
Sunday, June 30, 2013

love that remains

You'll forgive me I hope
if I love only you
for a very long time

You are not always here
are never always there
only not to be together

Long ago a common past
we shared a common time
blaming infatuation for love

time together only inflamed
feelings far beyond beginning
although not shared fully

It is not enough now
for someone like me
to wait only for you

There is too much to offer
although far less than you
and none could ask it

There was a time once
so long since past now
when you  had the chance

you knew that alone
you were everything
but you would not act

love is not a choice
except for those like you
and you are everyone else

when the last poem's line
has been read to the end
you will know its for you

yes, the hologram universe makes sense even though it doesn't (two of two)

"I think that modern physics has definitely decided in favor of Plato. In fact, the smallest units of matter are not physical objects in the ordinary sense; they are forms, ideas which can be expressed unambiguously only in mathematical language."-- physicist Werner Heisenberg
We experience fire and ice, love and hate, friendship and isolation
We accept time without knowing what it is
We assume that because we experience space
it is a part of who we are and why we exist
In e-hologram theory it is not necessarily the case
13 decimal places worth of what we'd call matter, if we considered the three "basic" building blocks of matter-electrons, neutrons and protons, as matter-they are not matter, as discussed before being made up of things which have even more space between them called quarks, strings, etc.
Think in terms of money-1,000,000,000-you're a billionaire and that is only 9 decimal places) take you to the amount of empty space in our accepted atoms (empty in terms of accumulated matter, not in terms of energy fields, electron probabilities, ect.).  This means that if you transport this into dollars for every 10,000,000,000,000 of more or less empty space; you have 1 dollar's worth of what we'd call matter.  When you separate atoms from one another by multiples of this distance, you see why they say we're mostly "not-empty" space. By not empty space, we mean that we connect the empty space with energy fields, orbit probabilities of electrons and the like.
The key to this, however, is that despite being more or less "not-empty" space, we still accept our solidity as certain even though cars should be able to pass through us as opposed to smashing us into pieces by any Newtonian view of the universe.
Hence while a dark ages person would be right to move out of the way of a speeding Chevy, it makes perfect sense to say that space is an illusion since the matter we cling to so tenaciously is not there statistically (mostly space).
The "forms and ideas" of Heisenberg are what I call tendencies in the singularity which has no dimension.  In fact, the great part of e-hologram theory is that we don't have to concern ourselves as much with explaining why there is so much space out there.  This is just a manifestation of time. It is like saying there are 10,000,000,000,000 seconds between two events.  While that's a lot of seconds, with the universe being 14,000,000,000 years (a year is 31,536,000 seconds) and with every tendency in the universe having its own time (see prior discussions) there are lots of seconds to go around.  Also since time is apparently a fundamental (one of two along with tendencies) of the universe; which takes even space out of the equation, there should be a lot of it go around.
Put another way, if there is no distance, only variations in time, you can make matter appear to move apart using variations in time (and I'm not going any further into this in case you're waiting for that); but think in terms of the beginning and end of a movie. By splicing the film and putting the end next to the beginning you get the same sort of results in terms of "perception" that you get by having the appearance of solidity in the human body.   Think about it, there are many ways to interpret this and maybe you don't have anything better to do if you're reading this blog.
The bottom line of this discussion is that if you accept what we observe and calculate (empty space) it is not a large jump to taking the distance out of the equation and inserting in its place something that is equivalent (time) plus a singularity.  In fact, given the lack of "any" distance in the singularity, the effect of colliding two blocks of tendencies-(energy plus matter to you old timey string physicists)-together makes more sense since what you are really doing is combining their times.  You don't run any "matter" or "energy" together.  Instead, you merely combine the "times" of two tendencies in a singularity.
Mathematically, simplifying this using relativistic ideas from the perspective of one of the two blocks of matter; it would look something like this:
Integrate from T2=x to T2=T1[t1*T1 + t2*T2 dT2] (where t=tendency and T=time) and slowly changing T2 to T1.  The actual equation is very difficult for several reasons, not the least of which is that the transition of T2 to T1 involves relatively changing both T2 and T1 to a common T3; several "perceived dimensions" of T2 changing, etc; but even relativity suggests (actually demands) that if these are both "moving" objects that when they collide their times are combining (relativistic effects of differing times merging at least till they start moving apart giving rise to a T4 in this analogy).
This idea of matching times to form a collision compared to matching space coordinates are equivalents, but this is a question of fundamentals, of unifying fields, and putting forth theories that allow us to modify our universe in unique ways (unique to us, it should be and is the case that the universe uses these concepts routinely in the vastness of time (space to you old fogies) and we do observe this.
This leaves many things for discussion, but everything has been written at once in e-hologram theory, but must be written out in time for us to comprehend it with our tendency time perspectives.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The racial message of the Martin-Zimmerman Trial

There is a racial message behind this trial, and that is that we are still racially divided.  This is not news to anyone.  It is not true of everyone, but it is a reality that all of us have to live with.
We are confronted with a minority of the population that wants nothing more than more blood, blood along racial lines.
There is not a single message, but if we are going to pick a message from this to pursue, it should be that we need to decide what direction to take racial conflict. 
There are many historical models.  These fall, more or less, into two separate categories.  One is absorption, the other is extinction.  Diversity can provide strength.  This is the lesson of natural selection. It is so powerful, that almost all life reproduces sexually and all life above the level of single cell animals and a plant or two follows this path.  Extinction, logically, is a bad path.
You can guess where I'm going if you read my blog, but let's ask why race has risen so high in the public consciousness today and why it rose previously.
In the 1960s, race was important because it was the first time that both sides of the equation (those in favor of extinction, black and white; and those in favor of desegregation (absorption)) had the freedom of thought (through a balance of power) to understand and act on the issues involved as groups.  Society went for absorption and the transition was a modestly violent one which was followed by a period of relative peace.
Two things are happening now.  One is that the balance of power is shifting further.  Many see this as being along racial lines, but it is also along economic lines and religious lines.  Another is that we are exporting our economy to China.  The first thing means that there will be a period of instability as races, economies and religions struggle to determine their place in the new power structure.  The second means that the power of the country, its financial stability and its ability to provide positive opportunities to all groups is going to degrade rapidly.
The individual countries will also have to sort their new place in a world dominated by China.
If we fight amongst ourselves as a result of a single one act play by two actors, as opposed to seeking positive lessons from this, we play into the hands of our enemies.  If we are distracted by the drama from what is really important, learning to live together, finding the power of diversity and, of course, recovering our manufacturing and stopping the bloodletting to China, then we will show that our society has no long term intelligence and both sides of the racial divide will share equally in the pain that follows. 
Benjamin Franklin is credited with the summation, "if we do not hang together, we shall certainly hang separately."  This applies to all western civilization, not just the multiple sides of the U.S. racial divide.  The rope we hang from will be made in China, of course.
Another lesson is that while we must recognize that we are at war with China, we must also recognize they are a part of the diversity equation.  They are the only ones looking at population control logically and not emotionally and they are the only ones recognizing as a country the value of using economies as the machines of war.  How we apply this lesson also will answer how we survive and perhaps if we survive as a least for now.

For your time in space; hswt

I know about love
on a trip to mars, alone
if the only one you love
were not traveling along

if you were alone
forever separated
from the one you love
who has the courage

to keep yourself
together for the love
who is not replaceable
that I will never have

the darkness of night
once broken by love
now is a just ether
surrounds me life

this is what it is like
to pass through space
knowing your love
is lost to someone else

but if you ever look up
I want you to see me
as bright as possible
though pale compared

So strive to be better
for the time that is coming
when never to see you again
on our trip around the sun

The true delima of population control

I have a third child.  A child that would not exist were my ideas on population control, those of China, to be in effect.
The dilemma of population control is not a religious dogma.  The fact that religious zealots prevent us from considering hard choices is a mere side show, putting off the inevitable until it is too late.  They are merely destroying their own children's quality of life because of what they were told by someone else.
The real dilemma is choosing who should have children and who should not.  You can put the limits anywhere you want.  You can say that people who are not intelligent enough, not athletic enough, not pink enough or not dark enough, you can do like the Chinese and say that it is based on some random, two, etc.  Somewhere, you have to draw lines.
If you fail to do something hard, you doom everyone.  The dilemma is whether to doom everyone or not.
I believe this question is easy to answer.  The Chinese limit families to two children   And I was the third child.

why you should not judge to harshly those who post

Those who write and those who read what those who write writ
Share and repost thoughts that are oft times better held in confidence
But we have a dialog going for whatever purpose
to maintain the quo or as a tool of change
while we may give rise to conflict or even despair
at least we are trying to say something
and trying to understand what others are saying
Our recognition of our arrogance is a sign of our humility.

yes, the hologram universe makes sense even though it doesn't (one of two)

The e-hologram theory allows us to exist without time and, therefore, without dimension.
It is shown observational with relativistic math earlier, that distance and time are interchangeable.  This is how we, in our stupid o-space, determine the conversion of things (see e=mc^2). 
However, with e-hologram theory, things like physical contact, whether a soft kiss or a speeding 2 ton Chevy, don't really matter all that much since they are a mere manifestation of something I refer to as tendency in g-space with the application of time.
While you want that kiss to mean something, in fact, it may or may not depending on how thoroughly tendency controls the future when time is applied; because in a singularity, it's all happened and Einstein said that in this singularity everything happens at once and therefore the kiss and the truck are the same thing, just a tendency manifested with time.
It does make sense even though we want to reject it.  Because we accept prime numbers and infinite series (whether in our universe or in an examination of what makes up g-space) we are willing to gloss over the truly important questions and accept blindly the complexity of the universe as a given.
You said you love me in o-space, but what is going on in g-space where everything has happened at once.  Do you love me there or do you hate me? 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Every day without you

A real poem would be called every day with you.  I want to write something for your birthday and it should be called every day without you.  It cannot be about what life would be like if we spent time together.  It isn't about camping, shows, meetings and work.  It isn't about swimming in cool streams.  It isn't even about holding hands after a long walk on a warm summer evening, the breeze drying our sweat.  That is something you do with someone else.  And that is a good thing only because you are happy.
A real poem would be about closing our days out together.  This is about your lack of patience or inability to understand, not about how much more we are together, how much everything I've done is about you, the result of what you've said and the kind guiding hand you are capable of when it suits you.
A real poem would be about wanting to be together, no matter what.  This is not about that, although it easily could be.  A person should be allowed to be selfish one day out of the year and do what they want with whoever they want.  Truly a person should be allowed to strive for that every day, but only if they do it with a sense of their higher duties.  Perhaps you are one of the sad few who understand what those duties are.
I hope you enjoy your selfish pleasure, more than I wish to be that, I envy who it is, but I am happy that you have the ability to have it.  Perhaps all at once or perhaps sequentially there will be every type of happiness which I have seen and which I have lost.

genocide, pro life and the future

The same type of people who are pro-life are those who will condone genocide when there is no choice.  They will justify the death of entire generations in order to save those who are chosen according to their formulation, whether western, eastern or middle eastern.
Tonight I saw a show where they talked of creating a future of fairness given the unprecedented growth of population unmatched by an increase in resources.
Why prevent birth control when there are so many people that we must all die in our own excess?
Population must be controlled across the world and across all groups.
If we do not do it voluntarily, the choice is to have it done for us.   Pro-Life means giving up choices and starvation.  Is this really the will of God?  Why give us the ability to predict the future if we reject it.  And does not the story of Joseph teach just the opposite, that seeing the future we are to prepare for it?
The Chinese, farsighted enough to not only undermine the West, but to take all the resources of the west for their own, saw this and they have taken steps to control their population.  Even so the numbers are untenable for them and their conversion of our manufacturing might to themselves may allow them to watch the rest of the world eat itself or may just mean they will be a victim of their failure to teach their wisdom in favor of isolation.
Meanwhile, in the west, in the name of religious interpretation (not god), we doom the entire world, to the extent it still listens to us, to a horrible death of starvation, without enough for anyone.  This is not the future, it is the present in much of Africa and Asia.  Increasingly, it is a part of the west and we can walk the streets of the poorest neighborhoods in Bangladesh and Somalia and see our future.
We must be intelligent enough to put logic ahead of dogma, and yet we are not.
Not only do we fail to control our own populations, we fail to attempt to control others.
If we love one another, we must  seek to limit ourselves.  We were fruitful and we multiplied, now we ask ourselves, how many today in this one place until we can go somewhere else.  When we talk of fairness for future generations so that we can remain human, we must ask ourselves what is a human  if not an intelligence great enough to control its own numbers.
Those who refuse to control the populations today will kill each other for even less in the near future.  Such is the destiny of the crown of creation. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Russia, Snowden and China's weaponized economy

Chinese Internet users back Snowden
I haven't commented on this story yet, but it is time to do so.
When a country has to spy on its own citizens, the country has lost its moral authority.
When other countries, in this case China and Russia, feel they can ignore the US demands for extradition, the country has lost its position of leadership in the world.
This is about a combination of corruption in our government and the export of our manufacturing capability leading to a potential downfall of the entire country.
Worse still, our model threatens to bring down our allies in Europe since China has no compunction about underselling products to those countries also.
The technology is out there to monitor every call that is made.  I've seen it.  Anyone who believes this is not possible isn't paying attention to the technology.   While it is terrifying to know that a corrupted government is using this, if you want something more to worry about, remember that the underlying hardware is almost all manufactured in China today and that movement of manufacturing and technology is increasing exponentially as our government continues to languish in its corruption.
Is it still possible to solve this problem?  The answers are in China's weaponized economy, but the ability to do that decreases every day and will soon be gone if it isn't already.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

life with peace

There is peace in the forest
a calm upon broad fields
a person can find quiet
in time spent meditatively

alone you can delve infinity
unfettered by distractions
there are mysteries to live
visible only to one  alone

I look to the center
of all things there are
 But a life of peace
is no life at all

Don't offer me peace
I want to love so deeply
that it hurts all the time
I want the pain of my love
to let me know that I am alive

Monday, June 24, 2013

an evening together apart

Sometimes you are so far away
i can envision a life without you
and life has requirements for me
without you invading my dreams

During the day, you fade away
certain things have to be done
the cosmic playwright demands
lines written, actions scripted

Many a night the stars go unseen
they are there behind the clouds
the raindrops call me unbidden
falling faintly whisper your name

Darkness comes at the end
the end of each day is night
then you are there with me
as i surrender sleepless apart

foul world with your challenges
the failures of our fathers call
come try to correct us or die
and why answer without you

dispair wrecked goals and visions
you do not answer cries for help
in the end another evening apart
though i devise to live together

the lost years-a strange new place one of two

It is all a little fuzzy what happens next.
There is a summer shooting at bees with a bee-bee gun, and the karma that comes with it when everything changes and turns grey.  And then he realizes they happened in the opposite order.
He wakes us, there must have been a sense of shock.  One moment he was living in the sort of garden, a big house, his own room rides up a steep hill to school and then racing back down; kids his own age around, a sense of belonging in a place different from his old home, but nicer.  Not the lower middle class existence which his childhood eyes mistook for home, instead an upper crust life.  And then suddenly he was in a world he was completely unprepared for, emotionally and in training.
This house was on the edge of the increasingly urban decay.  In fact there was an abandoned house, once glorious with a spiraling staircase, now haunted and empty, the stairwell ready to collapse, the house soon to be wrecked and torn to the ground.  Only the adult would wonder at what had happened to cause this house to fall so far when the houses around it would withstand the test of time, if not decay. 
He rode this bike in the old neighborhood with those he called his friends, then to school up a steep hill and rushed it down.  He'd lost a friend there one year to politics but that would not encourage his mistrust of government.
Somehow and he never questions this, the bike was here.  When everything in this strange place left him alone, he had this bike to ride.  Years later he would realize even more than loneliness that desperation is something the equalizes people.  He was poorly equipped to handle the isolation.   It was his personality.  It was his age.  It was the loss of his mother.  It was the collapse of his family.  It was the move.  It was the bizarre living conditions.
You will have to remember that this was a time when things were very different.  The Reverend King had not yet made his last speech, Rosa Parks was getting ready for a trans-formative bus ride, a ride that would transform her and the entire country.
But what would be clear to an adult, but not the child, was that this family was now a rudderless ship and this house was the shore on which it washed before being cast into even further depths.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The value of convictions

If you had the opportunity to save the world and you were offered money in exchange for it, what would be the amount that would be necessary to have you abandon your convictions.
It sounds like something that would happen to someone else, like something that would happen in a movie.  I have not been given a clear mandate to save the world.  That is one difference.  My certainty is replaced with speculation.
Imagine if you needed the money, if your sense of well being was dependent.  If even love was dependent in it.
It is the stuff of which movies are made, at a minimum it is a fiction.  And yet, I have been given that very choice.
I suppose it is romantic when it is given to a handsome leading man, when it is accompanied by grand music.
If it is you, then it is peculiar.  It is still the interplay of good and evil.  But it is also the practical versus the impractical.  It is a higher calling versus the needs of the flesh.
Do you not have a similar choice every day.  Are you not beset with high goals.  To pursue them you have to sacrifice your needs.  What would you do given such a choice.  You are given this choice every day.  Every choice you are given is not the right way to put it.  The question is not what would you do, but what you do.
It is easy to ask the protagonist to sacrifice everything for the lofty goals, but don't you have the same option every day.  What do you ask of yourself?
And this is the question that was put to me.  How strange life is that one person can be given such potential for good.  And how strange life is that life would make financial security forfeit if I do not agree to cripple my ability to do good.  Next week, I take up the sword again.  What would you ask of me?  What would you ask of yourself?
What are convictions worth, how desperate do we need to be, to sell them.  Next week, sword in hand, I get to find out.

infinite series, Barishnokov, being better but not the best

One of the critical elements of the e-hologram universe may turn on the issue of infinite series (as opposed to finite series).
Recently, I read one thing and heard another one and one of those made me think and the other showed the infinite series philosophically in life and that will be discussed shortly.  First a review of the importance of infinite series in e-hologram theory.
Infinite series are taken for granted, but they provide conundrums about our world and our universe that give credence to traditional hologram or e-hologram as more than a fun concept.  In particular, they support circular arguments that give rise to intelligence spawning time and defining light speed even though conceptually intelligence cannot exist without time, but more on that later.
Let me mention for the record, that I have been gone for many, many reasons, but one which may be of interest, is that I am working on the draft book on e-hologram theory.  Don't worry, I will not give away faster than light travel, much as I would like to, unless the contest rules are satisfied or I change my mind noting that all of the conceptual frameworks are set out in prior blog entries and will be developed in more detail in the book.  and yes you are also the reason the infinite series of my personal life and the universe dropping a truck on me so i look even more like a turtle than i did before or perhaps turtles look like me.
Infinite series are things which show the  size of the universe as a fiction.  examples are trying to cross a road to the far curb by going half the distance each step or the inverse of doubling the distance you travel going back and forth on the street starting 3/4(s) of the way across (you end up crossing, but never stopping at far side).  The latter of the parenthetical is exponential growth if you move constantly doubling your initial step.
22/7 is another infinite series (Pi) which defines the circle and gives rise to a strong conceptual argument that circular arguments for the origin of the universe make sense.  the three dimensional equivalent, pi integrated for an infinite set of loops defining a sphere (interestingly there are two eqivalent alternatives (stacking spheres of infinitely small to desired radius circles and then going down in size again and defining an infinite number af circles around the compass offset and adjacent to each other giving rise to an important relationship that has to wait for discussion...think about it).
In fact, as we go further and further back into creation, we also end up at an infinite series, for example: we are the spawn of god's universe, but where did god come from.  Another example would be we come from a hologram projection from a singularity using time to create dimensions but where did time and the singularity come from, and answering that, where does the rest of that come from?  This allows for the ultimate circular argument possible in ehologram theory (a "we are because we think" argument which is not satisfying but is helpful defining time and lightspeed.
Having covered this issue in review, let's move on.
I was lucky enough to be able to listen to a commencement address by Mickail Barishnakov.  In a very well conceived address (very modestly presented while still being impressive) he mentioned the importance of being better than you were the day before and not worrying about being the best.  The best, he pointed out, was just a label.  Being the best is terminal. Being better is an infinite series.  It is intriguing and helpful.
There was more which I will cover if my fading intelligence allows.
he also spent a time discussing how important art in many forms was in defining his ongoin relationship with the world quoting someone else in stating the importance of not being finished and it made me think of my and our shared art project which will continue but never be finished, but it is finite and this this is only about the infinite and must wait and I cannot wait.
The other item was a quote How old would you be if you did not know hold old you are?  This is about time and how it changes with perspective and will have to wait, as I have to wait, as you do not.

Friday, June 21, 2013

A short story on love

He was a person who imagined he was capable of great love.  All of his true loves were great loves, at least to him.  He imagined a fantasy type of love.  Love was something which was both more and less than how he saw it.  His approach to love was to give, which made him happy.  He fell in love easily, but did not fall in love deeply.  He was open to love.  And love hurt him, like it hurts everyone.  He was nothing and a little bit of everything.
She was dark and was more beautiful than shes had a right to be.  She was flawed in as much as she was perfect and it was hard to find someone who could share that and not just use it.
They met one day when she was in love.
Their relationship and love would be defined by this dynamic, unavailability.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

wrong about you

Seriously, over all of that
Firmly grounded and practical
emotionally reserved, not emotionless
it's not always easy to see that
but if you knew, you'd see it
when everything is lost
The last is health, maybe the mind
and which everything is lost
what was left was not important
friendship, responsibility, honesty
personal, to others and mankind
honesty was a casualty
we cannot admit to ourselves
what is really important
it is not about destroying
it is about building
together or apart
if you can't build one castle
you burn down another
you build something, not nothing
were we really builders once
of dreams at least
when did we surrender
our ability to build together
it isn't about selfishness
at some point in the losing
you find that what you own
controls you, its what owns
not who owns what
perhaps who owns who
no one owns anyone else
and you see that applies
to things, to people and relationships
we cannot sit by the phone
because there is no waiting
if its only what you wanted
if its not about anything else
then it will never be right
even if it was never wrong

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Fools worry about cold war with china

Only fools worry about starting a cold war with China.  China already won World War C, the cold war between the USA and China.  They won it because the USA never even knew it was being fought and to this day do not.
This is the cold war summit, but still only one of the two combatants is aware of it. 
They talk about cold was as if the USA could suddenly stop buying from China.  We'd have to live in the stone age.  You cell phone, the computer I'm typing on, the clothes we wear were all manufactured in China.
The Cold war was over manufacturing and all we have left is that if we recognize the fact quick enough and if we act intelligently as defined in China's Weaponized Economy we still have time to retake some of the ground lost.  That opportunity will soon be gone.
Only fools will be left.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Newtonian physics is BEST supported by e-hologram theory!

As I lay pummled by an accident, it occurred to me that Newtonian physics is BEST supported by e-hologram theory rather than ANY other theory of fundamental physics and I am going to explain this.  In fact, I am fairly certain that if it isn't the result of an offended universe, then Newtonian Consciousness dropped the Ram 1500 pickup truck on me knowing that I was not smart enough to get the more gentle encouragement from the fall of an apple. 
I might add that you have barely escaped losing your physics disclosures (and you still don't have the faster than light travel information); but that is neither her nor there.
As we have all but proven based on extrinsic evidence (black holes), we know that there is a singularity (at least as we understand dimension) that is everywhere where time has been stripped of matter (black holes) so black holes light years apart go to the same spot.  We are, all matter and energy, merely projections using time to create dimensional acceleration or linear "traditional time" depending on how much is given to acceleration and how much is used for traditional time to create nothing more than the appearance of being far removed from the singularity.
Now, let me explain how singularity e-hologram space works better to explain why I am currently mashed up by another projection along time (which should in all fairness have looked more damaged).
We know in "traditional" o-space theory that we have huge spaces between everything (and what was once thought of as vacuum but which we now to be something that is easily explained in e-hologram theory as the non-existent "space" created as an illusion by the application of time to the singularity to create apparent dimension.  Nevertheless, we have to use all of these observed forces to show that some "things" which we know as matter achieve a relative solidity that allows them to smash each other up.
Now in Newtonian physics, this is easy to explain force 1 x force 2 = pain as it were.  But using string theory, we have a bunch of multi-dimensional strings somehow forming matter which bumps into one another despite the huge spaces between these strings which traditional forces do not adequately join together even though we theorize the plank-length "structures" form matter.
However, in singularity based theories, you don't have a problem with running things together because they are all in the same place (the singularity).  In fact the "theoretical" temporary black holes we observe in "atom smashers" (particle accelerators) are easily explained as small concentrations of gravity sufficient to strip time (or nearly strip time and therefore gravity) from the tendencies involved.  Certainly if you run two time based structures together, they cannot help but be closer relative to the singularity because they start in the singularity and end there but for the projected value using time.
Anyway, I will take two aspirin and meditate on this further and perhaps I will apply some math to the different models given time in the near future (that is assuming Newton doesn't drop an airplane on me tonight).

newtonian physics rears its ugly head

Was in a wreck today.
I think the universe is offended
that I would call it a projection
from a singularity
the universe ran a truck
into the back of my car
alas poor universe
though you crush my body
there is nothing you can do
which has not already happened
there is no value to your threat
to resurrect isaac newton
to have his simple universe
have its simple way with me
since it will happen despite me
and it will happen because of me
and the real pain does not come
from sir isaac's dodge ram truck
but from the mental suffering
which comes from a universe
which has already decided
where we will end up
based on where it
reared its ugly head
and where we rear ours

the dream

I dreamed of you last night
I am not sure what it meant
you were there and gone
you were younger
but i was not
I'll try to remember
Knocking on your door
you answer and I go in
but we don't know each other
you agree to shelter me
why i asked and why you agree
there is no answer
in this place of dreams
I spend the night
but not the way lovers do
somehow sharing the same bed
without the passion
lost and alone in this strange place
your brother comes
and I tell you
i am not what i want to be
and i leave with nothing
not even the clothes I came in with
but i have a robe
who knows why
and i'm walking too far
in a dangerous place
to catch a plane to some place
that is impossible to reach
from where I have started
in the time that i have left
a bus comes by, the overlook bus
perhaps the clearest detail
is the bus name which doesn't matter
although it so happens
it is the wrong bus
going to a more dangerous place
and its a 1960's bus
as if we met not today
but 40 years ago
and how did I happen to have it
the dollar fifty for the bus fare
but my wallet has too much cash
for riding in a bus
and i keep wondering
what am i supposed to do
about that strange place
where i saw you in dreams

Proof that time yields dimension-equations- 2.8125 of 3-Help!!!

Proof that time yields dimension-equations- 2.8125 of 3
If you are asking yourself what you should do with this blog, my request would be to share it.  You don't have to agree with what's in it, but how often do you get to share a theory on the underlying basis for the Universe?  Well, maybe you get to do that every day, but I want as large an audience as possible since I'm looking for as much input as I can get and my blog covers some other issues.
Anyway, back to e-hologram theory
In summary, looking at the prior blog entries, we have now proved (well at least given a theoretical basis for) the following e-hologram concepts using mathematical concepts apparent in o-space.
1) dimension is a function of time. That is time and space do not exist, time exists and gives rise to the appearance of dimension in a singularity defined as everything or a tendency for everything to happen, existing without time and dimension as we know it.
2) There is no space in the universe and all black holes go back to the singularity.
3) Time slows as it is used to make dimension indicating that acceleration and dimension are interchangeable.
4) Gravity is the physical result of the tendency of the singularity to give up time.
5) Matter converts to energy when all of the time applied to matter is used for acceleration and not the passage of time which shows that time is attached to matter/energy (referred to as tendency) to give it apparent place in o-space.
6) There is a unification of fields at the point where time is surrendered and mass is lost completely when gravity is lost in gravity wells.

Let's look at some broad conceptual equations:
m=Sf(t1)dt+f(t2)dt+f(t3)dt That is matter (or energy) is a function of time accelerating (apparent, not actual) from the singularity as a function of time.  Gravity is a part of this equation by virtue of the equation for gravity: F=G(m1*m2)/d^2 where d is the distance between the two masses which is one of the f(t)dt equations with two point masses.
m=place & existence of what we perceive as matter and energy, change of time (dt) is the time which we are familiar with.
Time is a function of the creation of dimension which appears as acceleration using a rough equation F(t1)+f(t2)+f(t3)+f(t4)=T(total)
We will discuss these in more detail in the next entries on this subject.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Proof that time yields dimension-unified field theory- 2.25 of 3

Proof that time yields dimension-unified field theory- 2.25 of 3

The broad purpose of this blog entry will be to explain the paradox raised last time (why time slows when you speed up even though you have to 'draw' the line faster), to further show that time is the source of dimension (instead of both existing simultaneously) and having those points finished to provide a working model for a unified field theory.

Now I know many of you will be unhappy that I am proposing a working hypothesis for a unified field theory, but just bear with me, you don't have to accept it but it will be there.

I suggest listening to "the marriage of Figaro" while you read the rest of this to give it the proper dramatic background music.

Now in order to see the effect seen on time by relative acceleration we are going to use a couple of math similes.  First simple differentiation.  X^10 . is the same as x•x^9.  This will be useful as we move forward, take my word for it.
Now you need to get your pencil and paper again.  I'll wait.  Got it?  Ok.

Draw a capital L. Imagine that this represents acceleration along the two legs of tendencies, from the point where the two legs of the L meet.  Just to save time later, let's look at the common point as the singularity.  Keep in mind if we're in the singularity and time gives dimension to tendencies to make us feel like we're in o-space, this means that any starting point of sufficient gravity has the tendencies of the singularity.  That is, the junction of the two legs is any black hole going any speed anywhere in the universe.  No matter is involved at this junction since matter and gravity are mere tendency to surrender time
Now we're going to look at time as a bag of X's.  This is important if you look to our differentiation equation. We can pull out some x's using differentiation since it is merely the rate of consumption.  They don't have to be x(s) but let's use x anyway because it's easy to type.  I'd suggest you draw a circle and put 10 x(s) in it for visualization purposes.  We don't get to the equation yet, because I don't want to force feed time travel to you, but you'll start to see where this is going shortly if you haven't already figured it out.
This analysis has to provide unified results for matter, different forms of energy and for gravity since some unification of fields around time is expected and Einstein spent considerable time looking for these unified principles without having all the components of e-hologram theory.   With e-hologram theory, it should have been easy for him, so lets see if it is..

Ok, let's start with a discussion of the "L".  As the two legs accelerate from the singularity (or any other point, the junction could be earth and the legs could be the paths of rockets launched from earth if you like that picture better) the time on the rockets slows down.  Remember in the last two entries we showed that time is consumed at different rates in drawing the lines faster or slower.

However, if the two legs of the L are the same length, time on each leg has changed the same amount relative to the junction from which they accelerated despite the fact that they accelerated in different directions.  We'll save for later what happens to the relative times of the rockets on the two legs as they accelerate away from one another (or two satellites orbiting in different directions around the earth so they pass each other in different direction-both will change the same relative to earth time if they are going at the same speed). 

Quickly let me point out that this supports the existence of the singularity because time varies only relative to a common point, common to all matter regardless of where the legs begin or end.  In this way, even if the legs are flattened and move opposite from one another, there is the same time variation because movement isn't real but just a simulation in the singularity from the common point, if you get my drift.  That is the two rockets going in opposite directions from the earth are not moving at all, they are just expending their time in opposite time vectors relative to one another.  Stick around, for a few more minutes and we'll be done till the next entry.

So, let's get our bag of "x"(s) out (the circle with 10 x(s)) in it and let's assume that when we pull out an x we're really differentiating.  The x(s) don't disappear, they just come out of the bag, like the x came out of the equation x^10=x*x^9.  The exact equations for the differentiation will have to come later, but they are inherent in the discussion that follows and are mostly written out already, but without solving for time vectors (just for vectors). Anyway...let's unify the fields!

Now remember our integration and differentiation are just flipping the coin in different directions, so don't worry too much about the math, just remember that we show consumption using differentiation while we draw out the movement with integration.  Both work with a delta(t) or a change in time.

Take out one x from our bag and apply this x to the movement of the shorter "L" leg and take a second bag (sorry forgot to mention you have two rockets, you need two bags) and take out two x(s) to show its vector.  What has happened here is that time has slowed twice as fast for the longer leg because two portions of time were needed to do the drawing of the line (integration) while only one was needed for the drawing of the other line (also integration) during the same time period.  It doesn't matter how fast you drew the L, because it's just a model and we're assuming that both Legs took the same period of time to draw.  Now this supports the singularity model and makes a lot of sense and explains why time runs slower in the two bags than the junction and why the longer leg has time running slower (more of it is being used to create dimension so less is available to turn the clocks as it were. 

But! you gasp.  Go ahead if you want.  Where's the unification of fields? you demand.  Well, here it is.  We're going to empty the bags.  Well, let's just empty one of them. Remember that there is a speed limit, so there is a limit to the number of x(s) we can take out of the bag in a given time.  That pesky speed of light! I've told you we can get rid of it, but that requires the 20 physicists from 20 countries to comment on e-hologram theory and we're about 20 physicists short right now.  So this is going to be easy.  As you empty x(s) [this is a metaphor for differentiation] from the bag, it goes faster and time goes slower inside of the bag because the x(s) are being used to create dimension (it's only an illusion, you're still in the singularity so if you have a problem with claustrophobia you're going to be in trouble with e-hologram theory).  But as you accelerate, if you're matter, what happens to you?  Here's a hint: e=mc^2.  Still don't know?  You don't lose time, but it is converted to vectors moving at the speed of light, it's turning into energy.  Energy is, as the equation indicates, matter which has used all of its time for vectoring relative to the singularity and none is left for time.  Inside of light, we can presume that time has stopped or at least nearly stopped moving!

Gravity still applies, because time has not been stripped, it's just being misdirected from one purpose to another and we observe this so we know it's right (if we assume everything else about e-hologram theory and the singularity in particular is correct).

Simple, intuitive and now we have everything except...unification!  Ok, let's go one step further.  Gravity wells are the tendency of matter to give up time taken to an extreme, I.E. in a black hole you've returned to the singularity and you've given up all of your time.

We know that you get the same math with gravity that you do with acceleration.  You drop into a gravity well and time starts giving up x(s) to drop back to the singularity, i.e. time is stripped from the tendency and it originally turns to energy (the bag empties of x(s) as it accelerates into the singularity (it doesn't have to go all the way for this to work, black holes are just the extreme example) and then the time is actually stripped off and you are back in the singularity unless you can add time back.  Gravity plus tendency at this point derives from  energy and you've unified the fields.

I have chatted up a couple of people of cern to do some experimentation concerning this.  They were not responsive, but we can forgive them for that since it's a work in progress. 

We can convert the x(s) there or at Stanford or just about anywhere else where we can have acceleration and this allows us to manipulate time to some extent and we should fairly easily be able to see this movement between matter and energy and we should using earth's gravity without more to see the effect of stripping time from matter at some level (one stream at near light speed going up and another going down), but you have to know what to look for and that's another blog entry.

No guesses yet on the title question yet?

Proof that time yields dimension, mathematical analysis- 1.5 of 3-and a side trip to God

Proof that time yields dimension, as opposed to dimension existing independently, mathematical analysis- 1.5 of 3 previously known as: How accelerating along an axis changes the time using e-hologram theory (1 of 3).
Before I continue the explanation of inconsistency of integration time in e-hologram theory I want to say that I think I may have to expand this discussion somewhat in terms of entries because of time constraints and because as I continue to lose my mind, my ability to go on interminably with any particular issue is shortened.
The "inconsistency of integration" is not really an inconsistency.  The prior entry showed that by moving quickly along an axis, time consumption is accelerated outwardly while in o-space we see that the equation itself (apparent time in the accelerated body)  is slowed which appears inconsistent until you look more close.  Spoiler alert-it has to do with differentiation which is the measure of time and not coincidentally something of a mirror image to integration (one builds a line, area, space; the other breaks out change in an equation).  This is what is observed.
Equally importantly will be the analysis of gravitational time fluctuation which is similarly derived and includes a discussion of how "stripping time", the end result of the application of gravity to tendency (i.e. gravity is the visible effect of the tendency of tendancies to give up time) is very much the "physical" embodiment of differentiation and therefore is inherent in e-hologram theory.
I am going to incorporate a pun in the title.   The first person to identify the pun in a comment correctly can come by and get a signed copy of the book on e-hologram theory if I get it published before I'm dead.
E-hologram theory co-opts Einstein's letter (E), but only because his conception of time so closely embodies the requirements of e-hologram theory and that is the most commonly used letter in the alphabet; but the reason is the Einstein Time Conception.  Before I get further into the proof (which derives from what is already shown in the 1 of 3 entry); it is important to remember this is "fundamental theory" covering the infinitely small and infinitely large.  While it should have wide application to the Newtonian world; it "appears" unrealistic (just as relativity does) until you look closely. The test of e-hologram theory is whether it makes relativity more logical in the Newtonian universe.  While it is discomforting to think that we exist in a singularity, the evidence is overwhelming (even though it could be evidence of something else).  Also, while e-hologram theory is a good model (so I say) to our universe, without a clear understanding of g-space; it has little fundamental application outside of our universe.  While we've delved into g-space; we have to go much deeper to have a more complete understanding (a hint to the title question).
Since it is Sunday, it's also good to remember that e-hologram theory allows for a type of god without depart from concepts or science and physics, i.e. a type of god becomes possible with the theory as well as prognostication which makes it colorful although those concepts are not requirements of e-hologram theory.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

not a day

Not a day
in decades
not a night
since the first day
you saw me
even though
you did not see
have you been
out of my mind
even though i am
out of my mind
a thousand days
will come and go
and not a day
without you
I learned to live
I'll learn how not
but life without
is not life at all
but there is still
something less
than being fully
engaged and here
wonderful days
eternal nights
not quite the same
nothing alike
but things
that need
to be done
playing the parts
that only you know
doing what can
be done to save
everything we had
though no longer
ours to share

Friday, June 7, 2013

KV disease, false memories and broken love

A list of my illnesses is beyond the scope of this blog
But some in the list are note-worthy
From a purely medical perspective
Since I will either die or dissipate as a result
Of course my heart is broken
But lots of people have broken hearts
Some even get replacement hearts from someone else
but I'll stick with mine, it carries me long distances
against improbable odds even in summer heat
More noteably, I suffer from the Kurt Vonnegut disease
I am unstuck in time
Now my case seems to be less severe
because I seem to be unstuck within about a year
whereas he was unstuck over an entire lifetime
past and present which is supported by e-hologram theory
at least I would theorize that it is
I am also losing touch with reality
which is probably the result of the first two
perhaps the time problem is a result of the first
all my problems seem to be associated with love
which will kill me, as surely as any other illness
death by love my tombstone should read
but my disease is a constant thing
whether it is real or imagined
whether it was thirty years ago or today
so it is much better than whatever you have
you should be embarrassed not to have it
and since everything else in my life seems be coming undone
There is a lot of nausea associated with the loss of reality
There is a certain amount of uncertainty
Because there are things which did not really happen
Or perhaps they were dreams
and the nausea that went with certain events
seems to cloud them further
I believe eventually I will lose my ability to distinguish
what has happened and what I think has happened
everything will assume the quality of a vague recollection
not perfectly remembered but somehow enhanced
by the psychedelic nature of the non-memories
which are fleeting like dreams and just as capable
of being completely divorced from the possible
One of many things that keeps them separate
the real and the imagined and the dreams
yet somehow my memories of love are constant
though the one constant thing in my life
is only constant to me
which has to be enough

How accelerating along an axis changes the time using e-hologram theory (1 of 3)

How accelerating along an axis changes the time using e-hologram theory (1 of 3)
If we accept that the change in integration is the equivalent in time, we have proof that dimension exist because of time.  So what gives with relativistic principles of "time" for two masses changing speed relative to one another.  Let's see how close we can get without giving away the secret to faster than light travel (Ha!).
First, let's look at a side issue: Is there "one time" as indicated by old theories or do there have to be four times or is three enough? Let's look at the evidence.
First, using integration, you have to move with a change in each of three directions.
The change is there and because we move in all three dimensions at once, time must move simultaneously in all three directions together.
This means that either proximate times merge or that there is one change covering all three directions at once.  Whether there is one time, three or four in e-hologram theory, and we'll get there, something funny happens when you accelerate one block of matter relative to another and this can be explained in terms of time and that should be explained using the "snakes" of integration and we're going to do just that!
Now lets accelerate two blocks of matter away from each other.  The single vector from which they depart changes their times relative to one another, an observed phenomena.  If you circle the earth, or go to the moon and back, you get a similar result.  The change rate changes for the faster moving relative to the slower moving.
What does this say about the time that each experiences when you are using integration...i.e. changing the rate of movement along an axis on a line where the "change rate" of one line is different from the change rate along another axis?  Does it require that we allow space and time to separate or does the movement at a higher speed along a vector somehow justify the change in the rate of the time and still allow for time to create dimension. 
Remember that the equation for this indicates that as the speed of light is approached, the time change for the faster moving object goes to zero and the time change for the slower moves towards infinity, so this movement must.
If allow (or assume) that space is a function of time, this should simplify the analysis.  That is we are integrating both, but we are integrating one set of time faster along an axis and the result can be seen mathematically as simple.
Let us examine this with you and me integrating.  If we get back to our snakes, you have 3 snuggling snakes with three dimensions and the movement in any one direction has an effect on that dimension's time we should be able to easily explain this, but let's start with one lonely snake but two different masses, me and you.
We are both drawing a line (integrating), but lets say that you draw your line faster than me (i.e. you are moving along an axis faster than I am, maybe you are better at math/calculus than I am).  You will finish your line faster than I do.  Aaaaa Ha!  There is a change in the speed with which the tendencies experience time in the change in time being calculated more quickly! 
Now the change appears, at first blush,  to be the opposite result that you would expect.  That is if you change faster along an axis (draw faster along an axis), you would expect to age faster relative to me along that axis and this would separate time from space somehow or make one a mirror image of another...or something else.
This paradox is fairly easy to deal with and will be dealt with in time (am I really that funny?); but the key for the moment is that you do see that there is necessarily a disconnect in change as the relative movement occurs which has become intuitive in e-hologram theory where "time" and therefore the rate of change along an axis (time giving space meaning) changes when you integrate faster relative to a slower integration along any sets of axis.
While one or multiple times can have the same result, the math is a little different and we'll get to that in a 'timely' manner.

Love as a dimension

embrace the horror-exporting manufacturing to China

note job growth is in "food services, retail and employment services"...i.e. not manufacturing.
One in 5 Americans are on food stamps and 50% of children are expected to be on food stamps before they turn 18.  The 77% living paycheck to paycheck is not as important as the lack of growth and the export of manufacturing and technology.
Note the movement of manfuacturing is reflected in GDP where Singapore and Hong Kong now top the USA in a population vs income analysis.
The government, unfortunately, is run by idiots who do not see these issues; nor do they have the ability to address them.  The solutions to this problem are set out in "China's weaponized economy" available on Amazon.  Luckily it doesn't include declaring war on China, but it does recognize that we are in a war based on manufacturing which we have not even begun to fight and that we have already probably lost most of the critical battles and may have already lost the war.
You see the casualties in the article here.
This war pitted not only the United States against China, but the rest of the world (Europe, Africa, South America).  Since the country that has taken the biggest losses and who most contributed to the success of China is the USA, we are experiencing it on a level the rest of the world hasn't but it is only a matter of tiem before things take the next stage.  If you wish to know more about that, you might want to read World War C.

Proving mathematically time yields dimension-and now for something completely different-two of two:

Proving mathematically time yields dimension-and now for something completely different-two of two:
Before going further, let me mention that the only difference between using epsilon and snake symbols has to do with the number of points which are included. Epsilon using an infinitely small series (see the prior blogs and future blogs for infinite series discussions on the e-hologram universe) gets you to the same spot and integration is the mathematical equivalent of replacing the tedious business of trying to find the end of an infinite series with a mathematical tool that does the same thing which, for those of you who have read the infinite series discussions so far and who can stay with this to read those in the future will see this is both an illusion and a logical feature of e-hologram theory.
Anyway, on to the E-hologram theory which is that there is no "space-time" but only time and the singularity where everything happens at once (and without dimension).
This is complicated without pictures, but we're going to talk about snakes and delta some in this discussion, so if you haven't read the first part of the blog, even physicists will probably be befuddled by my descriptions, but that isn't my problem, is it?  Well, maybe it is, but it should make some sense as you read along.
We are going to integrate from one time to another.  You can call it moving along a line without time, but by theory, dimension and change are just other ways of saying "time" in e-hologram theory because everything happens at once and without space otherwise and if you don't like that you need to argue with Einstein, not me.  Fortunately, e-hologram theory doesn't completely rule out that conceptually but the great thing about theories is that they exist as long as proofs don't refute them and I'm operating under the conception that as long as I continue to prove that math follows e-hologram theory it works as well as any of the other Kooky things that people use to describe the infinite (infinitely small, large or series).
The key to this discussion is that when you move along a series in integration (or Epsilon summation for that matter) you do it with a change (delta) in something.  You can do it along a change in time or a change in dimension, but either way there is change.  The issue of the redundancy of delta time will be saved for a later entry, but we will address it given "time" (har har). 
Now to understand this better, you will have a chance to play god.  Note that e-hologram theory actually provides intuitively for a type of god (optional theory not fundamental theory of time) and it even provides for you to be a part of that god therefore this activity will not be blastfemous since it can hardly be blasphemy for a part of god to act like god (you'll have to look at prior blogs for more on this so that I can finish this entry).  So go and pick up a piece of paper and a pen, there has to be one around somewhere.
Now we will play two dimensional god.  To do this you will create time from a start to and end.  Note that time is a type of infinite series although there are explanations for it inherent in e-hologram theory which requires circular arguments because of the origination of time.  But for you to be a tdg you will be allowed a starting point and an end.  The physicists can skip to the next paragraph.
Whoops, hit the carriage return.  Time to quit babbling.  Ok, in the beginning there was a void without structure, but you have to start with a piece of paper.  God said "let there be light" which we now know is "let there be time".  Next we'll do the creation of heaven and earth.  Ready? Ok, First draw 3 or four points, then draw a line connecting the points, you can wave around as long as you don't loop (we'll discuss loops in another blog).  There you go, playing god, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Anyway, the point represent Epsilon (loosely, ok?) and the line represents the snake.  If  you want to go "3-d" you can draw another line under the first and connect the two with the top and bottom of a circle at the front and back which creates a cylinder.  Now you've done the two snake thing and played god to get three dimensional space.  Exhausting, right?  Now you know how god felt, but you haven't finished yet, because while you have used time, the movement over the paper to create 3 dimensional space (ha! bet you didn't see that coming) you are not fully convinced because you had to do this.  So you need to get twenty pieces of paper and redraw the same thing on each one with a small variation (this small variation will be important in later blogs) and when you're done "flip them".  The stack of papers represents the singularity where everything happens at once, the movement you see as you flip through them representing time being added.  How about that!
Think of the flipping of the papers is integration of the paper drawings.  We'll talk about binding those papers so you cannot shuffle them and flip them in a different order and why we are limited to the speed of light in the flipping at some later blog.  For now we're just dealing with change (time) and dimension.
The line is from point a to point b (continuously) so that the first point is at the snakes tail, the end of the line is at the head, the movement is a function (some are easier to show mathematically than others) over time along the x axis (delta (time) x).  If you didn't have a straight line then you moved along the y axis which gives you two dimensional space.  Now when you added the second snake you changed over a third axis (z) over time (delta (time) y).  You therefore show "two times" one in the x and one in the y dimension and have added a third timeover the z-axis.
The use of actual time in flipping these is a fouth application of time and requires the same type of movement as moving your pen along the other lines with the only difference being that you are able to reflip them without erasing everything.
The drawings represent the singluarity (everything happening at once) and the time as we experience it where the dimensions are displayed linearly (well here we had to do it sequentially as quantum points (individual pages) but that discussion gets us to one of those darn infinite series which we have to cover later) with the application of another type of time, but all use change, the movement on the pencil over the paper on the movement of the pages over the 3 dimensions created by the other 3 dimensions of time.
The key to the foregoing manifestations of time (and math) are that we were required to use time in order to create dimension.  The integration is over time (or over another dimension which is represented as time) but until you were able to move (requiring a "change" of position over "time")  you were unable to create dimension, you were stuck at the point.  This is both obvious and intuitive, but it is a mathematical proof that to create dimension you must integrate over something and the change required for active integration is what we refer to as time.
Disclaimer: The use of the greek alphabet dates back to the western co-opting of mathematics by pythagoras and the same concepts primarily come out the nearby middle east and are largely developed independly in Asia.  It comes as no shock given the circular nature of the universe (infinite series form circles and vice versa) that it would be the Greek alphabet.

Proving mathematically time yields dimension-and now for something completely different-one of two

Proving mathematically time yields dimension-and now for something completely different-one of two:
I will now take my diversions on change and apply those to calculus in order to prove mathematically that time yields dimension.
This is one of a couple of  foundational columns of E-hologram theory which is that there is no "space-time" but only time and the singularity where everything happens at once (and without dimension).
  I may never get the opportunity to explain how apparent faster than light travel works under e-hologram theory, but you have no one but yourselves to blame and it's too close to time travel to make myself comfortable and all of the pieces are there for the clever.  But on to the proof.
Unfortunately, I do not have handy instructions on how to do mathematical symbols on this blog so for those of you who are not mathematicians and have not yet stopped reading, I will attempt to paint pictures of what I am talking about.
Pictures: Integration is the key to the proof.  Integration is the movement along a line based on change (which is time in reality-i.e. once the math moves off the page and into real life, what we "experience" as Newtonian physics).   Change is represented by the Greek symbol "Delta" (I'll use D hereafter) which looks like a triangle for those of you who have never been in a sorority or fraternity (or done high school math) or who are not Greek.  Integration is represented by something that looks a snake that was getting ready to move and then changed it's mind and rested with it's head facing the top of the paper to the right and its tail facing the bottom of the paper to the left.  By moving along a  continuous line (which is what integration is) you get the linearity that we experience which is different from quantum movement-jumping from one co-ordinate (math paper space) to the next.  Integration is linear as is time.  You get two dimensions a line moving up and down on the paper with integration and you can add a third dimension using double integration which, not surprisingly, looks like a second snake decided to snuggle next to the first snake but decided it wasn't so comfortable with the first snake's affection and didn't want to get too close. 
Integration is a way of showing the movement along a line (actually envisioning time on paper in this case).  It is differentiated by quantum movement (represented by something that looks like a "funked out capital E" the greek Epsilon) which is to sum up all the points together in the linearity-i.e. no points are left out.
Now that all the non-Greek, non-mathematicians are on equal footing we will continue with the proof that time is dimension, but first a short break.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

change is good?

change is not wood
but wood is good
face change with courage
change is not to discourage
a harrange on change
with my time limited
having lost my balance
my reality dissolving
into some weird abyss
where everything is change
no time to change
but even the end is a change
why change, why not change
it isn't a choice, change comes
a change in direction
change sneeking up behind you
turn and face the change
ch ch ch chump change
unstoppable sea change
 a change in your weather
whether you agree or not
spare change
change for better
change for worse
time to change
and with change
what defense do you have
the important song of change

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

change and tension

Every time you turn around
there is change and tension
and anxiety, panic and fear
the two seem to date each other
You've seen the abyss before
today You will find yourself
staring over the precipice again
But the change some fear
The opening of new dangers
known, uncertain and unknown
hold the promise of your future
hope would not exist
were it not for despair
If I could be there to listen
and to give unsolicited advice
from someone who has nothing
worthwhile or otherwise to give
from one who has seen panic's color
it seems like every day of my life
and especially, well you fill it in
i could only tell you
what you already know
that the future is all you have
the uncertainties you face
give your life zest and cool
not drudgery or the same thing
over and over again for you
but the unique which you get
because of the unique that is you

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


it's all fun and games until you realize you don't ever sleep
it is the ability to hear the quiet sounds, to watch the sky for meteorites, lost airplanes, to hear the distant wail of lonely trains, owls and dark flying things
after a while, it's just staying up late
where does everyone else go when you are up all night
there are different people who live at night, bar tenders, bands, late night counter workers at all night fast food and convenience locations, who work for each other and for people with insomnia
and, of course, over the road truckers who work for everyone. 
These people only go to their late night places
The ones where people work at night
the ones who play at night only play at insomnia
They don't venture to the realm of the sleepless
the workers of the night, do not insomnia
for they sleep during the day and only share half the world of insomnia
The sun people are nowhere to be found
There is a lot of quiet late at night where daytime people live
Only the nighttime places provide companionship late at night
The world is abandoned by people who don't have insomnia
The world belongs to the people of the night, but only for a moment, it is borrowed
or it is a trespass, stealing into the daylight persons space
It is not a place for lovers, who are inside, in love, sleeping
When there was love in my life, I went to those places
Insomnia is a place for the lonely, the searcher, the vagabond, the traveler, the ghost, the outcast
Hospitals get quiet at night, unless you are trying to sleep.  A small cadre exists at every hospital whose job it is to wake up people who are trying to sleep, another group exists in the daytime who come up with reasons for the cadre to wake up the people.

the need for different terms of intelligence

The UN is doing some things related to sustainability.  There appoach is flawed, because it does not adequately apply term intelligence to all the decisions.
The failure to approach things with different terms (I use 3, but why not 2 or 10?) of intelligence is that for some reason, we focus only on today or some future time and never use an orgainized system of breaking time into groups.
The need to look at today is because we live in today.  The reason to look out 5 years is because what we do today will affect us in 5 years differently than it affects us today. The reason to look out 50 years is because our children will live in that world along with our grandchildren.  The reason to look out 500 years is because it is probably the extent of our intellectual ability to view with any degree of success and if our lives have any purpose (which they do not, by the way, except perhaps to do our duty under the theory that the creator wants us to entertain him in some fashion and that there are some duties associated with playing our part) we have to survive and have a platform to move forward within that time frame.

Since we know we have an unsustainable growth rate, the question of who is steering this boat into oblivion should be raised early and often.  Leaders who cannot envision rules and philosophies for our societies that do not include immediate, short term and long term applicability should not remain in office.

The reactionary policy makers who look for "peace in our lifetime" and "allocation of resources today" without looking out far into the future are just "jerking the numbers" (see earlier blogs for appropriate attribution).

Are you sick of it?  The world is literally ruled by idiots (us) who don't look at things based on different time frames and do not have the courage to push for hard decisions to be made.  The people as a whole are idiots who do not look (far) beyond their next meal even while individuals, almost all individuals have great insight.  This disconnect between individual intelligence and group idiocy is one of the compelling and difficult to understand aspects of mankind.  It is compelling because without elevating human individual intelligence to the intelligence of large groups we are doomed to wipe ourselves out by accident. 

If it were suicide by design it would be well worth considering (since we are apparently a species which cannot control ourselves or act for the common good and perhaps should make way for whatever comes next-intelligent insects?); but the fact that we are doing it by accident is just so unintelligent and un-illuminated that it frustrates and challenges the intellect.

This blog must eventually tackle two issues: 1) why there is such a complete disconnect between individual and group intelligence and 2) how to correct this apparent breakdown in the evolution of intelligence.

an outline of intelligence for the United Nations

1) How should man survive
    a) for the next five years
    b) for the next 50 years
    c) for the next 500 years

2) How should we deal with ongoing conflicts
    a) for the next five years
    b) for the next 50 years
    c) for the next 500 years

3) What should the world look like
    a) for the next five years
    b) for the next 50 years
    c) for the next 500 years

4) What do we want individual countries to look like
    a) for the next five years
    b) for the next 50 years
    c) for the next 500 years

5) What should the population of individual countries and the world look like
    a) for the next five years
    b) for the next 50 years
    c) for the next 500 years

6) How do we want to balance manufacturing
    a) for the next five years
    b) for the next 50 years
    c) for the next 500 years

7) How do we want to address pollution
    a) for the next five years
    b) for the next 50 years
    c) for the next 500 years

8) What do we want to do to protect against global catastrophe (supervolcano, meteor, solar flare, etc)
    a) for the next five years
    b) for the next 50 years
    c) for the next 500 years

9) What should we do for even longer term planning
    a) for the next five years
    b) for the next 50 years
    c) for the next 500 years

10) What should peace look like
    a) for the next five years
    b) for the next 50 years
    c) for the next 500 years

11) How these goals should be accomplished and why during each period given should also be addressed.  Why there is such a dearth of leadership that these are not done on a worldwide to community wide scale is the question which I cannot address.

It is just a start, who is out there to take this message forward?  Who will turn us from a population of stupid monkeys to a population of humans who are the crown of creation and not an end to it?  I am afraid I have the answers to these questions.

Monday, June 3, 2013

what the united nations should be doing

We live in a time of great strife and suffering which is certain to get worse, at least for some.
We have so far outstripped the planet's ability to support our population we are nothing better than a mindless algae the chokes the stream on which we depend for our survival.
We spend our fortunes as countries to make bigger armies, but take no steps to build weapons to protect us from the dangers inherent in the process of development of space.  We have no defense against meteors, solar flares, or the inherent stupidity of the human race above the level of the individual.
So one item we should investigate is how can a people where the individuals are so intelligent be so incredibly stupid as a race. That is probably the most important question for anyone studying mankind today.  But it is not what the UN should do.
The UN should develop a set of principles based on short term, medium term and long term intelligence.  It should be the next referendum.  It should start with the member countries, asking them in a semi-vacuum to determine this set of worldwide goals for themselves and then the collection of ideas should be debated to see whether this perverse and short sighted group of monkeys can come up with a way to save themselves from the destruction that they are bringing on themselves, not just today in this stupid war or that one, but in the near term, the next 50 years, the next 500.
I know that I am not the one to put this forward, because I am too stupid to do anymore than notice how stupid the race is.  I cannot even make my own life worthwhile.  But if I must live emotionally impoverished, then I want to stand for something and that thing is to bring an intelligence to the world which it lacks.  It is what you should do unless you want to just live a live of debauchery, which I would gladly live if I could; but only because it would be with someone I loved and even then I would use that love to energize me further for this purpose.
Rise up and repeat this goal if you will and bring to bear the forces necessary to make those people who rule in such ignorance study a rule of short term, medium term and long term intelligence in every decision they make and come up with a plan for the UN based on that so I can attempt to not be so angry.

the value of time

who has experienced the loss of something which makes life seem not worth living.
lost countries, lost communities, lost time, loss of the joy of eating, loss of self respect, loss of the sense of well being, loss of your place in the world, loss of friends, lost opportunity, loss of a loved one, loss of love, loss of money, loss of your mind from the loss of all these things.
How many people have not experienced every one of those at one time or another.  There is no way to go on, and yet we go on.  We go on and we find moments of joy in life after everything else is lost at one time or another..
There is time for happiness in life, there is not time for sorrow, for regret, for anger.  Even so, there are times when we cannot find a true friend, or when we've lost a friend or where someone we thought was a friend turned on us or, a time when we've let down a friend.
The only way to go on after a lifetime, is to forgive yourself, because no one else can forgive you for all the crimes you've committed.
The crimes people know have been committed are nothing compared to those which are unknown except to the criminal.  The crimes against ourselves.
We are given a small amount of time and we spend it without accounting for its value.  We pass the hours without regard for the fact that they can never be changed, can never be recaptured.
What comes next?

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Looking forward

I constantly look for you
In the storms of evening
In the red sunrise
And fear I will see you
Without finding you

Why we will die alone-by BG Wang

Yo! in the vernacular of the lost generation, those who are raised with no skills and who are doomed by the failure of you the parents. 
Those of you who read this will read of the dark past and the darker future.  Much of this is personal, but some of it is the result of your failure to maintain your manufacturing base.  This is exacerbated by the fact that with the technology followed the manufacturing.
Of course, the jobs followed both, yo.  Therefore your lost generation exists.
The time in the past was the best of times, but was still dark for some souls.  The future may be better but is far more likely to be grim.  The grimness is brought about by betrayals, mainly the betrayals of self; but also the betrayals of self-ishness.  Not just mine but those who rule and you.
I who have read more than you of what is to be written, ask you to leave this blog now and save yourselves your suffering.
And you of the Middle lands, called the east by those of the west.  You think that you will bring down your infidels, but you are no more than tools yourselves.  Too ignorant to true power to understand that you are as much a part of Judaism which you seek to destroy and Christianity which you seek to emulate to do more than destroy yourself.  You make yourself the enemy to those who would offer you freedom of religion in the name of a god that is as intolerant as your own, but whose true nature was hidden from the founding fathers who would protect you even as you seek to destroy them.
And your religion and theirs is the same.  You just enslave your women more openly than the other, while both preach enslavement in equal parts.
You will not bring them down, that is what I have done.  All you do is distract them from their true enemies which, fortunately for me, is so very easy to do.  This is because they have no intelligence past the present and the past.  They see themselves in the past only and not in the darker future.  The darker future is yours as much as theirs for you depend on them for your protection.  You do this because they would not as effectively enslave their women or themselves, for these religions seek to enslave those who practice them to one extent or the other. 
Instead of embracing your salvation, you tear at the vulnerable parts and you will indeed win this battle, but only because you are allowed to win.
And when you look at the world without an western protector, you will find you have little ability to rise up against a force that is farsighted and looks farther in the future than your religions and their terminal visions allow.  Which is fine.  Your religion and theirs seeks to be short sighted, perhaps as the rulers wished so you would not have the vision to see the future.
But this is not about any of you, not those of the middle lands any more than those of the middle kingdom.  It is about salvation of the soul of those who have already sold out too many times.  Just as I over-threw my adopted homeland and therefore doomed myself as a traitor to my adopted people so that China's Wang could mount its enemies in the west and take over the world, so must those of us who lived only for our own needs eventually die friendless and alone.
Some of us were self-ish and being for the self, if we succeed, we must end as we sought, with nothing but the self.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Great Britain and New China-the analogies

History doesn't repeat itself identically, but the similar things drive civilizations.
England ruled the world between 1600 and 1900 not by virtue of their superior intellect, numbers or ferocity.  They controlled the seas, their technologies and training allowed them to isolate their competitors.  They manufactured the key products, ships and their weapons, and they controlled the key technologies embodied there.
Today, manufacturing is the technology that embodies power.  Those who control it, control the shipping and by dispersing or withholding it, they can similarly isolate their enemies. 
The English enslaved much of the rest of the world and shared power with the rest.
Today, the balance of power is shifting with manufacturing and the technology is following it.  Already, the world could be controlled out of Asia, but the Asians are too wise to exploit this too quickly.
Instead, the workers are slowing finding themselves reduced to service industries.  There is no work for the people, they lose skills and become a burden where previously they were need to maintain manufacturing.  They become a liability that the governments must support further weakening them.  We see this in Europe today.
The key, however, lies not in war with China since all we can hope to do is to ensure there is nothing for anyone.  Instead, we must recognize that manufacturing must be spread and we must control technologies here and in Europe and we must compete with china now.  But we must not just fight china in the factory, we must win the war of ideas.
What we are doing now is we are focused on a very short sighted approach to war.  We are fighting without having ideas which are needed to survive as a species.  If we cannot have better ideas, a better underpinning, then it does not matter who wins, because the victory with be short and pyric.
However, for purposes of this entry, what we can see is that England ruled the world and now we are losing that to China.  We need to decide today whether we want to allow that to happen without a fight, for the decision is no longer within our power exclusively.

agony of life in draft form

Tension and nerves
Bad diet and anxiety
almost ready to return to the stories
of the lost years
unwilling, they have started to surface again
the beautiful sisters and the wrong choice
one healthy one crippled
the pain so heavy
that I had to cry out aloud
even after 40 years
the invitation and the incompetence
why couldn't someone so painfully shy
have been given the chance he needed
and why now was that person still in me
still wishing he could apologize
for not having the maturity
to give the right answer, the only answer
why do I still make the wrong decisions
when the right choices are so clear cut
what flaw is there which tortures me
could it be true that everything happened already
that we are only the image of it playing out
would that I could accept that as the explanation
because the only true explanation
is a lack of conviction and courage
Am I truly alone in this
is there anyone else there who given the choice
makes the right decision, regardless of consequences
and why am I still waiting after all these days
for things to come to fruition
when they are so close
what are these continual delays
what unseen forces stop me at every turn
and when I look in the mirror
why do I see them staring back at me

Freedom of speech-preamble to the end of days

Freedom of speech is freedom to propose solutions.
For some problems there may be no solutions, solve the puzzle that is life.