
Monday, March 7, 2016

trumpomania ii

I'm no fan of Trump.  He may be a fascist.  He's almost certainly acting like a fascist.
But is this country really just a cheap political thriller novel?
If there is anything to recommend this man (other than to wall builders) it is that this elite group headed by (gag) Rove and Mcconnel feel compelled to go after him, not for being a fascist, but because he threatens those in power in the Republican party.
They will use his politics to do this, use the dumb things he says (the Koch brothers have already called him on his asinine comments about prisoner of war non-heroes).
I suppose it is enough that these idiots thought he would self destruct.  The spoof of Mel Brooks (The producers) comparing trump's candidacy to springtime for hitler is prescient in so many ways (a spoof of a spoof).
Did Trump always take himself seriously?  Was he just trying to sell books and fill hotel rooms then accidentally start "drinking his own Koolaid?"  Its hard to tell although it should be obvious in retrospect.
The onion piece that suggested terrorist's new policy was to sit back and let the west self destruct seems also insightful.
But self destruction is one thing, buying elections, throwing elections with money is another.
If this country is ready for a fascist, I can't really go along with that either; although god knows we're due to do something really stupid.  Hell, we haven't done anything really stupid since the second gulf war (which apparently will never end).
We elected a democrat and then refused to let him get anything done, that was pretty stupid, but the less congress does the better usually.
And defeating trump for the sake of defeating him is really saying that the power elite want to control the candidate in a brokered convention by appointing someone they can control.  I don't mind the idea of a brokered convention, I'm sort of a Kasich man myself and there's no way he'd have a chance otherwise.  I'd say I was moving to cannada if Cruz got elected, but nowhere would be safe from a man who's primary concept of saving the union is disbanding the epa so that our rivers can catch fire again.  The worlds' tottering on the edge of being choked by plastic refuse and the pollution from china already, do we really want to emulate them by having to wear gas masks.  Yes, we need to bring back critical technologies and there's probably no way to do it without removing barriers to competition; but the idea of killing ourselves to improve the trade balance seems a little short sighted.
The article is worth reading, this post probably isn't.  Life imitates art, it's why artists have to be careful what they generate.  The power elite have been running elections and ruining democracy from the beginning.  Weren't we doing pretty well with England?  They, after all, got rid of slavery long before we did.  I'm not suggesting the revolutionary war wasn't the right war for many reasons, but it was the elite dragging everyone else into a war based on patriotism which is largely an emotional and not logical response to things.
But I'm just irritable, there is nothing that anyone ever did, is doing or will do that I will find satisfying tonight.  I should be finishing my physics which dictates this is all irrelevant, at least on a quantum level.  Perhaps I am having a stroke.

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