
Friday, November 30, 2018

A Zombies, Christmas and physics

Ok, this is a little pitchy but I don't have all the time in the world.
Just in time for Christmas, a story that has everything about the Holidays.    A holiday romance, a story of redemption,  talking snowmen, elves, ghosts, decorations, and, of course, Zombies.  A whimsical Christmas story that manages to incorporate many of the Christmas stories into one single experience that is comic, heartwarming, and deeply serious all at once. There is even this kind of traditional quality to the values, despite the fact that it’s highly contemporary. It definitely has a Dickensian feel.
Light a candle, pour some hot cocoa, pull your chair up to the fire, and get ready for the Zombie Christmas.

Tomorrow I leave for Chicago to present my theory of quantum mechanics to the Conference on Astrophysics and Particle Physics.  I feel pretty comfortable about this.
Today my newest book "Zombie Christmas" became available on Amazon (and Kindle).
How often do you get to incorporate Zombies and Astrophysics in a single post?
I hope you will consider reading my Christmas storing and posting a review. Maybe even sharing this post?
Its a whimsical read and you can support physics at the same time.
Or you can read the physics.
 I just published the most recent summary this month! You can also watch a summary of the physics book on Youtube: which is the first of two lectures I am giving.
I expect it to be a lot more animated, live.
It basicallly starts like this:
In 20 minutes I am going to explain all dimensional elements from dimension to force to time.
I have pages of notes on writing that I am going to put somewhere, somewhere soon.
I have these physics notes:
Any velocity based feature being based on time is misleading including the speed of light.
Tomorrow is a long day.  I need to get ready to to go sleep.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

bananas and videos

The countdown is down to tomorrow!
I suppose that I am almost as ready as I can get and I not only published updated versions of the three physics books, but there is a special surprise that I managed to get fnished in time which I discuss below.

As I look at the article below I wonder if I really need to know about it.
I have a new uptodate and shorter video so I am obliged to provide that and perhaps some insight into where I am going.  At least with my math.
That is the newest update, shorter version, of the Chicago speech.
I still have not and probably will not, at least in the time remaining, get the second speech posted.

Now do we need to know this much about bananas?

It turns out ripe and unripe bananas have different health benefits — here's what you need to know

I swam 2000 yards tonight, just so I could say I did it.  1000 im.
I have also put Zombie Christmas in line to be published and it should be ready to order tomorrow.
I am romantic and I do have hope and believe in magic even though my physics might say something else; and I believe it to.

The tag line for the book:

Just in time for Christmas, a story that has everything about the Holidays.    A holiday romance, a story of redemption,  talking snowmen, elves, ghosts, decorations, and, of course, Zombies

I'm thinking it will be ready to order tomorrow if nothing goes wrong.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The countdown continues

The cold and early darkness exhaust me.
I am so close to my target  that I have to keep exercising.  i was 81.5 kg after swimming tonight, you can do the math, 2000 split im and crawl.  And granted there was very little extra weight, but it is still a good place to be, nearly 7 pounds lighter than where I started.
I am eating smaller meals, at least at night.
like my life, could have been better, could be better now, could be worse.
I was thinking pretty positive things,  that s what i thought about while i was swimming for the zombie christmas.  i am less than halfway through the last edits, but I like the content so far and I am between 27k and 28k words which is where I need to be.
And I am excited about my speech.  I enjoy going over it in my head, the excitement of presenting it to this group and the feedback I will get, good or bad, my certainty that I am right and that the math is irrefutable, the logic impenetrable.
But after I swam and arrived home I had to face the horrible reality of things.  You would think that having figured out how the universe worked, the pride and potential would propel me forward, but the universe turns out to be such a dreary place and our place in it is less romantic than I would like and I am right which is the worst of it.  It would be so nice if I could bring the sense of joy and purpose home with me.
I put off a number of posts, because it is a part of the patent process.
I think I am fairly caught up with myself there, although some things, like the ramification of the Euler work and details that I have not yet worked out worry me.
A number of the recent posts deal with this indirectly, the polynomial functions, for example are critically important to the limitations within the patent that deal with the control of velocity and time from the viewpoint of AuT.  It is the jetson car patent and while it is largely an intellectual exercise, like the course in calculus, it serves many purposes.  The main one is to explore, if not locate, the practical application of AuT.  I dont know that I am capable of getting very far into that myself, but I can do the legal part conceptually.
Moreover I thought the hinge states would baffle me, but I feel fairly comfortable now that I not only have the general concept targeted, but also the greater logic requiring those.
The same is true about the exploration of the different angles of AuT.  That appears in both the summary and vol 1 of the compendium.  It may not appear in these posts, but it is published and is even a part of the presentations, although it may or may not be on the one available on youtube.  It is entitled a pi for ever compression state, but it goes much further than that.
A third was to provide another place from which AuT can be proven.  This is actually the second lecture I will be giving in Chicago.  It is a powerpoint but it is not fully documented with commentary so it is not posted to youtube yet.  It comes from Vol 1 of the Algoirthm Universe Theory Compendium and is mostly covered in the summary.
The one important proof will be practical applications.  While the more complicated predimensional aspects are hard to get to, the dimensional uses of AuT are not insignificant; a method of looking at forces to get a more accurate understanding of the issues involved for example.  Indeed, the ability to show why the Schrodenger's cat is either alive or dead (see part Quatre in the series where it is solved, at least I think that's the post) shows how the processes of AuT can be used.
Think about the proton as only being 15 and change (not 16) arms with the 16th arm being the electron bundle but the electron itself being different.  This provides a target for manipulation of matter along with the lesser states which are defined in detail in both the algorithm universe model (the summay) and volumes 1 and 2.
It is an exciting time, but there are hurdles to overcome.

Monday, November 26, 2018

AuT and Euler's number, a reality check and an e-volving problem part 2

The countdown to chicago has begun in earnest.
5 days.
Despite that I slept well; I was exhausted and I swam yesterday despite waking at 3 am and even managed the decent swim; although I covered that in an earlier post.

I started going through names and science for my meeting, dealing with that nightmare.
I have everything lined up, the books will not be there except old copies
But the new copies are published now.

While I did not get to the work on the christmas zombie yesterday or today, I did publish the 6th edition of volume 1 compendium which was important even though it swelled to 400 pages.
It looks a lot like the above, but says 6th Ed. in the subtitle. 
This is the new version:

The good news is that only the new volume 1 is available and it is available 4 days ahead of the deadline.  The hard copy has not passed through the system yet, but it is sure to be ready before Friday, much less Monday.
The speeches need to be touched up, but I did some work on those today and modified my opening remarks.
The agenda was written into the speech to make it more meaningful, mentioning countries, topics and the like.
The introduction speech is tied to the presentations and people, in other words, not just a speech.
It will be snowing in Chicago
Very romantic to be alone at an airport hotel
It is only 30 days now till Christmas
It is looking like Boston is in doubt, not that it was ever not in doubt.
That leaves the independent work, also somewhat doubtful; and maybe Florida which is probably too expensive to pursue even though the old adage of taking money to make money stands.
As well as the new grant work, i will have at least an opportunity to say hi to NASA on Monday.  I have said hi to an SBIR grantwriter and hope to continue with that work.
Offshoots from APS, only just begun in the presentation stages, and the article also remain possible; although I am not sure when I will have time for that.

While I did some work on the lectures, they are largely ready.  Its more of a question of what to leave out, what to leave in.  There is also some re-ordering I did.  At 30 minutes each, I probably will not get through more than 10 or 12 slides for each, but they will be available online and through the books, so that is ok.  I mainly need to get the interest of the listeners, the first one just explaining the broad parameters of the model, the second one explain the big bang, dimension, time, dilation, black holes and then, the climax, the solution to the twin slit anomaly.  It is all so grand, something to share.  Or not.

I am sort of touching on the euler thing tonight, too tired to do more.

There are these drawings which using the left one and integrating around the hinge defined by the right one to define volume gives something Eulerish.
There is a better picture of this in the book, showing the two combined in a quantum way.
Another Eulerish part is increasing pi's numerator in the e equation to change the rate and time
-1's added together are change and eventuallytime
e changes because it is 100% increase vs f-series increase...why add two before instead of just 100%.  That is a rate change?  A change in e?  A different factor? and integration function?  So many choices so little time to work on it.
I think a lot of this is covered in book 1 which I hoped might lose a few pages, but it went up 100 instead.  It requires a pretty hefty set of edits, but for now it is fairly comprehensive as a first volume and reconciled with the summary.
So here are the book covers to look out for.  The middle one is the summary.  I think the Euler stuff may have to wait for another edition, but interesting as it is, it is taught in at least general terms in these books, although I may include it in my speech just because of the way that it portrays quantum change as time and pi as an evolving rate.
KDP Version above

Summary Model

Create Space version above

Sunday, November 25, 2018

AuT and Euler's number, a reality check and an e-volving problem part 1*

I was up dealing with emergencies at 3 am this morning.  Going back to sleep sometime after 6 for an hour or two did not help much as far as I can tell, but I am guessing it helped.
I dreaded swimming or trying to swim or even thinking about swimming but fortunately it would be this afternoon before I could even consider that.  I surprised myself by doing 2300 yards, although it was the easy way, 1500 plus 800 rather than the other way around.
I also received a pleasant surprise, the number on the scale was an 8 putting me within 3 pounds (and change) of my target weight although it has been a very up and down preiod of weight loss and my stomach continues to plague me.
I am still coming to get you, and by that I refer to my target weight.
I do now have a print and electronic copy of the book available.
It is 103 pages long plus some blank pages.  On page 61 it addresses the double slit test anomaly in 5 or 6 pages which is addressed in short in this blog a few days past.
I ordered 10 copies, but they will not be available before the physics conference which is fine.
They do not cover the block chain, that only appears in the patent; but its sort of clear how that works.

RT: Earth to be battered by ‘dark matter hurricane’ for next million years.

If this represents an area where space is headed towards a compressive state (a net pre-time effect like charge) then it might fundamentally change physics, perhaps giving the impression of anti-entropy, but it can also change in the intervening millions of years as could our system change places.

Today, however is about math puzzles and their solutions; this one in particular tying an evolving numerator to evolving curvature using e not just as an irrational number, but as an interest generator, the kind of thing that might be of interest to an account or tax lawyer.  How is that possible?  Prepare to be amazed yet again by AuT and its connection to observed mathematical forms once quantum elements are inserted.

That is one of the beauties of AuT, it explains things, it does not just observe them.  The explanations are not as grand as they should be and the impacts are more fundamental; but aside from this unromatic effect. AuT is what it is.

Let us talk about e.  e=1+1/(1!)+1/(2!) and so on.
This can be written as sum(x approaches infiity) 1/1+1/(x+1*z(x) where z is the factorial of the x-1 or merely the prior number in the zfunction series a memorized solution like the solutions making up the fibonacci number.
The fibonacci number can be written as f(n)=(x-1)+(x-2)
The idea is that 3! is essentially 2!+3
This defines a relations x is the same for fpix and e (1/[x+1*z(x)])
Let us review the denominator of pi for a moment (fpix):
([-1^x plus 2x(-1)^x-1]) =fpix as x increases.

Sin and cos can also be defined in terms of pi:
siny=2*y/(pi-1^(2n+1) where pi is an infinite series for different values of the numerator.
and they can be defined in terms of infinite series of numbers related to e:
sin(x)=x/1!-x^3/3!+x^5/5!-and so on or x/1+sum(n=1 to max n)(-1^n)(x^2n-1/2n+1!)
cos(x)=1-x^2/2!+x^4/4!-and so on or x^n/n!+Sum(n=1 to max n)(-1^n)x^n+2/(n+2)! as opposed to fpix which is as set out above a function of -1,2 and x.
e^x=x/x+x^2/2!+x^3/3! and so on

Adding sin and cos together give us the abs e solution:i.e.
cos(x)+sin(x)=1+x/(1!)-x^2/2!+x^3/3!-and so on
The abs value of this combination is e^x.
Sin and cos are related and convertible.

The compression function; wf(x)^2^x corresponds initially to the cos (x^2,x^4) and the hinge function; 2f(x)-1^(2^x)-1)) corresponds initial to the sign function 3^x^3;5^x^5.

Let us talk about the traditional treatment of e (euler's number) and let us look at this as follows:
e^ix=cos(x)+isin(x).  This uses i which is sqr(-1).  This is a misleading formula.  Why?
The cos of y at pi=1; the sin of y at pi is equal to 1.
This means:
The graph of cos(y) looks like the graph of an even exponent.
The graph of the sin(y) looks like a graph of an odd expnent, albeit tilted at an angle.
The relationship of these leads to this (euler's identity):
e^ip=-1 +isin(pi) or e^ip+1=0
This is misleading.
First because pi has a set value for any value of curvature and hence there is no such exact value of pi.
The short answer is because you can get a result with i, but you still need -1.

2^n is double growth (it doubles every time x increases).
As you average this, you get to euler's number down to a minimum number of changes, or the quantum number of changes between the two states.
This give you two values.  One is the absolute growth rate where you have compression.
The second value is the gradual growth rate split over the number of points involved which is a fixed value for the euler equation (from 1 to a fixed number of changes).  The first can be seen as compression, or the number of folds.  The second as the number of ct1 states between the two, thereby relating e to compression  and hinge states in the manner taught above.
This is compounding of interest but it is in this case it is compression)
compounding interest: (1+1/x)^x where x is the number of periods where 100% growth occurs
e^rt (rate=r;time period=t) The rate may be 12%/year and the time period may be 2 years, for example
e^ipi=1+isinpix where sqr(-1) can be thought of as rate or time periods and pi can be thought of as the other).
Let's look at the two choices: pi is a ratio and therefore fits well as a rate and that leaves sqr-1 as a time period.
The only common feature with AuT is information.  Information is a value that derives from -1.  In such a case the number of periods can be thought to derive from the number of times -1 is effective.
Pi becomes the rate for the -1 time periods and this rate varies for different compression states and therefore fits very well as the factor by which the numerator, the number of information bits at a time changing together, arises mathematically!  The numerator is tied directly as a rate function to curvature through e.

To understand this we have to look at what separation looks like where dimensions don't exist.
In such an event separation is an absolute and not a positive and negative variable.
To look at how this arises, let us look at an old chart:

Now let's talk about the back door to euler, the limit equation:

(1+1/n)^n=e as n approaches infinty.  This is the back door approach to e as it were.
Since AuT holds that n is a fixed number for any compression state, pi, sin, cos, and e are all fixed; but there is a difference in value to e depending on whether it is approached from the front, the infinite series or the rear (the equation above: 1/1+1/(x+1*z(x) where z is the factorial of the x-1)

These relationships allow for the totality of dmension and space to be reconciled with a single series along with memorized solutions and effects.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The universe is a blockchain

The acute feeling is like starving.
It cannot be fed.
I am starving
spiritually and in reality
my science does not help
At least not here.
The starvation cannot be solved
The good breakfast I remember
happened a long time ago.
I was up at 5am today, but I was not ready to get up.
Nevertheless, with my half cup of coffee, by 7 I was awake.
It was a long day,
all the days are long and yet they go by too fast.
I thought I was learning how to live, but I was learning how to die, that is what Davinci said.
It was foggy and wet outside.
I rode the bike again yesterday, but yesterday time it was a shorter, but still a hard ride, with three weight sets in the middle.  It was surprising that it was not harder, I'm getting back in shape.
But I am tired now and I did not do more than walk today and even that came hard.

I have started back on the Christmas book, some version of which I want to publish before Monday, although that is not likely.

I have stated the process to publish AUM, the summary paper.
It is available:
It has the same cover as the prior book which is a little confusing, but the name is different and it is comprehensive although books 1 and 2 of the compendium add details and perspective.

So there it is, no excuses now from me or anyone else.
Yet another patent, this one with the block chain elements, was filed today.  That was the one roadblock to posting.  I have a lot of editing to do on the patents; but it is all filed now.

I have not started the cut down version for APS yet.  The universe is a blockchain is another working title although I am focused on the post from a couple of days ago where the Twin slit anomaly is solved.

This book does not directly have the block chain elements which are included in the patent in at least summary form; a source of the VC interest; and it contains the most complete version of the theory in summary, including both compression and hinge states.

I wonder if I have adequately covered the interplay of the rotational odd and the dimension even exponent working together to create the experience we have.  It is very weird how the peices of this theory have come together.

A year ago I would have had little more than guesswork about hinge states.  Now, other than having too many models to chose from; and they may co-exist for different states, they are well defined in concept, but equally important they are defined in terms of function; not just hinges, but components in the rotational function of our experience.

I have a number of press releases to send, but those have to wait, although with the latest patent filing and the publication, it is time.
I am not sure about the APS submission.   It is just a matter of cutting out parts of the published book, but it is 100 pages long now; 19,683 words

.This needs to be edited:
Just as Energy and Matter are the same thing, Space and Energy are the same thing. This conclusion requires a different view of Atomic Structure and a very specific mathematical model.
Time and Change are different.
a) This has ramifications far down the line. Time is just an effect in the ct3-4-5 interface (electron, proton and black hole matrix). This is why force is so misleading; force is the stacking and unstacking of compression states over time and since ct1,2 and portions of 3 stacking occur without time, forces like gravity appear to be instantaneous relative to time when they are not relative to quantum change.
Algorithm Universe theory is a model, not a theory. it relies on math to interpret what we observe and to make accurate predictions. 
A single variable algorithm composed of infinite expanding series offset by compressive series define the universe from a non-dimensional, time free environment.
Aut is a true theory of quantum mechanics because it defines a universe defined by quantum changes in a single variable giving rise to quantum moments for each quantum state for the entire universe.
This book is supplemented with Volumes 1 and 2 Algorithm Universe Theory Compendium.
Among other things, the model explains concepts as diverse as the origin and makeup of the big bang, the structure of black holes and their relationship to other forms of matter, and the riddles of dark matter, dark energy, universal expansion and universal contraction to name a few. 
In passing the article for peer review Reviewer #1 stated: "In the paper author has discussed the Algorithm Universe Theory in brief way that explain(s) the mathematical model for the origin of space time and quantum phenomena. he ha(s) given the discussion on different topic(s) that is good for the proper explanations. He also describe(d) the difference between the AuT from the Standard Model. The presentation of the article is quite good and figures are best part of the article. This is a good research article, and should be of interest to the readership of Journal of Physical Mathematics. In my opinion, article is good and can be published." (typographical corrections shown)

What is next?  There are so many things, so many responses to wait for, so many tasks to complete.  These first ones are fairly easy, getting the patent out of the way, then the book.
Now everything needs to be lined up; editing books, looking for sponsors, getting papers ready, polishing power points.

And editing patents.
And getting rid of the backlog of almost 300 partially prepared posts.

These articles are easy to deal with, it doesn't even require a response.  Even the two slit test turned out to be so easy to answer, it is a single post a few days ago, it took 3 days using AuT math to answer a problem which has baffled physics for years.  In theory at least.

Gravity waves might be a little different.  I have not made a study of those.  Ripples in space are fairly easy to explain, pre-dimensional changes carried on unwinding strands of the universe are, after all, what AuT is about.

But there is little meaning to this and my own country has not been overly supported.  Perhaps I should start looking for grants overseas.  I figured out how the universe works, for better or worse, its time to do something with this.
I am talking about this now, but I am waiting to hear, not just to speak, but to get sponsors, and what if I get it there?  Then what?

Can you tell me, because I cannot.

Friday, November 23, 2018

aut presentation opportunity

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Shrodinger`s cat part quatre*

Now that post name is clever.
I swam 2300 yards including 1000 im which was something of an undertaking, today being typically busy for the day before thanksgiving.
Happy thanksgiving, btw.
I am not allowed to give vent to my thoughts today, but let me at least be allowed to say I give thanks to that which I do not have and that to which I aspire.

In my last post I solved in broad language the dual slit anomally.
In fact, by the end of the week I hope to submit this as my article to APS which will be something of moment, I hope.

You can already get the gist of it by ordering the 3 books advertised and with the last 3 posts although I will include some bits of it.
I will in conjunction with the submission publish the 4th edition of the summary, update book 1 of the compendium and file the 4th patent, not necessarily in that order.  I hope I may also be allowed to say that the dedications will not change for the same reasons previously given.

Since it is already given, I am publishing the basic track of the specific portions of abstract and discussion related to this newest of articles.

The double slit anomally has plagued pre-AuT physics,  but like the big bang, dark energy and black holes; the explanation comes readily with the application of Algorithm Universe Theory.  This article will discuss the solution to the anomaly, although it will only cover so much of AuT as is necessary to correct advances in the theory since the October 24, 2018 publication of the book review in the Journal of Mathematical Physics.

To that end it will briefly discuss ct3 at the photon state, the first 12 arms of ct4 as wave energy, briefly discuss hinge states, all of which are covered in detail in Volumes 1 and 2 of Algorithm Uniiverse Theory Compendium.

The hinge states are shown generally in the form of f-series expansion, but some mention at least must be made concerning the applicability of exponential (2^n)-1 compression being an element of the information arm curvature and foundation for compression as shown in the drawing below.
(Insert the f-series 2^n vs 2^n-1 drawing)
It can be readily understood from the disclosure that the first information arm loading reflects a strength which is 10 vs 10^16 for the last arm and that the first rule of 3 state of wave compression along ct4 is 10^4.  This corresponds to 10-12th (or with equal arm loading 1 fourth) the energy of the strong force.

This state is also made up of 10^4 ct3 states by definition.  It is also understood these are in flux with free ct3 states as well as the lower ct states surrounding, trapped and as hinge states within the structure which rapid exchange is shown by the perceived velocity associated with compression and decompression of wave states which we view as energy.

The figure above shows at the bottom this arrangement in concept with the wave and photon states in a loose matrix.  The actual size of the matrix and the surrounding lower ct states and the hinge structures are not shown and are not completely necessary for a full understanding of this solution of the anomaly.

The eye represents the sensor which is monitoring the passage of photons.  For purposes of this discussion, it is presumed that the sensor is sensing wave structures and that the photon stream is a t4 ct3-4 transition state.  It remains possible that the photon stream is a lesser stream (e.g. a t1 transition state which would be more unstable, but that is merely a question of degree and does not change the overall solution.
For this purpose it is also going to be assumed that the T4 state (which could be a t1 state) breaks down into ct3 states when the ratio of free ct3 states to t4 compressed ct3 states drops below act3:bt4:cht4 ct3 states where a,b and c are variables, ht4 are the t4 hinge states, act3 represents the free ct3 states and bt4 represents the t4 ct3-4 transition states.
As long as the states are in balance this represents a wave which has a heavy component of photons or states which appears under pre-aut physics as photon similar waves due to the high ration of ct3 states to t4 states.  This is what pre-AuT physics refers to as a "stream of photons" in double slit tests and it maintains its wavelike features when projected through twin slits creating a dispersion interference pattern associated with waves.
When a sensor is put to this state, however, the numbers b or c begin to decrease and the overall structure destabilizes and drops down where the act3 states dominate nowithstanding the exponential nature of compression of the higher states.
This appears more like a pure stream of ct3 states and gives the particulate structure thereby explaining without any pseudo-science the anomaly.
It remains possible that the formula would look like this atu:bty:ctz where the tu structure is more particulate, but still a transitional compression state and the tz is more wavelike and where the same break down in response to absorption by the sensor of tz states (or ty states in this example) occurs.
While it can be argued that the sensor does not absorb enough tz/ty to destabilize the structure, the results of the test rebut this argument.
There is one alternative where the sensor’s interaction stabilizes the matrix to a photon-like T state but that is a very similar result, although less likely.

A note on stupidity.  I believe this explains me, perhaps as best I can for the moment, but I feel on the verge of a change.  It may be that this was previously here, but it made its way into the next edition of the summary and for purposes that need not be covered in detail here it is not appropriate to that and so I include it below as a place to park it.

If you look at the news and ask yourself, how can everyone be so stupid, and if you then tell yourself, I have plenty of money and I would like to invest some of it in how to stop stupid, then I have an investment for you; because I understand what stupid is.
At the same time, I am looking for a few investors who are willing to invest in the future.
Over the last 5 years I developed Algorithm Universe theory and in 2018 the certainty behind the theory and the development reached the point where patents could be filed.
There is a new physics which might yield results fast or it might be slow, but the technology is the future of applied quantum mechanics.
Do you want to invest in real floating cars?  Faster than light travel?  Space elevators?  Unlimited energy?
All of these things are part of the promise of a new physics.
Whether they can achieved or not remains to be seen, but if you want to invest in the future, there is no better investment.
A new vision of physics might hold the key to these things.
In 2013 an investigation into the shortcomings of the standard model, hologram theory and relativity led in just 5 years to a new model of the universe.
One which explains the balance of features that give rise to dimension, force and time.

Schrodinger's Cat Part 3

Here is a more simple explanation that puts the scientists more into the drivers seat.
Let us look at AuT's version of the wave-photon feature.
You have waves (which can be picked up by the receiver) and actual photons.
There is a fairly simple solution suggested for the double slit test anomality where observation changes the result from wave to particle.
The drawing below shows this, where the receiver, being only able to read the wave forms, actually strips the wave from the wave-particle duality that is ct3-ct4 compression sufficiently to destroy the compression.

This aspect should be fairly easy to test by controlling the detector.  However, it masks a more complicated mechanism.
The photon is not compressed, the wave is.  The wave is made of compressed photons and the matrix of compressed and uncomrpessed photons is dynamic, transitioning by substitution.
So what is happening at the receiver (represented by the eye below)?  The wave, compressed forms are being stripped by the receiver.  This stripping may occur before or after the split, either way it strips off the wave forms, creating an imbalance in the information available for substitution and the net compression is reduced sufficiently to remove sufficient density from the particles so they are not sufficiently dense relative to the ct1 and ct2 states around them to compress to waves.

Now the results are not such that this is certainly the case, but it is the easiest solution, even though the more complex solution in the prior posts is the background for this simple solution.

And if that doesn't get you to buy the books, then you clearly are not a physcist.

For a more in depth look at how dimension, time and force are created please see the author's Amazon page at:

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Saving Schrodinger's Cat Part II

 I feel like a character in the movie right after he yells, "release the Kracken!" and then realizes he is in front of the gate holding it back.  I do not, however, know whether the Kracken will come or not.
I have exercised hard the last two days and feel better for it, mostly recovered.
The wild fever dreams are gone.
I am busy, doing too many things at once.  I have to publish my next patent and file my updates this week which ends, for all practical purposes tomorrow which renders that goal unlikely.  If I can work Thursday and Friday, perhaps by Monday, they will be ready to order, at least.
It is 13 days till Chicago, but only 10 days till I leave!
Here is a poem on a book I don't have time to edit, but I am entering the changes so I can bring it to Chicago and edit it there without having to tear it up or worry about losing the edits to date.  The poem has been edited.
It is spring
 the invitation to seek the comfort of love
is strong in the whispering wind.
Compelled to silence
I suffer the spurned lover’s fate
will i lonely sit these quiet benches
or will someone i can love
come sit beside me

before winter comes

But we were talking about the double slit model adn as I work through this issue of observation changing results, there is more to say.

The question: What are the differences between AuT and the Standard Model when it comes to the final connundrum in the double slit model?
The Standard Model says that by observing we can change reality.
AuT says that reality changes the way we observe.
That is it in a nutshell.
While the argument could be made on philosophical grounds that both were entitled to equal weight, mathematically only one makes sense.  AuT shows this by the rebuttal of the conclusions of the Marley experiment with aether.  Since space moves everything within it, almost so obviously in light of AuT as to require no agrument at all, trying to see something "move through space" is absurd.
The point is that the dimensional changes moving according to an underlying math can be carried forward to our observation being allowed only where the results allow for the observation to interfere with the results.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Saving Shrodinger's cat-the double slit experiment under AuT

It is Sunday morning so I have a special treat for you.
I am trying to decide whether to risk exercise or not, but it is a beautiful day and not worthwhile wasting it on these concerns.
So instead, what I am going to do is to explain the observational mystery of the double split experiment thereby saving Shrodinger's cat for a life of misery inside of a quantum box.
To fully understand this you have to understand two things.  One is the very weird (from a pre-AuT standpoint) mystery of the double slit experiment and the other is AuT.  I will brief explain the former, if you want to understand AuT you can order one of the books, eh?

Any one of them will do since it only the basics of AuT that are required.
The double slit experiment is where when any number of possible scenarious for looking at photons going through a slit are observed,they are particulate in form and in any scenario where they are not observed going through the slit a wave pattern (interference pattern exists). 
The big mistake is how conceited you are.  Under pre-AuT it is framed "Our knowledge changes the way the photon acts." I may be conceited too, but if you understand AuT you understand that conceit is a driven reaction, the reason I don't do what I know is better for me even though I know it.  Am I insane or is some underlying stream of control making be act like an idiot?  I am not making on choice on that score, I am just saying it is as mysterious to me as this double slit test is to pre-AuT physicsts.
Here is the AuT explanation:
Wave particle duality and the double slit test revisited: As t-12 ct3-4 transition states, electrons can be viewed as collections of photon waves and immature matter, just as molecules can be see as ct4-5 transition states as collections of neutrons and as immature black holes.  Hence for the double slit test, electrons create wave type interference patterns because they are waves without complex probability analysis.  The act of observing or just collecting the data is thought of as collapsing the wave functions in some unknown way.
It literally is a question of whether we know the path information or do not know it!  Under pre-AuT mathematics this means our consciousness “controls” what is observed.  This, of course is baloney; but it is observed.
Under AuT the suggested answer is that something “forces the T-12 to retain its particle form by freezing the fuse changes of the T-12 so it maintains its particle phase by locking in those changes over the time required (very short) to get to the detector.
This is Schrodinger’s probability vs measured particle quantum analysis effecting something existing as both a wave and a particle is baffling, but any true AuT quantum solution must be certain based on changes in x. 
From the pre-AuT perspective, when we observe it we fix the particle based on our perception of time over those values of x as a particle.  
Here is the secret of the perspective Change: AuT says that changes in X cause the changes in dimension, force and time that we experience.
“Knowledge causes the collapse,” might be replaced with this, “when a photon has a known path, we can observe it as having a known path.” The known path is presumably because the fuse doesn’t allow change to a wave form during the period under observation.  The counter is that if a photon does not have a known path (i.e. if it is transitioning in form between wave and photon because of fuse changes) we cannot observe it.  This is a forced solution, but AuT suggests that AuT is defined by forced solutions.  Changes in dimension over values of x drives force and time instead of force or time being driving elements. 
While not satisfying there is a built in test for this.  If two potential observers look at the data and one is allowed to sees it and the other doesn’t, the results of the dispersal pattern should be different for the two.  The dispersal pattern is the same, however, for the two observers.  This is the same result for his cat.  If one observer sees the cat in the box as alive, it is fixed as alive for the other observer.
This is why the “baseline” for time is the same for different places across the universe.  The same x is affecting both.  Time is changing based on net compression and decompression at the ct3-4-5 interface for both.  Therefore even though they are unrelated in terms of proximity, if they both “observe” time, they would observe it the same way subject to their relative dilation issues at the same time.
This is the same feature at work in AuT with one caveat.  The caveat is that every time photons can be observed in their particulate form, we can observe them in that way and every time they cannot we cannot whether we do or not.  The underlying changes is fuse state determine what we can see.
Two choices occur.  One is that Schrodinger is right but the act of any observer affects all other observers which is not a bad choice.  AuT, on the other hand says, “the fact that it can be observed means that over the time (value range of x) observed the particle form was maintained.”
A precise solution to why this fixed value of fuses leads to our ability to observe it from a time based perspective can be determined from how AuT works.  Essentially, fixed solutions over time (very large values of x) occur in an environment where we can observe all the operative features.  Where the solutions are changing in a time independent state, they happen in a way that we only see the net effect.  

There is certainly some additional logic that needs to be applied to this solution, but in reality it is only an extension of the solution (also given in those books) to Zeno's paradox.  And, yes, someone else is responsible for much of this work for pointing that out this work parallels the work of Parmenides and Zeno and I dedicate the saving of the cat to them and not my own heroism.
Now you should order a book (or better still, all 3).

Saturday, November 17, 2018

what next

 Exhausted, but feeling a little better.
There first chance I have to return here
Its time to start exercising again.
I should have gone this morning before my speech, but the time was short, i wanted to look over the stuff and while I now can see I would have been healthier had I swam first and cleared all the gunk out of my system; it was not so clear when I woke up.
Now, after the long day, I have had to drag myself up to write this.
Things have been very disjointed today, aftereffects.
I did a lot, but other than giving the speech, I cannot point to anything.  Too many things to do, a little disjointed.  I did write down some of the key elements to the patent today, I remember doing that.  But there is so much to be done there.

What is it like being the smartest physicist in the world?  Like I would know.
Last night I had to take several gallons of rice and gumbo to my office and heat them up to take them to the charity event which went surprisingly well for all of that.   I was in no condition for that.
Not all of the food was as hot.  It took an hour, but I kept enough gumbo out for lunch today and now I had to go back and clean up my office kitchen which I left a mess.  Thankfully it is cold so it was not too awful.

Peace I may never have. 

The science has to be right.
Eventually, someone will use this.
Because people are awful.
Imagine a weapon which is delievered not in real time, but independent of time.
You would think that government would recognize what is going on here, but it doesn't.
If I get the right offer from a foreign government, would it be any problem for me to go there?  I don't really think so.  While it was not fully developed I went to my government three or four times and they said no.  It was their choice.  Whether I go back there again is mine.

And there are other ways to raise money.
Business Insider: I cofounded Harry's and Warby Parker. Here's the best advice I can give you about raising money..

I have to keep my wits about me.  I cannot be sure of that.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

one line on dimension

I feel better right now
I don't know how long it will last
It could be actual recovery, but the evidence is that it is the medicine.

I am experiencing enormous anxiety about things
It is because I stopped my business
And now the reason for it is gone
But I still cannot bring myself to dive back in.

I should go to this party and hunt up some business
But then there is my writing
I have the ability to produce
I have produced, I need to market

I am going to work on that
I have the physics too
I am trying to do something with it.

But I have to fight anxiety and something else
Something worse
When I was younger I would have scorned money
For something like this

I have redesigned reality, accurately
Every turn makes things a little more certain
I'm not stopping, though I thought I would

When I was younger it would have been good
It would have been enough
I would have been embraced fame
Back then were things different?

I need something, I can't find here
There was a future once
Things keep changing
I turn to god often

My physics don't prevent god, but it makes it awfully hard to turn to god.
When I was young my aptitude test said I would be good in religion
I am pretty good with fraud, so that box is checked.
But a caring god is contraindicated.

Now it is coughing
I went to the damn party, but only for a little while
I felt good while I was there
But I wasn't dressed up, and I did not want to go where it was bright for that reason
I said hi to enough people so I would be remembered
I came back to finish this physics.

This post is about a very big thing which surprises me even though I have written it a hundred times.

Dimensions are not expansive, but are contractive features.  When you add dimension you compress, you don't expand.  I didn't realize that before even though it is a feature of this system.  It is another indication that AuT is accurate, but also that it is counter-intuitive in many ways.
This one line is as important as the other two main lines, that time and change are different and that all dimensional states exist together.
The idea that added dimensions are contractions and not expansions are all a part of the tangled string, but it is the one sentence that was missing.
When black holes shrink because they stretch out into a 5th dimension, they are not stretching at all, they are spiralling inward, folding exponentially and reducing the amount of free space within the system.

I have done so much, but I am sick, without the calm hand that would lift me up from the anxiety about the future.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


have you noticed how boring and circumspect this blog has become
it could be so much more interesting, do not think i dont have more to say.
perhaps that is a small source of my anxiety.
That and feeling a failure.
My ideas of what makes success and failure seem wildly out of kilter.
I have enough to eat, I am largely back for the abyss, I have written some fairly good books at last, porn, nostradamus once it is edited and perhaps the christmas story.  I figured out how time works and what the universe is.  You would think it would be enough, but I would trade places with a one-eyed successful person who has very little of what I want other than success.  It is, of course, easier for me as a one-and-a-half-eyed man going blind.

You don't see how hard it is to do what you think is right when you don't believe in yourself, or maybe you do.

Still suffering from a cold.  I have taken some strong decongestants and tomorrow I really  need to start doing something more than walking once a day.
On the bright side, I have had no coffee for two days and my weight has dropped to within 4 pounds of my  target weight.  If I am sick for another week I may reach my target
Can't say I look any better, but the back and forth of the pre-illness days has given way to something which appears more definitive in turns of weight loss, a threshhold crossed.
I did 25 minutes on the eliptical cycle, took ecinacia and elderberry extract, I'm drinking hot lemon and honey water.  I don't know what else to do that I can do.
I can only rest so much, I have parties to attend tomorrow, to give on Friday and then Saturday I give my pracice speech.

I have 3 version of the physics speech.  The ones online which I have made slight additions to, that is day 1.  I have a day 2 speech which is a neat little one-offer.  The way they work and you'll be able to see them online is the day 1 is pure theory and the day 2 is the observational support.  They are both a little too long but the key elements are there.

This is the only one posted:

It too will have slides added, maybe a little rearranging, but it is much shorter, the theory more certain.  I am too sick to dictate slides, I tried. "Time, cough, is cough, not change, cough cough."
We cough cough live in a series of slides, too close together for us to realize, blinded by a view of only the top of realitiy, or perhaps maybe we can only not see the bottom two layers of reality, cough cough cough.  I cannot even type it without coughing.
Maybe all the medicine will help, but it will not make me happy.

And then there is the moderator's speech.

My speech, when it is finished, will be designed around being uplifting to others who like me toil in a light that only holds more darkness the better we see it.

The fear lies in the old physics, the promise in the new; breaking to bonds of the standard model.  Might be a little risque for the moderator speech.
It will, as a courtesy to the group putting the convention on, emphasis the importance of meeting.

I would like it to be:
As we look at AuT we will come up with amazing new ways to manipulate the universe.
It will be more like this:
While we will remained enchained by reality we will understand it better and be able to do more with it.

That is both true and false in AuT.

It is a relief to see articles like this, stuck at planck length and in preexisting dimensions and independent time.

I was able to speak with a physicist yesterday, a retired molecular physicist whose axe may not need as much grinding and came away no worse for wear which is encouraging.  We are scheduled to schedule to have coffee.  But I cannot see him till I am well.  Next week is Thanksgiving.  How did that happen?  No answer?  I suppose I could ask myself that same question.