
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The universe as a hard drive-editing e-hologram theory

E-hologram theory was developed over several months and many of the original concepts have to be "re-written" to take into account developments as "The Einstein Hologram Universe" is edited for publication later this year.

In the prior conversation of the hologram universe, we discussed that since the universe is nothing but a projection on time, quantum tunneling is explained because there is no real distance and hence moving through barriers is only moving the time of one quantum of matter (tendency) through the time of another quantum of tendency.

 The existence of the universe as a program on a hard drive is not an elegant one, but discussions of quantum tunneling lead to this discomforting analogy.

Quantum tunneling (applied to e-hologram theory) shows that when one set of time coordinates passes through another set of time coordinates, the type of space defined (whether matter or energy) is altered, at least temporarily.  There is no barrier probability (a probability that something which is a mere tendency to return to the singularity can pass through).  The need to pass through time coordinates of another tendency is not difficult because tendency to be anywhere in the hologram is just a function of the coordinates of the time of the tendency after all.

This may be equated to data on a computer hard drive.  The data is given coordinates on the hard drive where they can be found again.  This coordinates can be changed to shift the data from one point to another.  On a display this moving data can be used to project 3 dimensional pictures.  The movement is a function of time, the “move” being at some rate or no movement occurs.  This analogy must be very similar to what happens within the singularity where tendencies (data) are exposed to time to give them coordinates where they are displayed along the time.  Tendencies may be a function of time since only Einstein requires that everything happen at once when time is “coiled”.  In a very real sense the uncoiling of time is the equivalent of running of a program moving data on a hard drive.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

love in college

I've had this feeling before
a long time ago, far away
Towering trees reaching up
toward distant mountains
pregnant cloud filled skies
the science was there then
the books spread out unseen
the test deadlines and math
the inability to concentrate
the need to learn anyway
what goes worse together
than the destruction of heart
and complex understanding
which is a type of learning
that requires not memory
but a rearranging of thought
merging the mind with cosmos
but this is more than learning
it is the feeling of being crushed
during the evolution of thought
and yet the choice must be made
there is no surrender to despair
only a fight to the last heart beat
knowing no matter how brave
it will not be the last battle
triumph of thought and life
over emotion and longing
until nothing is left
no heart, no college, no wisdom
only the void the heart failed to fill

Saturday, July 27, 2013

How much of e-hologram theory is really new

As the name implies, e-hologram theory derives from existing models.  It can even be said to be a discussion of existing models, but that might be slightly disingenuous.  This has been set out in earlier blog entries, but this idea of novelty or repetition is worth looking at because the differences have a great deal to do with gaining control over what Einstein and Hawkins (and others) would call the universe and what e-hologram theory would call time.
An analogy (maybe an unfair analogy) would be to say that the Einstein and Hawkins model would have you trying to rope an entire corral if you wanted to control it, while E-H theory (e-hologram could easily use Einstein-Hawkins although that would be a little unfair to those discussed otherwise who contributed to the initial formulation of hologram theory) would have you trying to throw a rope around a clock standing in the center of the corral.  This is really the crux of the difference.  Einstein and Hawkins (to a less extent perhaps) are stuck with a singularity (Einstein's prediction of black holes and Hawkins and Penrose's singularity before time) and then a universe.  Einstein actually touched on the E-H theory when he stated that time only existed to give linearity (see the quote in earlier blogs). 
The difference is then one of the "misapplication of time".  H-P theories (or P-H theories if you would) saw the singularity, but then get lost in Einstein's "space-time".  They failed to see that time might exist in a different form in the singularity and that what we experience as "space-time" does not have to take us out of the singularity. 
The evidence (discussed in earlier blogs and in slightly more detail in E-Hologram Theory, the textbook coming soon) is overwhelming that the singularity not only exists, but that you can get to it from many locations in the universe (assuming you can travel at some multiple of the speed of light to get there before your starve or run out of oxygen).  In fact, at least at the center of each galaxy you have an opening to the singularity, regardless of how far apart they are.
This, in turn, suggests (actually screams it rather loudly for anyone listening) that we are not out of the singularity except by perception.  Separation by dimension is therefore only useful for Newtonian observations.  We obsess on Newtonian observations only because everything we do relies on those, without them we'd be in the singularity. 
This, in turn, suggests (screaming perhaps even louder) that dimensions are merely an illusion caused by something.  In order to measure dimensions (as the math discusses earlier) you have to "move" along them which implies time.  In earlier models, this movement is taken as a given to some extent or another.  It is accepted.  In the P-H theories you have 1) the singularity (without time or with a different time) and then you have 2) the big bang, space & dimension with time as we understand it.  This is an equivalent of e-hologram theory "at the transition" point.  Where the two begin to separate is in the acceptance of P-H models of a "post singularity" universe.  Early E-H theory also looked at this, but it is counter-intuitive.  How do you have zero distance between the centers of galaxies (the black holes in the middle) when the galaxies are so darned far apart?  The answer has to be that either the black holes go to different singularities (why bother with such a complicated universe?) or that they all go to the same one (whoops, no distance).   I wouldn't rule out different singularities (or near singularities if you run out of math getting to the middle of the black hole); but it makes for a pretty poor model of the universe compared to a simple, elegant one (elegant only because it's simple) where you can "strip" dimensions from space and have everything go to the same place. 
This in turn suggests (maybe the universe continues to scream) that dimensions may be stripped with time which in turn says that dimensions come from time by virtue of the fact we have to travel along them using time to experience them.  Since all space (matter, what is called vacuum and energy) relies on dimension, everything becomes time and since this means that dimensions are illusionary, we can find that there is no "post singularity" P-H universe, but merely a singularity where time has begun projecting the dimensions by some process which is referred to as burning, uncoiling, etc.
Now "worm-hole" math does suggest that we may move through singularities between different points in space and this blog is on "what's really new".
All this "screams" that E-H theory is not really "new", but is merely the final surrender of all the artificial constructs that the other theories come back to.  We no longer "force" there to be multiple wormholes to different points in the universe (we have better observations now then when those theories were formulated) and we don't have to have a post "big bang" universe with time.  We keep our little singularity, thank you very much.
Singularities (which E-H theory would scoff at since there is only one) are best defined as places of infinite curvature (see the infinite series discussions previously) so that dimensions sort of fold in on themselves and cease to exist by this.  Again, the difference with E-H theory isn't actually different from this at all, but merely states that this is a function of time curving in on itself (coiling and uncoiling of time) which is only experienced as three dimensions (the number 3 is used only to help you Newtonians understand this, the number of dimensions of uncoiling time is relatively unimportant to the fundamental theory).
P-H look to a very dense singularity.  It is infinitely dense, perhaps.  Perhaps changes to "pashaw" in E-H theory.  There is zero density because mass and energy disappear with dimension.  We have an infinitely light, infinitely small singularity because there is neither mass, nor energy, nor space.  Worse still, as indicated above, the observed universe is "screaming" this at us.  There is nothing unobserved in E-H theory, no hidden energies, no "beyond" the universe as we observe it.  It's just time.  Getting back to our original analogy, you lasso time, you lasso everything!   That is what's different about E-H theory in a nut shell.   Now that doesn't stop me from cooking breakfast every morning, but it does mean that I've already cooked breakfast before I start in the singularity and that to one extent or another I'm still in the singularity (along with Hawkins and Penrose and Einstein and YOU, theoretically) a place which would be pretty crowded with all of us in there together except that there is no space, no dimension to separate us, no time to separate us.  This gives rise to how time comes to exist as a circular argument which is covered in great detail in earlier blog entries and remains on the planks from which we will ultimately be able to understand and control time.  This single steering knob, the clock that is lassoed in the corral where everyone has been casting their ropes explains the difference of how much (or how little if you would) is really new.  And it doesn't even matter whether it's new or not, who can tell with all that screaming, anyway?
This is not to suggest that anyone is wrong or that there is any originality in E-H theory.  It derives from what is already out there, it doesn't contradict math, it does mean that not only should be study time more carefully, but that our studies of virtually everything else have been a study of time.  We are looking at the smoke to study fire and once we begin to actually study the flame we gain a different understanding of the same science.

Friday, July 26, 2013

time apart

If I said that I love you
and you did not hear it
the first time you told me
that we could not be together
the stones were put in motion
that would bury us here today
every time you took another lover
another stone was laid between us
mortared with the memories made
in our stolen moments as friends
behind the wall my love survived
you cannot let yourself believe me
and I cannot tell you how I feel
there is too much weakness
in me, in artificial separation
but not in you, you abide all
strong because you must be
but the time alone weakens us
behind the pain that you feel
for every day we are apart
it cuts me deeper than you
because I have my pain
and also I have yours
now and forever

Why Study Time

Aside from the conclusions that our universe is made of little bits of time; the question of why study time is worth considering.
First, time has not been as fully examined as it should be given the fact that it is inherently fundamental in every equation of physics.  While in recent times, more effort has been made to consider time and while time has been the subject of science fiction (perhaps everyone knows of the classic "The Time Machine"); most science historically and even recently accepts time as a constant.  It is accepted.  Time is the "t" in the equation.  We work with time as it passes mathematically relegating past time to historians some of whom are poorly suited to the concepts in this blog and in the soon to be released "The Einstein Hologram Universe" (Watch for it on amazon).
As set out in this blog and as discussed in more detail in "The Einstein Hologram Universe" fundamental physics springs from time more than any other feature.  Space (dimension and the contents- mass and energy) and gravitational attraction are directly linked to time at a fundamental level.  The evidence set out within the E-H-U empirically shows that space and its contents must stem primarily from time, and at least mathematically from a "singularity" which exists without dimension or time as we experience it.
In a future blog (and in later chapters of the book) we explore the ethics of thought in a universe where thought gives rise to time.  This "circular argument" springs from the fact that infinite series which we experience indicate that similar circular math could control the singularity.  If this is accepted, I would propose that a "pro-life" stance is suggested but wrong.  That is to say that all thought producing life would have value (i.e. we can't eat anything smarter than a turnip if we are true to this theory) when I think the suggestion is that the concept of the long term protection of "good thought" is more important.  The reasoning is that there was already sufficient thought to give rise to time (this is a mathematical, not philosophical theory in E-H-U theory) so that creation or protection of thought for the sake of making enough thought would be unnecessary. This, however, is for another blog entry.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

storm coast

you were in my dreams last night
ensuring that I greeted the dawn
with sleepless eyes and restless
outside I felt the hurricane breeze
warm and tropical and steady
portending the great cataclysm
for we chose the storm coast
and we have learned the signs
the blood warm swimming
the evenings of spider lightning
dark rolling clouds and low skies
vast anvil mountains moving distant
and you visiting my slumber
downtown full of the well heeled
the meeting I wasn't dressed for
trapped outside looking in
the strange messages called
over unsuspected loudspeakers
knowing you are close
but unable to find you
and all of the time knowing
storm coast waters are coming

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Chobama-the connection between China and Obama's new direction

Obama wants to build the middle class and create jobs.  That task is a difficult one, but it is impossible until he recognizes not only that we are exporting 50,000 manufacturing jobs a month overseas, but that this is the result of an intentional exercise to undermine the manufacturing dominance of the USA and export it to China.

Once that is recognized, there are several paths (defined in "China's Weaponized Economy") to potentially deal with this.  These paths serve multiple functions since they concentrate on the application of immediate, short term and long term intelligence to the problems at hand.  They not only allow us to face the Chobama problem, but they also create jobs by creating a mechanism to see the problems that need to be addressed in the future today.

We have a government with very limited vision and the president is not immune from the problems of short term tunnel vision.  With some effort, the message of the CWE will get out and steps can be taken to force some form of evolutionary intelligence on congress through the mechanisms taught therein before the harder lessons set out in World War C are forced on the rest of the world by a China, dominating the USA with export USA manufacturing and the associated technology and wealth.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The evolution of E-hologram Theory: a fun reminiscence; exploration remembered

This is a fun chapter in the book, so I thought I would share it for any long time readers of this blog.

The evolution of E-hologram Theory:

I have always had a problem with time.  It is accepted, but it is strange in that you can look down dimensions and see time in the past, but you can only exist in an infinitely thin layer of time.  Had my understanding of the relationship been better, this ability to look down dimensions to see past times would have suggested that time and dimension were the same thing; but no one else saw this relationship and neither did I.

I was reading Steven Hawkin’s book on Hologram theory that said the universe was a projection and that started the next phase of the investigation.  The idea that we are a projection was originally a tenant of e-hologram theory.  It was fairly unsatisfying and is firmly rejected except as a possibility of an unlikely road bypassed in the haste to find the real fundamentals.  E-hologram theory accepts space and time, projections require space and any theory that “accepts” time instead of explaining it would be considered “vapid” under e-hologram theory.  Of course what is vapid under the theory is fundamental in everyday life, so this “strangeness” in e-hologram theory forces us to accept the Newtonian universe or reject it.  This “rejection” is not without precedent and relativity is the first break.

The first break between hologram theory and e-hologram theory came with the application of another Einsteinian proposition.  “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”   This proposition led to the concept that there is a singularity, a place without time, or a place where time has not “uncoiled” where everything does happen at once.   

This singularity is in fact observed in the universe as black holes.  Since there is only one singularity under the Einsteinian Hologram model, all of these black holes must go to the same place, irregardless of how far apart they are.  I thought of matter and energy differently, but they were instead the product of “potential” or “tendencies” for things to happen in the singularity.  There was one major step I had to make.

I didn’t make the obvious jump immediately, but I was hesitate to give up the old fashioned views of time and space.  I should have seen that space cannot exist, that we remain in the singularity, that time only gives the illusion of dimension.  Unfortunately,  I was focused on gravity being surrendered and the theorized tendencies existing in the singularity.  Only when the math was applied and only when I began to solve equations with time did I realize that it wasn’t gravity being stripped.  It was time.

The next big break came with the examination of time within the singularity.  It is well understood that what we call “vacuum” is as full as what we call energy and matter.  Only now is it completely clear that time coils and uncoils from the singularity to give no only dimension, but all existence within a singularity where none of these exist except as an illusion.  It is now clear, however, that matter, dimension, energy and everything else we observe is not the application of time to tendency, but the uncoiling of time in an environment that has no dimensions as we experience them.

Much of the nomenclature in this book continues to cling to “tendencies”, “g-space” (the space of the singularity) and “o-space” (the space that we experience); but these are only tools for examining something more elegant and more circular and therefore more troubling.


The "E" in e-hologram theory comes from Einstein who laid the groundwork for the theory by stating "The only reason for time is so that everything does not happen at once" thereby implying that in the absence of time, things do happen at once, at least potentially.  To attempt to define this “potential” the term “tendencies” is used.  These tendencies are the “tendency” for something to happen once time is applied and is stuff of the singularity.

The second foundational column of E-H theory comes from String theory of the Hologram Universe which looks at matter as a projection in “Space-Time”. 

I was originally introduced to the hologram theory by Steven Hawkin’s book on the topic which allows that we are merely a projection on an ever-expanding bubble, perhaps a two dimensional projection although the number of dimensions is optional.  There are problems with the projection theory which are hologram theorist’s problems.  These problems are eliminated by E-hologram theory which eliminates all dimensions except as a function of time.

Equally important, mathematical “proofs” will show that the only possible method of reconciling the interaction of time and space is to eliminate space in favor of time.  Those proofs come later in this text.

Hence, we are not a true “projection” because time only gives the impression of projection.  The same broad principle that allows for us to look at ourselves as a 3 dimensional projection of a two dimensional “post-singularity” allows us to take the next step back.  Instead of insisting on a post singularity two dimensional projection we are still in the singularity, time only gives the appearance of dimension. 

There is no space-time.   There is only time, space is an illusion.

Unlike hologram theory, e-hologram theory deals with most of the “unknowns” in our universe and joins magic, the occult and physics in one neat bundle.  It allows for a unified field theory which is actually observed in the universe.  It is not alone, being as close as you can get to hologram theory without being the same thing.

While some of you are scoffing already, you will see as you read on that this bizarre conceptual framework is actually supported by math and by the observed universe.    Read on, if you dare, you will scoff further.

Friday, July 19, 2013

e-hologram theory and the dearth of blog posts

Now some of you know other reasons for the shortage of blog posts lately, but the major factor is that the first edition of E-Hologram Theory is well underway.  Many new and fascinating disclosures await the physicists and laymen alike (other than those you'll find in this blog, but the secrets to faster than light (apparent) travel in the e-hologram theory will remain shrouded in the contest set out in earlier blogs.

An example of the text of newly disclosed theoretical constructs is the following quote which comes from (tentative) Chapter 16

Gravity can be seen as many things.  The tendency for time to be given up from possibility or the tendency of the time to recoil absorbing it’s dimensions.  If time is consciousness then what is seen is gravity.

It’s relationship to the singularity merely a coincidence tied to its tendency to give up time and return to the singularity or it could be a visualization, in either direction.  That is, if god exists, he sees gravity.

Gravity is the tendency to give up time and the tendency to return to singularity, but this only means that when time winds back up, giving up its dimensional qualities, gravity is what is experienced in those dimensional qualities as time ravels and unravels.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

snowden, zimmerman, martin, screaming fire in a movie theater and the people's justice one of three

Can Snowden get the people's justice or would his crime go before a state tribunal, "the king's justice"?  The article below, the genesis of the "fire in the movie theater" line of reasoning-
is worth considering.  In the Schenck v. United States (249 U.S. 47, 1919) case the supreme court tackled the first amendment issues that govern the government's right to protect itself and held that the circumstances of the moment governed those rights.  The use of secret courts (call them military tribunals) and sealed records is one way of handling these.
Let me make a quick aside to Abbie Hoffman who responded to the court's reasoning many years later by stating that he was (in a much different war and much different America) "Yelling theater in a crowed fire".  What makes this relevant (other than the fact that it is witty) is that we need to recognize that the wars today, the world today and the America today is different and it will be different again tomorrow.  Next we may find ourselves whispering theater because we are engulfed in Hoffman's fire and cannot breath louder.  For those of you who feel this is unlikely, look at Snowden's recent concession to (at least temporarily) stop disclosing information.
Martin received the justice of the streets, and his sentence was for a crime created by the circumstances and one for which only one person gave the death sentence.
Zimmerman received the people's justice  (see: for an article applicable to this; a court duly empaneled where a judgment call is reached based on disputed facts and one which, given an infinite series of potential outcomes, would probably break around 50/50 depending on attorneys and jury composition as much as the testimony.  I can't say I watched anything but the summaries, and while many could argue it was a bungled prosecution as much as anything that led to the verdict in this case, that is the way that the people's justice works.
Long before 9/11 the government had the technology to monitor every phone call that was made. Voice recognition and high speed computers render this a relatively modest task.  Further, large storage arrays mean that not only can the data be monitored, but it can be stored...forever.
George Orwell's ideas of government monitoring are relatively modest in a world where everyone carries a tracking device voluntarily.  Most of us hesitate to leave our cell phones in the other room; much less farther away.  If you wonder why all the large governments seem to be willing to have Snowden "shut up" it may be that all the governments in question are doing the same sort of monitoring of their own people.
The difference today is that Snowden has let everyone know that the government is doing what any of us would have suspected they were doing even without his disclosures.  While we can assume that the below-average terrorist was too stupid to realize this; it's likely that the above average terrorist could explain this situation.  There are other issues related to this that I am hesitant to discuss openly, but I've seen where this leads personally and no one would like it.  If you think the monitoring of everything you say and do is right around the corner, suffice it to say that it is behind a corner that is behind and not in front of you.
The supreme court has allowed that "circumstances" allow it to curb first amendment rights (first in this case means most important).  I.E. the government, in order to protect itself, can prosecute you for espionage and the relative need to protect itself is a sliding scale which will necessarily change with circumstances.  We have imprisoned using war tribunals "suspected terrorists" without trial or constitutional protections for long periods of time in Guantanamo even though justice continues to trickle down in that direction using these "war powers" as  applied to terrorism.
The movie theater argument in Schenck was applied to subversive materials designed, not to disclose sensitive information, but to discourage participation in the war.  This means that active participation in direct harm is not a pre-requisite to the government arresting people.
In World War C, I discuss the use of technology to direct weapons and anyone who things that a determined government could not use your cell phone to fire a weapon directly at you, has not watched much war coverage.  While lighting a target with a laser beam makes a lot of sense in a battlefield, the ability to target using signals from the enemy dates back to World War II and World War I in other cases.  The fact that we all carry a bulls eye in our pockets today is just the latest twist in a headlong rush towards "1984" (the book not the year) and we have long since passed Orwell's envisioning in the future in many respects and can expect to pass it in all other respects as time goes on.   In China's Weaponized Economy I give a method of dealing with the government on these issues; but that treatment is at best temporary and inadequate and those of you expecting a short answer will have to wait for me to come up with one which is unlikely to happen.
Would Snowden accept the people's justice is a good question.  He has only been offered the King's justice and many would suspect a government inspired "justice of the streets" with the killer being a government agency in place of an individual like Zimmerman is not a stretch.
Snowden is a smart guy and when he decided to stand up and scream "theater" (thereby ironically creating theater) in this crowded fire, he must have had some idea of what he was doing.  What type of justice he is offered will play a role in his future if he makes it there.  We are listening, but he has screamed "George Orwell's 1984 has come to America" and not everyone is listening, although everyone has heard it.
More on this later.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

finding peace outside

I had to think the other day
about my lover and what she wanted
and then I had to think what i wanted
which was, of course, was her
but she was trying to find peace
beyond and outside of the relationship
the thing that comes after it all
all the longing, the happiness, the promise
I had to ask if that was what i wanted too
I decided i do not want the peace
the peace that would come
from coming to grips with losing love
to find a place within myself
where I could breath again
free from the pain and sense of loss
where there could be rebirth
and room to love someone else
and there is always room for someone else
but the price is too high for me
if the memories cannot come with me
i would rather go on with the scars
unhealed with time, bleeding emotion
not because every love deserves pain
because every loss does not
perhaps none of them should cling to
slowing us down, algae trailing on our hulls
all the same, I'll take with me my love for you
I know what I want from the memories
it has something to do with comfort
it has more to do with being with you
if that has to be painful, i accept it
in the hope that one day i will find
that place of peace and comfort
where whatever was between you and me
will be there too, the love the happiness
even if the price is despair
since otherwise, i will not know where to look
to find what i think about every day

Friday, July 12, 2013

the sound of me not telling you

This is the sound of me not telling you I love you
It is quiet, absent contact,  laughter, and love, of course
it doesn't suggest kissing or affection of any type
this is what you wanted, I hope it is as good as you thought
tell me you like this, while you look over my shoulder
it is ok for you to watch me, but not for me to love you
for it, despite it, regardless of the reason
explain that one to me, take the rest of your life
oh wait, that is me telling you something
and you might think it's that I love you
This is the sound of two people who are not in love
the sound of one person not in love
you can decide which one doesn't want to hear it
the sound of me telling or not, i love you