
Thursday, March 3, 2016


The republican establishment took one step closer to declaring war on Donald Trump today with a war of words launched by Mitt Romney.  I could almost sympathize, however I'm a term limits guy myself and the shell-less-turtle-man who is at or near the head of the republican party (if you can identify him you can hardly blame me for thinking the party is infiltrated by amphibious aliens) is one of many power mad creatures who really have been there (mainly in congress) too long and have to go.
But I'm not so sure how much support I can give to Trump mentally.  I do like the fact that he has transformed the republican party into the clown party.  That's how I asked for my ballot and it was not surprising that the poll worker  handed me a republican ticket.
I thought it was just a joke.  I still am not sure it isn't a brand building exercise.  I couldn't believe someone that rich would take a job that would require he lock himself behind bars and security guards in house surrounded by politicians.  It is worse than the places they go to escape zombie invasions and the zombies are us!
Donald represents everything wrong with politics, megalomania, xenophobia, paranoia, generally all the bad "ia" words, greed, self aggrandizement for it's own sake, etc.  Basically he is me if I had more money.  Indeed he is all of us if we had more money.   But I'd need to have wide fat buildings to accommodate my name.  He represents all of that instead of what he should represent, a patriot putting his own fortune at stake to help the country, bringing a business like attitude adjustment to government, dealing with trade imbalance and national debt problems which will ultimately result in our losing our place as the international currency of exchange and leave us with all the problems set out in my book (China's Weaponized Economy).
Mitt Romney might be true, he might be a train wreck.  Of course could anyone do worse than running up 17 trillion dollars in debt.  I have a solution to that problem, of course, but it doesn't fit well here so it will have to wait.
And Trump really doesn't say anything unless it is ridiculous.  He doesn't give specifics in his speeches and his attacks on his opponents are ridicule, not logic, sort of like calling Mitch a turtle person, but honestly how long can these people stay in office and in power when they are doing such a miserable job of governing?
Worse still, it appears likely to me that if he is really a fascist (he does after all quote Mussolini and want to exclude specific groups of foreigners) he would eventually homogenize the country.  I suppose the Latins would go first, but could the other races be far behind?  And everyone, for whatever reason, always goes after the jews which has never made sense to me; perhaps it has something to do with the turtle people.
But it is still early to worry about that.  For the moment, we can enjoy the entertainment value of a constitutional crises as "shudder" an entertainer (like Reagan!) tries to take over one of the major political merely so he can put his name in large letters over the white house.

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