elimination of clock time at the transition from matter to energy and the elimination of "spin" coordinate changes.  Presumably this conservation would hold true as to the elimination of each force and related coordinate change.
Tu fully appreciate this it is important to distinguish between perception and existence.  All that exists is clearly not perceived and what is perceived is only a manifestation of what exists as a result.   Hence to understand a universe of non-linear time, it is important to surrender Newtonian and even relativistic prejudices (just as relativity is, in effect, the surrender of Newtonian reality) and get back to our Greek (Perhaps Persian/Greek would be more ingenuous) roots.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

passion and self interest

Problems and solutions
Duty and desire
can share a

Opposites attract
duplicates double
combinations come
in many forms

Awake or asleep
Actors perform
dreamers dream
lovers lie

Passion and self interest
Will not last long
But true love will simmer

coffee 27 plus or minus 1

I find myself strangely absent from my own blog.
I have pages of notes on physics which I need to write up along with a 70 page second edition which will be the next big thing.
I have several chapters of Don Q ready to post, but nothing goes up on the blog.
This morning I will discuss this along with my failings as a human being.  This would have been a brilliant entry, but computer problems delayed it to the point where it will never be fully written and when written will be disorganized and meandering.
But this is about discontinuing coffee for 30 days.
I am, perhaps the only person in the world who knew that they believed that the debris washed ashore near Perth Australia  were not part of Malaysia Flight 370. I have this horrible vision that when they find the plane (in the year 2100) the bodies (long ago eaten by the deep water shrimp you see on the discovery channel) and forensic evidence will show that at the time of the crash they were all wearing yellow masks, except perhaps a stewardess outside of the cockpit door.  I don't think we'll ever know why.  The plane will be intact having been softly landed in the middle of nowhere.  Why?
But this blog is about coffee.  Not what is wrong with people. What are we that we are capable of madness?  I have written before about the total lack of "group intelligence" by mankind as a species.  As individuals we can be witty and intelligent.  We are clever enough to get laid and then smart enough to figure out a way to deny ourselves basic pleasures.  We go to war over things that mean nothing, we die for duty and save ourselves in shirking duty when the  result is a fate worse than death and all the other things that make me wonder why we call ourselves intelligent when at best we are conscious and at our worst a manifestation of something evil; well at least several billion years of natural selection and survival of the "fittest" whatever makes predators more fit than other predators.
But coffee.  I've done a poor job, straying twice, both times at lunch and involving a glass of tea; once justified because there was nothing on the table and the second time just because it was beautiful outside and I wanted one.
But does that really matter or does it only matter to me.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: The BP Macondo, Deep Horizon Disaster; where the litigation stands and where it should go

The BP Oil Spill occurred April 20, 2010.  Tomorrow will be the 4 year anniversary.  It has been four years, and not a single excluded class case, no a single opt out case has been tried.  The standard of causation under the Oil Pollution Act has not yet been established; nor have preliminary guidelines been set up for purposes of an appeal.

This blog is not about blame.  The court has done a great deal with a difficult case.  The Steering committee (PSC) has done less than possible, but they have obtained some stellar results, obtaining a settlement which limited BP's liability but still provided a framework to allow those who can least defend themselves get sporadic and incomplete relief, but relief nonetheless.  This in turn helps others in the communities affected.
Unfortunately, BP and the PSC did a mediocre job of defining the terms of the settlement and it has taken apellate review and amendment of the administrative framework to get into a position where the settlement can be approved (or disapproved) by the 5th circuit court of appeals.

Mention should be made of the 5th Circuit also.  They have acted with dispatch in this case; quickly reviewing the issue through panels.  Even the Supreme Court can be said to have acted quickly, to the extent that the Lexmark decision from this year clears up the issues on which the dissenting panel judges hung their hats (The dissent apparently incorrectly complaining that the enabling act and Title III placed requirements on the settlement that would have eviscerated it and made the settlement of any similar class nearly impossible).
Perhaps less than half of the billions of dollars needed under the settlement have been paid to the smaller claimants and those who suffered most immediately; those injured or who made their living actually on the sea.

Many groups that made their living adjacent to the sea were not nearly as well served.  Let's justify the Steering committee (PSC); we'll say they obtained a settlement that will, in time (due to poor drafting or BP attorneys with overactive imaginations perhaps), lead to certain groups receiving negotiated compensation; in some cases adequate, in most cases a compromise, in as many a slap in the face; but compromises in enormous cases like this necessarily involve casualties.  If they are the victims of friendly fire, at least they benefit indirectly from the resolution of other cases.

Lets get back to the court and the good work, and the places where justice is being denied.

First the positive, then the negative, then a statement on the solutions that the court has in place and the solutions that remain for the future.

The court has set case after case to deal with issues leading up to a foundation on which to provide a comprehensive remedy.  Unfortunately, with or without the complicity of the PSC, the "test cases" have been delayed so long that already 4 years have passed without a single ruling that sets out causation for those remaining uncompensated.  The uncompensated form several groups.  We'll leave out the obstinate, they are allowed to be obstinate.

The broad description of these groups are the excluded class cases and those who were not properly compensated under the class settlement and elected to opt out.  Obviously, the excluded class cases also were not properly compensated under the settlement, they were excluded from it; a brilliant move by BP in weeding out the largest claims and a necessity to the PSC to put a settlement in place ahead of the statutory deadline that might have denied even more people a remedy.

What should be done with these uncompensated groups?  Justice has already been delayed far too long and the court needs to recognize this and set up a plan to provide justice.  The first step is to establish causation under the OPA and this is, slowly, being done.  The court should do everything in its power to encourage these well compensated, legally top notch lawyers for both the PSC and BP to move forward with dispatch and put such orders in place as will put them on notice that delays will not be tolerated, at least if they are based on laziness or prevarication; there are plenty of good reasons to put things off.

The fact that the test cases are not being tried right now could be explained by any number of good reasons. Given how much work has been done, it would be disingenuous to say the attorneys involved have self interests that are contrary to moving forward in the case of the PSC and because it saves billions of dollars for the clients in the case of BP; or because it is just that hard to gear up for a trial of 6 plaintiffs, all of whom have similar facts and circumstances and who are represented by a combination that represents the best attorneys in the country.  Perhaps, a better justification is that the underlying case is so massive, and indeed it is, that the few attorneys at the top of the PSC were overwhelmed and were unable to turn over the trial of the test cases to another group within the PSC that might have adequately handled them already.  Indeed, the real answer could be that the court wasn't ready for it or a reason that would not even occur to me.

Now it is time to look forward, and here are some ideas.

First, the court should order briefs and rule on causation as soon as possible under the OPA.  Any appeals can start from that point and BP has shown a willingness to appeal as much as possible.  Right now those appeals are saving billions of dollars in interest, so why not get the primary issue resolved quickly?  It is, after all, a question of law primarily.

Second the court should set up an expedited trial format to be brought into effect as soon as the rulings on the test cases are entered.  This would involve arranging for thousands of cases to be tried if they (1) don't fit into a settlement or (2) no settlement is entered.  In particular, the opt out cases should be put on a trial calendar "contingent" on the resolution of the causation question.

The one suggestion I heard on the "trial" issue would be to arrange that 25 cases per week be tried on the remaining issues (mainly damages, but some will have causation questions) in 25 courts simultaneously once the standards are determined.  This would allow attorneys to "volunteer" their cases to be resolved as a larger sampling of test cases which would in turn encourage the parties to come to some global resolution of those cases which are not going to be settled in some class environment (e.g. the opt out cases which necessarily involve case by case determination).

Since all claimants outside of the current class had to file "claims"; a process should be established to resolve the amounts of these claims (or attempt to do so).  The settlement should provide a mechanism to determine the amount of the claim before the opt out period since claims have been filed and since determining how much those should be for should be within the expertise of the parties.  This could include mediation or arbitration if the parties were willing to agree and these could take place even before causation is finalized since the "amount" of claims pending, once resolved, would encourage and assist the parties in framing a settlement for the remaining claimants.

Justification is important, so lets take a minute on this issue.  The code of judicial conduct for Federal judges requires diligence: CANON 3: A JUDGE SHOULD PERFORM THE DUTIES OF THE OFFICE FAIRLY, IMPARTIALLY AND DILIGENTLY
The duties of judicial office take precedence over all other activities. In performing the duties prescribed by law, the judge should adhere to the following standards:
  1. (A) Adjudicative Responsibilities.
    1. (1) A judge should be faithful to, and maintain professional competence in, the law and should not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor, or fear of criticism.
    2. (2) A judge should hear and decide matters assigned, unless disqualified, and should maintain order and decorum in all judicial proceedings.
    3. (3) A judge should be patient, dignified, respectful, and courteous to litigants, jurors, witnesses, lawyers, and others with whom the judge deals in an official capacity. A judge should require similar conduct of those subject to the judge’s control, including lawyers to the extent consistent with their role in the adversary process.
    4. (4) A judge should accord to every person who has a legal interest in a proceeding, and that person’s lawyer, the full right to be heard according to law....
    5. (5) A judge should dispose promptly of the business of the court...
    6. (B) Administrative Responsibilities.
      1. (1) A judge should diligently discharge administrative responsibilities, maintain professional competence in judicial administration, and facilitate the performance of the administrative responsibilities of other judges and court personnel...
      2. (4) A judge with supervisory authority over other judges should take reasonable measures to ensure that they perform their duties timely and effectively.
This is not meant in any way to censor what has been done by the courts.  The rulings by the district and circuit courts have been fast till now, perhaps as fast as BP and the PSC have been able to handle.  But there comes a time when the court and the attorneys in control (These are NOT the attorneys who are doing all the work) have to step up to the plate and begin resolution or the litigants are denied justice and that time is upon us.

While the PSC is in control of the Plaintiff's side of this case; they are not doing the lions share of the work.  Thousands of attorneys are working their butts off for their clients.  These non-PSC attorneys stepped up to make sure their clients' claims were protected where the PSC could not possibly have reached out or protected them and in many cases like opt outs where they were, at least in part, abandoned by the PSC; though they were not completely abandoned given the fact that the PSC necessarily knew that other attorneys could potentially step up to help them.  These non-PSC attorneys had to be there both before and after the settlement and who deserve much of the praise and arguably most of the compensation going forward since only those clients with filed claims (whether by PSC attorneys or otherwise) are covered under the language of the OPA.   Many of these attorneys outside the PSC have closely aligned themselves in some cases forsaking most of their practices to see their clients are protected.  And who else will drive this case to a resolution?

This was a monster economic event, a Godzilla of a disaster, rising up out of the gulf to destroy economies.  It appears to be the case, for example, that the real estate market suffered a near sixty percent loss across the board in the affected states, with no real recovery until 2013.   Already business have closed, individuals have suffered, dreams put on hold or snuffed out completely, jobs have been lost, it can even be said fairly that families have gone hungry.

BP became a rich company from taking chances and helping people.  We need them to remain vibrant and putting this case behind them is important to that.  This remains an uncertain liability on their books and a distraction that could, if not resolved with diligence, lead to more costly mistakes.  The fact that they made such wealth by taking such risks, however, puts upon them responsibility for those harmed by their actions or negligence and they have expressed openly that they acknowledge this.

It is up to the Courts and the PSC and BP for now to see that we don't go into year 5 without a full resolution or a methodology for achieving a full resolution.

Of course, these ideas, thoughts if you would and they are open for comments. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

The nightmare scenario of Malaysia flight 370

I haven't seen it yet, at least not in so many words, so I'm not going to say it in so many words, but the innuendo is there and I'll lay it out, horrible though it may sound.
1) You have someone who has some bizarre agenda (this is assuming the flight isn't safely in some terrorist country now being fitted out to carry a bomb, or a big, surprise 'we're ok, just wanted to make sure you care').  This agenda included a willingness to kill everyone on board.
2) This person knew how long oxygen would flow in the cockpit and how long it would last for the passengers (maybe 15 minutes).  This person likely knew how to cause a decompression event and the plane spent a lot of time at altitude before dropping.  Yes the drop could have been to get below radar, or it could have been below 10,000 feet (5000 is the safe altitude at night) where atmospheric oxygen can be used.
3)  One has to look at the news of the rise to near operating limits in terms of someone who wants to make sure that a concerted effort to take the cockpit (or even survive decompression) would be thwarted.
4) There were not phone or text messages and the plane was able to crash land in the ocean, apparently a fairly soft landing since there was no debris and no one opened the door to get out, apparently.  At least that's one explanation for the lack of debris field.
It's all too gruesome to imagine really, but it's sort of laid out indirectly in the news.
Anyway, some things are better left unsaid (if not unwritten or un-thought) and I'm still wondering if the big surprise thing won't come up.
One last thing is the "late signals" that only lasted a day or two.  The search is based on satellite data but the concentration of searching is based on something that any number of ships could have dropped overboard for any number of reasons.  Doesn't really line up and it doesn't really make a lot of difference and certainly nothing about this makes any sense.
Too much speculation, perhaps.

Non linear time-practical testing, cartoons coming off the film

If NLT and EHT are reconciled, then the image we come up with is that we are on a film made of time.  In terms of coming up with a way of testing this theory, perhaps the first thought would be a matrix like setting where we have to wake up from the dream we're in to a new reality.  But that analogy, sadly, fails pretty quickly.
Instead this is more like a character stepping out of the pages of a book or, more precisely, an image on a film stepping out of the film and declaring, "I think, therefore I am" which, of course, in EHT is nonsense.  You exist because you are exposed on the film of time and you existed when you were non-linear and the proper wording would be, "I was programmed to think that I think therefore I carry out my programming because I have little choice in the matter."
Fortunately, under NLT, some potential for self-determination is possible, although mathematically unlikely (i.e. it makes more sense for us to be an expression of linearity in non-linear time than for us to have any true self determination, however much that might offend us as self righteous imprints on time.
At first blush, it seems unlikely that the characters on film could make this determination unless we were programmed to make it; but the truth is that (1) we may indeed be programmed to find the answers to our own future (see the story of the cyclops) or (2) self determination may exist because NLT expresses potential only for things to happen (albeit an unlikely scenario).
Also fortunately, the film of time is a very complex film, at least from the perspective of us cartoons on the film and therefore opportunities exist for us to test the theory.  Let us discuss some of these:
1) change from energy to matter and back again (rotational change yielding clock time)
2) the near lightspeed acceleration of
3) black hole folding in of time
4) energy to space conversion (in blackholes and as space outside of gravity wells from blackholes-the search of consistent consumption and creation as a function of c^2)
An actual discussion will have to wait for the next entry, but these are all things which we, living on the film, possibly victims of predestination, can nevertheless influence (because we've done it before into eternity?).
So its time for the characters on the screen to "come to life."
This is only one dimension of the testing.  If we accept the possibility that we can see the past and the future because we are merely the "current" manifestation of some intellect that exists in Non-linear time without dimension or clock time (linear); then we should be able to test that also.  This is a more spiritual type of test and raises the specter that if successful we will see things we do not want to know.  But, alas, we all die in the end anyway in this particular movie, so things can only get so bad.  So what are the parameters we might look at:
1) pick an event in the future, a time frame, something we prearrange to happen even;
2) look where spiritual events happen (times of widespread death (nostradamus survived the plague years); desert environment (most of our religious legends seem to come from remote or hostile environments); perhaps even specific locations.  Find different groups and get them to try to predict these events or take ignorant people and try to get them to locate events in the past.
Because we now know what we're looking for we should be able to stack the deck a little better in the past.  That is what we are seeking to do is look at intellect as a time-free item (and dimension free item).
But we will have to cover both the spiritual and non-spiritual tests in later chapters.  I have swum myself out and it is time to eat my monk's portion.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Non-linear time 24 and ever day events

Non-linear time theory fundamentally arises from several things, the conservation of time coordinates, for example.  It arises from the concept that time is potentially non-linear and that is is likely that in non-linear time everything happens at once.  While NLT does not reject the conflicting concept that non-linear time holds the "potential" for things to happen with linearity, the idea of potential makes less sense mathematically.  We reject the idea of predestination, but turn around and insist that every time certain chemicals are mixed together in certain quantities and under certain conditions the same thing will happen with them over and over again, at least on a macro level.  These are not reconcilable but instead require a blind adherence to the unproved concept of self determination.
When one attempts to reject self determination, funny things start to happen.  You watch presentations and you realize that these events are, under such a regime, pre-programmed, this is then joined by the fact that everyone observing it in the audience are pre-programmed.
You question this because you think you can change directions, take notes on the aberrations and write blogs, but if you are predestined to do all of things, then why not just be pre-programmed to die, which everyone dies.
It is critical to understanding the universe to make this determination and that it is mathematically possible to make this determination. Whether it actually is determinable by one who is in throes of a pre-destined universe is a complex question which Non-linear time theory seeks to answer.  And if the answer is in favor of predestination, then I've already written this and you've already read it.


The silence of the morning
penetrates every crevice
Early morning gloom
Soft unbroken breeze
The ambient sounds
blend together to mute
Even the light
seems to accept
it is too early to glare
The only sounds
are inside of me
the only glow, life itself
a time dependent spark
which doesn't disturb
the predawn chill in the air

Sunday, April 13, 2014

DQ 18

Depending on who you are painting with life changes color," DQ told seventy percent as they unloaded the motorcycles in a field.  They ran now although no one had ridden one.  Don Q had decided a softer surface than the asphalt concrete jungle would make more sense and Seventy Percent had borrowed an old truck for this purpose.
"What is this place."
"It is either an enchanted castle or an outpost for a gang of Hells Angels, I can't tell.  From the looks of that captive prince, I am leaning towards the castle enchanted.  In point of fact, that man can be the lord who can make me a knight if he can only be freed."
Seventy Percent looked at the quiet farm house, the barn behind it, the open fields.  A man had walked out and was scratching his head looking out a them.  He was old, wore overalls and was scratching his head which was partly shaded by a straw hat.  He seemed to be wondering what he was looking at.  There were no signs of motorcycles, not sign of a castle, only some stacked hay bales and a large green tractor.
As Seventy unloaded the motorcycles from the trailer he asked, "Did you consult the with the proprietor about using this place and has he agreed to allow us to learn how to ride amid the true outlaws of the road?  I do not think there are any outlaws here, only a farmer."
"The farmer you see is the lord who will make me a knight, the hay bales a fortress in which he is imprisoned."
"I am..."
"Enough, Try to ride your motorcycle."
Seventy started the motorcycle the way he was taught, disengaged the clutch too quickly and the motorcycle flew out from under him leaving him spinning in the air.
When he landed, he saw the farmer bent over with laughter.
Then, DQ was mounted on his motorcycle, the long pole from the pool house over the handlebars, the leather flying helmet and goggles on his head and he was flying towards the tractor next to the haybales.
The farmer had ceased laughing and was gesturing frantically.  If Don Q hit the tractor, he would die instantly.  Seventy Percent forced himself to an erect posture leaving the motorcycle on its side and limped after Don Q.
"Never fear, I will rescue you," DQ yelled over the noise of the motorcycle.  At the last moment he swerved just knicking the side of the tractor and plowed into the stack of hay bales, the old farmer diving out of the way at the last minute.
The hay went flying everywhere in a yellow explosion and the farmer, Don Q, and everything else, even the sound of the motorcycle was suddenly gone in the tornado of exploding hay.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

NLT 23-the simple equation for compression as a function of force creation

We are all hung up on traditional physics which is only our perspective.
NLT suggests that the things that we see as "outward" forces, might actually be the anti-forces to compression. That is when you force something one way the corresponding force in the other way (reflected in newton's laws of all things) we perceive as forces.
Time ravels one way or the other and forces are created or combine in a way that we would otherwise envision in traditional physics as matter/anti matter reactions.
So lets solve this for what we know:
Integration P(d1-f1, d2-f2,d3-f3,d4-f4 etc)dt.  In this equation each d represents a stage of matter.  For this case, we'll jump around a little bit and we'll look at d4+f4 being that form of time capable of spin, what we call matter.  F is the corresponding force (gravity, electromagnetic forces, clock time).
All of these start at zero, d1=f1, d2=f2, etc. and all are conserved as far as we can tell.
There are permutations that will complicate this, but for purposes of this solution we are going to ignore these (for example N(neutron)=P(proton+electron).
So let's take one of these equations that we understand, the rotational to non=rotational.  I.E. E=mc^2 where c=m/t and energy accelleration is m/t^2 which explains why e=mc^2 instead of mc if you think about it.  If you can't think about it, the wait long enough and maybe I'll get around to explaining it.
Now, knowing the transition from energy to the rotational dimension (in this case d3-f3 to d4-f4)
Several things are apparent from this solution.  First we know that clock time has a value =mc^2 since clock time is the aspect of time, the force of time in this case, that comes into existence with this transition, rotation allows for clock time as it were.  It's a little more complicated because the forces are interchangeable, but we'll have to come to that later.
One possible theorem is that the compression is "consistent" which would provide that (in this case) the transition from d2-f2 to d3-f3 is along the same power of compression.  Now in the past, what we've looked at is this transition being from non-electronmagnetic to electromagnetic energy.  Like the movement from energy to matter, this may also be staged, but need not be staged.  Just for fun, we'll stage it and assume that we're looking at the transition to create the weak and strong forces which is why we have an extra transition.  So we have rotational potential which comes to exist either before (what I'd suggest) or after the creation of clock time.  Alternatively, time is a result of the the weak and strong forces.  This discussion, unfortunately, must also wait till later; but rotational time changes seem more "timely" as it were.
So getting back to the transitions, we're looking at d2-f2 to d4-f4 being either on the scale of m2c^4 or m4c^6 but mass doesn't exist and neither does clock time.
The better view, as nearly as I can tell would be to use (for simplification purposes) the point charge along a single vector (vectors being dimension, the creation of space/time can be viewed from one of these at a time).
F(e)=(q/4pier^2)r' where q=electric charge, r is the position (in terms of x, y and z if you go that way), r' is the unit vector of r (for the one set of positions)
Going back one step (the creation of space and gravity from time going non-linear d1+f1 to d2+f2)
The obvious suggestion is that the scales of transition remain the same where r corresponds to c.
Now some of you are thinking the obvious, that c is a much "larger" number than these vector numbers and, of course, you couldn't be more wrong, since these vector numbers change according to the distance between them which are, at best, a multiple of planck length perhaps, as is suggested before, on the scale of the square of plank lengths.  Hence, the reason these transitions are so hard to see (they are really small).
We need to go a little deeper to understand this, but it's pretty late, so we'll just have to wait.
The purpose was to understand you have this type of transition:
P(d1+f1, d2+f2,d3+f3,d4+f4)dt
Time is non linear dt=0.
Time goes non linear (step one in the big bang)
P(d1+f1)dt which is a function of m(-gmr'/r^2) for gravity and therefore for space; dt=zero for all the other d(s) and f(s); space transitions into energy and
p1(d1+f1)=p2(d1+f1,d2+f2)dt, f2 being electromagnetic forces that is energy is created from space; see the F(e) equation above.
Now we're going to just stick in something we already know which is the movement of energy into matter but we are going to hold out and not allow for rotational movement which allows for matter of various forms to exist so: P2(d1+f1,d2+f2)dt=P3(d1+f1,d2+f2,d3+f3)dt and finally clock time exists which is the whole e=mc^2 and the first point at which we, as three dimensional being, can really pick up directly on the transitions;
And finally we're going to add the creation of strong and weak forces (lumping them together for reasons which will have to wait till later) which allow for rotational movement which is F4 in this progression where matter in the form of energy transitions to hard matter down from electrons where p3=the whole shebang (to use technical language)dt.
Now we could have strong and weak forces first and energy to matter conversion (rotation) second.  After a nuclear explosion (or other radioactive decay) the question is do we lose spin or do we lose the strong and weak forces or do we lose both together?
And that's all for now.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Notes for "a cup of tea with death"

The idea is that death
takes what is important
and shows that it is not
it is the great leavening
that makes all of us equal
a homogenous feast for worms
It tells us what is important
and that is living life
and trying not to suffer
too much the sad hard parts
and to embrace
the soft happiness
we can have together
or we can have alone
and of course most important
i wanted to show
that i could indeed write
something that sort of rhymed
And I wanted to show
death is not to be feared
that the cloak might show
all the ways to die
but not the suffering
because that is not death
that only precedes death
suffering is hard
death requires a push
leaving life behind
but that is before
death's final embrace
where all the suffering
is left behind
a legacy of the living

a cup of tea with death

I swam 3000 yards
as I am wont to do
and afterward decided
to have a cup or two

I drank too fast
and choked a bit
and as i made a gasp
death came to take a sit

I glanced into his sockets dry
and cape as black as pitch
showing death in all its forms
but not the suffering fits

there were fearful cancers
with flat malignant spread
canon balls and arrows
the fearfully aged dead

I knew some and some I don't
All the ways a person dies
and so I asked, 'a cup for you?'
"don't mind if I do," he sighs

Do you fear me little one
I answered not so much
his bony hand reached for mine
and held it in a clutch

Friend he said I'm here for you
whenever do you need me
I'm good for all in pain
of that I'm sure you see

I bring a peace to everyone
the emperor and slave
are equal in my gentle arms
from pain all do I save

The one who has too many kids
the ones who die alone
the ones with happy full lives
the ones without a bone

And all are treated equally
the sinner and the saint
the artist and the ditch digger
tell me if they aint

I relieve them of the loads
their burdens hard to bear
the work they think they have to do
their hunger and their fear

So tell me will you go with me
and swim that final mile
I put my hand on top of his
and gave a little smile

Not tonight my good old friend
Then I will wait for you
and when the world has been too much
we'll ride together we two.

Non linear time compression 22 staged compression

The transition of space to energy and  energy to matter need not be a simple process and physics suggests it it's lumpy. You might have energy to elections then directly or through elections to one quirk after another each creating weak or strong forces, for example, allowing for the compression to build slowly from a series of wave matter/anti-matter forces pair to another.
Indeed, the argument can be made that the permutations of energy, that is the different forms of electromagnetic energy (magnetism, and even the wave spectrum) is a reflection of the transition of time from one state to another. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

NLT 21 Compression and Burning Time

NLT 21 Compression and Burning Time
Now we are getting to the real "burning question".  The main thing that NLT has allowed so far, it to go far, much farther back into the universe than other quantum gravity theories.
There are spin off factors.  The Anthropomorphic Principles would say that NLT provides for a universe which has a god, because a god of the type described in the Einstein Hologram Universe is necessary to make time non-linear.
Now we are exploring a new concept made possible by non-linear time.  The explanation for the amounts of matter and anti-matter in the universe and an explanation of why they are here.  It has long been set out that when Time becomes linear in different forms, it is accompanied by an analogous force.
The most simple example was that Non-linear time going linear results in gravity which is the tendency of time to go non-linear.  However time evolves in our universe from space (which is much of space time) to energy (creating perhaps the electromagnetic force) and to matter (giving rise to clock time).
This evolution of time into different forms necessarily involves a modification of gravity into the different forces since matter can be solved for time and therefor for gravity under this general theory (see prior chapters for a more complete discussion).  The existence of NLT as a basis for a unified field, was one of the early discussions and essentially dates back to EHU Theory.
These forces act to allow different times to "change at the same rate" which is to say to change at the same rate "in every respect or in every dimensional direction" so that massive amounts of space can combine to form energy and massive amounts of energy can combine to form matter.
The rate of change of coordinates remains critical, however.  Time seems to burn.  It changes constantly and when it ceases to change, that is when the forces of gravity overcome linearity, it ceases to be visible in space and becomes dark stars or temporary black holes.
Matter destroys anti-matter completely just as time linearity is destroyed by gravity.  This implies that the forces generated as time changes can act to destroy time and hence are the basis of anti-matter if not anti-matter themselves.
Traditional physics has never been able to explain how matter and anti-matter can destroy each other, although a generalized explanation of this indicates it is just a "natural thing" that particles of "opposite spin" or some other quality would "annihilate" other.  But what the "f" does annihilate mean?  It's just more cabal gobbldy-goop to use the technical term.  NLT explains this with its own g-g.  That is the forces representing matter and anti matter merely cause the quantum time in question to go non-linear.
The next step is to add the mathematical formulation that explains this.  We'll see.
But there is one more feature to this that is worth considering.  The "burning time" concept would meant that the linear and anti-linear elements of the universe might constantly be destroying each other and then re-linearizing (as if we had a word for time going linear) in some consistent progression and the description of this rather bulking concept needs to be explored.  Using a simple, single dimension it would look like this:
T1(d1), 0, t1(d2),0, t1(d3), 0...etc.  The transition between the "commas" is t1(prime) +t1(anti-prom)=0 and then some force causes the time to go non-linear again, but dimensionally changed on one quantum at a time.  This is much of what "space" would look like changing, although space changes in three dimensional formats and it does little to explain the creation of additional "forces" or the mutation of gravity in additional forces as a result of this quantum process, however, that can be examined as we continue to probe into compression and the change from linearity and anti-linearity (gravity) to more complex models where d1a, d2a,d3a and d1b, d2b,d3b are added to the simplified equation above.

Coffee 14

It seems a lot longer than it has been.  So many things have been lost to me in these 14 days.  Phrases I meant to write for books, trains of thought, blog entries, book ideas, this and that.  I still don't sleep, sleep is for the innocent.  It is a wonder anyone sleeps anymore.
The type of tension I feel is different, however.  I find myself forced to do repetitive tasks that I've put off, because my mind is not clear enough to do the others.  And then there are moments of great clarity, or so it seems.
Someone said it takes two weeks for the coffee to get out of your system, so tomorrow I will be on par with everyone who has never enjoyed a cup of coffee or a glass of tea, I suppose.
There was an article I looked for today, but I never found it.
Tomorrow will be another day, the sun will come up and wake everyone and warm the air and life will say, "I am good" and some will listen and some will not.  Perhaps, life doesn't know what it is talking about, but on a warm sunny day, who I am to question the sun.

Zeno's paradoxes as the predecessor of all hologram theory and Non-linear time theory is the story from the physics cabal.
Originally this post consisted of some light jests at the expense of Stanford because this 2500 year old hearsay is not from a physicist, but from a philosopher! Well, technically, when it comes to Zeno they may be the same thing.

So before this examination begins, the first thing we must do is address the paradox of zeno's paradoxes.  We must look at the paradoxes not as what they are, but as what they would be to the "physicist" Zeno instead of the "philosopher" Socrates.  We must take solvable paradoxes and make them less solvable and from this we must discern the missing Paradoxes (or at least some of them).

We led into this discussion with a little "old time religion".  The need to understand the tie in between traditional religious ideas and pure mathematical theory is often at odds, and it is nice when the theory and practice come together and allow a common, if unsettling platform from which to jump off into deeper math or metaphysics depending on your area of interest.

The wonderful thing about NLT theory is not that it fits so well into prior religious doctrine, or even that it allows a novel approach to ancient paradoxes.  The wonderful thing is that NLT allows a mechanism to get far enough out of our universe so that we can begin to look at what lies behind it.  We can pull back the curtain a little more.  NLT not only provides a fairly conclusive solution to dark matter, a series of potential solutions to dark energy, space expansion, gravity, unified field theory and a lot of other problems that would otherwise intrigue physicists, but it changes the entire focus of physics from movement and dimension into a singular and much more elegant thing, time.  And knowing that our universe can exist without dimension and linearity, something which Einstein at least understood even if he didn't see it, allows us to begin to postulate on what there is behind the curtain, an area previously hidden behind assumptions that had nothing to do without our actual universe any more than Newtonian Physics.  Critical to life, yes, but not particularly relevant to fundamental physics.

Somehow, as we get small enough, something happens where we eliminate clock times in favor of non-linearity which we get to some extent by large enough concentrations of matter.  A big, strange circle of time and the effects of linearity.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 20. The force that binds: Anti-matter

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 20. The force that binds: Anti-matter
Now we are going to go into one of the many explanations that are not an explanation of NLT; but it explains anti-matter so there's that.
Also, we're going to explain what happened to all the anti-matter at the beginning of the universe that traditional physics cannot explain.
Two mysteries of cabal physics explained.
Matter at a small enough scale is viewed in terms of a force as much as something solid, the result of vibrating strings.  So much mathematical mush, but its the same for NLT except you can explain everything a little fuller.
The "force" represented by matter is viewed as being generated as particles and anti-particles which quantum gravity cabal physics (cp is just a term for traditional physics, nothing derogatory intended except in jest).  This is represented in NLT as one of three forces plus the corresponding physical manifestation: 1) space and gravity, 2) wave energy and energy particles (electrons and their ilk), 3) clock time and matter.
So, you can combine these forces with matter, energy, space in order to have the anihilation of matter and anti-matter.
Now the entire cabal has just jumped out of their chairs, those of them who can, and they are saying, Aha, crazy Non-Linear Time Guy (Einstein started it, not me) if that were true, then all matter and all these other forces would simply annihilate one another.  They are now near dancing with relief (not that there aren't plenty of other problems with the theory that need to be worked out).  But sit back down, because you are right and you are wrong.  In fact the annihilation does occur constantly.  Time is burning.  The only thing that makes anything visible is (wait for it...this is a test to see if you've read the prior entries by the way.  If you don't know you get an F) changing time coordinates.
Yes and what happens when time coordinates cease to exist because they are overwhelmed with gravity?Wait for holes.  Yes, Dark Stars show what happen when time ceases to change coordinates.  And what causes it?  Gravity!
So it's just a theory, you can all calm down and go back to your whiskey and hot cocoa or whatever it is you are drinking.  I'll cover this in more detail in the book, I just promised someone I'd solve one of the mysteries of the universe tonight.

Monday, April 7, 2014

DQ 17 The wrong enemy

Don Q put his lanky frame over the motorcycle seat.  The huge machine seemed to make Don Q look even smaller.  "I did this before, a long, long time ago."  Reaching down to his fee, he turned outward a hinged peg.  He put his hand back onto the handle bar and stood.  The peg, and the lever arm it was attached to moved down...nothing.  Don Q frowned.
"What is wrong?"
"Keys," Don Q said.  "We need keys.  Quick Seventy, go back to the house.  We must find the keys."
Tearing open the boxes, Seventy found a polished box with no apparent opening.  Shaking it he heard a ringing sound.  "Keys," he said.
"The box," Don said when confronted with the mysterious box,"is a puzzle.  We must move the walls in a certain way and it will yield its contents."
As he worked with hidden panels, moving them slightly back and forth in series, attempting to work out the code.
"We could break it open," Seventy suggested.
"Break it open?   No, that would destroy the magic."
"Clearly the reason that these keys are in here are due to some enchantment.  If we break these open, will will break the magic and the trip would thereafter be cursed."
"But what if you cannot open the box?"
"Then we will have to engage in some sort of ritual in order to ferret out as much of the curse that would stigmatize the keys, not to say our entire undertaking thereafter."
"What is this undertaking?"
"There is the obvious part of taking care of the downtrodden, the inherent undertaking of all knights errant."
"And then there is the bigger undertaking.  The one that will give you a reward greater than any you can imagine."
"Imagine?  I don't understand."
"We need to inherit and empire so that you have a kingdom of your own.  Such is the outcome of squires of knights errant."
"Here, what we see is a population more and more agitated with congress. With the unfailing idiocracy of group intelligence the people focus on the wrong enemy. While congress is both corrupt and inept governing only to stay in power; replacing those in power with anyone else leads inevitably to the same result. The reason for a president is that founding fathers knew there was no group intellect in the long run. But the enemy is not the president though a bad president is as  as a  corrupt  as both parties have provided. Instead the problem is the way congress is entrenched the lack of coherent oversight and resulting system of entitlement."
"I thought that we were going on a trip of self discovery.  What does this have to do with that?"
"That is only a cover for the real quest.  The real issue is to set a country to rights, to overthrow a tyrant, to build an empire."
"You are scaring me.  I am afraid I do not understand how this would be possible.  I am only a simple man, with limited education and I have never read books on politics and such things are of no interest to me."
"Fortunately for you, my dear Seventy, this problems was solved by the Greeks long ago, but we will bring this solution to the modern world...or die trying."

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 19. The force that binds
In string theory, the beginnings of string theories, fundamental particles are seen as charges, like the two poles of a magnet or two ends of a wave or two energy states which can be seen as having axis and "spin" with these connected by strings or gravitons (which don't exist in NLT).
In quantum mechanics, you can have particles (energy is composed of fields and is interchangeable with matter so you could use fields instead) entangled so that their states (spin is the term of art) are common no matter how far apart they are.
In NLT theory, you don't have strings between particle charges (you can't separate things because dimension is just an illusion of time coordinates going non-linear a specified rates) but you can have a succession of time coordinates and some of those can achieve an identity while others continue to change.
One interesting feature is the "splitting of photons" with linked states.
Faster than light travel is provided for in quantum mechanics, but without a good explanation.  NLT provides an explanation for quantum tying.  The answer lies in the commonality of the origin of all particles and the expression of all particle together.  However, these explanations must be the same in one sense between the quantum tying and the NLT common origin at some level since NLT disagrees only with approach.
The problem is that we need to compress linear time.
Something has to happen to allow space to congeal into energy, energy into matter and matter to connect together.
We already have part of the answer to this.
We know that gravity is the tendency of time to go non-linear.  We know that different times go non-linear as matter congeals.
What this tells us is that gravity, or the tendency to go non-linear, is the force that causes concentration to occur.
This doesn't tell us everything, but what it does say is that as time goes non-linear, a force exists which binds things together.  At each step of linearity, there is a binding force that arises.  We observe at least some of these forces (electromagnetic, strong and weak, gravity) but we don't necessarily understand them.
Gravity seems to be the fundamental force and hence it is the one which appears when time in general goes non-linear and hence existed from the time when non-linear time gave rise to space.
Either force arises from non-linearity or force is the mirror image of something in non-linearity.  Either is essentially the same thing other than symantics.
Time is non-linear. Everything is happening at once or the potential for things to happen has not been released.  Time goes non-linear (at least it appears to) and gravity is the tendency to return to this state, some sort of tension is created by linearity, an unnatural state.  Something drives linearity, some force acts on time to make it go linear and it is offset by gravity.
Time 2 goes linear as space coallesces into energy, a second force is generated.  Both the first force and the second are proportional to the force required to make time go linear.
Time 3 goes linear as energy coallesces into matter and a third force is generated, again proportional to the force required to make time go linear.
So where is this concept reflected in traditional physics?  Opposite spin particles.  Particles and anti-particles are a big part of traditional physics theories.  Matter and anti-matter, opposite spin particles and the like.  Under NLT, there are no "particles" as such.  This duality of wave vs particle is part of string theory.  Hence, this is not so far away as you might think from string theory.  The forces that come into effect with time are merely the NLT counterpart to anti-spin concepts in traditional physics.  Since NLT cannot be contrary to observed physics, this is indicated.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Non Linear Time, E-hologram theory and Thankfulness; compression 18

Whenever something good happens to me, even if it something small like realizing for the moment I am ok, or that I have had interesting things, fun things in my life, endorphens from a good workout, and if I am alone and remember, I will look upward and give thanks.  How is this logical in a universe based on science?
In order to appreciate just how logical this is, that is how scientific it is, it is important to look at the similarities and differences between NLT and EHT, the latter being the parent of the former and both being bred from Einstein and Relativity as much as from Hologram and other quantum theories.
Under Einstein Hologram Theory, everything happens at once before time goes non-linear.  That means that everything around us has happened already and we are merely acting it out.  Self determination is a reality, but only because it has already occurred.  Under this theory, god "can" be mathematically explained based on the concentrated intelligence of the universe through all times and space because, necessarily, it is concentrated in such a fashion.  It may or may not be the god that we want to believe in, but it fills the general pre-requisits of "all knowing" and is potentially "all powerful" at least insofar as the activities of man (or alien) are concerned and it is even a possible driving force in linearity which would add the power of the inantimate to it.
NLT is not so dogmatic.  It does say that time is non-linear and goes linear, but there is no requirement.  Nevertheless, while some potential from true self determination is available under NLT, the fact that the environment where non-linearity exists is so powerful relative to our universe, that the potential that we are little more than a film for the entertainment of something so powerful to make our universe for entertainment means that some sort of god-like quantity exists in all probability and in a way we cannot comprehend because it exists without time and dimension and with a singular singularity can create the entire universe we live in and all the time of it, said singularity potentially filling the bill for a god much as it does for EHT.
The discussion of such a god-particle singularity precedes this chapter so it is not repeated here.
Wherever this garden planet, however temporary that state may be, comes from, it doesn't hurt anything to be thankful for the small happiness it contains, and it is a waste not to reach out for those, a bigger mistake not to embrace them when you have the chance, and perhaps the biggest of all not to be thankful for them.

DQ 16

Don Quixote is a series of aphorisms tied together loosely by the story of a wandering madman. It is the original travel story," Don Q told Seventy Percent as he applied the various bottles and cans to the two motorcycles.
"But I understand Don Quixote was set in ancient Spain.  There is no parallel to today."
"Oh pish, posh.  There is more royalty and insanity on the average street today than in spain and their wars with the moors are our wars with foreign economies and, of course, the moors themselves who we still battle whether they wish to fight us or not, they are forced to.
Who are these royals you are talking about.   There is no royalty in this country.
Are you really so naive you believe that, not to see them.
Are you referring to the politicians
Politicians?  They are slaves to every voter and the real royalty
Then who are they
They are the ultra-rich, the ultra famous.  those are the royals.  But they are only the backdrop to our adventures.  For as night errant and squire we will seek out to right wrongs and to make the downtrodden less down and less trodden upon."
Don Q was covered in oils and he got suddenly silent.
"What is wrong?"
"You would not know.  You never sold yourself out for money or a mere moment of peace.  Life never lead you to surrender love for expediency.  You have never committed crimes against humanity, against god himself for vanity."
"I am finished," Don said standing up.
"Have you abandoned this?"
"Ha!  Not at all, it is time to see if they will start!"

coffee 9

You might think saturday morning would be the day when you'd miss coffee the most.
on saturdays the first part of the weekend has started but the whole weekend is also ahead of you.
But I think its sunday.  This is the second sunday in this series.
Sunday is the day you ought to wake up with your lover, slightly hung over, if not from drink,
then from making love Saturday night and late into the morning.
Its a day when, if you are drinking coffee, you have it hot and smoking
you talk of things that are important to more than just you, things that need to be done but are not work.
Grant me another Sunday, sometime in the future, with my lover, with a cup of coffee or not,
both of us suffering from the hours we spent unable to sleep in each others arms
and from the challenges we've set for ourselves and each other.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Paint my world
with the brushes
that I have seen
and come to know so well
like so many others
who admired your work
long before me
your arms and legs
your hair, your tongue
that brushed my world
and gave life color
covering pain with joy
because life changes
depending on the artist
who shares it with you
and i need you
to paint my world

Non-linear time 17 before space time and after space time and how ELT changes the equation

Current physics embraces space time and infinity which is contrary and complimentary to the  concepts of Non-Linear Time and EHT.  EHT presumes that everything has happened at once because, according to Einstein, the only reason for time (interpreted in EHT as until time goes linear everything does happen at once) is so everything doesn't happen at once.
In the next chapter, reserved for sunday-"Thankfulness in a Non-linear universe" we will discuss this further, but first let's lay a little groundwork.
Black holes have gravity which means that they have failed to go completely non-linear although it has been shown previously that they have to some extent and perhaps gradually get there.
One explanation is that sufficient time hasn't gone by for the entire black hole to fall back into non-linearity.  Another is that there is some force which prevents matter from going non-linear.
Since the emphasis here is on the compression of matter and since black holes represent a compression of matter, a consideration of what happens in a black hole is important.  One theory of NLT is that as matter goes non-linear it loses its time components and turns into space which can escape gravity wells and exist without dimension so as to have the ability to reappear as space outside of gravity wells (thereby explaining expansion).  This is understandable because in a black hole two types of time (watch time associated with matter-clock time 1) and clock time 2 associated with energy cease to exist which requires acceleration along the one remaining clock time 3. Black holes are notoriously "cold" and this is logical because you have eliminated vibration because you have non-linearity or near non-linearity in clock times 2 and 3 (no dimensional change means no vibration and therefore no temperature).
To understand this better it is helpful to look at the original expansion model of NLT.  This is discussed earlier, but will be repeated briefly here.  Here the opposite occurs.  First you have one dimension, then two then three.  In terms of NLT you begin clock time 3 and space can form which can move about (change coordinates) at a very high (infinite) rate because clock times 2 and 3 don't exist yet in a linear fashion.  You have the same type of environment that you have in a black hole.  It is cold, but there is space.  It is the black void of the creation story in the old testament, perhaps I should save this for sunday.  But alas, there is already a sunday chapter, so I'll go on.
The high concentrations of space allow for the conversion of space to energy and clock time 2 begins.  This must allow for two dimensions as we observe them because some vibration is possible and the expansion from this point forward is driven by the need for clock time 2 to move about in a confined space. There is still no clock time 3 that is non-linear so the movement is c^2 for everything (energy) that is not space along clock time 2 and, presumably c^4 for space albeit only along clock time 3.  This second step is the observed big bang and presumably occurs in a very confined space, but that space is not necessarily as confined as theories of the big bang conceptualize since space "could" occupy a much larger area before the concentrations are sufficient for the conversion.  It is, however, likely that as soon as three dimensional movement is possible through the creation of clock time 2 non-linearity, that the combination of space into energy occurs.  One reason why this is not "required" is because it is not "required" for the conversion of energy into matter which is represented in theory as occurring quite some time after the initial bang.  It is, instead theoretically possible that a certain amount of expansion of space is necessary before energy is formed through the linearity of clock time 2 and still more space is required along clock time 2 before clock time 3 linearity is possible and this is consistent in black holes where as the "volume" decreases, clock times 3 then 2 cease to be linear in blackholes.  Indeed the recent discovery of "gravity waves" and the lack of conformity or symetry in the early universe suggests that some expansion occurs before the different clock times are possible and this should be mathematically identifiable from the data at hand although I am not going to attempt that in this chapter!  Indeed not, I do have a life of sorts.

Friday, April 4, 2014

coffee 7

I'm not keeping much of a log of my caffeine free days.  After giving it up before, its easier this time.  I really don't miss it unless someone offers me a sweet role or maybe I'm eating spicy thai food for lunch.  My mind is more clear, I can't sleep for all the things whirling in my head I need to do, the books I need to write, the equations that need to be solved, the love that threatens to burst my heart open, the constant fears and doubts and financial crisis that I face and that I see on the horizon.  Compared to those things, what matters a little coffee.
Tonight a glass of red wine, talking to a friend, all of that fades away for a minute and I live instead of living in fear.  I grow stronger instead of rotting from the inside.  The coffee is gone, I remain after 7 days.  Perhaps things will be better and I will welcome May with a cup of joe, but for now I am content with fermented grapes and fermenting passions.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

DQ 15

"I need you to go out and buy these things for the trip."
"What are these things?"
"They are the oils and fuels and spark plugs and things of that sort which are needed in order to allow these motorcycles to be started and to run."
"Do you believe they will run?"
"Perhaps not right away, but I am convinced that they can be made to run.  The next step is to add these liquids to the engines and the transmissions.  Some liquids were in them for their long storage, but it is now time to add those things to them that will make them come alive."  DQ's eyes shown with a radiance of their own when he said this.
"I am afraid.  I don't know what I should do."
"I know they think I am mad."
"No," SP said.  "No one truely thinks that.  Upset maybe but not insane."
"But I am mad.  By their standards.  I don't care about any of my 'things'.  You see, I was not a real person like you.  I have no real friends and I didn't care about the things that are important like friendship, family or faith.  I am faithless.  There was always work to cover up for these shortcomings, but now there is nothing, so who would not go mad.
"But there is more. Overpopulation and climate change will lead to starvation and civilization always a thin veneer will crumble. If we are lucky in that way we will time to die. But if through some miracle our leaders fight out how to have intelligence as a species we will be wiped out by a solar flare. A black hole.  A meteor out am exploding super volcano all things we know are inevitable and all things we can do nothing about."
"Do not talk like that, you are scaring me."
"There is no reason for you to fear.  It is your choice whether you want to go with me or not, whether you wish to face your fears or hide from them, whether you want to ride with the madman or go back to your life."

NLT Compression 16-Gravity Waves and Vacuum Energy

Vacuum energy is an observed phenomena of traditional physics.
NLT has many extraordinary results, but one it does not include is the elimination of observed phenomena.
EHT (the direct predecessor to NLT) offers explanations to god and suggests that self determination may be illusory and despite this provides a path for thinking.  But none of these things eliminates what we observe, they merely suggest that we are interpreting what we see incorrectly.
So what we need to do is find a expected result in NLT that appears as vacuum energy.  It is important to understand how vacuum energy is perceived.  Vacuum energy causes expansion and is present only in nearly absent amounts.
NLT allows for expansion of space through the change of time coordinates of matter in black holes which comes out as space outside of gravity wells which is discussed in depth in a prior chapter to explain the how and why of universal expansion and  why it doesn't violate the principles of FLT (faster than light travel).  You'll have to go back a few chapters if you haven't read it yet.
But how about the point in time where these Gravity Waves they spotted were generated.  Again, this was covered in this publication some time before gravity waves were spotted, but in a different way and this is the only real difference if you get right down to it between traditional physics and NLT (and EHT).  Traditional physics has a hard time get back from the trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second before the big bang and NLT goes back that far.
The chapter on how dimensions were created from the change in NLT coordinates in stages describes this transition period between the "known" and the NLT universe and won't be repeated here because its easy enough to find and the chapter on how that process begins to reverse itself in black holes is also covered.  Gravity being nothing more than the tendency of time to go non-linear (a fundament of NLT), necessarily when the universe went non-linear simultaneously creating dimensions, first one, then two then the three we live in, there were obvious issues involving a massive outlay of gravity, especially since under NLT most of this would have happened at once, all time having essentially the same coordinates but changing rapidly while stepping all over one another and space being so concentrated it folded over into energy allowing for different manifestations of time which is also discussed in detail.
EHT provides at least one suggestion for time going non-linear, but no suggestion of that is complete without taking one more step backwards, going to the environment of  Non-linear time, and that, is something for another night.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

NLT 15-Compression, Gravity and time states and molecular energy states

In a little while we are going to draw certain analogies between imaginary time and the different "types" of clock time.  Spoiler alert-the main difference is a conservation of the change in time coordinates between all versions of clock time and that is not true of imaginary time which is not necessary in NLT theory.
As we compress things under non-linear time theory, we have to explain the connection qualities of the represented matter.  That is, certain relationships have to be explained whether they are illusion (NLT) or actual matter (strings if you must).
Angular momentum can tear things apart that are spun and many things spin.  In the physical world where we live increasing angular momentum increases energy or mass which is self explanatory since energy is reflected in movement and in NLT movement is changing time coordinates.
Even the lowly atoms can get ionized with increase a sufficient increase in angular moment which in turn is the change in come coordinates without the change in others.  It is noted that "space time" probably continues to change anyway unless the angular momentum includes coordinate changes where the particle moves constantly relative to the rotation of the universe and this is important since it suggests a methodology for testing conservation of space time relative to clock time although the ability to counteract the movement of space is very difficult to accomplish, but this too is the subject of a later discussion.
Atoms are made up of small particles.(hadrons-quarks and mesons)-this means that hadrons are composite-you can spin them up. Under regular theory, you cannot spin up electrons, but under NLT this inability to spin is not because they are like points, but because they don't have clock time so their movement is more highly effected relative to the other times (space time in particular) which is why they are described as spinning around nuclei-i.e. since they have zero clock time, their other time coordinate changes must be proportionately higher, again another theory observed in NLT.
Fundamental particles show “stretchability”, that is they deform as they spin.  This brings us to the key question of compression.  Because we are dealing with time coordinate changes only, things take on different meanings.  For example, Pi meson pi meson scattering which is described as Two pi can come together and make roe meson and split back to 2 pi again.  These are particles interacting and combining for all intents and purposes the rate of change of all time coordinates to get a unique result.
Physicists feel Compelled to fill in spaces between quarks which don't exist in NLT.
Space time diagrams are used by physicists to bridge distance between quarks.
In traditional physics, part of the explanation of spin of these connected particles is that they are connected by a string. But what if they are only connected by some relationsiip between time coordinates. How is angular momentum possible (i.e. non-point physics) in NLT.
What is the connection between gravity (tendency of time to rewind) and the tendency of certain particles to stay together and have their time coordinates change in sync? Is it perhaps related to appearance of connection between particles envisioned as strings or line of gluon fields? Whatever connection is made can be part of explaining “tied particles” and since space is just an illusion it explains faster than light communication between the particles.
Strings are theorized by physicists to exists at all points between quarks and antiquarks.  These strings, are envisioned as a collection of gluons (gluon fields). Quarks are like poles of bar magnet. Without NLT, they must have a length between them. This is a reflection of the magnetic fields-magnetic monopoles on either side forming a tube between. But these Gluons (which don't exist in NLT because they are unnecessary) are either particles or quantum fields. A “gluon field” is like field between monopoles. Separating charges dimineshes the field as it spreads out. Non-linearity cause field lines to attrack in some way so they form strings-strings get longer and don't separate since they are a string of gluons. Something has to be increasing in gluons, but stretch in NLT means that something is happening between time coordinates and nothing has to expand and the answer to that, well it will just have to wait, because it's late.