
Monday, November 19, 2012

The Five Senses in the Hologram universe

If we are nothing but a projection, how are the five senses explained?
That was a question posed earlier and the goal is to explore all the questions.
All the senses are tied into time and that means that all the senses can be projected from a singularity where everything happens at once.  Only the projection along time.
Now before we address this we'll cover the indignant believability quesiton again.
1) The universe is illogical.  It cannot possibly exist because you cannot go back to the beginning and explain it.  It is impossible for it to be an accident.  It is impossible for it to be on purpose.
Nothing so complex can logically exist or be created spontaneously from nothing.  If nothing makes sense, the idea of a "god" creating it is as logical as the science of going back and saying "bang" and creating it.  The god is too complex, the beginning without a god equally too complex.  You can say, it bangs, spreads out, comes back together and bangs again, but that doesn't explain where the first bang started, why or if there is something beyond the edge of the spread.
2) It doesn't make sense that everything would happen at once, but the universe doesn't make sense so why shouldn't we be a projection of what has already happened?
3) Religion argues that god knows everything.  We have people who appear to predict the future or who claim to have lived in the past.  If any one of these is possible, they support the idea of a universe where everything happened at once.  A person in that "projector" would know everything that happened and occasionally some of this personality might be projected out.
4) We assume with or without a god we can decide whether to turn right or left, but that doesn't change the fact that once we turn, we cannot turn back and change which way we turned.  Every mistake we made, every wrong turn, in the hologram universe, in G-space happened all at once and is not behind us it is what we are.  It is discomforting.  It is better to think there are multiple universes and in one of them we go the right way.  That maybe in one when we kiss the girl (or guy) she kisses back, when we ask her, she says yes instead of no and we go down that road that wasn't open to us in this universe. 
Multiple universes are not so unlikely even in the hologram universe.  When you travel down a highway, you don't see what is on the other side of a hill, but there are other roads, so even in the hologram universe, there may be various bands of time, infinite possibilities to get it wrong and perhaps there is one way to get it right. 
Perhaps that is what time is, a lose possibility, something that got lose from every possible way for everything to happen, one thread loose, a splinter of wood.
We exist without our senses, but if we have no senses, not even feel, then we are pure consciousness, but we are not as pure as what exists in g-space because our thoughts are formed by chemical reactions and electricity and those require time.  The only thing that changes with a removal of one or more senses is how we experience time.  This includes how we feel about things in time.  If anything was important it would be how we feel about things, but that is something more than our senses and we will talk about that later.  For now, lets talk senses.
1) Sight-photons interacting with rod and cone receptors connected to the optic nerve.  A sense that does not require an atmostphere except to keep the eyes alive.
2) Sound-vibrations impacting a drum head supporting a series of bones designed to give way tied to nerve sesnsors.
3) Smell-chemical receptors reacting to chemicals caried on the air going directly to nerves.
4) Taste-Smell without much difference
5) Feel-various nerves sensing heat or pressure
But the blog is too long to tie these in so that too will have to wait for another day.

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