
Thursday, July 30, 2015


The gods of irony
ask us to wait
to put out lives on hold
while we wait
while every moment
which used to have value
has even more value
if it remains forever
will you wait
knowing the moments
will never come back
and will I have the courage
to be there
if you show up
where the only answer
of NLC
is never wait

As I continue writing the third edition and hitting one first after another, the latest determining that all coordinates only move in one direction;  I've been working on this chapter as the book gets written.  It is not what is should be.  It should be NLC as a series of point - counter point questions, but everything is a work in progress.  Wait, don't wait, stop, don't stop.

         While it is easy to question a theory that questions our perception of reality, this is far from the earliest version of this and anyone reading this has questioned the fundamental questions behind reality.
(1)  The primary question that any quantum mechanics theory must answer is: How can anything exist?  Existence makes no sense at all.  Why should things be?
(2)  Secondary, distantly related questions abound:  Why do rules of physics apply? 
          Science that doesn’t investigate these questions is superficial. 
NLC has determined that events are predestined, it provides a basis for all the physics we observe, it provides for inconsistencies in other theories; but it has not answered all of the question that need to be answered.  Like all good theories, it has created more questions than answers even though it answers more pre-existing questions than other theories. There are questions that can be asked indicate a high level of agreement with NLC by the scientific community even though it has never been formally embraced. 
          How do you test NLC?
(3)           Do you believe in randomness? (5) Do you believe in physics?  You cannot believe in both on a quantum level and if they both don't exist on a quantum level, they cannot both exist on a macro level.
(4)  What is space? Do you believe space to be empty?  Do you believe space is filled with something?  
Traditional physics, defined as anything before NLC, trended towards a filled space, but filled with what?  NLC shows exactly what space is relative to other information in the universe.  It also answers other space related questions:
(5)  What is the minimum size of things.
          It is a little less clear as to (6) what happens when you cut that thing in half?  The idea of a dimensionless, timeless singularity ends the division question, there being discreet minimum sizes below which you are in the singularity, but this brings you back to the first question.
          NLC argues that a universe that went increasingly towards entropy is absurd, but it doesn’t do more than touch on the pre-dimensional universe.  It doesn’t answer the questions that pre-date linearity:
(7)     Do you believe in god?  Do you believe the universe can rationally exist without god?  Could anything as irrational as a god exist without an even more complicated universe?  
          So what is the theory that takes us closer to the answers than any other theory?

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