
Friday, July 31, 2015

Non Linear Coordinates Sequential acceleration

 As the many chapters are re-written to bring them into compliance with the most recent model, it is necessary to go further and further back to find common ground.  And yes, it may be necessary to go a long way back to find common ground.

Non-linear Time CT(0).  No clock times are linear, everything happens at once without dimension or force characteristics. NLT (all states/coordinates at zero). Something is about to happen and for lack of a better term, it will be called the sequential acceleration of time (SAT).  We don’t perceive time, we only perceive the change in time, so we would not perceive non-linearity.  Likewise, a core position of NLC is that all events are frozen and that “time” is merely the impression of a past a future from any fixed quantum point.
Likewise, SAT can be seen as an initial “bulge” in non-linearity which spirals back to non-linearity which reflects the fact that there is only a set amount of information in the “bulge” which compresses “back” to a state of non-linearity.  The “bulge,” therefore, contains all of the information in the universe from the very beginning and the spiral, along with pi, form a timeless clock counting down the length of the universe.

We can start by looking at traditional acceleration.  By definition the rate of change is x=dx/dt in one dimension (change per time).  Already, we have interjected error into the analysis because we are changing time, not distance, but for purposes of analysis, we continue.  The acceleration is d/dt(dx/dt) or, in terms of units meters/sec^2.   We don’t need to discuss position at this point in time because position is not relevant to inquiry.  All dimension and force characteristics are non-linear, time is “potentially linear.”
The clear failure of this analysis is that there can be so many different coordinate changes.  A better analysis is that all of this information (c=coordinate, the single quantum unit of information) changes as we move from one quantum point along the spiral to another.  Dx/dt  becomes dc/dx where x is a point along a curve which is defined in the discussion of spiral math.  There is no time in this equation.  From any point existing now or in the past or the future, it would be possible to determine from the spiral the beginning and end of the universe in terms of a number of quantum instances without reference to other factors.

It should be noted that NLT suggests that some “sequential pre-non-linear states” may exist before non-linearity, but these are a discussion of the makeup of non-linear time which is addressed later.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


The gods of irony
ask us to wait
to put out lives on hold
while we wait
while every moment
which used to have value
has even more value
if it remains forever
will you wait
knowing the moments
will never come back
and will I have the courage
to be there
if you show up
where the only answer
of NLC
is never wait

As I continue writing the third edition and hitting one first after another, the latest determining that all coordinates only move in one direction;  I've been working on this chapter as the book gets written.  It is not what is should be.  It should be NLC as a series of point - counter point questions, but everything is a work in progress.  Wait, don't wait, stop, don't stop.

         While it is easy to question a theory that questions our perception of reality, this is far from the earliest version of this and anyone reading this has questioned the fundamental questions behind reality.
(1)  The primary question that any quantum mechanics theory must answer is: How can anything exist?  Existence makes no sense at all.  Why should things be?
(2)  Secondary, distantly related questions abound:  Why do rules of physics apply? 
          Science that doesn’t investigate these questions is superficial. 
NLC has determined that events are predestined, it provides a basis for all the physics we observe, it provides for inconsistencies in other theories; but it has not answered all of the question that need to be answered.  Like all good theories, it has created more questions than answers even though it answers more pre-existing questions than other theories. There are questions that can be asked indicate a high level of agreement with NLC by the scientific community even though it has never been formally embraced. 
          How do you test NLC?
(3)           Do you believe in randomness? (5) Do you believe in physics?  You cannot believe in both on a quantum level and if they both don't exist on a quantum level, they cannot both exist on a macro level.
(4)  What is space? Do you believe space to be empty?  Do you believe space is filled with something?  
Traditional physics, defined as anything before NLC, trended towards a filled space, but filled with what?  NLC shows exactly what space is relative to other information in the universe.  It also answers other space related questions:
(5)  What is the minimum size of things.
          It is a little less clear as to (6) what happens when you cut that thing in half?  The idea of a dimensionless, timeless singularity ends the division question, there being discreet minimum sizes below which you are in the singularity, but this brings you back to the first question.
          NLC argues that a universe that went increasingly towards entropy is absurd, but it doesn’t do more than touch on the pre-dimensional universe.  It doesn’t answer the questions that pre-date linearity:
(7)     Do you believe in god?  Do you believe the universe can rationally exist without god?  Could anything as irrational as a god exist without an even more complicated universe?  
          So what is the theory that takes us closer to the answers than any other theory?

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

what you give me

Some of you give me nothing
which is more than i deserve
some have given me a future
beyond my own life
for which I have shown
no relative gratitude
some have given me love
which i have taken
without consequence
and precious little return
and yet my love burns
much hotter than anyone else
certainly more than you
would give me credit
probably more than yours
and therefor more than you
could possibly imagine
and it has nowhere to go
for I have no loyalty
and apparently as much direction
as a rudderless ship
you give me hope
without which i could not live
for a future
which i have not seized
it languishes and dies
like an unwatered plant
and every day
part of me dies with it.


I am blind
what would be eyes to anyone else
are only burning points in my face
dry to the touch
what good am I to you
or to anyone else
what kind of partner would i be
what can i add
a partnership based on mutual desire
my relationships are nothing more
than a series of business arrangements
you cannot manufacture love
you can fake love
you can pretend love
you can act love
but it is either there or its not
perhaps not everyone is capable of it
perhaps I am not
I certainly have no spirtuality
there is no love of the spirit
on a consciousness of it
as great as anyone else
but that has little to do with love
so I have nothing
but a partnership of convenience
The blindness of my eyes
is perfect vision
compared to the blindness
of my soul.

NLC-The spiral in amber-donex

    So you're whinning because things don't happen fast enough.  You want everything now, you don't want to wait for it.  In the interim, I am explaining that waiting is irrelevant, that only individual moments matter.
  What I will now do is describe with specificity what I promised earlier and set out both the solution of pi and the length of the moment.  Understand that the moment is illusory, it exists only relatively to us from our pre-ordained perspective.  We think these moments pass.   NLC provides a motive power of the universe, that it is not motive at all, but is something much different, it is merely a fixed spiral.
          What then is light speed that it cannot be crossed?  One relationship suggested by NLC is that light speed is nothing more than the amount of change necessary to return to the prior state.  We can calculate that in a single instant the net amount of change is equal to one unit but we also have to determine what the length of that instant.  The unit of change is a single coordinate change in a system.
          Time is nothing more than the number of state changes along the spiral.
          Putting these concepts together we can calculate with some certainty the features of the spiral, if you’re willing to make some simple assumptions.  We should be able to eliminate time in terms of dimension in defining the spiral.
          A second is equal to the square root of 299,792,458m^2 or 17,314 meters.  Using Planck length, as the “minimum length allowed by the universe (1.62x10^-35M/line width in this case) you can see that there are 1.07x10^39 changes in a coordinate in a single second which explains why we don’t see these changes and gives a detailed definition of what an “instant” is.  It is one 1.07x10^39th of a second.
          NLC provides a solution to an infinite series (pi) by providing a limit beyond which additional manipulation doesn’t matter.  It will be shown here that the end of the series comes at the point where the curve changes at the 1.07x10^39th place in the infinite series equation, because beyond that there is no change. This fixes pi and the number of changes based on the curve in the spiral assuming a single spiral (360 degrees) if you know the number of changes which, of course, can be calculated assuming that all the information in the universe (using the conversion rate of 2^n) begins (at zero degrees) completely uncompressed (individual times change independent of each other as space) and ends completely compressed (all time coordinates changing together-everything happening at once) at 360 degrees.  This amount of information was estimated in an earlier post.
And there you have it.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

pain and happiness

I swam hard and then I slept hard, then must have slept wrong and have been suffering ever since.  There is one narrow place where I can hold my head and arms where I'm comfortable.  Decided to go for Tylenol in place of wine, not so sure about the choice, the smart one..
So where does happiness fit into this post?  My heart hurts and there is only one place where I can hold it where it doesn't hurt.  I can't hold my neck in the right place all the time, neither with my heart.
The work out I did was complete enough.  I felt good after that.  The sleep, not so much.  Sleep.  I don't get that any more.  It gave me up, for that I can't blame anyone else, and I wonder if I'll ever get it back again.
I suspect my neck will heal, I suspect my heart will not.  The heart is supposed to be held in one place, by one person.  It is a lucky person who can put their heart anywhere and be happy, or is it?

Sunday Morning

I woke up this morning with a terrible "crick" in my neck and more than usually blind.  The former I attribute to a lengthy swim followed by a restless night.  I did, after finally getting to sleep manage to sleep past 5:00 am which was something of a victory.
Success in such minor things is important to me.  It is too hot for most of my distractions.  I forced myself to practice the piano for a short time this morning.  I hate to think that I will spend eternity swimming laps without getting anywhere, without accomplishing anything beyond a sore neck, knowing that I can control my destiny and finally being within 30 days to do it with relative impunity, but not doing it.  What kind of a person am I?
I changed the name of my blog to more closely reflect what I am doing now. Perhaps I will change it again to match the title of the book.
 A gloomier, more humid day is hard to imagine.  It is not the gloom of the mind alone, although several hours awake without coffee has no doubt added to things.  The decaffeinated tea is better suited to my health, but not my state of mind.
It was a week of raining on an off, every 3 hours or so it has rained for 3 hours as if the weather was on some sort of clock set to assure that the gloom of week does not wear off prematurely.
Of what waits for me, there are many things.
There are the secret things for which I have done my part for now.  These are the things that hold the most immediate promise and there is the uncertain future.  I have laid down certain row crops which now must be harvested.
There are the confidential things for which I have my path set out but which wait for the meetings required to set them in motion which will, I fear, be delayed further.  I have work to do to prepare for both the precedent features and the mordant actions that will follow.
There are the certainties of travel and those which remain to be set.  Will I find myself in California preparing for the next level of consequence or will I find that the issue at hand has imploded, that my plans are thwarted by what must be a corrupted influence?
These few things, among many others, represent an enormous investment time, which is valueless because it is not spent wisely.  There may yet be some work to be done otherwise. Surely the equally work on NLC presses on me, bedevils my days locked in amber without you.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

NLC and the illusion of lightspeed-done

I think when the modern world eliminated street cars we took a giant step backwards.  I'm not saying we need the same type of streetcars that existed in the 1920's but we need the modern version.
NLC was previously described in a series of questions.
Today I have some of the minutia of linearity to deal with, but I wanted to share something minor with you.
You complain so much about what I say and what I do without recognizing that with you help I have solved an infinite series (pi); that I have figured out the primary motive power of the universe, that it is not motive at all, but is something much different, it is merely a fixed spiral .
So what then is light speed that it cannot be crossed.  I have given some thought to this and have determined that it is nothing more than the amount of change necessary to return to the prior state.   It may be thought that instead of speeding up to lightspeed, you are actually slowing down as you accelerate towards non-linearity in all coordinates but one.
 As has been indicated, all change is in one direction.  We work within a middle range where we can, as a result of the physics which controls our actions, able to slow down or speed up change within this narrow range.  The speed of light merely represents the amount of room between two states.
It will be necessary to describe the exact methodology in due course, but what will you do with the information?  You sit there quiet, taking, without giving.
I have done less than nothing, my words do not render your religions irrelevant, because they were already.  Were I able to do anything I would render my own accomplishments irrelevant.  I have unburied Lucretius  only to bury him again.

Friday, July 17, 2015

NLC-A spiral in amber-done

What are you doing this weekend?  I'm edition a 250 paper on quantum mechanics.  Well, that's only part of it.  I'm ruining life.  While you know as well as I do that the solution to my life was easy and I haven't even gotten that part right.  Now destroying life in general it's a lot more complicated because I believe I have determined so much about the natural order of things.  I have eliminated excitement as well as regret.
Although I still regret and hope for that excitement.
But we were talking about how I ruined life, not how I ruin my own life.
I'm putting together a series of questions to address the issue.
Do you believe in randomness? do you believe in physics?  You cannot believe in both on a quantum level and if they both don't exist on a quantum level, they cannot both exist on a macro level.
Do you believe space be empty?  Do you believe space is filled with something?  Both cannot exist.  Now this is not a fair question, so let's ask it this way.  Do you believe there is a minimum size of things and if so what happens when you cut that thing in half?
Long ago I realized that the idea of a universe that went increasingly towards entropy was absurd.
Do you believe in god?  Do you believe the universe can rationally exist without god?  Could anything as irrational as a god exist without an even more complicated universe?  Ergo, none of this exists.
We live in a universe which can, with less than a flick of the wrist make us cease to exist.  You are asking why, if that is the case, don't I do what we both know I want to do?  Is the reason that we accomplish only in the face of great adversity?  Or I do anyway?  Is the reason because god, the spiral of the universe, wants irony?  It is a madness to think this can be harnessed, but we have harnessed it.  Or have we?  How can we hope to harness something that has already happened?
My initial name for this book would have been NLC or some such thing.  Then I determined that this was too much, so I looked at something more poetic, a world in amber.  But world was not broad enough.   Universe?  No, it doesn't sound right.  Then I hit upon it and thus the name on this post.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

NLC-spirals Archimedes and logarithmic; fibrucci series Part 2-interludex done

As I've mentioned innumerable times, NLC is both light years ahead of all other theories of quantum physics and irrelevant.
This is not the irrelevance of man as a temporary creature, because man is not a temporary creature, at least not the way that we perceived it before NLC.  Oh no, every stupid thing you've ever done and every moment we've spent apart or fighting goes on into eternity.  We are more permanent than we ever imagined.
What makes it irrelevant is that at best we are some bizarre type of movie for some "superior" being.  One has to imagine how boring it must be for such a thing to create us.  That's the best case scenario.
Non-linearity contains all of our past and future as well as the present.  There is nothing that is not fixed in place.  While physicists knew this deep down inside, there was not a mechanism before NLC to completely rule out randomness.   We assumed we could make decisions independent of physics properties notwithstanding the stupidity of such a conclusion.  The reason, primarily arrogance, was that we couldn't admit we were irrelevant.  Archimedes running naked down the street after making conclusions about comparative density is amusing, but predictable.  Asimov came close, but he couldn't imagine away randomness.  Many religions have come close.  The Zorastian ones do, after all, look at the universe as a plaything of the gods, created for his entertainment.  That part, at least survives the feasability test of NLC, defining our universe as a model assembled from a box by some so complex entity that we'd have to say it is impossible for such a complex system to exist except our universe exists which is also impossible.
The religions, of course, fall far short because they rely on faith and faith is a function of linearity and true self determination.  In the universe of physics that we live in faith is the dumbest of things.  A belief because we believe god wants us to believe assumes the creation of a non-linear universe leaves such things to chance.  Yes, we may be the result of intelligent design, but we are pre-set automatons who can't even control 3 dimensions, because the "movement" of those 3 dimensions has already been both determined and carried out long "before" any of our prophets or priests told us how to think.
NLC doesn't allow for true linearity.  Our universe must be non-linear, everything must happen at once, the past, present and future must exist together because physics so dictates.  The great spiral must be something else, so what is it?
My thesis this morning, sleepless and lonely, is that it is the initial rule by which linearity is perceived.  It is a rule of perceived (Not actual) linearity just as every other law of physics is.  The rule is that when linearity is applied to the singularity, the first step is to create a beginning and end where the two spiral together.  It is like a pulse or a bulge, but it is only a projection of a pulse or bulge since the singluarity isn't truely affected.  We see the first result of false linearity as gravity.  I say we, what I mean is those of us living in the singularity who think we are moving and controlling (slowing down or speeding up but not changing direction) the universe around us.  We all know, deep down inside, that it is physics on the quantum level moving everything around, rule one being the "great spiral".  There is no reason you cannot jump around on the spiral, but no matter where you decide you are at any one moment, you still pass to the next moment, no wiser or dumber than you were before.  It isn't time travel, its just being one place or another on the spiral.
Rule 2 is that because the spiral, spirals, you go from a less compressed state inevitably back to non-linearity by increasing compression.  Everything else comes from this, that's it.  Two rules.  The universe in a nutshell.
The great understanding of NLC.  You don't matter, I don't matter, the theory doesn't matter. So why do I miss you so much?  Of course, there is an easy answer to that, which does nothing to render the universe less irrelevant.
So what is our purpose?  What goal should we aspire to?  There is only one that makes sense to us.  We have to determine how to control our illusory self determination to make it something less illusory.  We have to attempt to come up with ways to actually alter the singularity.  It is, of course, impossible, since physics dictates that we've already done whatever we've done, so we have to attempt to prove that physics has allowed us to do this already.  If it is possible, then it basically means that we are probably the creators of ourselves which makes absolutely no sense.
The problem with NLC is the problem with all linear physics.  It doesn't tell us anything about g-space (you'll have to look for it in earlier posts, it's all over the place there and in the books).  G space is what really matters and without a "logical" explanation (and our physics can't yield an explanation) we might as well stop looking and just say "god did it" like everyone else who has run up against a brick wall.  The universe, even as a singularity cannot logically exist, not using our physics.  So there must be another type of physics which allows for the existence of complex things.  I know this because my physics demands it.  My physics demands there must be another type of physics that allow for the universe and everything that any of you know or think is irrelevant unless you have been pre-programmed by our physics to determine how to manipulate g-physics and then only if you are capable of leaving our physics and becoming a part of g-space.
Well, I've solved none of our problems today, although the pre-programmed universe appears to be treating me particularly well right now (oh, if only our god was not the god of irony), so who knows what tomorrow will bring, and the answer is that certainly something knows, even if it is only physics.
And even though I know it doesn't matter, I'm still looking for that nobel prize.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

NLC-spirals Archimedes and logarithmic; fibrucci series Part 1-done

I'm tired and blind so this is a rough draft of part 1, and yet it is so important to an understanding of the quantum universe, that rather than wait for me to rewrite something which I may never finish, you should put down everything that you're doing and read this.  I'm just kidding, of course.  So much jibberish jibber jabber.
The Archimedes Spiral vs the logarithmic spiral
Rather than work with degrees, we chose radians to focus on the importance of Pi. Pi serves two functions necessary to NLC.  The first is that it disproves linearity.  The second is that shows there is a limit to the amount of information.
It ultimately leads back to the conclusion that the universe is a fixed entity.  Rather than Einstein's "without time everything would happen at once" there is no time.  Time is the non-existent dimension that is merely the recognition that all fixed data points continue to exist and can only change in one direction.  This post continues the discussion that the direction is an ever increasingly compacted spiral.
Pi is an infinite series and since it defines a circle it shows that in a non-digital universe, it cannot exist.  There must be a quantum limit to the infinite series which can only occur if there is a minimum quantum distance beyond which division is impossible and the existence of an indivisible length requires that space is illusory, i.e. it does not exist.  Further, perfect non-quantum circles could not exist in "real space" since the solution is impossible.  If however, there is a minimum distance and indivisible distance, then pi can be solved down to that distance.  This "quantum pi" solution means the universe is not what we experience, but is instead individual coordinates which yield, through changing sequential compression states, the illusion of space-time.  This shows that the universe cannot exist except as a fixed, non-moving entity.  This will apply equally to spirals which we know result from a cursory discussion of the universe (the solution to pi is given in an earlier post) which is what Parminedes and Xeno argued 2500 years ago in Greece.  There is a limit to the information in the universe results from there being discrete features of the universe.
The question to address is which (of many, many different) spiral is the better model for NLC or is it a combination of the two.  The choice suggested by nature, by the galaxy is the logarithmic spiral, with radius governed by Fibonacci series.  It would be reassuring and we will discuss later, if these gave rise to compression states represented by information (FS-0,1,1,2,3,5,etc-one unit defined by the two preceding units) However, there is another consideration.  The other consideration lies in the nature of the galaxy and the fact that there is no ability for variation.
However, as you will see shortly, in a non-linear environment, there is no difference between the two.
The size of the spiral is also misleading since it has no real dimension and since information may be displayed in quantum bands, the maximum initial spiral may be very small and shrink, not expand, from there as compression increases.  Further the actual spiral need not exist, except as a model through which non-linearity can be seen as a linear construct.  We can, therefore, look at the universe as a single curve spiral.
But what the details of the spiral?  Oh, how much I'd like to edit this before I post it, but I have to get this stuff written.  Some definitions are in order but for purposes of this discussion, I will include involute and Archimedean curves together to compare to logarithmic spirals for expediency.
Involute spirals have successive curves with constant separation distance between the curves.  Related Archimedean spirals are defined by having any ray from the origin intersect successive turnings in points with a constant separation distance (r=2Pib)

b=ln(Phi)/(Pi/2).  Another way of looking at it is b=ln(phi)/90 degrees. Note that as r doesn't change for Archimedean spirals we are working with a single formula.  But for logarithmic spirals b is a growth factor defined by a Fibonacci series (0,1,1,2,3,5,etc-two prior numbers added to make each third).
r=ae^(btheta) where a and b are arbitratry positive constants, in this case a and b approach zero and are the quantum distance.  Another way of looking at this is theta=1/b(ln(r/a) which makes theta (the angle) a linear function as the distance constants (a and b) approach zero which is what you'd expect given the illusion of linearity in the universe.
The initial quantum radius, the only radius, in such a spiral universe is defined by: r=ac^theta where c=e^b.
For the so called golden spirals, theta=1/b(ln(r/a).

For logarithmic spirals the arc length changes L=a/x*t1^2 for 0 (less than or equal to) t (less than or equal to t1)

We have these two types of equations:
For Logarithmic spirals
r=R(pi/2)n as r+R is greater than zero.  In this case n is the number of turns of the spiral and this applies backwards to the spiral outward (n goes negative)
For archimedean spirals:
r=a+b(Phi)^1/c or r=2pib where b controls the distances between successive turns.
Why a universe of one type or the other?  In this case, if there is a single turn, the difference between even these very different spirals seems negligible, but in our universe, we see a reflection of one, not the other.

In pine cones and sunflowers and spiral galaxies we see logarithmic spirals, and for pine cone and sunflowers, we see these running in intersecting opposite directions to form a matrix, just as we observe dimensional and force characteristics run in opposite directions in at least some of the equation hypothesis of NLC.
All natural spirals are logarithmic.  If linearity is a reflection of non-linearity, it makes a lot of sense that nature would imitate the underlying symmetry of the universe.   So for the moment, the prize goes to logarithmic spirals which makes sense since we are dealing with exponential compression which is indicated by the solution c=e^b.  As mentioned, quantum separation where the minimum distance is 1/x where x is the total information at any point in the universe, means that compression may be the compression of a single coordinate at one time as long as the total change in the universe (assuming certain data can be changed by speeding or slowing it down, but not by going backwards) is equal to a single quantum change from the prior state.
Going back to our **'s, you can go from:

***.****.*** to ****.***.*** or ***.***.**** or **.*****.*** etc but only one change can occur overall per quantum length along the spiral, otherwise you'd have a gap and there's nothing to fill it with because this spiral doesn't exist except as a mathematical formula governing the expression of data as it goes from a state of minimum compression to maximum compression (10^n as n goes from zero to x where x is all the data in the universe which may express slightly differently according to the spiral rule by change in one direction only at any quantum moment).

In the next post, if it is ever posted, we will take the prior discussion of a universe of quantum lines spiraling down to non-linearity and the equations for the spirals and combine them to give a better description of the universe than has ever been given before!  Just kidding, but I will put them together, assuming I decide to post it.


This summer venus and saturn
circle each other like boxers
reminding me of us
separated by too great a distance
it is obvious who venus is
the goddess of love
who traps us in your false promise
but does that make me saturn
with too many obvious moons
taking away from my identity
as a planet, as a god
so that i am nothing more
than the body that holds the rings together

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


So what does this NLC universe look like?  We can see it by imagining an unusual track made of quantum lines.  Along the first line is every point in the universe (10^2^c) quantum points where c is the speed of light.  The next line spirals in slightly according to the solution of pi to 10^c^2 places and this line is one quantum point less long so that you have to stack one of the quantum points onto another.  This spiral continues until all the points are stacked together back at the singularity.  each quantum line remains in place despite the next quantum line so that you can look back or forward from any line to see what would appear to be a past or future.  Since they all exist at the same time this perception is an illusion of coordinate change, as opposed to some "4th dimension" (imagine saying it with a deep, echoing voice).  Somewhere far in from the exterior line instead of just two quantum points joining, you join 4, farther in 8, farther in 16, etc.  At the point where 8 quantum points are joined together you have consciousness jumping from line to line and you have shifting of stacks so where 4 were stacked you now have 8 stacked and then perhaps back again.  The cars are so stacked up at this point along the line that clumps of 8 stacked quantum points join together with other 8 stacked quantum points just as 4 stacked quantum points are joined together.  There is no movement between lines, but the existence of the series gives the impression of movement and from any point, a consciousness perceives the past and future movement of quantum points.
The lines are held together by forces generated by the changes.  The forces are static also, having no more ability to change than the lines.  The forces can even be seen as perpendicular lines joining one line to another to another to form a matrix.
The rules of stacking are information theory, the travel, though linear, is spiraling.
It is clear when you look at it this way that the coordinates only change in one direction.  They can vary from one quantum line to the next, but they don't reverse direction, because direction is merely an illusion, it is only the change in coordinates from one point to the next.
     Non-linear time theory requires mathematics which deny dimension, at least as we experience them. This includes time. These are all just stacked coordinates along spirals.  There might have been time separately, but where would it separate from another point on this track made up of quantum lines?  Further, time is not distinguishable from any other coordinate.  Time is merely the recognition that there are spirals outward and spirals inward which are so gradual that from close up they appear to be a perfect circle.
The problem with existing multidimensional time and space-time theories, which gives the same results in some cases, is that they remain "dimensional". The difference is subtle and one of perspective. Multidimensional time, for example, presumes space and forces of space with or without time and presumes time as an absolute linear quantity, albeit with more than one coordinate set.  
As was pointed out, we manipulate within a narrow sphere.  One reason that gravity appears outside of our sphere is because it is the link to non-linearity.  If we can manipulate at that level, then conceivably we could change linearity and that would lead to true self determination.  This is contra-indicated, it would assume at that level that we would be out of time, that one critical dimension.  This is likely the reason why time seems so elusive to us.  Time is one removed from the narrow middle range that we occupy.  There could be large numbers of similar dimensions past time so that the "3" dimensions plus 1 that we experience are only seen as the first 3 because of the inability to transition past this roadblock.
      Time ravels one way or the other and forces are created or combine.  Traditionally, this is what is viewed in traditional physics as matter/anti matter reactions.  NLC requires that we view all reactions as information display in quantum snapshots. 
What we perceive at this moment as our past, present and future; the past present and future of the universe, is a non-changing phenomena.  To put this in perspective, as you read this paragraph you believe that you have a past and a future.  Both seem complete to you and linear.  But the theory requires that we live in a quantum moment that includes all the effects of the past and future, but which remains in place unchanged within the singularity with all other quantum moments all happening together.
We can solve this for what we know:
      Integration (or the equally plausible summation) of point equations (point time states) envisions something along these lines: P(d1-f1, d2-f2,d3-f3,d4-f4 etc)dt.  In this equation each d represents a quantum change in dimension and each F a corresponding quantum force.  For this case, we'll  look at d4+f4 being that form of time dimension capable of “spin”, the name given to dimension having standard clock time and what we call matter.  F is the corresponding force (photon, gravity, electromagnetic forces, standard clock time), and here possibly the weak and strong atomic forces.
The reason for assuming “positive and negative” states has to do with vibration.
Compression isn’t included in this equation, but is inherent in the definition of d1, d2, d3 etc.  In this case d1 is equal to d2^1/2 at least in terms of compression.
      All of these start at zero, d1=f1, d2=f2, etc. and all are conserved as far as we can tell from those observed.
      There are permutations that will complicate this, but for purposes of this solution we are going to ignore these (One permutation would be, for example, N(neutron)=P(proton+electron).
What is missing from this equation is that because all time states exist at the same time we have to modify this with the following type of formulation:
P(tot)=func[(P)from t=0 to t=(max)] where max=maximum amount of time in a finite universe for any one point.  The function func=“sum” is suggested, but given the unusual nature of the universe, there are other possibilities.  We can, for example think of points as being vibrational since they appear to move between non-linearity and linearity, perhaps as dimensional in one directions and as forces in the other.  In such a case the function might look like this P(tot)= Int(from zero to the total amount of time)(p-f)dt where P is the point and F is the force associated with the point.
      So let's take one of these equations that we understand, the rotational to non-rotational.  I.E. E=mc^2 where c=m/t and energy acceleration is m/t^2.  E=mc^2 instead of mc under NLT because acceleration is the change of rate over time.***

      If we define the transition from energy to the rotational dimension; in this example CT3 to CT4 or P(d3-f3) to P(d4-f4); several things are apparent from this solution.  First we know that clock time has a value =mc^2 since clock time is the aspect of time, and very likely the force of CT4 is standard watch time (SCT), which first becomes non-linear with this transition.  

      If compression is "consistent" the transition from d2-f2 to d3-f3 is along the same power of compression which is a “scale” of c^2 (10^16).  NLT rejects a consistent scale in prior and subsequent compression in favor of exponential compression.

Hence when we talk in terms of conserving time, exchanging rates between one Clock Time and another the conservation is the rate of change of any Clock time or collection of clock times associated with a quantum of time.  However NLT also hypothesizes that there are exponential changes in compression rates to get from one state of clock time to the next.  It is, however, possible that we have a decrease in rate change or even a proportionately greater increase in rate change subject to the same exponential factors seen for compression (10^2, 10^4, 10^8, etc). While these levels are not observed (largely because no one has looked for them yet) we do see this compression scale at work in the transition from CT4-CT5 even though it was not recognized before NLT.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

nlc-the middle range

There is non linearity and there is linearity.  Linearity is a circular, spiraling state and we live between the beginning of the spiral and the end.  We exist in straight linearity of movement and space.  The combination of coordinates gives the impression of three dimensional movement over time.  This all moves from a single baseline or singularity and there is conservation of change so that we can see variations of speed and time of different coordinates, but they only move in one direction from the singularity until they combine to form a singularity again by virtue of compression.
Along the way, something funny happens.  We happen.  We don't have the ability to change the direction of any coordinate change, but we do have the ability to change the rate at which they change.
What does this mean?
It doesn't mean we have true self determination, but it does mean that we have self consciousness and the the ability to change things within our range of movement.  We seem to be cut off at the point of space, but possibly we can change the higher states, at least up to black holes, albeit it on a very limited basis.
Getting back to our 10 unit "universe" we can make this type of change.
(**)(***)(*****) to (***)(***)(****) or 2, 3, 5 to 3, 3,4.  This is just an example, of course.  It doesn't look like much when you look at a 10 point universe, but it becomes something very interesting when you have a 10^2^c universe of points.  You have our existence, our perception.
We have no more ability to change the ultimate outcome of non-linearity to linearity to non-linearty; but within our little sphere, we have apparent, middle range, perception and illusory self determination.
In the middle range, we are the masters of our little bit of the universe.

Monday, July 6, 2015

NLC-the circle flux capacitor part 8 and Terrorism-coming to a country near you

The idea of linearity is that time and other dimensional characteristics are all changing in one direction only.  One coordinate can be accelerated, another slows.
We humans living in the narrow band (the Middle Range) between micro-states (quantum mechanics) and macro states (the universe as a hole unit) think we can control the direction of dimensional change which is what has injected so much confusion into pre-nlc theories.
Hey, you say, I can go forward or backwards in this Middle Range therefore I'm in control.  Control of what? NLC answers.  Your individual particles were set in motion and you don't have the ability to slow down enough to reach a zero motion state given the acceleration of all the different aspects of the universe in terms of movement and even if you were successful, NLC predicts you only reach the spinning state, but if you succeeded past that you'd only achieve non-linearity which is the state you began at.
One directional coordinate change of both dimension and time shows all non-NLC theories to be so much bunk.
While there is plenty of room for god like concepts in NLC and defining the singularity involves some pretty god like stuff going on, our Middle Range religions come down mostly as bunk in NLC, since none of us has true self determination, our "gods messengers or gods come down to earth" wouldn't have true god qualities unless they somehow had the ability to come into linearity from non-linearity and then return.  Otherwise, they'd have no more self determination than we have. Even the god of concentrated intelligence possible in NLC is a god stuck in pre-determination and not some other type of god.  The idea of going back and forth into and out of the singularity has its own set of problems.  One is that such a god would have to be part of the singularity or would have to alter the singularity.  This is intriguing because this would be just the sort of god people look for.  One that is all powerful but only comes in and "tricks out" the singularity, tweaking it to some purpose.  To say that this type of god "wants us to have faith", however is nonsense, because the second it came into the singularity and "tweaked it" the outcomes would all be pre-set and we'd have no more self determination to believe or not than we did before the tweak.  It would be the equivalent of a movie maker inserting a scene into a movie.  While the scene would remain (for eternity or until it was removed) it wouldn't change the other scenes.
And yet, without any ability to control our actions, we still seek war preferentially over everything else.
One has to decide how much we can stand of the world at war.  We have become a nation which finances war, world war.  We finance it with debt which is a losing proposition, but for those of you who don't like our approach, you can always study chinese instead of reading this blog.
Our technology makes us an easy target.  Our willingness to work with terrorists, to live with them, to accept their way of life makes us more vulnerable than we'd otherwise be.  We'll get to this shortly.
For whatever reason, all the Zoroastrian spin offs (Judaism, Christianity and Muslim)  seem bound and determined to bring about the end of time ahead of schedule.
Judaism is exceptional because long ago it shift from acquisition of members to maintenance of a different standard, maintaining beliefs of the old testament, one of the great examples of plagiarism in the world both for the lack of recognition of the precursor works and the way that it was put together, a bunch of story tellers got together and put all the stories in one place, then it was organized around a general concept.  The other to Zoro spin offs found a god-head, an earthly king under whom (whether alive or dead) the followers had to serve and set out to accumulate members, and, to ensure success, to kill the infidels (i.e. whoever didn't believe whatever malarkey they were putting out at the time).
Technically both Christianity and Muslim are spin offs more directly from Judaism (clearly they technically are) which raises the question of why everyone always seems to want to kill all the Jews, the secondary birth religion which was largely organized by the Persians and Greeks for historical reasons (those two groups can be said to be the enablers of religious plagiarism).
Christianity and Muslims want to wipe each other out, but the reason can boil down to the fact that the world is not big enough for two gods come to earth in human form.  Kings seem destined to look for other Kings to go to war with.  It is difficult for me to imagine why anyone would want a world under a tyrant king and both of these kings have been tyrants at one time or another.  The fact that the Muslim religion is built around the word for submission, Islam doesn't necessarily mean it is more oppressive than the Christian religion has been and perhaps will be in the future, but it's a very honest position.  We have rules in Islam, so it can be said, submit to them.  It specifically says its defined purpose is to overthrow all other religions and therefore is honest in mission if not in its origins or other signs of legitimacy.
Zoro (for short) had beliefs which were wholly adopted by the three spin off religions, but inadvertently left off the concept of dominance by violence which is a survival trait of religion just as it is for national governments.  Some Zoro concepts are not wholly inconsistent with NLC.  NLC isn't a religion based theory, but it does include a specific time limit for the universe (based on how much information is available as well as compression); like any complete physics theory (even though it is incomplete) NLC believes in predestination; it allows (although it is very unlikely) for visions of past, present and future in an individual (a consciousness deriving from the centralization of information in a singularity where everything happens at once (a la Einstein); and there are several places where a god can fit into it.  The most "religious" version being the creator of the singularity and the most physics related being a force driven by the concentration of intelligence in the singularity.  Where NLC and Zoro probably part ways has to do with individual choice.  Yes, the suicide bombers decide to kill but they're working off physics on a fundamental level and true randomness doesn't exist.  In other words, NLC requires an explanation other than blind faith in why things happen.  If there really were a god, e.g. the god that made the singularity, then he already determined what we'd do.  It isn't the uncaring god of Lucretius, its a god who already knows what's going to happen and if he cares, it's no different from you caring when you watch a movie you've already seen before.
Zoro religions don't see it this way.  They believe in self determination and that we have to use that in order to do bad things to people who don't believe the same fairy tails (or truths if you must).
Why Zoroastrian religions are driven to wipe each other out is a type of social darwinism.  Each of the core Zoro spin-offs has developed at one time or another the goal of destroying all the others as an act of self preservation or it has died out (like Judaism to some extent and Zoroastrianism to a larger extent).  This differentiates them from Zoroastrianism which mostly died because it wasn't violent enough.  Christianity as the most powerful, began to lose its power as it moved from a religion of domination and exclusion to a religion of tolerance.  It might be argued that Judaism stayed too close to Zoroastrianism and doesn't have the central figure to rally around which seems to be the major transitional step taken by Christianity and the Muslim religion.  In a wonderfully Darwinian mirror of life, Muslims, largely relegated to the backwater, became more fundamental, more logically resistant strains were developed as Christianity largely weakened and started to mutate around more scientific and humanitarian beliefs.
Worse still, the fundamentaist Christian and Muslim religion is rooted at the least sophisticated level and, in fact, destroys sophistication in order to maintain itself in the fundamentalist framework, kill everyone else form.  Christianity does this with laws and these laws are weak because it is tollerant enough to allow the enforcement to be balanced.
There is some of this in the other Zoro religions, but the most fundamentalist Muslims have taken this intolerance of ideas to an art that, while mirrored in other fundamentalist Zoro spin offs, is much less scientific.  Chopping off the heads of disbelievers, carrying out terror attacks against anyone who mocks your religion, setting up bright lines where dissent is impossible without punishment is a most totalitarian approach and given sufficient stupidity and concentration of power can be effective.  The only good thing about this approach is that it so rejects the scientific approach that it can only survive against technologically equivalent societies by being hypocritical which, unfortunately, it embraces in the name of self preservation.
The current solution is very much crusades.  They are put in terms of police actions which limits their effectiveness.  If a Zoro spin off (or just logic) were set up to put an end to contrary ideas (and all the Zoro religions have the same basic tenants and beliefs with minor differences that are expanded outside of their realm with ritual-dress, food, practices, worship, beheadings, sexual practices, etc) it would still be functioning at a quantum level based on scientifically determinable equations and this means that at the very least we know the outcome, it is predetermined, it is either the illusion of linearity or non-linear, take your pick.  Either way, NLC is right, everything else isn't.

Friday, July 3, 2015

NLC-the circle flux capacitor part 7-the fallacy in the time-dimension paradox

It is both very early and hot.  Today like the rest of this week is filled with false starts and compromises, but a great deal is changing rapidly for me.  I have to wonder at a world which is fixed in time with so much stupidity (or stupiding in my case) and irony and so much of what we should be able to change but cannot (or will not in my case).  Change is coming in its own time (do you read the news?)
I am surrounded by adobe walls which hold out the heat to some extent and which are not having to work too hard yet.  After being up for several hours, i finally have some water and coffee.  I felt like one of those characters on a reality tv show who is dumped somewhere with nothing, but I am surrounded by plenty.
I will talk about change, but for the moment, I want to talk about physics.
There is a set amount of information in the universe according to the theory of NLC.  There is a set way in which this can change once linearity is in play, but to talk about a speed limit tied to light is the height of four dimensional arrogance, because even the speed of light is relative.  The second we change from miles per second to meters per millisecond we see the arbitrary nature.
What is more, the idea that we each have a "separate" time is equally four dimensional arrogance.  Coordinates changing together doesn't increase the amount of information, it only changes the way the information is displayed and if it all changes one point at a time, there is no speed limit for any quantum, they all change one at a time no matter how fast anything appears to be moving based on the illusion of linerity.
Part of the reason is because we see the universe backwards.  We see things changing differently than the reality.  The initial transition to space resulted in the maximum amount of disorder, the maximum entropy and the universe spends the rest of "time" gettign back to a state of non-linearity.
To understand this we need to "simplify" the universe so lets take it in two different perspectives. The first is to imagine a "huge" universe of 10 time coordinates.  It could easily be one or a thousand million, but we want to look at this simply.
One dot-.- is the singularity.  Everything happening at once, then we have that point go linear and we have all the information displayed linearly ..........  That's it, the universe.  You think you understand what I'm going through and you insert your anger between us.  It is justified, don't get me wrong.  Imagine, however, that I see how limited the universe really is, and how permanent.  I know you can't escape it, not even with death.  Anyway...
********** is space
(**)******** is photonic energy with space
(**)(***)***** is energy with photonic energy with space
(**)(***)(*****) our universe of 10 pieces of information had to do a weird transition here, space no longer exists, but we have photos, waves and matter
(**********) we arrive not at super matter (black hole stuff of the very large universe we live in, but the universe of everything happening at once, we're back to the singularity.
You can pick any point in this universe and it has a past and a future.
The past of (**)(***)***** is (**)******** and the future is (**)(***)(*****).  If you were able to chose between pasts and futures, you would be dealing with a random universe, but we've already said what will happen, we've given our physics for this mini-universe so we know the past and the future for any point.   Any one of these * represents time just as every point represents dimension.  There is no difference, data is data.  That doesn't make love less important, pain less real, frustration less...frustrating, hate less justified.  It just happens to be how the universe works on a quantum level.  I toyed with the idea briefly that we danced on top of a fixed universe, that we introduced a statitically irrelevant randomness, but that is just nonsense which requires that physics ceases to work for us at some level.
Before NLC, it was largely assumed that there was "space-time" where there was a one way street involving time and two way streets for other deminsions.  While absurd on its face, the "accepted" alternative was that time travel was possible allowing for all manor of paradox.
Under NLC, that problem is solved by taking the only other alternative which is that all dimensional change is non-reversible.  While this is a function of the fact that everything happens at once (and therefor has already happened) in a singularity and is obvious from that conclusion, it is a fairly unobvious break from other theories (and, of course, it makes the consequences of our decisions more important not less and that is obvious to me-do you read the news?)
Some of the readers are looking at this dumbfounded, saying that we can reverse movement in the universe, but even relativity belies this.  Since movement of 4 dimensional objects results in a "slowing" in time of relativlity, there is inhereeint in this proof that if you stopped all movement, you'ld have a problem.  While relativity falls short as an explanation, it is only because it is locked into the concept of 4 separate dimensions instead of 4 coordinates changing at once out of a fixed set.
There are time limits potentially inherent in this change although we are incapable of detecting them.  While things may change instantaneously in the singularity, once out of the singularity there is a speed limit on coordinate change.  While you are assuming this is the speed of light change, it is actually tied more closely to quantum changes in each point in the universe and is, probably, a function of e^c which seems to reflect a redicullously large number, but its no more rediculous than 2^c and neither would be considered rediculous if they were tied directly to the amount of informtion in the universe.  E.G. e^c being equal to all data points at any one time in the universe.