
Friday, July 3, 2015

NLC-the circle flux capacitor part 7-the fallacy in the time-dimension paradox

It is both very early and hot.  Today like the rest of this week is filled with false starts and compromises, but a great deal is changing rapidly for me.  I have to wonder at a world which is fixed in time with so much stupidity (or stupiding in my case) and irony and so much of what we should be able to change but cannot (or will not in my case).  Change is coming in its own time (do you read the news?)
I am surrounded by adobe walls which hold out the heat to some extent and which are not having to work too hard yet.  After being up for several hours, i finally have some water and coffee.  I felt like one of those characters on a reality tv show who is dumped somewhere with nothing, but I am surrounded by plenty.
I will talk about change, but for the moment, I want to talk about physics.
There is a set amount of information in the universe according to the theory of NLC.  There is a set way in which this can change once linearity is in play, but to talk about a speed limit tied to light is the height of four dimensional arrogance, because even the speed of light is relative.  The second we change from miles per second to meters per millisecond we see the arbitrary nature.
What is more, the idea that we each have a "separate" time is equally four dimensional arrogance.  Coordinates changing together doesn't increase the amount of information, it only changes the way the information is displayed and if it all changes one point at a time, there is no speed limit for any quantum, they all change one at a time no matter how fast anything appears to be moving based on the illusion of linerity.
Part of the reason is because we see the universe backwards.  We see things changing differently than the reality.  The initial transition to space resulted in the maximum amount of disorder, the maximum entropy and the universe spends the rest of "time" gettign back to a state of non-linearity.
To understand this we need to "simplify" the universe so lets take it in two different perspectives. The first is to imagine a "huge" universe of 10 time coordinates.  It could easily be one or a thousand million, but we want to look at this simply.
One dot-.- is the singularity.  Everything happening at once, then we have that point go linear and we have all the information displayed linearly ..........  That's it, the universe.  You think you understand what I'm going through and you insert your anger between us.  It is justified, don't get me wrong.  Imagine, however, that I see how limited the universe really is, and how permanent.  I know you can't escape it, not even with death.  Anyway...
********** is space
(**)******** is photonic energy with space
(**)(***)***** is energy with photonic energy with space
(**)(***)(*****) our universe of 10 pieces of information had to do a weird transition here, space no longer exists, but we have photos, waves and matter
(**********) we arrive not at super matter (black hole stuff of the very large universe we live in, but the universe of everything happening at once, we're back to the singularity.
You can pick any point in this universe and it has a past and a future.
The past of (**)(***)***** is (**)******** and the future is (**)(***)(*****).  If you were able to chose between pasts and futures, you would be dealing with a random universe, but we've already said what will happen, we've given our physics for this mini-universe so we know the past and the future for any point.   Any one of these * represents time just as every point represents dimension.  There is no difference, data is data.  That doesn't make love less important, pain less real, frustration less...frustrating, hate less justified.  It just happens to be how the universe works on a quantum level.  I toyed with the idea briefly that we danced on top of a fixed universe, that we introduced a statitically irrelevant randomness, but that is just nonsense which requires that physics ceases to work for us at some level.
Before NLC, it was largely assumed that there was "space-time" where there was a one way street involving time and two way streets for other deminsions.  While absurd on its face, the "accepted" alternative was that time travel was possible allowing for all manor of paradox.
Under NLC, that problem is solved by taking the only other alternative which is that all dimensional change is non-reversible.  While this is a function of the fact that everything happens at once (and therefor has already happened) in a singularity and is obvious from that conclusion, it is a fairly unobvious break from other theories (and, of course, it makes the consequences of our decisions more important not less and that is obvious to me-do you read the news?)
Some of the readers are looking at this dumbfounded, saying that we can reverse movement in the universe, but even relativity belies this.  Since movement of 4 dimensional objects results in a "slowing" in time of relativlity, there is inhereeint in this proof that if you stopped all movement, you'ld have a problem.  While relativity falls short as an explanation, it is only because it is locked into the concept of 4 separate dimensions instead of 4 coordinates changing at once out of a fixed set.
There are time limits potentially inherent in this change although we are incapable of detecting them.  While things may change instantaneously in the singularity, once out of the singularity there is a speed limit on coordinate change.  While you are assuming this is the speed of light change, it is actually tied more closely to quantum changes in each point in the universe and is, probably, a function of e^c which seems to reflect a redicullously large number, but its no more rediculous than 2^c and neither would be considered rediculous if they were tied directly to the amount of informtion in the universe.  E.G. e^c being equal to all data points at any one time in the universe.

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