
Monday, April 7, 2014

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 19. The force that binds
In string theory, the beginnings of string theories, fundamental particles are seen as charges, like the two poles of a magnet or two ends of a wave or two energy states which can be seen as having axis and "spin" with these connected by strings or gravitons (which don't exist in NLT).
In quantum mechanics, you can have particles (energy is composed of fields and is interchangeable with matter so you could use fields instead) entangled so that their states (spin is the term of art) are common no matter how far apart they are.
In NLT theory, you don't have strings between particle charges (you can't separate things because dimension is just an illusion of time coordinates going non-linear a specified rates) but you can have a succession of time coordinates and some of those can achieve an identity while others continue to change.
One interesting feature is the "splitting of photons" with linked states.
Faster than light travel is provided for in quantum mechanics, but without a good explanation.  NLT provides an explanation for quantum tying.  The answer lies in the commonality of the origin of all particles and the expression of all particle together.  However, these explanations must be the same in one sense between the quantum tying and the NLT common origin at some level since NLT disagrees only with approach.
The problem is that we need to compress linear time.
Something has to happen to allow space to congeal into energy, energy into matter and matter to connect together.
We already have part of the answer to this.
We know that gravity is the tendency of time to go non-linear.  We know that different times go non-linear as matter congeals.
What this tells us is that gravity, or the tendency to go non-linear, is the force that causes concentration to occur.
This doesn't tell us everything, but what it does say is that as time goes non-linear, a force exists which binds things together.  At each step of linearity, there is a binding force that arises.  We observe at least some of these forces (electromagnetic, strong and weak, gravity) but we don't necessarily understand them.
Gravity seems to be the fundamental force and hence it is the one which appears when time in general goes non-linear and hence existed from the time when non-linear time gave rise to space.
Either force arises from non-linearity or force is the mirror image of something in non-linearity.  Either is essentially the same thing other than symantics.
Time is non-linear. Everything is happening at once or the potential for things to happen has not been released.  Time goes non-linear (at least it appears to) and gravity is the tendency to return to this state, some sort of tension is created by linearity, an unnatural state.  Something drives linearity, some force acts on time to make it go linear and it is offset by gravity.
Time 2 goes linear as space coallesces into energy, a second force is generated.  Both the first force and the second are proportional to the force required to make time go linear.
Time 3 goes linear as energy coallesces into matter and a third force is generated, again proportional to the force required to make time go linear.
So where is this concept reflected in traditional physics?  Opposite spin particles.  Particles and anti-particles are a big part of traditional physics theories.  Matter and anti-matter, opposite spin particles and the like.  Under NLT, there are no "particles" as such.  This duality of wave vs particle is part of string theory.  Hence, this is not so far away as you might think from string theory.  The forces that come into effect with time are merely the NLT counterpart to anti-spin concepts in traditional physics.  Since NLT cannot be contrary to observed physics, this is indicated.

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