
Saturday, November 17, 2012

world war c-China's weaponized economy-final outline

Well, the book is ready to publish, finally.  The cover is designed but not finished. The fiction book should come out slightly behind the work represented by the outline (and world's longest working title) below.
This being an essay (almost 48,000 words), the outline is also where my presentation on 12/2/12 to the Faulkner group in New Orleans will come from.  It will be published in advance of that date.
Philosophy of World War C
China’s Weaponized Economy
The Current War with China
The essay at the core of WORLD WAR C
Gregory M. Friedlander

Copyright © 2012 Gregory M. Friedlander
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 13: 978-1481037099




2.      WAR WITH CHINA-introduction; The world is not flat; WWI and the War with China; We are at war; What China did while we slept; Ability to conduct a war of extinction; who are the parties; The enemy: China; The United States on the verge of collapse; The other Parties;


3.      Non-economic issues- Culture: China vs US; Common Morality; The legal system; The immorality of our laws and democracy


4.      Definition of war; What is the goal of War; The ultimate goals of war with China; Should the Chinese Win;


5.                  The US invention of the model; China Overtaking the United States; Vehicles; Computers; Blinded by greed; Challenges; Post OPEC; History; Technologies shape history; Flaws of technology; Big Box Stores and inroads into our way of life; Loss of our fundamental structure-local shops; local business-corner store; The Idiots; Debt and other mistakes; Debt I; Debt II; Currency devaluation; The Suicide Watch; Hands on Training; Giving away our technology; Manufacturing is the Tank of the Modern War; Relationship of giving away manufacturing to other problems; The Art of War



6.      Manufacturing and technology- Competition 1; War is not entirely bad; Competition II; We are weak and lazy and corrupt; manufacturing as a necessity; Poor Paying jobs; Pollution; Prestige vs Facts; Criminal Authority; Underestimating China; The problem with surrender to China; Result of surrender to China; Have we already lost?


7.      The progress up to war; Our False Wars will Continue; Inroads into industry; Pearl Harbor and China; Theft of Technology and Spying; Military Inferiority; The interrelationship of Education and Manufacturing; The Chinese New Army; An army which is inferior; Our Weapons are Chinas; The Fleets and the fallacy of the home field; Clothing; A technologically superior force; Support of their business; An army is only as strong as the economy behind it.


8.      The Course of War; the war is becoming known to even the dullest observers; competition;; Cold war compared to hot war; Currency; Exports of Natural Resources and Other Countries; China and long term intelligence; Why we started fighting the wrong enemies; China conducted the right war; The beginning of the war; The second stage of the war, Today; Losing the Ability to fight; Accident or purpose; The Greatest single act of military intelligence in the history of mankind; The Rise in Debt; Our present intelligence government; China is the Awakened Giant; Economic Warfare-the weaponized economy; Sacrifice of the environment


9.      What the war will look like when it becomes open and notorious; Our government going into war; the enemy army; The Allies; Collapse; Scenario for collapse; A Fighting war; Mobile Mines; A Chinese World; Averting Disaster; The calamities of Sun Tzu


10.  Failure of Leadership; Government has grown too centralized and too powerful; Our government has become too corrupt; Our government has focused on protecting itself; Democratic principles have been subsumed; Our Government is subjugating freedom


11.  Solutions Introduction; Recognition of problems; Recognition of war with China; Morality; Recognizing Education and its relationship to manufacturing; Education; Morality in Education; Philosophy of the impossible; Revolution; Taking back manufacturing jobs starting at the bottom; Entitlements and Tax philosophy;   Incentivizing work and discouraging sloth through increasing entitlements to the working poor so they are greater than entitlements to the non-working poor; retooling our workforce; Educational Loan Reforms; Retraining and government employment in place of welfare; entitlements as a source of low cost labor; Critical industries; Work and opportunity vs entitlements; The Elderly; Alternatives to the non-working poor; The lost power of high school; Critical Industries; Employment in Critical Industries; Work and opportunity vs entitlements; The effect of a debt based economy; Currency-Monetary Policy; Military Waste; Environmental considerations; over valuation of life; Parental responsibility; Litigation problems; nuclear alternatives


12.  Health of the Species; Social Evolution; The importance of History;


13.   Political change; Corruption in Government; An Elite Congress; A distracted congress; A distracted population; The problem of Government focus; What government will find if we don’t act soon; What happened to the politicians; Trust; Different levels of freedom; Taking back the government through term limits; Government leads only when honest.


14.              Long Term and Short Term Intelligence; Terms of Intelligence; The importance of long term intelligence; Conservation; Societal Organization; Population Control; Misallocation of Resources; Evolution and society; What are non-evolutionists protecting; Why we will starve; Looking to the distant future; What does long term intelligence look like; Present intelligence; Application of law to intelligence


15.  Intelligence v Morality; Corruption; Leadership is missing


16.  Legislation by the people



17.  Congressional Reform Act-Men of the Guillotine


18.  Religion


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