
Friday, November 30, 2012

3 Coffee 44-stairs

It was quiet last night with all the noise of the French Quarter
I managed to get my favorite meal despite the options
Greek Yogurt by a small pool with a fountain
It's strange what you can find in this city
It's not the best place to avoid coffee
You'll forgive me for posting
the night before tomorrow
busy day tomorrow

Quiet spot by river


Behind the Square

coffee 45-holograms/new orleans and war with china

zero days till trip to new orleans, lost track of the mayan calendar, but remember it's right there in the middle of my break from drinking coffee.  Amazing, if the world ended, I couldn't even have a cup of coffee in the morning.

Just as a preview of the week to come, after my presentation which should be fun in New Orleans of China's Weaponized Economy (how china took the heart and soul of America) I'll be discussing why in the hologram model of the universe with matter being nothing more than the manifestation of the tendancy to return to the singularity where everything happens at once and there is no space time, just time with space being one of those manifestations (say that five times fast!) there are multiple particles (quarks and electrons) instead of just one (or is there just one?) and we'll move closer to time/space travel parts of the discussion.

I may edit this, but it will be a busy day.  Still hoping to keep some sort of blog going over the weekend.

Don't forget, "China's Weaponized Economy" can be purchased from amazon if someone actually wants to read it before my speech is posted.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Moon and star

china's weaponized economy/words and music/presentation update

As a preview to the presentation, there was a lot of statistics (most of these came from and many of their sources are internally linked) that were rejected since the presentation can't just be a recitation of facts.

Below are some of the rejected data that will not be used in making the presentation on Sunday.

rejected data

7. When NAFTA was passed in 1993, the United States had a trade surplus with Mexico of 1.6 billion dollars. In 2010, we had a trade deficit with Mexico of 61.6 billion dollars.

. Overall, the United States has run a trade deficit of more than 8 trillion dollars with the rest of the globe since 1975. That 8 trillion dollars could have gone to support U.S. businesses and pay the wages of U.S. workers. Federal, state and local taxes would also have been paid on that 8 trillion dollars if it had stayed in the United States.

95 percent of the jobs lost during the last recession were middle class jobs.

Right now, more than 41 percentof all working age Americans do not have a job, and the vast majority of the new jobs that are being created are low paying jobs.

The United States has lost more than a quarterof all of its high-tech manufacturing jobs over the past ten years.

In recent years the U.S. economy has embraced "free trade" and the emerging one world economy like never before. Instead of increasing the number of jobs in our economy, it has resulted in the worst stretch of job creation in the United States in modern history....

If any single number captures the state of the American economy over the last decade, it is zero. That was the net gain in jobs between 1999 and 2009—nada, nil, zip. By painful contrast, from the 1940s through the 1990s, recessions came and went, but no decade ended without at least a 20 percent increase in the number of jobs

If you gathered together all of the workers that are "officially" unemployed in the United States today, they would constitute the 68th largest country in the world.

Without enough good jobs, more Americans than ever before are falling into poverty.

Today, more than 100 million Americansare enrolled in at least one welfare program run by the federal government.

The United States has lost an average of approximately 50,000 manufacturing jobsa month since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.

According to the Economic Policy Institute, the U.S. economy loses approximately 9,000 jobsfor every $1 billion of goods that are imported from overseas.

Between 2001 and 2007, the value of products that Wal-Martimported from China grew from $9 billion to $27 billion.

In 2001, American consumers spent 102 billion dollars on products made in China. In 2011, American consumers spent 399 billion dollarson products made in China.

The United States spends about 4 dollarson goods and services from China for every one dollar that China spends on goods and services from the United States.

Back in 1998, the United States had 25 percent of the world’s high-tech export market and China had just 10 percent. Today, China’s high-tech exports are more than twice the sizeof U.S. high-tech exports.

In 2002, the United States had a trade deficit in "advanced technology products" of $16 billion with the rest of the world. In 2010, that number skyrocketed to $82 billion.

The Chinese undervalue their currency by about 40 percent in order to gain a critical advantage over foreign competitors. This means that many Chinese companies are able to absolutely thrive while their competition in the United States goes out of business.

#6 If you were alive when Jesus Christ was born and you spent one million dollars every single day since that point, you still would not have spent one trillion dollars by now.

#2 If the average interest rate on U.S. government debt rises to just 7 percent, the U.S. government will find itself spending more than a trillion dollars per year just on interest on the national debt.

#3 If right this moment you went out and started spending one dollar every single second, it would take you more than 31,000 years to spend one trillion dollars.

#4 Since Barack Obama entered the White House, the U.S. national debt has increased by an average of more than $64,000per taxpayer
#8 During the Obama administration, the U.S. government has accumulated more new debt than it did from the time that George Washington became president to the time that Bill Clinton became president.

#9 If Bill Gates gave every single penny of his fortune to the U.S. government, it would only cover the U.S. budget deficit for 15 days.

#10 As Bill Whittle has shown, you could take every single penny that every American earns above $250,000 and it would only fund about 38 percent of the federal budget.

#11 Today, the government debt to GDP ratio in the United States is well over 100 percent.

#12 A recently revised IMF policy paper entitled “An Analysis of U.S. Fiscal and Generational Imbalances: Who Will Pay and How?” projects that U.S. government debt will rise to about 400 percent of GDP by the year 2050.

#13 The United States already has more government debt per capita than Greece, Portugal, Italy, Ireland or Spain does.

#14 At this point, the United States government is responsible for more than a thirdof all the government debt in the entire world.

#15 The amount of U.S. government debt held by foreigners is about 5 times largerthan it was just a decade ago.

#16 The U.S. national debt is now more than 22 times largerthan it was when Jimmy Carter became president.

#17 It is being projected that the U.S. national debt will surpass 23 trillion dollars in 2015.

#18 Mandatory federal spending surpassed total federal revenue for the first time ever in fiscal 2011. That was not supposed to happen until 50 years from now.

#19 Between 2007 and 2010, U.S. GDP grew by only 4.26%, but the U.S. national debt soared by 61% during that same time period.

#20 The U.S. government has total assets of 2.7 trillion dollarsand has total liabilities of 17.5 trillion dollars. The liabilities do not even count 4.7 trillion dollarsof intragovernmental debt that is currently outstanding.

#21 U.S. households are now actually receiving more money directly from the U.S. government than they are paying to the government in taxes.

#22 The U.S. government is wasting your moneyon some of the stupidest things imaginable. For example, in 2011 the National Institutes of Health spent $592,527 on a study that sought to figure out once and for all why chimpanzees throw poop.

#23 If the federal government used GAAP accounting standards like publicly traded corporations do, the real federal budget deficit for last year would have been 5 trillion dollarsinstead of 1.3 trillion dollars.

#24 The Federal Reserve purchased approximately 61 percent of all government debt issued by the U.S. Treasury Department during 2011.

#25 At this point, the U.S. national debt is more than 5000 times larger than it was when the Federal Reservewas first created.

#26 If the federal government began right at this moment to repay the U.S. national debt at a rate of one dollar per second, it would take over 480,000 years to completely pay off the national debt.

For example, spending on food stamps has doubledsince 2008. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs and have needed some assistance from the government. Since Obama became president the number of Americans on food stamps has gone from 32 million to 46 million.
#1 It took more than 200 years for the U.S. national debt to reach 1 trillion dollars. In 1986, the U.S. national debt reached 2 trillion dollars. In 1992, the U.S. national debt reached 4 trillion dollars. In 2005, the U.S. national debt doubled again and reached 8 trillion dollars. Now the U.S. national debt is about to cross the 16 trillion dollar mark. How long can this kind of exponential growth go on?
Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry was actually lower in 2010 than it was in 1975.

coffee 46

I don't know whether I'll be able to blog from the writer's conference in New Orleans.  The countdowns are 22 days for the mayan calendar (not in  deference to the end of the world, but in deference to the noble work of a group willing to look so far into the future) and a single day (1) before I go to the words and music conference and 46 days left for not drinking coffee.  Really?  It's only been two weeks?

I think the problem with coffee is that it is everywhere.  Especially at conferences and seiminars, it's like going outside in the rain and trying not get wet.  I suppose that is the challenge put forth by the coffee industry.  It does make you wonder what legalized marijuana will be like.

the unified field-no space...time, no matter...what?

This blog will cover the unified field theory and "space-time" which I've already mentioned is just "time" in the hologram universe.  Please excuse the pun in the title.
Einstien had it right and the only problem was that he saw "space-time" deformed by gravity (matter or energy since the two are interchangeable) which makes sense given the lack of black hole evidence that we can return to the signularity where, in his words, everything happens at once.
As part of this discussion, we will also touch on the fact that perhaps everything happens at once in every possible way, the girl you ask out says yes and no and maybe, in the singularity.  Time in such a case can be seen as a series of spheres moving out from such a singularity and since Time is infinitely thin, so to speak, they would look like a solid ball of infinitely thin layers to anyone/thing that could see them and we'd be back into the singularity with everything happening at once in every possible way, but I digress.
The idea, which is largely proven by scientific observation, is that there is no mass and no space, just time.  This goes one step further, instead of everything being "projected" or "engraved" on time, time exists all by itself.  So what is energy-matter (and space)?  That would, consistent with the idea of "matter bending space" just be the tendency of everything that we consider mass and energy and, for that matter space, to return to the singularity.  In other words, the bending of space around matter (gravity) is really just the tendency of time to return to the singularity.  This is "manifested" as matter.  The unification comes in that matter and energy are interchangeable although this "interchange" around the speed of light, is important in understanding and will have to wait for another entry.
We observe this on several levels.  One is the inter-relationship of particles and waves at molecular levels.  Observation shows that matter and energy can take either form as they get "closer" or "farther" from the singularity; the other is on a large scale with black holes which are the successful, or at least near successful return of what we call matter to the singularity.
Hence the smallest place a particle can be seen is its tendency to leave time and go back to the singularity and the largest accumulation of mass is all this tendency being successful.
Now this is all unsatisfying unless you can explain the singularity (where everything is happening in every possible way at once and time is a part of this as a completely collapsed solid sphere (a singularity around a singularity if you can stomach something which is self-disproving as opposed to the opposite); but if you only want a unified field in our universe, then you largely have it.
Every type of energy and especially gravity is just the tendency of the projection from the singularity onto time to return from time to the singularity.  Since time happens in every possible way at once, this loses its logical charm.   However, since mass, energy and gravity become interchangeable (and in fact interchange at the black hole or sub-atomic level; the two extremes) it has a certain symetry.
Now Einstein had it right with "space-time" and the only thing that holograms teach us is that space, requiring time to exist (you can't "go" from point a to point b without the "go" which is time) doesn't really exist at all but is just a manifestation of time.  It is the "un-tendency" of things to return to the singularity, perhaps; but it is a manifestation on time and hence is critical, but doesn't change the bizarre nature of time as being an infinitely thin part of the singularity where everything happens at once in every possible way.
This will bring us back to time and space travel shortly; but it is "intuitive" in such an environment that time travel and space travel are happening at a singularity already and we're just not experiencing it being trapped in a single layer of infinitely thin time.  Worse still, "we" are just the tendency of things not to be within one of the infinitely thin  layers of time, but instead the singularity where everything happens at once, as it were.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The moon, the star and the five senses of the hologram universe

I walked tonight in the cold air
and thought about my lover
sitting before her fireplace
and above me rose
a massive moon and a small star
one above the other
circling in the hologram
I wonder who you sit with
while I remember painfully
the five sense of the hologram
the smell of your skin
the orient and italy
the smooth touch of your skin
the warmth of the pulse in your neck
the sparks of color in your eyes
the bubbling spring of your laugh
that has so long not been heard
the taste of your razor sharp wit
like blood on my lips
all of my problems rose
because you pushed me away
every time i needed you
though we are right together
we are never able to touch
like the moon and the star
that appear so close
and are so beautiful together
separated by the universe
swinging through the projection
and together in singularity
from which everything springs

coffee 47

I gave up drinking for someone once, it seems like an eternity now.  I think it is harder not to have a drink every now and then then it is to give up coffee.  I have given up more than that...temorarily.
Perhaps I should have another countdown-4 days to my presentation or 2 days till my trip to New Orleans.  Or I could say 22 days to the end of the Mayan long calendar...or is it 23 days?  I don't put much stock in the world ending in 3 weeks.  I have the story of the cyclops which I believe to be the real story however difficult it might be to find my version with which to consol myself in this regard.
While it is not so strange a thing to envision the end of the world, I think a better view is to think how far the Mayans were willing to look into the future, rather than as some sort of ancient doomsday clock.  It is sad that they could look out a thousand years, but not survive to extend their calendar.
It is hard to fully comprehend my emotional state as I wake early to put this entry up before work takes me away.  Suffice it to say I am worried about those I love but have undying gratitude to the universe that has made life so rich and full with so many opportunities to help people and the all to rare opportunities to experience complete, or nearly complete joy or to find those rare moments of peace however they are broken and lay in shards at my feet.
I feel like I have been able to do a lot for other people lately using my normal talents.  I am sure I let some people down, but that has not been such a great problem these last few days.   Like most others, I have gaping holes in my life.  I have a cause where I believe I can do great good for the country and mankind; or failing that, that I can say that I tried to do great good for the country and mankind.  Not everyone gets a chance like that or is given the help and skills from other people to do it.  I have been extremely lucky and I am thankful to the people who have made that possible.  Obviously I think more of some than others, but I acknowledge that I am a tool, welded by the good intentions, friendship and even love of others to be sharp enough to strike at this point in time.
In a month and a half, I suppose I will have a cup of coffee in celebration.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

words and music-China's Weaponized Economy

Thanks to the miracle of modern printing there will be a limited number of first run copies of China's Weaponized Economy for the Faulkner presentation if anyone wants to buy a signed final first edition.  I am not pushing sales, by the way, I'll be selling them at cost (including express delivery).  Hopefully they will be collectors items, but perhaps they will be useful for balancing uneven tables.
Now that I'm finished with the first draft of the speech (an amazing 5 days in advance) I'm really excited about giving the presentation.  Thankfully for the audience it will be short, 15 minutes.
I wish the excitement was not accompanied by so many challenges, so many unknowns, such difficult decisions and so much to do.  Those things are spices in life; but sometimes it seems like life is too highly seasoned.

Monday, November 26, 2012

coffee-48: poem

I walked last night and stopped in the coffee shop
to buy a card.  I was asked if I wanted a cup of coffee
to drink in the rain, that tastes of a person in the west
from whence the rains come
I finished my speech on "how china stole the heart and soul"
for my presentation in new orleans
at least i did in my mind
I told the clerk i had given up coffee for 60 days
of which 12 have passed
the clerk was unimpressed
i presume she has seen countless people
who have given up coffee and then come back
i still do not want coffee except some early mornings
when i remember how good the coffee can be
but then i drink  hot water
and my mind is soothed
but my soul continues to long
for the artists and lovers and musicians
with their coffees and liquors
and their cigarettes and beer and wine
their kisses that are stained with all their faults

why are we in the hologram universe

why are we here
in the hologram universe
are we gods eyes to observe
or his soul to love
if we are here to love
then do we just love god
or to love each other
if we have the chance
to love perfectly
are we unreligious
if we fail to do so
what if we sacrifice love
for something less permanent
are we love struck heretics
are broken hearts punishment?
if we are in gods image
perhaps we can love god
and we can love each other
and if god is a good god
perhaps we can one day rest
in the arms of perfect love

words and music-Faulkner Society-New Orleans War With China-literature out of time

The first presentation of the controversial concept that we are in the middle of an undeclared, but all out war with China will be presented this Sunday to whatever audience will be in New Orleans under the banner:
9:50 a.m. — Queen Anne Ballroom
Literature Out of Time: World War C How the heart and soul of America have been stolen by China is the subject of this paper, which will be presented by Gregory Friedlander, who has been in the active practice of law in Louisiana and Alabama since 1983. He has also been a member of the U.S. Patent Bar since 1984. Since 1986 he has been in private practice at Gregory M. Friedlander & Associates, P.C. He has written several books including, Trust: How We Lost the War With China, coming out soon in the second edition as World War C, and Sam, The First Battle of World War II. He also publishes a blog at
I suppose I have to structure Heart and Soul as manufacturing and innovation and education. 
I have some good sources to present from:
Manufacturing in the USA: How U.S. Trade Policy Offshores Jobs | Daniel J. Ikenson | Cato Institute: Congressional Testimony and the more radical which is a great source of public domain statistics.  The source of 90% of the real content comes from another person who ends up with almost no credit for breathing whatever life is in the book from which the presentation will come.  It is like if Frankenstein's girlfriend did all of the work annimating the monster and recieved no credit for it in the book.  It is more distressing than the potential collapse of the United States which makes it incredibly distressing.
 The book I presume, is my monster, animated by someone else.
Don't worry, I will present a message of hope (at least for the USA), although it will come out pretty lame after giving out the statistics and what it will take to recognize the hope.  For other sources, you can check out some of the earlier blog entries which will come out again.
It should be fun, I hope so for the sake of the audience. 


I put the title of each of these coffee posts in the day before I write them as soon as the last one is posted.
If the Chinese don't come after me, I'm sure the coffee grower's association will, eventually.
Yesterday was full of minor accomplishments.  Everyone is gone back to where they spend most of their time.  I was up so early that it really made the rest of the day one I could have written off, but I took a short nap and the addressed the mystery of the lawnmower drive belt.  It took some specialized screw heads (6 point) that I had rusting in my toolbox and removing a bolt that took some extreme measures (extending the socket wrench with a piece of pipe) and blocking off the blades (literally with blocks of wood).  It turns out that the washer under the pullywheel was either left off or somehow deteriorated over time.  I think deterioration is a possibility because the entire pully wheel had worn out so that it was big enough to fit over the bolt that held it on which was giving the movement that allowed the belts to wear so fast (apparently).  I ordered the parts.
I then realized that what had started out as a miserably cold day had turned warm, the online temp was in the high 60's but the old mecury thermometer said it was up to 74 and that's how it felt.  So I picked up the stuff that had been accumulating in the yard and filled the garbage can with it, including the leftovers from the high school football playoff game afterparty which, sadly, included beer cans (also sad because they left the empties, but not a single full one. Imagine that!)
Today will be too busy to write much, but last week China's weaponized economy was published so I have that behind me and in time for the presentation, although perhaps not in time to have copies to hand out.
I do have a 15 minute presentation layed out although I am not sure that I don't want to shave off some pages and it needs a lot of polishing if I am to entertain whoever shows up for it. 
I am not sure what I'll be doing in the evenings, perhaps I will pick up one of my other books that has languished.   It is a difficult thing, beyond difficult, to imagine those quiet moments.  Finishing the important task of dealing with my little corner of trying to save humanity has kept me busy when I wasn't at my day job so that I did not have time for rest.  I do not relish having a moment to have to face my thoughts which only creep out in my poetry.
I suspect I am going to be busier than I give myself credit given the deadlines ahead.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


It is late at night and i begin to dread again the passage of time
when i will sit alone with my thoughts of where you are
staring at the ceiling and wondering who you really are
think about you and wonder what you are doing
What if was possible to be with someone
who felt the same way you did about everything
Most importantly what if they felt the same about what it meant to be together
because you can like all the same things and still not be happy
but what if you feel the same way about things
what if you enjoyed the same shows, but enjoyed them the same way
if you did not share the same insecurities but you felt the same way about them
Someone who you could talk to about the coming war
about the end of time and the beginning
and about the connection between the two
someone who you could live with forever
no matter what happened to the rest of the world
What if it was not possible
it is late at night and I begin to dread again
when i will sit alone

coffee - 50

It's early.  It is also surprisingly cold.  I think the first time I looked, it was a brisk 29 degrees.  Been up since 4 am since there is no one to sleep with it is an easy thing.  There is a mellow tiredness.  Drinking my hot water, since there is no coffee.  Ten days.
Not uneventful.  When you get up this early, hot water is better than coffee.  Coffee is more of a 6:30 drink, whether it is am or pm.
The publication of China's Weaponized Economy is finished, at least the first edition.  It is something of a relief even if a mistake or two was made in the process.  Don't get me started.
I have the stat(s) for my presentation on Sunday and I have lined up half of what I need to do for Friday and Saturday.  I prepared much of the presentation as an unpublished blog entry and plan on making it available after Sunday when it should be finished.  I have talked with a number of "collapse" oriented bloggers including the one who gave me most of my statistics.  Strangely, I feel that there is an alternative to that.  My speech and my last few blog entries discuss that.
I have to put up with a lot of emptiness in my life, as do we all.  It is nice to be able to fill some of it trying to save society, humanity, etc.
Next week, the first 4 days will be filled with getting legal work out.  I will try to stay focused, but it will be a lot of work and there are so many things that pull me away from what I need to concentrate on.  That is why I am up at 4 am.

China's Weaponized Economy-Now Available-Order Information

Order Information-Kindle/Amazon ordering



Paper Back Copy-Amazon:

Project Summary

China's Weaponized Economy-The philosophy of World War C: TERM LIMITS, Long Term Intelligence AND HOW WE LOST THE WAR WITH CHINA
Authored by Gregory M Friedlander

List Price: $13.00
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm) 
Black & White on White paper
156 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1481037099 (CreateSpace-Assigned) 
ISBN-10: 1481037099 
BISAC: Political Science / Economic Conditions
The equipment of world dominance is gone from the United States, loaded on boats which set sail long before congress or business or the general public woke up. That the same thing had happened around the country surprises no one today but everyone is surprised that our government and industry allowed this to happen.
This was a war. It was a studied and systematic undertaking.
Manufacturing is the Tank of modern warfare and the Chinese are the only ones manufacturing tanks. The colossal failure of leadership is only possible because of the corruption in our government and our business infrastructure... 
Entire Description
CreateSpace eStore:

Saturday, November 24, 2012

what love is not

not being able to catch your breath
what love is not
when you think about the person you are not with
not a sublime happiness
because you don't fully appreciate it
unless you are apart
perhaps unless you are apart forever
it isn't a sense of peace
that you feel when you are together
it is a sense of panic
when you are never together again
it is acting without thinking
thinking of watching same shows together
thinking of forever
thinking of never seeing each other again
grasping each other tightly
torn apart by things which seem irrelevant by comparison
complete release from care together
a pain that inimates from your very center
that radiates from your center 
to hear the voice that soothes your fever
you want to scream
And you want to write her poetry that cannot contain your love
just so she knows you are thinking of her always
No matter what else you do
A work in progress as love is a work in progress

World War C, Debt and the German and American Models

Many point to the "inevitable collapse" of the american economy.  We can certainly see that happening if the corruption in our government is not dealt with.  It is not the historical result, however, especially if we recognize we are at war with a weaponized economy.
Our debt is out of control as is the debt of europe.  We can only fix the debt by creating the type of inflation which would lead such a relative reduction in the amount of debt that it would be manageable. 
Fortunately we have two examples of where this occurred successfully.  One is in the United States in response to the economic attack by OPEC in the 1970(s).  We were assisted in this regard by the computer revolution (new manufacturing) and by the leadership of Ronald Regan and William Clinton.  Clearly both leadership and manufacturing were required for this success.  This is discussed in "China's Weaponized Economy-How we lost the war with China."
There is another example, extremely well known in history.  This happened in Germany during the great depression.  Germany suffered from a crushing debt impossed by the Allied powers after World War I.  They went through a period of staggering inflation, perhaps not even matched by what we will see in America.  This allowed the countries debt a measure of control, even though the human suffering was unprecedented.
Then came the gear up to World War II which was, again, a manufacturing renassaince.  Even after a failed attempt at world domination and a second round of curshing economic hardship, Germany came back to be one of a handfull of technological manufacturing centers in the world capable of banding together to take on the Asian weaponized economy.
This shows that with a disciplined population, and a little help from friends, it is not impossible to recover from crushing hardship and debt and technological inferiority. 
One of the few weapons we have left is our diversity.  We are not only Asian, we are also German, we are all of europe, we are African.  If we, the United States and Europe, provide the moral leadership we are capable of, our allies, those who are a part of who we are, will rally to us.  This includes the Germans who are as much damaged by this war with China as the USA is.
We must, as a group, take our technological expertise.  To the extent we have not lost it we may yet win this new economic world war.  Cooperation is necessary and that means providing moral leadership which will require a correction of misguided philosophy beginning with Congress.

China's Weaponized Economy-Now available

China's Weaponized Economy-How we lost the war with China (first edition) is now available for kindle and from Amazon.

coffee 51-11/24/12

It is the first cold morning.  A hot cup of coffee and curling up in your lovers arms is the suggestion of the weather.  I will have neither and the consolation is that someone out there will suffer with me this morning.
It occurs to me that I am going to the birthplace of beinets and coffee on Friday to the Faulkner Society to present "China's Weaponized Economy" in whatever form it will be presented.  And I will be changing my presentation to meet the topic as opposed to the other way around.
I do think that any accusation of intelligence is offset by my choice of location in the middle of this coffee battle.
It is not much of a battle.  The romantic side of sitting at night with a cup of coffee, or sitting by the lazy mississippi river with a coffee steaming in one hand and a plate of beinets on my lap is more of a problem than the headaches which never came, the shakes, dts or whatever else I was supposed to feel (assuming they are not still coming).  I'm sure even Faulkner himself spent many a morning with those puffy coffectionary sugar coated donuts on his lap and a glass of milk, yes?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Literature out of Time: China's Weaponized economy

I am going to except parts of "CWE"-China's Weaponized Economy in the days leading up to publication and my presentation at the Faulkner Society.

Here is the presentation topic along with the first section of CWE
Literature Out of Time: World War C
How the heart and soul of America have been stolen by China is the subject of this paper, which will be presented by Gregory Friedlander
I suppose manufacturing and innovation are the heart and soul
but it could equally be said that democracy are
both are lost now and both were tied to China

The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.  Chinese proverb

Great love sometimes mutes the voice and must be told in poetry so the soul may speak. Also great horror often blinds the mind and must be hidden in prose.  So begins the Novel World War C.  The original novel used a fictional mechanism to present the themes raised in this essay.  This essay pulls out the pieces and  examines them one at a time.  There is no hiding behind prose.

One problem eliminated with the fictional mechanism was the difficulty of talking bluntly about diversity, population control and revolution.  While it was easy to pull out and organize the philosophy and decide which parts merited discussion and which did not; it is difficult to deal with issues where people may be offended.  However, an attempt is made to address every issue logically and accept that some criticism of offensive content is inevitable.

It should be noted that some of the most important issues and solutions come from other people’s observations.

It is also significant that while solutions are suggested in this book, blank pages would be more appropriate to allow the reader to develop and implement their own solutions. There are two modest goals embodied in this work.  One is to (metaphorically) overthrow the government of the United States through reform and term limits.  The second is to have it declared that a state of war exists between the United States and China.

Lost time and the hologram uninverse

Every minute of every day
comes out of eternity
where it is whole and complete
in a place without time or space
Where there are no minutes
with you or without you
no separate time and space
To where we live today
separated and alone

In eternity everything is togther
all time and all space
so why cant' i see you here
where time and space
make you warm and lovely
why must i live in this time and place
with you and without you
when somewhere else
we are one with everything else

A band of eternity sliped away
from everything else
and along this band
everything plays out
You and i together
you and I always apart
the tune is the passage of time

In the center all things
we are together
but if you only look
along the band of time
we are sometimes together
and sometimes apart
we are naked together
we are naked apart
in the hologram universe
if we are ever together
and if we are ever apart
Are we always together
or are we always apart

China's weaponized economy

Final Cover:
Here is the final cover of the first edition!

China's Weaponized Economy-World War C

Well CWE is off to press today, Friday 11/23/12.  Hopefully, by the end of next week it can be ordered online from amazon.  The electronic version should be available some time next week.

For those of you who have an interest the full title (a joke) is below along with the extended table of contents.

China’s Weaponized Economy
The Philosophy of World War C
The Current War with China
The essay at the core of WORLD WAR C
Gregory M. Friedlander
Copyright © 2012 Gregory M. Friedlander
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 13: 978-1481037099




2.      WAR WITH CHINA-introduction; The world is not flat; WWI and the War with China; We are at war; What China did while we slept; Ability to conduct a war of extinction; who are the parties; The enemy: China; The United States on the verge of collapse; The other Parties;


3.      Non-economic issues- Culture: China vs US; Common Morality; The legal system; The immorality of our laws and democracy


4.      Definition of war; What is the goal of War; The ultimate goals of war with China; Should the Chinese Win;


5.      The US invention of the model; China Overtaking the United States; Vehicles; Computers; Blinded by greed; Challenges; Post OPEC; History; Technologies shape history; Flaws of technology; Big Box Stores and inroads into our way of life; Loss of our fundamental structure-local shops; local business-corner store; The Idiots; Debt and other mistakes; Debt I; Debt II; Currency devaluation; The Suicide Watch; Hands on Training; Giving away our technology; Manufacturing is the Tank of the Modern War; Relationship of giving away manufacturing to other problems; The Art of War


6.      Manufacturing and technology- Competition 1; War is not entirely bad; Competition II; We are weak and lazy and corrupt; manufacturing as a necessity; Poor Paying jobs; Pollution; Prestige vs Facts; Criminal Authority; Underestimating China; The problem with surrender to China; Result of surrender to China; Have we already lost?


7.      The progress up to war; Our False Wars will Continue; Inroads into industry; Pearl Harbor and China; Theft of Technology and Spying; Military Inferiority; The interrelationship of Education and Manufacturing; The Chinese New Army; An army which is inferior; Our Weapons are Chinas; The Fleets and the fallacy of the home field; Clothing; A technologically superior force; Support of their business; An army is only as strong as the economy behind it.


8.      The Course of War; the war is becoming known to even the dullest observers; competition;; Cold war compared to hot war; Currency; Exports of Natural Resources and Other Countries; China and long term intelligence; Why we started fighting the wrong enemies; China conducted the right war; The beginning of the war; The second stage of the war, Today; Losing the Ability to fight; Accident or purpose; The Greatest single act of military intelligence in the history of mankind; The Rise in Debt; Our present intelligence government; China is the Awakened Giant; Economic Warfare-the weaponized economy; Sacrifice of the environment


9.      What the war will look like when it becomes open and notorious; Our government going into war; the enemy army; The Allies; Collapse; Scenario for collapse; A Fighting war; Mobile Mines; A Chinese World; Averting Disaster; The calamities of Sun Tzu


10.  Failure of Leadership; Government has grown too centralized and too powerful; Our government has become too corrupt; Our government has focused on protecting itself; Democratic principles have been subsumed; Our Government is subjugating freedom


11.  Solutions Introduction; Recognition of problems; Recognition of war with China; Morality; Recognizing Education and its relationship to manufacturing; Education; Morality in Education; Philosophy of the impossible; Revolution; Taking back manufacturing jobs starting at the bottom; Entitlements and Tax philosophy;   Incentivizing work and discouraging sloth through increasing entitlements to the working poor so they are greater than entitlements to the non-working poor; retooling our workforce; Educational Loan Reforms; Retraining and government employment in place of welfare; entitlements as a source of low cost labor; Critical industries; Work and opportunity vs entitlements; The Elderly; Alternatives to the non-working poor; The lost power of high school; Critical Industries; Employment in Critical Industries; Work and opportunity vs entitlements; The effect of a debt based economy; Currency-Monetary Policy; Military Waste; Environmental considerations; over valuation of life; Parental responsibility; Litigation problems; nuclear alternatives


12.  Health of the Species; Social Evolution; The importance of History;


13.   Political change; Corruption in Government; An Elite Congress; A distracted congress; A distracted population; The problem of Government focus; What government will find if we don’t act soon; What happened to the politicians; Trust; Different levels of freedom; Taking back the government through term limits; Government leads only when honest.


14.  Long Term and Short Term Intelligence; Terms of Intelligence; The importance of long term intelligence; Conservation; Societal Organization; Population Control; Misallocation of Resources; Evolution and society; What are non-evolutionists protecting; Why we will starve; Looking to the distant future; What does long term intelligence look like; Present intelligence; Application of law to intelligence


15.  Intelligence v Morality; Corruption; Leadership is missing


16.  Legislation by the people

17.  Congressional Reform Act-Men of the Guillotine

18.  Religion