
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Zeno's paradoxes as the predecessor of all hologram theory and Non-linear time theory is the story from the physics cabal.
Originally this post consisted of some light jests at the expense of Stanford because this 2500 year old hearsay is not from a physicist, but from a philosopher! Well, technically, when it comes to Zeno they may be the same thing.

So before this examination begins, the first thing we must do is address the paradox of zeno's paradoxes.  We must look at the paradoxes not as what they are, but as what they would be to the "physicist" Zeno instead of the "philosopher" Socrates.  We must take solvable paradoxes and make them less solvable and from this we must discern the missing Paradoxes (or at least some of them).

We led into this discussion with a little "old time religion".  The need to understand the tie in between traditional religious ideas and pure mathematical theory is often at odds, and it is nice when the theory and practice come together and allow a common, if unsettling platform from which to jump off into deeper math or metaphysics depending on your area of interest.

The wonderful thing about NLT theory is not that it fits so well into prior religious doctrine, or even that it allows a novel approach to ancient paradoxes.  The wonderful thing is that NLT allows a mechanism to get far enough out of our universe so that we can begin to look at what lies behind it.  We can pull back the curtain a little more.  NLT not only provides a fairly conclusive solution to dark matter, a series of potential solutions to dark energy, space expansion, gravity, unified field theory and a lot of other problems that would otherwise intrigue physicists, but it changes the entire focus of physics from movement and dimension into a singular and much more elegant thing, time.  And knowing that our universe can exist without dimension and linearity, something which Einstein at least understood even if he didn't see it, allows us to begin to postulate on what there is behind the curtain, an area previously hidden behind assumptions that had nothing to do without our actual universe any more than Newtonian Physics.  Critical to life, yes, but not particularly relevant to fundamental physics.

Somehow, as we get small enough, something happens where we eliminate clock times in favor of non-linearity which we get to some extent by large enough concentrations of matter.  A big, strange circle of time and the effects of linearity.


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