
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Non Linear Time, E-hologram theory and Thankfulness; compression 18

Whenever something good happens to me, even if it something small like realizing for the moment I am ok, or that I have had interesting things, fun things in my life, endorphens from a good workout, and if I am alone and remember, I will look upward and give thanks.  How is this logical in a universe based on science?
In order to appreciate just how logical this is, that is how scientific it is, it is important to look at the similarities and differences between NLT and EHT, the latter being the parent of the former and both being bred from Einstein and Relativity as much as from Hologram and other quantum theories.
Under Einstein Hologram Theory, everything happens at once before time goes non-linear.  That means that everything around us has happened already and we are merely acting it out.  Self determination is a reality, but only because it has already occurred.  Under this theory, god "can" be mathematically explained based on the concentrated intelligence of the universe through all times and space because, necessarily, it is concentrated in such a fashion.  It may or may not be the god that we want to believe in, but it fills the general pre-requisits of "all knowing" and is potentially "all powerful" at least insofar as the activities of man (or alien) are concerned and it is even a possible driving force in linearity which would add the power of the inantimate to it.
NLT is not so dogmatic.  It does say that time is non-linear and goes linear, but there is no requirement.  Nevertheless, while some potential from true self determination is available under NLT, the fact that the environment where non-linearity exists is so powerful relative to our universe, that the potential that we are little more than a film for the entertainment of something so powerful to make our universe for entertainment means that some sort of god-like quantity exists in all probability and in a way we cannot comprehend because it exists without time and dimension and with a singular singularity can create the entire universe we live in and all the time of it, said singularity potentially filling the bill for a god much as it does for EHT.
The discussion of such a god-particle singularity precedes this chapter so it is not repeated here.
Wherever this garden planet, however temporary that state may be, comes from, it doesn't hurt anything to be thankful for the small happiness it contains, and it is a waste not to reach out for those, a bigger mistake not to embrace them when you have the chance, and perhaps the biggest of all not to be thankful for them.

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