
Monday, November 28, 2016

AuT structure

I have 194 draft posts.  No way to incorporate all of that.
I have, of course, given the universe structure, but it is important to note that there are two separate universes.  One is the "true" universe which has a clock based on the quantum changes in a single variable.
The second universe is the relativistic universe that we call space time.
The division between these two can be understood as follows:

The relative comparison of unbroken ct states to a broken ct state is recorded by stacking each solution to get the next solution.  The theory runs as follows;
1) 1 compared to 1,1 or 2 for photonic state. 1 compared to 1,2,3 for wave energy, etc.
2) The same process occurs and the two solutions are added to get a recorded event.
3) 0 compared with 1,1, or 2 for photonic states which creates a defect in the operation.  This defect gives rise to time and provides a mechanism for separating points giving rise to dimension and standard clock time.
4) X continues one quantum change at a time so that time is changed into two separate parts: x time which is true time; sct (which is relativistic space-time).

Saturday, November 26, 2016

AuT-Refining the topic

Reliance on superstition to limit scientific inquiry is nonsense and trying to find scientific truth in biblical fiction is a stretch.  That being said it is possible to find the basis of current scientific truths within ancient attempts to explain the unknown.  My research into the origin of quantum phenomena drew heavily from Parminides (2600 years old); the anthropomorphic principle (not totally ruled out by my studies) is a form of creationism.  There are also coincidental aspects.  The "old version" of the big bang has been equated to "let there be light."  The AuT version says that time and dimension only existed when photonic light emerged as a compressed form of information from the time and space independent ct1 state (what is called space by most people) and became measurable based on the relative changes of photons to space which also appears coincidentally to say that at the beginning of time (standard clock time) there was light.  At first blush the response is "coincidence is nonsense," but in a predetermined universe coincidence and randomness are illusions from identifiable quantum phenomena.
Subject: Physics
Theme: Origins of Quantum phenomena
Context: Solving problems through a unified origin
Topic: How the unified origin of quantum phenomena arises and how do observations support the origin
What is the methodology
Reflect not only on this narrowing but how and why changes occur.
Research questions: What are the existing parameters, how to reduce these to the actual equations.
Working research question:
How to properly define the F-series intersecting spiral algorithm offset by an evolving definition of pi in light of the observed relationship between F-series compression (1,11,111) and information theory (Fseries(n))^2^n.
Subject: Physics
Theme: Origins of Quantum phenomena
Context: Solving problems through a unified origin (not a unified field)
Topic: How the unified origin of quantum phenomena arises as an algorithm and how do observations support the origin
How to properly define the F-series intersecting spiral algorithm offset by an evolving definition of pi in light of the observed relationship between F-series compression (1,11,111) and information theory (Fseries(n))^2^n.
Where does compession occur in the model?

Draft hypothesis: Draft hypothesis: The universe is an information based system based on a single variable algorithm of the following rough form: Sum(x=1 to infinity) Fseries/Information interaction (defined by each element changing (with x) but also the sum of all (changing) elements begin added in the prior two quantum embodiments to form the current quantum state of the universe) where each of the embodiments are offset from each prior embodiment by a definition of pi changing based on an infinite converging series restricted by the value of x.
Or dimension and time (sct) arise from the relative stacked changes of the higher ct states to ct1, perhaps only ct2 to ct1. The "old version" of the big bang has been equated to "let there be light."  The AuT version says that time and dimension only existed when photonic light emerged as a compressed form of information from the time and space independent ct1 state (what is called space by most people) and became measurable based on the relative changes of photons to space.
Or The AuT version says that time and dimension only existed when photonic light emerged as a compressed form of information from space (an independent ct1 state); and “standard clock time” became measurable based on the relative changes of photons to space which also appears coincidentally to say that at the beginning of time (standard clock time) there was light.  
Or There is a distinction between organized informational change based on converging infinite series and illusory entropy based changes which appear based on a poor understanding of the background algorithms defining the series.
If we're not having fun yet, wait for me.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Thoughts on research

Knowledge acquisition and curiosity.  The great salvation and killer of cats.  We acquire knowledge necessary to save us and find that it might kill us instead.  Perspective and awareness we find out who we are only to diminish ourselves by our understanding. We determine that we are self aware, only to find that awareness is an illusion.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

AuT SMIT 4 xx the flaw in ct1 which allows the universe to be recorded

What you are about to read is perhaps one of the most important posts to date although if you haven't read the others, if you are not familiar with the equation that drive the universe and F-series stacking of prior universes to get to the present one it will be missing pieces; but since it is about a missing piece that is altother appropriate, so I encourage you to read on.
This work in its entirety is an amalgam of greek teach, which I was given and the modern work of coincidentally jewish and non-jewish physicists.  Since much of the greek teachings were preserved by muslims or moors it represents an amalgam of western cultures and perhaps it points out the binding nature of the spiral methodology.  I owe much to the greek who pointed out some of the flaws in the earlier work directly and indirectly which allowed to refinement of the original, inaccurate work which was mistakenly tied to Einsteinian and Hawkinian physics which were defective.  Only by looking at the more fundamental work and examining the flaws reflected by modern work was it possible to see how unbalanced the universe was and how it relies so extensively on converging infinite series to progress.
In this way not only do we solve for all the big mysteries of modern physics, either by eliminating them or by explaining them; but we also see our place in the universe.  While our place is not particularly glorious, we explode bombs as part of the compression/decompression cycle while thinking we are gloriously discovering things, the fact that the universe gives us the ability to solve for our place is fascinating and can only be explained by the ironies that gave rise to this seminal work, the first of its come which defines these features.
You don't have to believe it, but I don't have to care.  There is, as I've said many times, only one thing that I care about and irony has, so far, kept me away from that.
In order for information to drive the universe and for there to be a relative separation between space and higher ct states that allows for the universe to be generated and displayed, there must be some fundamental different between ct1 (space) and the other forms of existence.  It just so happens that this fundamental difference is so obvious that it walks up behind you and in the name of love stabs you in the back.
Space resets every two changes of x.  Higher ct states do not.  By resetting it gives a bench mark against which other changes which do not all reset can be measured (relativity) and against which the changes can be compared (distance and velocity).
Compression past the initial ct1 state can, in this event, be seen as "not resetting" over a period of time and the stacking of ct states along with the failure to reset to zero, provides a mechanism to prevent higher states from degrading.  There is no mechanism for them to reset.
Further it explains why higher ct states do not obviously degrade to space.  To allow degradation past photonic, they have to go to zero.  The methodology for this could be changing places with a ct1 state which allows for velocity and separation to become possible or it could be that only the comparative changes against the three step heartbeat yes, yes, nothing, yes, yes, nothing of ct1 is important.
Just as apparent lengthening with speed, a relativistic concept, or the shrinking of slower moving objects, can be seen as reflecting with greater speed and increased substitution of reset states, it is possible that the fewer the less of the high ct state that is exposed to the effects of reset.
In any event relativity has to be in reference to some defect in ct1 and the obvious one is the zero point in the 0,1,1 cycle.
F-series addition of universes assures us that the features of the defect are preserved.  The fact that it is every third point in the cycle ensures that it is an odd and not an even function which might produce a universe too uniform to give rise to what we observe.  Indeed the two positives before the negative may be what give rise to the unique definition of pi:
x/1+(x/3)-x/5+x/7 skipping two beats in the denominator and starting off as two positive beats.
One can think of this as an old fashioned film where every third frame is blank.
One would expect the universe to flicker, but since there is a change every 1.07x10-39th of a second it cannot be easily observed with our primitive tools on the macro level and we need to look for the indirect consequences, such as how it is reflected in observed physics.
The hand of fate having written moves on, but it preserves each of the pulse changes and the defect in every third pulse of ct1 which is not present in the higher ct states allows for a quantum notch in the universe similar to the notches that run a player piano.  We are the song.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


The theory is comprehensive in several respects.
It defines a very complicated universe with apparent randomness without resorting to overly complicated underlying information based algorithms.
It is a logically self replicating system which builds according to an accepted formulation and matches the self replicating system with information theory which is both a bonus and a necessary feature.
But I believe that it is important to develop some of the practical aspects.
Philosophy, disproving human gods for example, is important but not practical in any real sense.  It is not a disproving of god, just a recognition of a non-random system that eliminates free will and hence the requirement of following a set of rules dictated by religious doctrine.  Those whose spiral solutions find them generally or fanatically religious will never read this work correctly unless that is what the solutions require.
Historical aspects are probably more important, but has limited immediate practical use and prediction might be too complex, although it will be much more likely when the exact math formulae are understood.  Already we can, on gross scale tell what happened before the big bang and what will happen to cause the universe to stop expanding
Astronomical aspects are already so far ahead of what exited prior to AuT that most of the texts can pretty much be thrown aside until the next editions are written on things like black holes, universal expansion and contraction, speed, dark matter and energy and other non-sense; the same is true of quantum phenomena and things like strings, quarks and my old nemesis the bozo bozon, the evil clown of physics as far as AuT is concerned.  In other words, there's so much damage to prior physics in these areas that it's going to take a while just to sift through the wreckage.
The best place, although possibly a dead end, lies in accelerated travel along ct1 states, the possibility of skipping states or at least slowing down perceived change to the point where relative travel is at a speed in excess of the speed of light.  This appears, at first blush, to be a violation of the spiral rules and it may well be impossible for that reason, but since space itself is not governed by dimensional requirements and since space is information it seems likely that a warp (multiple speed of light) or possibly instantaneous transmission of information is possible although a reassembly mechanism is the key problem that I foresee.  Turning any state (even photons) into space seems to be prohibited, possibly because of the post conversion definition of spirals (0,1,1 to something without a zero in it) but this doesn't mean that the idea of zero has ceased to exist, if it did we wouldn't have space and without space we couldn't have relative to movement to space which would eliminate dimension, velocity and standard clock time.  So while I cannot develop a time machine according to the theory, there is no reason I cannot develop a machine that allows movement at a multiple of the speed of light.
I'm slowed in this undertaking due to primary needs of the flesh, and publication (still working on it) of volume II, it need not be ignored in its entirety and certainly it should be a relatively easy undertaking for me since I seem to be part of this feed, this lead of information from the algorithm.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


In these last posts what we've done is connected information theory conclusively with F-series spiral theory strengthening that link in the inevitable chain to the correctness of AuT which is to Relativity what relativity was to Newtonian Physics and that is actually being quite modest.
We have defined true clock time (the change in the single variable x in the single variable universe) from SCT (standard clock time) which is actually relative time between ct1 (space clock time) and higher clock times.  Practically we've not only redefined velocity and separation but we've also shown the possibility for a type of velocity that could be 256 times the speed of light (Captain, I don't know if she can take anymore!).
Of course it is genius, but it is something more and less.  It is the universe taking from me the only thing that mattered to me and in its place giving me knowledge, cruel knowledge of a universe driven by irony and the simplicity of the type of self generating algorithm that necessarily must be the point of origin rendered complex by a simple offset and intersecting averages.
Oh you greek muse, cruel pawn to the universe, yet it allowed that secrets of time and space of the origin of the universe and its infinite non-ending converging and diverging series are revealed to me, pealed apart like layers of an onion to reveal yet another, more elegant onion within.  You too muse, you steered me to the answers that I could not find myself, as if you knew these answers and were teasing me with them, "see if you can find what I already know," the cruel goddess teased.
The non-big bang origin, the expansions and contractions are as clear to me as the clearest caribbean seas and then, when it allowed me to see all the way to the bottom, when indeed it allowed me to see all the way into the mind of god itself, it showed me nothing but meaninglessness.  I looked for some special value to me and you, because it showed me everything, every single thing, so clearly that I could tell you, connect every dot and see the pattern of the finite and the infinite and revealed it to be no more than a pattern, toying with me, because it must have known in its predestined way, that I could not accept what was plainly before me, that we were nothing, an unimportant winding and unwinding of intersecting F-series spirals according to a single variable, offset by a changing value of pi, stacked by a combination of offsets combining the Fibonacci series and information theory in a previously unknown manner.  No I could never accept that because it would render you something less to me, the one thing I cannot believe, regardless of the evidence before me, a lie that I am bound to, hidden in a series of converging truths.
Alas, alas Babylon, alas Athens, Crete, Sparta, Parmenides and your confused student Zeno.  All for naught, love for naught, the genius and the fool sitting in the same spot, both two parts of a single whole as I have to think of you and I.  Oh you made me a fool, showed me such sights that show me more than any pope or physicist before me, offered me the glory that was us together, and took it away, leaving me in mental rags.

AuT stacked math and information theory

To show how the F-series equations work with different states the following models are useful:
CT1=0,1,1 the true clock time state varying only relative to x.
CT2=1,1,2 or in in terms of F(x)=4
The stacked result is
11 is 4^4 or (using our view) F(x)^2^x=4^2^2
The assumption of the transition is a little different than the actual transition from this point forward.
CT3=1,2,3 or F(3)=6
111 is not 6^6^6 nor is it 12^6.  It is F(x)^2^x or 6^2^3 or 6^6. However it is also compression based on ct2, not on ct1.  The base 6 is the Fsolution, the exponential 6 is the same 4 plus of 11 plus 2
CT4=2,3,5 or F(4)=10
1111 is not 10^10^10^10 nor is it 30^10.  Instead it is 10^2^4 or 10^8.  If you look, however at ct 4 what you have is 10, the F series ^11[which is F(x)=4]+^11[also F(x)=4) which is 10^8
For ct5
not 16^16 etc but instead is 16^2^5=16^10 which is, not surprisingly the same 8+2 that you see for uneven ct3.
Hence, there is a pattern that arises for even and odd increases in ct states based not just on information theory but also; as a result of the relationship of stacked F-series function, based on the F-series.
This suggests that F-series stacking to make higher time states and information theory arise from the same features that define our universe in terms of compressed information states.
And if that doesn't get me the Nobel prize, well its a spiral problem.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

AuT-Volume II publication update

As you can certainly imagine, there will be at least a few surprises in the second edition of spirals in amber.  At the present time it is believed it will be available after thanksgiving and before christmas.  There are 100 pages of new content and it's a lot to go over and seems to be growing at an alarming rate.
It's possible also that I won't delete all of the old information from the first edition which means either including unedited material from the first edition or publishing the second edition without the last 100 pages or so of the first edition, neither of which appeals to me.
The good news is that the theory has survived the re-write in tact more or less.  That is prior writings have radically changed the underlying work and the second edition of spirals in amber while heavily edited essentially stays true to the underlying concepts.
Perhaps the most important addition is more detail in why the ct1 (space) to higher interfaces is so important.  This was actually addressed in the first edition, but without the requisite detail.
There may or may not be technical updates between now and publication, I assume there will be, but the theory more or less in its entirety has been given here, not edited mind you, but worthy of a quick read through these several thousand posts if you can't wait for the second edition, hopefully just in time for Christmas.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

AuT-lumpy time

I could write a post about love or physics, and perhaps both
For the moment, I explained some things at lunch and want to put my thoughts down on paper
First, if all times are built on the prior times, then it may be possible to mine the present for the past.  There are certainly some "elements" of that, light carrying old times, often billions of years old, into our telescopes, but it is the more relevant current moments that are worth considering.  There is little question that in Aut the present in built on the past, but the methodology is complicated by the changes relative to ct1 that give us standard clock time and velocity which otherwise would not be perceived.
Time, as a relative change against ct1 can be measured in quantum steps and hence must be quantum, that is sct.  If ct2 is 256 changing with one ct1 state changing at a time at ct3 is 6^2^3 ct2 changing at the same rate and ct4 is 10^2^4 ct3 then this incredibly large number divided by 256 is the speed of matter at the speed of light and to see the quantum elements, you would have to observe those in fractions (1.07x10-39) of a second to see the individual changes.  Nevertheless, this should be an observable phenomena.
I also discussed the fact that ct6 (black holes) interact with matter like matter interacts with wave energy.  When electricity (wave energy) passes through a wire it doesn't cease to exists nor does matter in contact with a black hole do anything weirder than be captured in the same fashion.  In fact, all matter may be observed as being shared in a very loose ct5 matrix.
I also discussed that space alone would have no dimensional aspects, because space is non-dimensional probably because it has an element of non linearity to it (0,1,1,0) but that it also is carried on a carrier F-series 0,1,1,2,3 as a result of the stacking of times together.
I discussed that 1,1,2 in space corresponded to 11,11,22 in photons, 111,111,222 in wave energy and the like providing an explanation for the F(series) portion of the equation F(x)^2^x or for matter (2+3+5)^2^4.
I mentioned that pi proves that dimension is illusory because pi cannot be solved except for a finite value of x and that therefore dimension and velocity are (as observed) a function only of relative position along a ct1 spiral relative to other ct1 spirals in the type of stacked matrix suggested by the stacking of prior time states to get the current one.
It was worthwhile to me because it gave me some room to stretch and put these theories into one place where they make sense without getting too high falutin.
But more on this and perhaps more on love later.

Monday, November 7, 2016

AuT chart-A pause for our advertisers to identify themselves

taking a break from reality.
I find that I"m needing to spend an inordinate amount of time just editing the prior posts and getting the book ready to publish.  That isn't something I do here very much, but it is something that works well with some other editing.
I'm going to pause for a moment while I deal with minutia including publishing a romance novel I finally finished today.
I have a chart which looks something like this:

But it goes on and on and sets out how the algorithm universe evolved over time and helps to set out where everything is going.  It will go into the new book, assuming I ever get it done.  I have quite a bit of editing to do, this new book having so much new information that it's now both a new edition and a new book.
This chart shows how space changed from just another ct1 state to a ct1 state against which other ct1 states are defined.
It shows how ct1 can be defined both by a simple cycle and a f-series algorithm that maintains that algorithm over time
It shows how higher information states result from associating multiple lower states with a single ct1 state thereby telling the obvious, that it is movement, velocity, acceleration and separation based on relative changes in space and changes from one ct1 line to another
it shows how positive and negative spirals may be aligned before being offset form other aligned spirals or that both sides may be misaligned
But mostly it shows that observations support an algorithm based universe including solutions for higher ct states and predictions of expansion and compression of the entire universe, solutions at individual quantum moments for time, the length of quantum moments and why they are quantum.
It even has allowed an in depth look into the mind of god, a time free, algorithm supporting "thing" and thereby says more about the true nature of the non-universal than other theories.
In short, it's just better and the chart shows how it is derived and it's coming to a something near you, probably eventually this blog, even

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Aut BAA 13-speed and compressionxx

The exponential comes from 11 being associated with 1, that is one space spiral (either inward or outward, but not both) being associated with 256 ct2 (photon) states.  This is light speed and cannot vary because there is nothing between 11 and 1 in terms of F-series.
Likewise wave energy comes from 111 being associated with a single 11, hence both have the same speed.
Each speed comes from the change of one ct1 state at a time or one ct 2 state at a time respectively.
Ct4 slows dramatically because of the exponential associated with 1111 with a single ct2 state.  Each state is necessarily tied to ct1 because each sub-state is tied ultimately to space.
The balance equations in Spirals in amber talk about catching up.  E.G. if all the positive spirals of 11 are associated with a single 1 then shoulding all the 1's be associated with the negative spirals of 11?  This type of balance is not required in an algorithm based solution but the conceptual framework remains plausible if not required and will be explained further.
It occurs to me that I have seen deeper into the mind of god than anyone alive.  It is a strange position to hold.  There are multiple universes, some of these are perfect and balanced in their solutions and of no consequence to time based entities.  Others, like ours, are irregular having a beginning of sorts but no end but having consequential irregularities relative to their different functions of time.
But having seen god more clearly, I have come back with any tablets, any rules, other than entropy is an illusion, time exists in different ways relative to different levels of coordination of information and the like.  There is the rule of irony which equates closely with the illusory role of entropy.  Entropy, of course, if non-existent since the universe continually tends towards greater organization, bouncing like a pi solution between expansion that we wrongly call entropy and compression which is what it is.
And having seen god so closely, it occurs to me that the only thing I had to give up for this vision was the most important thing in the world to me.  The rule of irony holds.

Friday, November 4, 2016

AuT BAA-12-speeding up photons

Let us talk for a moment on balanced algorithms (expanding and converging).
The model suggests that until you are far enough out on a spiral you cannot reach compression.
looking at 1,1,2 we can say that until you get to 2 you cannot create a photon and that once you move inward on the spiral you would lose the status.

It also suggests that when it does move in another outward moving spiral takes it place one, for example moving away from intersection with its other spiral and no two spirals would be at the same exact point because of the change in x.

The period of stability of any ct state is defined by when and how often these changes occur and they are viewed relative to ct1 as movement.

Perhaps the number would correspond to how many states are required.  For example, if 256 in common were required, then until the f series of one reaches 256 (meaning the highest would be 256 changes higher) then a single photon couldn't exist.  The way that the formulas work, all of ct1 cannot change to ct2.
This suggests extremely high values of x before any ct4 could form since the lowest would be 10^8, but we don't really see high values of x.
The way that creation of new information is envisioned (as an infinite expanding theory where each new state is built by adding two prior state, that is each quantum universe is built on the two prior quantum universes in this model, each change in x creates massive amounts of space at each transition in addition to everything else, but nevertheless the entire universe has inflection points that lead to the compression of these ct1 states according to an easily (see prior post) calculated "clock" relative to ct1.
Can we slow down a photon?  Can we speed it up?  There are two ways short of changing the algorithm that are suggested.  The opposite models are exchanging each quantum states; one is that at each change in x all 256 photon states change and if you reduce the number that change you effect this change, the other (more likely) is that at each change in x only one of the 256 ct1 states making up a photon change and if two of them change at a time it would either speed up or slow down the photon depending on which change can occur.
Now this is an unnatural methodology and would allow other speeds of the ct states, even matter, to be affected in a similar way.  Using ct4, the example would be that 1 of 256 states is light speed for matter (it would effectively have changed to individual photons along a series of inflection points, possibly one immediately following the other, but the numbers are covered a post or two ago from 10^8 (ct4) to 6^4 (ct3 wave energy) to 4^2 (photonic energy) or something like that, and anything less is slowed and this means that speed itself (of course) is a quantum event with just that many steps (per 1.07x10-39th of a second) but what if 2 of 256 were able to change, would that double or at least increase light speed of ct4?  Would it force a dissolution of ct4 and could it be reassembled?
The model suggests it is possible.  That is the model suggests that exceeding light speed is possible.
The other part of the model allowing greater than light speed movement is nothing more complicated than noting that distance and speed are only relative changes to the ct1 matrix.  This means if you ignore the false distance you can plot against ct1 at any point.
This assumes that for ct4, 3 and 2 instead of 1 ct1 changing at a time would be for one for each information state of the photon (1 of 256) changing at a time for a miminal/maximum speed.  Because you can only change one at a time, at least as far as the model looks at us, because of how the algorithm is solved light cannot change slower and cannot slow down.  For a higher ct3 state (6^4) you still have going down all the way to 1 change per 6^4 which means that wave energy "theoretically" could slow down exponentially relative to photons even though this happens very rarely and is a confusing part of the model.  When the ct3 state is associated (electricity being an example) with a ct4 state, you do see changes varying and, of course, ct4 has much slower changes relative to ct1, space.
There is a maximum amount of change, but over the dreadfully long period of a measurable amount of time, speeds can change dramatically.
These numbers only follow quantums over quantum changes.  That is the follow a single quantum, less than a quark, of matter over 1.07x10-39th of a second and therefore can only be measured using the math model which, of course, I have figured out, thank you and the awful absurdity of a universe built on irony where the more bad injected into a system, the more resulting benefit is possible.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

AuT-balance and distractions 11

I have to assemble everything because I'm getting ready to get my first set of edits back.
The lack of support led me to abandon this in favor of the things that bring bread to the table, but as you probably know I've laid out a theory that explains everything, at least up to g-space, explains at least what happens in g-space and leaves very little to the imagination.  It's rather hard to believe that the acclaim is not louder, but then who really cares what I believe.
One item came up, however, in connection with the model which is, a slightly unbalanced model, but which fooled everyone before me into thinking it was balanced because of the converging infinite series being so far advanced.  There is, however, a flip side and another balancing feature and I am going to address that in today's post while I wait for those edits to come in and make the last push to publish the second edition of spirals in amber (greatly enhanced).
The F-series on which the theory is loosely modeled is a diverging infinite series.  All the other elements are converging infinite series.  It does, however, appear that converging and diverging series exist and the model suggest, perhaps even demands, that there is a balance (slightly off and converging or diverging) between the converging and diverging infinite series.
That is while each converging or diverging series is infinite, there is one converging element for each diverging element and the "unbalance" between these two sets is either diverging or converging or both converging and diverging.
More on this later too.

Volume II coming soon-the perfect christmas gift for anyone, you know what I want for christmas.