
Thursday, March 31, 2016

AuT-bunking and de-bunking anti matter and gravity

I appear to be gifted with the appearance of cleverness regarding quantum mechanics.  Of course, when I look around me at the way the world has been run for the last 5,000 years and particularly how it is run today with all its science and opportunity, I realize there is not much competition.
Imagine how stupid you will feel when someone asks you one day if you passed the opportunity to have me speak before your learned group and you explain that you were just too conceited to take someone who was clearly so much more clever seriously.  And at such a low cost (a modest stipend, a pool pass, a warmish place to lay my head and a modest repast).  Yes indeed, you will have much to answer for, I fear.
One of the great things about being 3-5 years ahead of everyone else is that I get to share certain things for the first time.  The question of how does gravity come into the equation.  This is actually fairly easy.
Remember that the beauty of AUT, the beauty of my theory which replaces even something as fundamental as relativity and explains almost all of the pre NLC unexplainables in QM (and yes, I'm more irritated than serious), is that it allows us to go back before the big bang. It is the only true quantum mechanical model that works that is out there.  Most QM models, including string theory and the like, are nonsense because they stop too far after g-space to be of any real consequence.
So  how is gravity an obvious result from the transition from linearity to non-linearity.
So here is the short version.
G-space is a potentiality space without dimension.  It is critical to understand that in our universe this changes to a linear environment as a two state mathematical solution.  This solution is, for lack of a better reference, a "yes/no" or 1/-1 solution.  Note that in the past I have referred to as a 0/1 solution is not exactly workable because the end result originally is nothing, linearity, but it changes, it evolves, to a 1/-1 model, the intersecting spiral model being one of the closest models to what is observed so far.  The result as it is developed is more of a paired model.  yes/no vrs no/yes.  This is true because both lines should be made of complete data points.  Stacking would allow for more complexity, e.g. (ct2):
y/n:n/y, y/n:y/n, n/y,n/y, n/y:n/y and the same level of complexity (exponential complexity) at each subsequent time state.
In this model between yes and no or between 1 and -1 there is gravity.  The separation from maybe to yes/no yields a solution, a spatial solution if you must, that is filled by gravity.
Looking at the drawing below what you observe is a solution where the "length" or "time" between two points on separated spirals increases which corresponds to the reduction of gravity between these points based on the solution point between the yes and no spirals

The simultaneous creation of two offset spirals in the form of algorithms in g-space  also provides a mechanism for matter and anti-matter (see, e.g. p 128-don't worry the second edition volume 1 is well underway so yo don't need to look at the original).  The problem is that m-am doesn't explain stacking spirals and, truthfully, is much to much of a pre-NLC concept to be explained using dimensional features.
The most simple explanation of pairs and matter/AM pairs is to look at the data as being yes/no for one and no/yes for the AM other.  The matter/antimatter designation may be designated by the initial designation of status (y/n) called spin for reasons of designation.  The spin of the applicable spiral would be in a direction to provide either a yes no or a no yes response.  The problem is that the answers are not based on our sense of what is yes and what is no, but is instead based on the idea embodied in the algorithm so that yes and no are variables that can change as the spiral equation is changed.
When we look at the idea of destruction of information in a universe which is static, the idea becomes less significant. Further, given that at any two quantum points (adjacent) the amount of information is constant, the idea of destruction becomes even more questionable.  It remains possible that this feature (compression instead of destruction or creation of space) eliminates space in favor of compression and this seems to be the suggested result.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

trumpomania vi missles and gods

My physics renders my political posts less relevant, but you don't have to read this.
I wrote a book called the whale lawyer and they're going to stop keeping at least future whales at sea world.  I take no credit for that, I'm not sure if anyone ever read my book but me, lol.  I suspect my physics books have a wider readership.
Of course, I have looked a quantum step further back into creation, maybe two or three further back than everyone else, so my book should be read, but that is a different circus.
The press created Trump and they now relish in their creation.
The press is Dr. Frankenstein and Trump is the monster.
But the public is not acting like the villagers, although a goodly number of them are carrying torches, the rest are cheering the monster on.
We have the republican power elite, ready to elect a monster, perhaps scarier than Frankenstein's monster (Fox's monster?) rather than lose their power.  Well, Cruz and Trump are not really Monsters.  Cruz is, in my mind, the scarier of the two because he actually believes what he says.  Trump is just a game show host playing to the roman public.
As I've said, I don't buy into the religious tolerance or intolerance of either of the parties because I have my own theories of earthly gods.
Khamenei says missiles, not just talks, key to Iran's future - Reuters
shared via
If you accept this article as accurate, and I don't ask you to one way or the other, you can see that religions of intolerance have little to do with gods and much to do with power.  Are we really expected to believe that god has instructed someone to build missiles in order to prove their faith?  And then we're expected later to think that god has instructed the faithful to put nuclear bombs on them with an eye towards ethnic cleansing?  To say that this view of religion is idiotic would be an undeserved compliment.
A real god, the god of AuT (algorithm universe theory) would have programmed this stupidity into people long before some false profit convinced them of the wisdom of their action or, more hopefully, convinced them of the folly of their ways (assuming science to be a false profit, I suppose).
There be real monsters out there, mate.  The real monsters are building weapons of mass destruction and planning on using them against one another.  This is not limited to Khamenei, it may include those in the west who are motivated by emotion and not logic.
I believe a war is upon us and while we can, we should come up with some logical way of waging it.  I've given my thoughts which would have to be backed up by force but are not in the nature of forcing a change in belief so much as teaching tolerance through questioning beliefs, but I doubt there's much success.
There is another war, that of political correctness vs practical necessity.  I think there is a middle ground in this war, but it is being conducted on television.  The sad truth to me is that it appears so obvious that neither group is right in this political debate, but no one appears capable of recognizing that fact.
I wrote a book that argued that term limits were necessary to our political system, currently ruled by the turtle people (the only ones who can still rule despite their advanced years) and none of the candidates is brave enough to suggest that as an issue, which is a shame, because we have a circus and it's an idea that I think the audience is ready for.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

AUT vol 1 forward

It looks like we're within 2 weeks of a publication date of volume 1 of the rewrite on NLC, although a couple of barriers have suddenly arisen.  It is if fate, seeing that it is about to be unlocked is fighting to prevent me from spending the time I need.
So perhaps it will be 4 weeks.
The forward has been rewritten in large part already and I will share it with you.
This book is the first completed edition of AUT, previously referred to as NLC.  The name Algorithm Universe Theory is more descriptive than the Non-linear coordinate theory name because the coordinates do not exist in a durable form in this theory.
In an algorithm universe and in a coordinate change universe, time is not a separate dimension in any fashion, instead it is merely the ability to observe the change in coordinates from one of at least two separate fixed quantum states.
While it would be relatively trivial to replace all uses of NLC with AUT, the two ae used interchangeably.  But the two are different.
In NLC “all” coordinates are static, but the exist in a fixed state.  In AUT the coordinates do not exist at all.  Instead, in AUT there is only an algorithm which “would” solve for the coordinates if the solution were sought.  In both all the events exist at once, but in AUT they exist only as potential solutions, not actual solutions, of the algorithms that define the universe.
In both, dimension changes or movements are all in one direction. Since they are static, the appearance of movement is illusory, but none of them move in two directions. What we perceive as dimensional coordinates changing in multiple directions (up/down; left/right; faster/slower) are merely slowing down or speeding up of a constant change along a single line, a change between conserved coordinate sets.
AUT, now primarily called Non Linear Coordinate Theory (NLC), sets out an elegant, internally consistent theory of space time originally set out in vague terms in “The Einstein Hologram Universe.”  It would be radical, even implausible, were it not for an independent predecessor, string hologram theory.  
NLC discloses a universe different from anything we experience but which explains our experience. It eliminates traditional views of space and time.  It even eliminates relativity.  While earlier versions correctly predicted that the Higgs Boson did not exist, this version eliminates even gravity and mass except as reflections of a richer and more predictable background.
Space-time limitations are replaced with more severe limits.  This is not an environment where you can move about instantly or travel back and forth in time. Time and distance have no independent existence. We exist in the non-linear quantum moments that are solutions to algorithms at given points.  Our perception of a past and a future, of a here and there, are illusion.  Every moment exists simultaneously with every other one quantum moment point with every other quantum point.
Our ability to manipulate our surroundings, to invent concepts of our surrounding, even our ideas of awareness are an illusion.  These illusory acts of self determination do not even allow us to change a single dimension, we cannot slow them down, we only experience a relative slowing in a very narrow range primarily between space phenomena and black hole phenomena.  Physics in the broader range dictates that we do not think because we are, we think because in the world of non-linearity our entire existence is laid out for us in a way that includes thought.  I can decide to write this and you can decide to read this, but it is a decision that is already made.

There.  not very satisfying, but nevertheless it is the forward.  The number of issues that are addressed-how fast things actually move in one direction as matter, for example, to support the hypothesis within the entire book is somewhat shadowed by the length of volume 1, perhaps a little over 1/2 of the original length.

Monday, March 28, 2016

The 2016 Crusades and the immunization of science part 4

I've been given two reasons why education will not work which I will address briefly.
The first is that it would not work because fanatics are fanatics.
The second is that there is no mechanism to do it, that is, none of the educated would agree to it voluntarily.
I agree with the second because it recognizes that people are idiots ruled by their emotions and by spineless politicians or ruthless dictators but nothing in the middle.  That being said, if it were determined to be a reasonable method of addressing the problem, all the major countries might well agree to do it given the alternative, eventual Armageddon, terrorists with nuclear weapons, genocide and the like, the reasons why I'd suggest such a radical solution to begin with.
The idea that some fanatics would remain fanatics is, in my mind a less relevant objection. First, if everyone is educated, then the fanatics will have less effect on one another.  Also, worst case scenario, you'll at least have educated fanatics.  Maybe that sounds more dangerous, but I don't really feel that way.  I am also assuming even if it is forced on a people, education is cheaper than war.  Who knows.
I'm personally done with all of this.  I'm not getting what I want and I seem to be surrounded by idiots.  Between the irregularity of my personal world and the absence of reason in the extended world, I don't really give a rat's ass about this world for my own sake, but I feel like I need to at least try for everyone else.

The 2016 Crusades and the immunization of science part 3

The premise of my arguments about religion is that people are mostly educatable and that it is less expensive (emotionally and economically) to  educate them than to kill them.
It has flaws.  If you educate the public about one organized religion, you are educating them about all organized religions.
I'm not talking about denying the existing religions or even forbading religious education or  indoctrination.   I'm merely suggesting that we provide them a basis for understanding the true, viral nature of religions and that a proper understanding of space time (or the lack of it) means that a beleif in a specific religion is just indoctrination.  The imans with their beards and the popes in their dresses have no better idea what god is than the agnostic physicist.
Of course I've convinced myself that god is potential, a likely blind experiment in all possible outcomes including those which we cannot readily imagine (one and three state information theories, for example.
But to think god would give a rats ass what we think or have nny need to come visit when all events are necessarily created together and in a fashion which is unchanging is ludicrous.
Kill them all or educate them?  If we are forced to accept one god vs the other, the choice is clear, that's religious war.  The alternative is to kill most of the superstitions we live with and all the organized relgions.  what then would we turn to in tmies of trouble?
There are, of course, other alternatives:
All disbelievers must kill or be killed.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The 2016 Crusades and the immunization of science part 2

How appropriate these posts would all on Easter Weekend.  Or not.
Organized religion has its origin in words.  It is likely that a healthy respect for nature came before even human intelligence.
Even AuT gets back to a place and an environment (g-space) which has god-like qualities and it is the most logical, the least accepting of theories.  AuT does, after all, eliminate all features of randomness and even dimension in favor of an observed background environment which was obvious to Einstein even though his lack of exposure to the application of information theory hid the true nature of things.
He was forced to accepted space-time (dimension and a connected but separate time dimension) when it is fairly clear that those are not necessary and are contraindicated in an information based universe.  Still, it was obvious from relativity.  The main difference between /AuT and his analysis had to do with the fixed nature of events from start to finish,the critical last step in AuT which determined that the unvierse was not expressed data, but was instead merely an equation.  It almost has to be the case, but this Equation is not the same type that we write down, it has durability in its solution.
Words gave birth to aut and words were necessary to develop it from the primitive concept in EHT through the conceptually complete NLC and finally to the determination of the durable (from our perspective) Equation of g-space.
Words are irrelevant except to us, but to us they are crucial  Superstition, religion if you must, is fleeting without words, the more durable the words, the better support it provides for superstition.
Everyone is not stupid, but the religion fanatic and the agnotist, even the non-believer are all stupid.  We don't know enough to fathom  religion.  Unless I abandon AuT (and Imight, just as I abandoned the broader ideas of EHT, space-tmie and hologram theory) the idea that we would understand g-space in its entirety (that post is coming, btw, even though I've given most of the underpinnings and certainly earned by third or 4th nobel prize assuming any of this is new or valid) seems unlikely because like the allegory of the cave, we only experience it indirectly.  interesting how the greeks even had the right allegory.  Figures, irony.
  Words allow the stupidity of superstition to be passed and strengthened.   Whenever a weakness appears in AuT or in any of the religions which are still alive (the dead ones have lost their writers) new words can be used to patch the leaks.  However, when words fail, the religions go towards violence, the violent reaction to logic in favor of superstition.   Fantasy is a big part of this, suspending belief, but also exploring new options in the framework of existence.
This splits superstitions into tiers.
There are the blind believers who are the foot soldiers, the intellectuals who believe because they've built a framework where beleif is possible and the leaders who use the religion/superstition for their own ends whether they believe or not.
These religions allow us to subjurgate others, it allows us to be taken seriously despite dressing in absurdly inappropriate fashions.  The priests and Imans in their dresses, the Mormons and Jews in their funny hats, the beautiful but disfunctional buidings, the beautiful words set to music and which make us want to have faith all work together for their purposes.
Like fantasy, faith has its purpose and importance.  I have to have faith that AuT is at least a possibility to adopt it for the moment, although the faith is fleeting, but religions require a more certain faith, because once you begin to question the underpinnings of superstition, they fail quickly.
And so the intellectuals must provide additional words or change the words in some cases (when was the original birth of Jesus or his resurrection anyway?).   Islam being the most weaponized religion (at least in widespread acceptance) reflects some of the m ost editing and, of course, buids on the religions it seeks to replace.  the analogy of the universal equation, to biological to philosophical viruses is not to be lost.  You see the durable equation is a replacement of non-durable equations, it had to "evolve" from non-durable equations, just as modern religions and viruses have evolved from less durable versions.
I will return to this subject.   Happy Easter

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The 2016 Crusades and the immunization of science part 1

I doubt these posts will make me popular.
I'm a little too sensitive and pragmatic for a world with the problems we have.   I share with the jihadists a rejection of the unpleasantness of those with different values.  The only difference is that my interest in eliminating them from the geo-political world is based on my non-religious disgust with fanatisism based on superstition and theirs is religious disgust with those who fanatically reject superstition.  The reallignment of a few words is all that separate us.
I don't reject god, I do believe that organized religions don't fit well in my theory of physics.
Religiions evolve.  Islam has evolved to allow violence.  It has also evolved to reject science to protect it against the unfaithful.  These two things work together.  This isn't to say that all muslims are violent.  It is, however, the case that the religion was designed by a milatarist for his own purposes of conquest.  The rejection of science came later as teh opportunities to question superstitions have increased.
Most religions have an air of conquest in them if they are viral, that is if they seek to bring in others and, in the extreme case, eliminate them.  Religions of this type are a disease of the mind to the extent they are grounded in unquestioned faith.  Faith is important on every level, without faith we have precious little of anything.  When faith is unquestioned it is fanatisism.  We are, however, dependent on faith in our personal relationships, often disappointingly so.  That works both ways.
The movements counter to faith are also diseases from the perspective of the religions.  The virus has to destroy logic to survive within a person to ssupend belief in the words of the movie makers.  We are primitive enough to easily suspend belief, without that there would be no fiction writers.
Christian religions have evolved to adopt tollerance.  They did not start that way.  Both have a common birth from Judaisim which is a less advanced religion of conquest.  Both evolved to be religions of conquest, but while Islam has adopted a more violent direction, christianity has evolved to be less violent.
Tollerance is naive, but noble.  The more tollerant a religion, the weaker it will become.  The fundamentalist movement in christianity is an effort to fight against logic just as the fundamentalist movement in islam is to ensure the spread of the religion against science.  It is science and not christianity that is the operational force that is strengthening the radical brach of islam.
  In a country built on tollerance we can question religion easily but we also tollerate hate and where one group seeks to create chaos and warfare between religions (of science or faith) tollerance battles with fanatisim.
The weapon of christianity is a poor weapon against fundamentalist or radical islam as long as tollerance is in place.  The only real defense is science.
Our current political elections reflect the war between tollerance and fanatisism.
  If you tollerate a religion up to the point of violence and not beyond, then you are basically treating the religion with anti-biotics to which it will eventually become immune.  The result in this case is terrorism,  but social viruses and biological viruses are creative.
The crusades of Islam have been replaced with terrorism in this case and in some cases with migration.  The disease analogy would look at the middle east and parts of africa outside the middle east as a boil which builds an infection that bursts letting forth the less virulent strains with the virulent ones loose on the world.  The reason that these areas are infected is not   because of anything special about them, but because the weaponized version of the religions has excluded or driven out science in the name of driving out dissent.  It is an extremely biological analogy that appears to work very well.
Erradication is a nice concept, but it means rejecting humanity in favor of safety.  It is like making drugs illegal, you replace one type of immorality with another (prisons, loss of privacy and the ultimate over-reaching centralized power of the nazis).  Like drugs, the real solution is in education and obtaining a population capable of learning and helping one another.  That is schools, compelled science lessons would do more to eradicate  fundamentalism than anything else.
Unfortunately, the more dogmatic a religion, the less inclined to education it is  Any religion is going to require faith to stand up and the more illogical the religion, the more it has to force faith and reject education.  Often, religions like the Muslim and Christian religiions have embraced and rejected science depending on the level of enlightenment.  When they get enlightened enough they start to fail and then there is a counter-movement of the disease portion rejection science increasinly to protect the foundation.
Historically, plagues of religion (pick one) have been survived and they've burned themselves out, surprisingly disease like, and no less toxic.  This is reflected by the Muslim past religious outbreaks, the dark ages and the crusades .  The west has reached the point where science  has weakened religion and you can see counter-movements ignoring climate change (warming is just one possible aspect), denying reproductive self determination, a religious designation of life compared to a practical one.   In the  middle east while much of the technology has been rejected; bomb making science and weapons of individual or mass destruction have been adopted wholesale.  This death is not for a logical reason, it is soley based on faith based.  There is no evidence relied upon, no logic, just killing, enforcing belief based on belief where the "faith" is in a god that could force belief if it really existed.  Rather than challenge this, the faithful just kill others.
I'm not saying I don't have faith in science (up to a point), I'm not saying I reject god (the idea that there is nothing godlike about g-space is inappropriate, but it also ensures taht anything in o-space is not god based since it's predetermined and happens at one time as a result of equation imposed in g-space.  Given this concept, why is everyone killing everyone else.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

AuT-gspace II

I find it disappointing that I get more hits when I write a post that discusses trump than I do on physics.
Why bother?  For that matter, why music tracks?  Why equations at all?
I am talking to blocks of wood.

Anyway, I have some points to make before addressing g-space more directly.  I will digress and to say that calling something which had no dimension "space" of any type is something of a misnomer.  Our language is not specifically geared, however, to describing the world that any presumed god would live in.
Our reality is a reflection of what happens in g-space.
The key to acknowledging and understanding g-space lies in looking at what we can see even though we have to abandon what we see to understand it.
I read these stupid articles every day, 'are the multiple universe', 'scientists find evidence of the big bang', 'scientists look farther back in time than ever before', 'higgs boson discovered', 'was einstein right'
Every possible stupidity and I feel so alone.  No one has caught up with me yet, I stand here and can only see you if I turn around and look behind me.  The naked apes, and yet, if I look in the mirror, I see another ape, pretending that my understanding of what everyone else hasn't even imagined yet is important.  Sigh
I thought I was on to something when I was the only one who understood what gravity was, when I was the only one who understood what black holes were, when I understood the beginning and the end of the universe, when I had unlocked the connection between information and dimension, when I determined that time was distance and figured out how small the distances were, when I replaced every distance with coordinates, when I replaced coordinates with solutions to equations and when I replaced equations with g-space.
I did this because I accepted nothing.  I had to have a cause for every effect.  I had to know what everyone else accepted.  I stood entirely alone.

I'm willing to look at my drawings and find whatever alternatives exist.  For example, if we accept that the lower time states must be longer, the stacked spiral drawing might look more like this:
Several ideas are embodied.  The first is that the longer spirals are required to be the lower (n lower) time states.  The idea that the shortest might be the most compressed is impossible in a universe unless the spirals can overlap at some point in time (in this drawing the next layer of compression would be 180 degrees off and the next would begin to overlap.  While this model might otherwise work, since overlapping equations are not impossible, but another possibility would be that as each new spiral would shift to a different universe which is unlikely in some respects.  However, in this case we have a model (intersecting linear spirals) which include radical shifts at each compression state.

Compression has two faces.  The first was a huge totally organized spiral intersecting a single spiral, but this model doesn't work at the most compressed state, so it seems more likely that there are two mirror image spirals and that when they collide, one does NOT pick up spirals form the other, but that instead the spirals within the two intersecting spirals stack.  The model looks more like this:

The opposite faced spirals are spirals of opposite matter types, but unlike in the other model, they never combine, instead, based on a formula tied to the length of the intersection and the total amount of information available you get to exponentially compressed states.  Note that this model works even if there is only one spiral, although the mechanism of compression is not otherwise satisfied.
So let's talk about the drawing above in a little more detail.  The "boxes" on the right are the intersecting spirals we've previously discussed.  This particular drawing is the drawing close to absolute compression.  So this is a relatively simple model of the universe.
One thing you'll note is that while the amount of compression increases, while the number of separate time states is dropped, the total amount of information is constant.
The inner box shows the 1:2 F series (ct4+x), the box below it the 2:3 box (the 1 of the prior box is part of the 3-ct3+x), the next is 3:5 (ct2+x) and the final one is 5:8 (ct1+x).  If we simplified this model, x would be 0 and we'd have auniverse with a very limited amount of compression, far less than what is theorized.  At the bottom of this post (below the link) you'll see actual mathematical modeling for around 350 overlaps.  Based on this model and the expected amount of information in the universe, it's possible that we're only affected by perhaps 150 or less layers of compression, but that's an earlier post (just in case you think I never actually do the math).
For the sake of discussion, the 150 spiral model would mean that x would be 146 (not 145).  We can ignore the actual value of x for purposes of this discussion.
CT4+x is a fully compressed universe.  The next transition is the 0:1  (ct5+x) and the next transition is from g-space so it is what we're looking for in this discussion.
For those of you who are seeing the smallest line above as begin "2"; remember that the model above two f series.  A single linear F-series looks more like this:

Anyway, the actual look is less important at this point than the fact that the total amount of information at the 1:1: transition is fully compressed.  There is no ct0 (quantum space) between these two very dense sets of information (matter/anti matter represented by fully compressed information) and each of the two squares (the bottom two groups in the picture on the left) each contain all of the matter and anti matter (information and anti-information) in the universe.  This is essentially everything happening at once, there is no linearity to the universe at this point and we're essentially at g-space, this is the equivalent or the near equivalent of a true algorithm (e.g. x=F[I(tot)+NegativeI(tot)]) where F is the algorithm defining the two intersecting linear F-series spirals.  Obviously, there is a solution from zero to 1 (0:1) which is a dimensional feature of the universe in the spiral above, we just can't see the zero line because it comes from non-linearity, non-dimensional g-space.  It is the transition from the chalk board of g-space to the space time that you think is important but I know is not.
So you go from the ct5 very compressed state to the less compressed state shown as ct+x.  This is pretty compressed, but the nature of the information is such that if there is no ct1 (space in this case) there is separation of very dense information states-all the space has been absorbed in such a case.  The separation increases steadily, but in this model, there are no examples of two states at once (such as is shown in the top picture) but it may be inherent in each of the compressed states that you'd have the space included as shown in the top picture or this type of information may vanish entirely, although this would mean the stacked spirals collapse at different compression states, entirely possible but not necessarily the case.
The purpose of these drawings, however, is only to provide a mechanism to conceptualize compression and how it works with intersecting spirals.

But we were talking about G-space and what it is.  One way of viewing G-space is that it is a state where every possible thing, working and non-working, exists at once.  It is so much more than all time happening at once, because forms of linearity that we would consider unstable or illogical can exist alongside of our universe.
In such an environment, the idea of multiple dimensions, is very trivial by comparison.  Reality becomes solid, a durable equation and at the same time becomes as insubstantial as a spring day alone.

The math of 350 overlaps

overlap overhang/side overhandtotal calc
0 0 1 2 for next series
0 Plus 1 plus 4 2xoverhang overlap
0.4 2 3 6 6 8 2x overhang plus overlap=next overlap
0 minus 3 plus 2 2 argument-this is the universe we see-2 or more overlaps
0.615384615 8 5 10 10 18 as it is compressed, there is less to see, its more compresssed
0 minus 2 plus 14 14
0.529411765 18 16 32 32 50
0 minus 11 plus 28 28
0.561797753 50 39 78 78 128 f-number=sum of overhang plus overlap 128
0 82
0.549356223 128 105 210 210 338 overlap calculation for next series
0.554098361 338 272 544 544 882
0.552285535 882 715 1430 0.6 1430 2312
0.552977757 2312 1869 3738 3738 6050
0.55271332 6050 4896 9792 9792 15842
0.552814321 15842 12815 25630 25630 41472
0.552775741 41472 33553 67106 67106 108578
0.552790477 108578 87840 175680 175680 284258
0.552784849 284258 229971 459942 459942 744200
0.552786999 744200 602069 1204138 1204138 1948338
0.552786178 1948338 1576240 3152480 3152480 5100818
0.552786491 5100818 4126647 8253294 8253294 13354112
0.552786371 13354112 10803705 21607410 21607410 34961522
0.552786417 34961522 28284464 56568928 56568928 91530450
0.5527864 91530450 74049691 148099382 1.48E+08 239629832
0.552786406 239629832 193864605 387729210 3.88E+08 627359042
0.552786404 627359042 507544128 1015088256 1.02E+09 1642447298
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