
Saturday, July 20, 2013

The evolution of E-hologram Theory: a fun reminiscence; exploration remembered

This is a fun chapter in the book, so I thought I would share it for any long time readers of this blog.

The evolution of E-hologram Theory:

I have always had a problem with time.  It is accepted, but it is strange in that you can look down dimensions and see time in the past, but you can only exist in an infinitely thin layer of time.  Had my understanding of the relationship been better, this ability to look down dimensions to see past times would have suggested that time and dimension were the same thing; but no one else saw this relationship and neither did I.

I was reading Steven Hawkin’s book on Hologram theory that said the universe was a projection and that started the next phase of the investigation.  The idea that we are a projection was originally a tenant of e-hologram theory.  It was fairly unsatisfying and is firmly rejected except as a possibility of an unlikely road bypassed in the haste to find the real fundamentals.  E-hologram theory accepts space and time, projections require space and any theory that “accepts” time instead of explaining it would be considered “vapid” under e-hologram theory.  Of course what is vapid under the theory is fundamental in everyday life, so this “strangeness” in e-hologram theory forces us to accept the Newtonian universe or reject it.  This “rejection” is not without precedent and relativity is the first break.

The first break between hologram theory and e-hologram theory came with the application of another Einsteinian proposition.  “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”   This proposition led to the concept that there is a singularity, a place without time, or a place where time has not “uncoiled” where everything does happen at once.   

This singularity is in fact observed in the universe as black holes.  Since there is only one singularity under the Einsteinian Hologram model, all of these black holes must go to the same place, irregardless of how far apart they are.  I thought of matter and energy differently, but they were instead the product of “potential” or “tendencies” for things to happen in the singularity.  There was one major step I had to make.

I didn’t make the obvious jump immediately, but I was hesitate to give up the old fashioned views of time and space.  I should have seen that space cannot exist, that we remain in the singularity, that time only gives the illusion of dimension.  Unfortunately,  I was focused on gravity being surrendered and the theorized tendencies existing in the singularity.  Only when the math was applied and only when I began to solve equations with time did I realize that it wasn’t gravity being stripped.  It was time.

The next big break came with the examination of time within the singularity.  It is well understood that what we call “vacuum” is as full as what we call energy and matter.  Only now is it completely clear that time coils and uncoils from the singularity to give no only dimension, but all existence within a singularity where none of these exist except as an illusion.  It is now clear, however, that matter, dimension, energy and everything else we observe is not the application of time to tendency, but the uncoiling of time in an environment that has no dimensions as we experience them.

Much of the nomenclature in this book continues to cling to “tendencies”, “g-space” (the space of the singularity) and “o-space” (the space that we experience); but these are only tools for examining something more elegant and more circular and therefore more troubling.


The "E" in e-hologram theory comes from Einstein who laid the groundwork for the theory by stating "The only reason for time is so that everything does not happen at once" thereby implying that in the absence of time, things do happen at once, at least potentially.  To attempt to define this “potential” the term “tendencies” is used.  These tendencies are the “tendency” for something to happen once time is applied and is stuff of the singularity.

The second foundational column of E-H theory comes from String theory of the Hologram Universe which looks at matter as a projection in “Space-Time”. 

I was originally introduced to the hologram theory by Steven Hawkin’s book on the topic which allows that we are merely a projection on an ever-expanding bubble, perhaps a two dimensional projection although the number of dimensions is optional.  There are problems with the projection theory which are hologram theorist’s problems.  These problems are eliminated by E-hologram theory which eliminates all dimensions except as a function of time.

Equally important, mathematical “proofs” will show that the only possible method of reconciling the interaction of time and space is to eliminate space in favor of time.  Those proofs come later in this text.

Hence, we are not a true “projection” because time only gives the impression of projection.  The same broad principle that allows for us to look at ourselves as a 3 dimensional projection of a two dimensional “post-singularity” allows us to take the next step back.  Instead of insisting on a post singularity two dimensional projection we are still in the singularity, time only gives the appearance of dimension. 

There is no space-time.   There is only time, space is an illusion.

Unlike hologram theory, e-hologram theory deals with most of the “unknowns” in our universe and joins magic, the occult and physics in one neat bundle.  It allows for a unified field theory which is actually observed in the universe.  It is not alone, being as close as you can get to hologram theory without being the same thing.

While some of you are scoffing already, you will see as you read on that this bizarre conceptual framework is actually supported by math and by the observed universe.    Read on, if you dare, you will scoff further.

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