
Monday, November 26, 2018

AuT and Euler's number, a reality check and an e-volving problem part 2

The countdown to chicago has begun in earnest.
5 days.
Despite that I slept well; I was exhausted and I swam yesterday despite waking at 3 am and even managed the decent swim; although I covered that in an earlier post.

I started going through names and science for my meeting, dealing with that nightmare.
I have everything lined up, the books will not be there except old copies
But the new copies are published now.

While I did not get to the work on the christmas zombie yesterday or today, I did publish the 6th edition of volume 1 compendium which was important even though it swelled to 400 pages.
It looks a lot like the above, but says 6th Ed. in the subtitle. 
This is the new version:

The good news is that only the new volume 1 is available and it is available 4 days ahead of the deadline.  The hard copy has not passed through the system yet, but it is sure to be ready before Friday, much less Monday.
The speeches need to be touched up, but I did some work on those today and modified my opening remarks.
The agenda was written into the speech to make it more meaningful, mentioning countries, topics and the like.
The introduction speech is tied to the presentations and people, in other words, not just a speech.
It will be snowing in Chicago
Very romantic to be alone at an airport hotel
It is only 30 days now till Christmas
It is looking like Boston is in doubt, not that it was ever not in doubt.
That leaves the independent work, also somewhat doubtful; and maybe Florida which is probably too expensive to pursue even though the old adage of taking money to make money stands.
As well as the new grant work, i will have at least an opportunity to say hi to NASA on Monday.  I have said hi to an SBIR grantwriter and hope to continue with that work.
Offshoots from APS, only just begun in the presentation stages, and the article also remain possible; although I am not sure when I will have time for that.

While I did some work on the lectures, they are largely ready.  Its more of a question of what to leave out, what to leave in.  There is also some re-ordering I did.  At 30 minutes each, I probably will not get through more than 10 or 12 slides for each, but they will be available online and through the books, so that is ok.  I mainly need to get the interest of the listeners, the first one just explaining the broad parameters of the model, the second one explain the big bang, dimension, time, dilation, black holes and then, the climax, the solution to the twin slit anomaly.  It is all so grand, something to share.  Or not.

I am sort of touching on the euler thing tonight, too tired to do more.

There are these drawings which using the left one and integrating around the hinge defined by the right one to define volume gives something Eulerish.
There is a better picture of this in the book, showing the two combined in a quantum way.
Another Eulerish part is increasing pi's numerator in the e equation to change the rate and time
-1's added together are change and eventuallytime
e changes because it is 100% increase vs f-series increase...why add two before instead of just 100%.  That is a rate change?  A change in e?  A different factor? and integration function?  So many choices so little time to work on it.
I think a lot of this is covered in book 1 which I hoped might lose a few pages, but it went up 100 instead.  It requires a pretty hefty set of edits, but for now it is fairly comprehensive as a first volume and reconciled with the summary.
So here are the book covers to look out for.  The middle one is the summary.  I think the Euler stuff may have to wait for another edition, but interesting as it is, it is taught in at least general terms in these books, although I may include it in my speech just because of the way that it portrays quantum change as time and pi as an evolving rate.
KDP Version above

Summary Model

Create Space version above

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