
Thursday, November 29, 2012

the unified field-no space...time, no matter...what?

This blog will cover the unified field theory and "space-time" which I've already mentioned is just "time" in the hologram universe.  Please excuse the pun in the title.
Einstien had it right and the only problem was that he saw "space-time" deformed by gravity (matter or energy since the two are interchangeable) which makes sense given the lack of black hole evidence that we can return to the signularity where, in his words, everything happens at once.
As part of this discussion, we will also touch on the fact that perhaps everything happens at once in every possible way, the girl you ask out says yes and no and maybe, in the singularity.  Time in such a case can be seen as a series of spheres moving out from such a singularity and since Time is infinitely thin, so to speak, they would look like a solid ball of infinitely thin layers to anyone/thing that could see them and we'd be back into the singularity with everything happening at once in every possible way, but I digress.
The idea, which is largely proven by scientific observation, is that there is no mass and no space, just time.  This goes one step further, instead of everything being "projected" or "engraved" on time, time exists all by itself.  So what is energy-matter (and space)?  That would, consistent with the idea of "matter bending space" just be the tendency of everything that we consider mass and energy and, for that matter space, to return to the singularity.  In other words, the bending of space around matter (gravity) is really just the tendency of time to return to the singularity.  This is "manifested" as matter.  The unification comes in that matter and energy are interchangeable although this "interchange" around the speed of light, is important in understanding and will have to wait for another entry.
We observe this on several levels.  One is the inter-relationship of particles and waves at molecular levels.  Observation shows that matter and energy can take either form as they get "closer" or "farther" from the singularity; the other is on a large scale with black holes which are the successful, or at least near successful return of what we call matter to the singularity.
Hence the smallest place a particle can be seen is its tendency to leave time and go back to the singularity and the largest accumulation of mass is all this tendency being successful.
Now this is all unsatisfying unless you can explain the singularity (where everything is happening in every possible way at once and time is a part of this as a completely collapsed solid sphere (a singularity around a singularity if you can stomach something which is self-disproving as opposed to the opposite); but if you only want a unified field in our universe, then you largely have it.
Every type of energy and especially gravity is just the tendency of the projection from the singularity onto time to return from time to the singularity.  Since time happens in every possible way at once, this loses its logical charm.   However, since mass, energy and gravity become interchangeable (and in fact interchange at the black hole or sub-atomic level; the two extremes) it has a certain symetry.
Now Einstein had it right with "space-time" and the only thing that holograms teach us is that space, requiring time to exist (you can't "go" from point a to point b without the "go" which is time) doesn't really exist at all but is just a manifestation of time.  It is the "un-tendency" of things to return to the singularity, perhaps; but it is a manifestation on time and hence is critical, but doesn't change the bizarre nature of time as being an infinitely thin part of the singularity where everything happens at once in every possible way.
This will bring us back to time and space travel shortly; but it is "intuitive" in such an environment that time travel and space travel are happening at a singularity already and we're just not experiencing it being trapped in a single layer of infinitely thin time.  Worse still, "we" are just the tendency of things not to be within one of the infinitely thin  layers of time, but instead the singularity where everything happens at once, as it were.

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