
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Smart questions with AuT answers

It is Sunday.  The birds this morning filled the trees and drowned out the other sounds, but now it is less quiet, the sounds of the city, not too far away, predominate.  The birds have moved on, gone silent or been drowned by the other noises.
It was primitive and a little scary this morning; now it suggests a dystopian doom; odd that the word does not spell check.
It rained last night at last, but the colder weather promised is not here yet.
The scraped skin where I rocketed over my handlebars is not healed, but might be well enough for me to swim outside if the pool is open.  I don't know how short it would be or what energy I have in me for that, but it has been a long time since I swam last and might yet be longer if I don't take advantage of this strange collection of weather and opportunity.
I feel sullen this morning, I have an intense love that has nowhere to go.  All my heart cries out for some release; but there is nothing there for it.
It has been grey mostly for several days, but it does nothing to lessen or improve my mood.
I would like for it to get cold and bathe outside in hot water, but as I have open wounds, it is just as well that I cannot.

Over the last few days, I worked out the model for the fusion engine for the next patent and the grant, the details are complicated and while easy enough to carry out with the right facilities; they are not the kinds of things to do at a homeless campsite.  The plan for the day is to work on the models that are drawn out, turning drawings into words and words into claims; but I already know it will be Monday and Tuesday before any great work is finished on these.

January 3 is getting closer.   There are 6 days left, one being pretty much the same as another, but much to do on any given day.

It is difficult.  With a half decent 19th century laboratory, 5000 dollars in modern equipment and chemicals, I could at least superficially test my science.  But I don't have the laboratory and it is dangerous in the preparation as some things are, not as dangerous as dynamite, perhaps, but more dangerous than a cockney pub or a fireworks factory and those both often go awry.  The tests themselves could be complicated, but once the preparation was done, the execution of reactions would have some remote potential to create fusion and while in very low quantities, the science and effects are worth considering.

I can say this, the most simple form involves a hardened container, two chemicals and a single piece of equipment; but could, in theory provide fusion.  It is almost, but not quite, too simple to believe, but it applies the science in the most simple fashion to get the result.  Whether it can be safely prepared requires several steps, testing the container and the equipment without the chemicals and then with them and while the build out is simple, it requires the proximity of things which nature did not mean to make proximate and perhaps in that lies the solution to the question of why it cannot happen in the absence of the preparation.

Even so, it would cost a fraction^10 of what the other fusion projects want for things which cannot work and it is frustrating.  "It" would certainly yield better results, although I continue to fear someone will stumble or steal into the correct path and apply it to the overly complex methods otherwise developed and claim the prize that is rightly mine and whatever country comes to my aid first.

I was within a couple of pounds and a fraction of my target weight again, thanks perhaps to the irregular sleep and exercise of the past few days, a few grams can be attributed to the loss of skin and blood; but mostly it appears to track the exercise and diet.  I went to bed yesterday not as clean as is otherwise warranted, but it was only my sweat and only me to suffer from it, scraggly, unshaved, but exercised with a healthy feed.  I am awake now but tired; frustrated in every way that a person can be frustrated.

I promised AuT answers and questions.  Normally there is not enough in these types of questions to warrant the need to answer, but the science of AuT is more developed than the non-participant can be informed, there are some secrets that are still secret.

I have these covered, in the broadest sense in the recent books, however out of date they are in terms of application; the specific methods of application counted in months in terms of broad concept, but only days and weeks in terms of specific design.

This answer I would have said was ct1 at one time, but now it is ct1-3 and parts of 4 especially for the time part.  And yet the math of the answer remains the same with only the greater specificity and understanding of continuing to work it out, not quite public or secret as it winds its way through the patent offices around the world and works itself out in my mind.

This one is also of recent issue, partially but not fully told in the original science; now so important to fusion oddly enough, the key to fusion without the stupid expensive lies with the answers which were given only privately to this question and which themselves continue to be worked out imperfectly, but within experimental parameters.

Soon enough the experiments will begin or be thwarted by ignorance and prejudice.  It remains to be seen which will be the greater, the only certainty is that it will now be revealed through the system of sharing that was established for this type of science; and there is much to do between now and then.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

the next patent

It is early in the morning and cold, but I am up; putting my insights down on paper.
With the pool closed exercise is the dry, earthly kind that does not appeal to me.
I think I have come a little closer, recognizing the value of time, that thing which doesn't exist at the quantum level.  No one has tried knocking down my door to force a nobel prize on me, but there is some progress.
There is an order to things and that is a key after a fashion, how to do things in the right order, but that won't be explained here; it was explained in the last patent and will be explained again in another way in the next patent and perhaps another in the one after that.
I wrote a letter recently, and this is an excerpt from that for you who I haven't written to in a while.
This is a new model of thermodynamics.  If this is accurate there has to be a certain amount of post discovery obviousness.  Observe:
The first is that is has to be right, we see this because there are observed iterated equations and resulting fractals, fundamentally the denominator of pi and the resulting golden ratio.
The second is that the model must be durable, in the face of observations it must hold up.  There are innumerable examples from solving Zeno’s paradox to wave particle duality to explaining time and force.  In this case the best example may be how easily it unifies force.  You can do this with a hand calculator and the relative value of forces (e.g. from Wikipedia)  using 2f(n)^2^n where n=1, 2, 3, 5, 8; the first 5 solutions to the Fibonacci series or golden ratio.
Folding from 1:2 yields the relative value of gravity, from 3:5 yields the mass energy equation (e=mc^2); 5:8 folding yields the strong force.  The other forces are internally reconciled by the standard model as electromagnetic phenomena, although what that means is explained with more detail.
The third observation given here is that the model is confirmed by otherwise unexpected observations.
MIT in October of 2019* found smoking gun evidence of what we proved mathematically in 2013 and applied to fractals at the end of 2018.  Equally important, the evidence of the model surrounds us, just hidden at the subatomic level by time.  Time is defined as a dimensional result of pre-time change by this model with great specificity.  As a result, energy is also defined in a new way which changes its manipulation exponentially.
Equally important, the model must have some use.  This model explains why fusion has not been achieved, except in bombs, and how to solve that problem.  In the patents it is shown to be widely applicable.
We have been invited to file a full phase 1 NSF grant on our fusion project which we plan to file the first of the year.

AuT could be called "not just fusion."  We have a new approach to fusion, what some call a 10 trillion dollar industry* (*  We have also redefined quantum mechanics and fusion is the tip of the iceberg despite its importance.
What do you think of that?
There is a mistake I see, or saw.  It is the ultimate in obviousness, but is it really only obvious in light of AuT?  Are there not aspects of it that were obvious before?  But then if no one could see it without the science; maybe it is not obvious at all.
It would make me nauseous to see all the crackpot fusion projects being funded when the one based on real science languishes, but I am sick anyway and this is just another sick, such is the problem with technology, such is the problem with life.
I now have enough material for the next patent to be filed the first week of January; indeed it now screams to be filed.  "Quiet patent, quit screaming, it is too early."
It is surprising how quickly that date is coming up and attempting to get ready for it is a growing challenge, the more I do, the closer I get; the more there is to do.
Each step is handed to me, after a fashion, the model forces its solutions on me, deliver the plasma and what to do afterwards, therefore how to do it.
While the work for this specification technically has been done and the science essentially disclosed, there is enough new material to include the new specification and it will be very and specific in conjunction with the requirements for actual construction; why does it have to scream at me?
Pause for an advertisement, "Looking for the perfect holiday gift?"

The goal is to build it within the nsf budget in a form that will have initial combustion if not continuous combustion.
There is every reason to believe that it can be done.  They are throwing hundreds of millions of dollars into total nonsense and I am targeting a solution for a fraction of that.
If the nsf budget is not forthcoming, well that is a different story.  Disappointment hounds me, snapping at my heels.

Here are a couple of articles, the first showing the weakness in terms of strength of the standard model.

The second rendered total nonsense by the relentless logic of AuT

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Back to the past for the future one of two, perhaps

A dry post for a dry morning.  I stepped away from this blog and may not come back.  I am not sure where I am going from here, perhaps it is the pool being closed for so long that disturbs me so much.  I leave it to you to determine this.  I dont care how much i weight right now or what i am doing for exercise.  even what i eat does not seem to matter much or how much coffee it takes to get me through the day or how much my stomach hurts as a result.  It is not so much surrender, as it is the need to continue for the sake of putting one step in front of the other, the actions of the doomed man walking through a desert without hope of succor and yet walk on he does until he finds the place where his bones are destined to bleach over time.

Which brings us to time and the subject of this post.

AuT goes pre-Einstein to sove the Einstein dilema.
The goal of post Einstein physics was to use a modification of space time in order to do two things, 1) justify a fixed rate for the speed of light and 2) support observed physics, namel y Maxwell's equations.

The speed of light is defined by aut not as speed per-se, but post time change rates observed at the level of the photon, ct4t9 perhaps being the most likely element although the energy equation ties this more closely to the ct3-4 transition.   Recent studies suggest that the speed of light can be controlled in certain environments which makes this element less important.

Maxwell's equations are a set of coupled partial differential equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, and electric circuits.  It is a durable model, but really is largely just a series of equivalents applicable to systems operating wthin the narrow transitions of ct4t9 within a ct4-5 transition state universe.  It uses change over time and therefore ignores the pre-time elements of change.

The so called Lorentz-Poincare (care-long e) group of "transformations."
A fairly strong argument could m made that both Lorentz Equations and Poincare observations are too deep for me to examine; but that would be to ignore the fact that inserting aether back into the mix simplifies, rather than increases the complexity.
An exemplary article can be found here for those of you interested in such things.
In truth both L and P do nothing more than ignore pre-time change and instead remain fixated on the post time effect of time based change L focusing on C (the speed of light) and P focusing on the dissasembly of light into into its post-time effects.

The keystone of L is (1-(v^2/c^2)^1/2) which is a way of ignoring pre-time change by saying that everthing is tied to the relationship of velocity to the speed of light; a relativistic concept that leads to all sorts of misdirection and falacies like time travel which are previously disussed in too much depth to recover here.  Suffice it to say that qunatum change means that whatever the rate change of individual groups of point relative to time, the fixed march of quantum change is unaffected, making the universe a much more barren and unexciting place; but then you knew that deep down inside.

P focuses more on the variations possible for dimension given particular velocities and works well as long as pretime elements are not considered but begins to fall apart outside of the molecular ct 4-5 transitions and more or less completely falls apart at black holes which are so easy to deal with in AuT,  again discussed in detail in the most recent verions of Aut.  Neither provides a ready explanation for dimension which is accepted as an approximation within the narrow range of change (defined between zero dimensional change and the speed of light) for which the complex equations are observed.  
The L-P-E approximations are just a way of smoothing out the ct3-4 transition and largely ignore what goes on within the higher dimensional framework of ct4-5 transition except to the extent that these contain the lower ct3-4 transitions and makes the mortal sin of ignoring ct1-ct3 transitions that generate time as a dimensional framework from which the other dimensional states are observed by those 3 august if inaccurate mathematicians operate; ignoring the fixed values for pi and change which otherwise are observed and obvious if only they had continued to peer at the ct1-3 aether instead of getting lost in observed time based changes.

Saturday, December 7, 2019


Saturday Morning.
The pool is closed for 3 months, perhaps to extend it by 4 inches which would be weird, but is a thing I learned about far from the pool itself.
For the moment I am filling in with non-outdoor swimming activities; but the future remains unclear.  There is also the whole 5 days when the gym will be closed for observance of superstitious practices.
So the day before it closed, I swam my last 2200 yards, the next day weights, then yoga.  Today, I don't know.  It is no longer early, but I am moving slowly.

I have a team if it stays together which is impressive and covers all the areas which it needs.
A world class mathematician
A capable phd candidate CE
A phD EE
There is also a chemist who may be conflicted out and a physicist who is agreeable but has other issues to contend with.
There is also a search which remains outstanding until the end of December; a short time, but an important time frame.

One of the problems with explaining aut in terms of observations is dealing with outdated language.
In the article which follows one of those, the neutrino, is discussed.
The "mass" of the neutrino is discussed in terms of electron volts, a measurement itself which is fraught with problems since it involves both pre-time and post time elements.  The whole idea of measuring with energy or mass is fraught with observation issues, whereas AuT is a more pure system which allows measurement in bits.
That being said, we are not able to do much with bits yet, so it becomes almost as fanciful as the electron volt which is decidedly limited to a narrow range of ct6 or ct9 exchange, a rather random place from which to make a determination.
Then you have the other problem with the "standard model of particle mass" which is that even the standard model accepts that fundamental particles like electrons are not particles at all.  Rather than use the precise explanation of AuT that provides the ready explanation in terms of accurate pre and post time elements; the SMOPM ("smop-em") uses probability fields which is a way of estimating what AuT requires, the latter giving a better view of quantum instant states and allowing for superior manipulation as a result,of course.

1.1 ev as mass vs a minimum of 8x10^-3 based on M^2 of each mass state.
What you see here is yet another proof of aut where compression states changed based on 2f(x)^(2^x) which AuT predicts comparing favorably to observations.  Its important to remember that amounts of cloud are not measurable even using an energy standard although they are important for understanding function.
This is easily given a rough ct comparison using the millions of ev (10^6) of other ct states which suggests that the Neutrino, in terms of the electron (t12) component is a ct4t6 range component state; something which is potentially supportive of the photon being a ct4t9 state which is a place where I have been leaning for some time given the newly determined proton as a ct4t15 state thing which is also supported in part by these electron volt measurements, although one can readily see minor discrepancies that arise when EV and mass are reconciled. 
energy equivalence of rest mass of electron0.5109906(15) MeV
energy equivalence of rest mass of proton938.27231(28) MeV
energy equivalence of rest mass of neutron939.56563(28) MeV
What this tells us is that neutrinos are manifestations of pretime states which "oscillate" between the the ct4t states in question, all of which appear to be in a determinable range.
The problem arises because anytime you use energy as part of the analysis what you are really doing is comparing pre-time and post-time states and when you use decay characteristics you are ignoring much of the pre-time information and categorizing the rest, especially here, where it is categorized as a single particle to force it into a model as opposed to specific mathematics.
The range concept is Its important to remember that amounts of cloud are not measurable even using an energy standard although they are important for understanding function.

The idea is that what is called a neutrino is a post time “flux” measurement (like the electron field conceptually being called an electron vrs the 5.4 ct4t12 plus cloud states) and as will be shown this appears likely to be a 5.x cloud of ct4t6 moving between a ct4t5 and ct4t7 unstable (odd exponent) matrix.

The same conceptual framework can be used to fully evaluate the reaction of the components in the article and a very similar conceptual framework appears in the patents, sorry, it will not appear here; but the evaluation of this reaction is well worth considering:

 A gaseous source produces tritium atoms (3H) that undergo beta decay into helium-3 (3He), electrons (e), and electron antineutrinos (𝜈̄)

The newest editions of zombie christmas and science of nostradamus, but I am going to rewrite it.  Keep your eyes open for the next edition of Counselor's sinful kiss, that is also coming.  

Sunday, December 1, 2019

A Christmas choking

The fatal, hateful rise of choking during sex

Ok, I had to find a post that actually made sense to me tonight.
You can look at it and see how old it is, I've done enough today.
I am not able to concentrate too much, certainly not enough for physics so I've been working on my books.
Not one, moving from one book to the next, a paragraph here or there.

So, tonight.   Yesterday it was bike ride and weights, today it was 2200 yards, 2x400 im and 2x200 im so there is the 1200 im.  I was down to 177 pounds and while that is still over 2 pounds over the target; for the moment it barely qualifies as thin waist and broad shoulders.

I'm 7 chapters into Christmas zombie, 2 chapters into Nostradamus, and i keep reediting the first half of the first chapter of last days of the new Orleans river zombie.  I have been working on this or that, but I have no intention of finishing anything.  You have to focus on something to have an intention regarding it.

That is what happens when you lose focus.
You can swim, but you can't write
You can't have an intention, but you can think
You can stay awake but you can't get untired
I am tired.
You can be conscious, but you can't focus on anything
I'm not focusing tonight but you get this weird blog post.

What is love if not....

Writing porn together:

I might be done with porn, this is for someone else.

I am doing christmas but since I finished this other than it being a terrible rough draft that i cannot get past the first chapter, I am going to keep going with the posts.

    Levee Board

Events will bring captain and guy from memphis together to plan to save the city

Outside there is a steady flow of water, up from the drains, in the middle of the streets and down from the sky.  Inside the control room of the levee board various monitors shows the success and failure of the pumping stations.
The commander looking at the monitors asked, “This report says that we can’t even start on levee repairs until after the storm and there is at least 10 places where the water is topping the levee already and several potential failure points.  Can things get any worse?”
“The damn storm is coming this way.”
“Everyone said it was going to just brush by Louisiana.”
“It stalled, now they say it’s going to turn north and move up the Mississippi.”
“What do we do?”
“We’ve opened the spillways, the 9th ward is going to flood.  The pumps are still holding up, mostly, but if we don’t get some relief, they won’t for long.”
“We lost the army pumps.  Any word on survivors from the second bridge collapse?”

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Last days (edited)

Twenty four hundred yards, followed by two thousand yard (surprised I even finished the second one) and then, despite my interest in taking today off, 25 minutes of stair and 3 sets of weights, some of it a little off.
I will, in this article wax sarcastically; if you don't like that side of me, you should probably stop reading now and be satisfied that I have the body of an Adonis and the mind of the writer of Metropolis.

For those of you who don't appreciate this movie, "The Hunger Games" is essentially a take off of this movie and if you see this movie in context of when it was produced in 1927; you will see that is as visionary as any movie ever made.
And just to keep things honest for a moment, I have the body of Jaba the Hut, a very old Jaba the Hut.  But enough honesty for a moment, the president of the united states and his minions care little for truth, and setting the standard for all Americans, I will do the same.

I finished the first draft of last days of the new orleans river zombie today.  I suppose I will have to make it available soon.
I also received in the mail the proof copies of the science of nostradamus.
This is the new and much improved copy.  I may come out with another edition, but I only have so much time and this book is very important; especially if you are facing death, like me.
There is so much I'd like to do before I die, but so little that I can do.

It begins with a quote from DaVinci which alone is worth the cost of the book and which, sadly, can be see in the preview without buying it. Lucky you.
I think there is a country out there that will appreciate what I have done here; that will adopt me for my science and patents; but it has not happened yet; so for the moment, let me point out with a couple of articles the stupidity of everything that came before me and why I will one day be the new Einstein, the new Edison, the new Newton, indeed, why one day I will be the new Parmenides, father of quantum mechanics by talking about two nothing articles.

Let's talk about these two articles and why they are nonsense and at the same time I will cover the material that you can find in the books.  For those of you who want to watch it built, you can start with post 1 and follow through to now; but the "audio summary" and the "model" book below contain most of the key elements; although there is much good and bad in the interminably long volumes 1 and 2, but I digress.

Let's start with the hologram within the hologram and black hole information, a quick look at the too massive black hole in our galaxy and then move on to the dark matter particle silliness.  You don't have to read the articles because they are so much horse manure as is all pre-aut physics.
The elegant field theory is just a way of estimating AuT's more specific pre-time and post time features and shows how small minded physics is not to have embraced me with the laurels of the conquering hero that I am, scientifically speaking.
The information in a black hole has merely made the shift from base 10 to base 16.
Since the maximum amount of information before moving on to the base 26 to the 64 conglomeration of black holes where if even the first two arms were effective, well, the math is interesting, do it if you want, which is where the molecular black holes change from ct6 transitional states to ct6 a level which our entire universe can barely reach if the entirety of it were compressed.
Since the minimum size black hole (16^32 AUT) has been compared to 3.8xsun; this 20x sun is far under the first information arm which would be 26x3.8 of our sun.
Hence, we are looking at black holes with 16^32 neutrons in mass before we exit AuT and the base 16 framework and 4 dimensional feel of black holes.  I seriously doubt that either the super-massive black hole of the information loss concepts have any relevance in light of this mathematical certainty.
That being said, aut had its roots in challenging hologram theory in terms of continuity and so the silliness of a hologram within a hologram has to be considered and it survives after a fashion because what is aut if not a lesser base state within a higher base state.  I give the article the rare blessing of two stars, the writers should be proud.

The second article deserves no such kindness; nonsense particles when dark matter is not so much a thing as a mistake in the actions of ct1-3 and low transitional states of ct4.  There is much to forgive, however, given the only recent understanding of space as being much more than ct1 as it is observed and for that I do not apologize; because the world of science that has been so cruel to me has much to answer for; but I have some understanding of prejudice because my own old thinking kept me from seeing what seems so obvious, once it is discovered and indeed it was late in this year when it came to me at last; the most brilliant of physicists, even for me it took some time.

I will take my tongue out of my cheek now.

16,000 word once the surplus is gone, meaning I have to cut out 6,000 words to enter it; but the entire story is ready.  It does need polishing; a lot of polishing; but I thought I'd share another chapter.

   25. Levee Board

Outside there is a steady flow of water, up from the drains, in the middle of the streets and down from the sky.  Inside the control room of the levee board various monitors shows the success and failure of the pumping stations.
The commander looking at the monitors asked, “This report says that we can’t even start on levee repairs until after the storm and there is at least 10 places where the water is topping the levee already and several potential failure points.  Can things get any worse?”
“The damn storm is coming this way.”
“Everyone said it was going to just brush by Louisiana.”
“It stalled, now they say it’s going to turn north and move up the Mississippi.”
“What do we do?”
“We’ve opened the spillways, the 9th ward is going to flood.  The pumps are still holding up, mostly, but if we don’t get some relief, they won’t for long.”
“We lost the army pumps.  Any word on survivors from the second bridge collapse?”

Monday, November 25, 2019

Closer enter the pct

There is much to cover since the last post.
First, the nonsense.  2200 yards and a slight down tick in weight.  1000 im, 2x400 plus 1x200; that is after doing 5x200 because I could not do even one 400 wondering what was wrong that I couldn't get my breathing to work, but that was at the end of a very hard workout.  Still unexplained, or perhaps too many explanations.

Where to start?  First, while I am not doing a lot of posts, instead focusing on patents and development; it is important to note that you have to go back 7 years before you get back to the point where my physics is not ahead of current physics.  So what use is it to add another post on science if you haven't read them all.

I have a backlog of unpublished posts.  At least 21 since October and who knows how many before that.  Well, the total is 344 including this one.

This is a nonsense post, I don't have to spend much time on this.
I'm hoping this week to finish Zombies; but who knows what will happen.

there is another zombie book.

Z pinch, where the electric current in the plasma generates a magnetic field that “pinches” or compresses the plasma.
generating a stable plasma from deuterium and hydrogen atoms. To do this, the team applied a shear force to the plasma as it advanced through the accelerator. This generated a radial flow that maintained the plasma—a solution to the stability problem predicted by theorists. The resulting plasma stayed stable for around 16 𝜇s, 5000 times longer than possible for static plasmas. During this stable period, the team detected the presence of the high-energy neutrons expected from a fusion reaction, with this signal lasting for 5 𝜇s.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Grants and spew Dreams and 13000 word books

2400 yards, 3 pounds over target, that is what I have to say this morning.
I do not understand the 3 pounds, but I am going to work on portion control and go from icecream to yogurt even though its only a little of either one.
I was swimming with someone who was doing 25's fly underwater the length of the pool which was a pleasure to watch and good motivation.  I'm afraid my days of doing that are numbered, but perhaps when I go back on monday I will try one.  The locker room is closed till then for painting which is not frustrating because I swam 2400, 1200 were im, 2x400 and 2x200.  The 400's made the 200's seem easy which is strange.
I have a little less than 30 days to do the pen to publish challenge which I am going to try with last days.  Unfortunately that means cutting out 3000 words which will be tough since normally my rewrites but it won't win anyway; its just a weird thing and after the contest I can put the words back in.  As a matter of fact, I may publish it both ways with two different names.
I am close to filing the grant and while I doubt I will have the full team, I will likely have a five person team which is on the high side.
Yesterday I was explaining absorption and spew, a 2019 year concept oddly enough, to the CE who is committed I am happy to say; and last night I had a dream where I explained that ct1-4 absorption and spew could be observed and why.  First, as set out in articles and this blog, we do observe them. CT1 absorption is ct1 to ct2 folding and gravity.  Spew is antigravity or dark energy.  That is a very simple example.  Ct3 absorption and spew is more complex and leading up to ct4 where there appear to be a couple of different versions is more complex still but we see on a grand scale the absorption of ct1 as gravity and the spew of the earth's magnetic field and later there is the black hole ct1 absoprtion and light plasma spew of black holes.  But there was more to this dream and this concept which is something I have been saying of late.  That is that "life" has figured out a way to control absorption and turn the spew into a channeled type of energy, controlling spew within a range as heat and various forms of electromagnetic radiation and, of course, movement which is heat after the scientific fashion.
Perhaps that is not the spew dream you were thinking about.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Others on Time; zombie chapter 21


Yesterday was 2200 including 1100 im at a good pace, today I am not so sure.  It is getting cold and I am very tired.  But things are moving, I can feel the pressure of history behind me like the wind in the sail of a wooden ship with a tall mast and all of the reefs are out.
I have determined that time is an effect and not a dimension.   That being said, it is an "effect" of dimensional change or a result of dimensional change as it were.
Perhaps I should have said it is a bunch of dimensions which give rise to time, which is both true and a little misleading.

The one thing we can all be certain of in light of AuT is that articles like this are total bullshit.
That is a lot to say, but this is not the first time I have said it.
The key to AuT was the determination of exactly what time was and that meant determining what time was, but AuT did it.
I'm not going into it all here, it appears in the posts that precede this one and in the books.

Well, Zombie Christmas is just a christmas story with zombies in it, and also the Zombie screenplay has zombies in it.
The guy who figured out what space and time are writes zombie books.
The world is in a weird place.
Time is this, it is the same as what we call space to a large extent because the way that what we call space changes dimensional is what we call time.  What changes after that builds on this quantum state of time, but that, that is...bazinga time"
I am the one who did this and it required a certain level of madness, a certain change in the focus to look at what is important.  And yet you are the most important thing, but where are you and where am I on you.
Things are getting ready to change, I am old, going blind, but I am healthy and vibrant in body and mind for the moment; if you ignore the blindness perhaps, and I, alone of all men and all women, have determined what time is and how it is something so much smaller that anything that went before.

Chapter 21

Levee breaks

Begging your pardon captain, the second mate says, lowering his eyes when he sees the teacher with a towel wrapper around her.  He cannot help but glance up then his eyes are back on the floor and he mumbles something.
The weather is banging on window as weather worsens
Out with it man
Vicky says I want to talk to….
Captain, the mate interrupts, will you look at that
The tv is on, the sound is off, but there is an excited reporter, clearly out of his mind excited.   Behind him there is a torrent of water moving through a gap, it hits a car and the car disappears, it hits a house, the house vanishes, then it begins to spread out, still doing damage,  but less propounded.  The damage disappears in the rain.
Turn on the sound
The levee has broken, the man says excitedly.  We are north of the city but the water is bound to go south
They may order an evacuation of the city, but the storm gates are closed
Wait, I am getting a message for the network…suddenly the levee under the reporter gives way and he disappears into the spreading maelstrom, a man runs out from behind the camera, but he turns away suddenly, then the mad disappears and the camera spins wildly towards the sky before the feed is gone and for a moment there is nothing, then the camera switches back to the studio, more pandemonium a crying broadcaster, another saying the levee must have broken under the crew.  Then suddenly there are three clowns on the camera, what are they doing here.  A man goes up to one, are you from the sound stage next door, you have to get out of here.
The clown spins and bites the mans arm that is retraining him.
The man yells and the screen goes black and stays that way.
What the hell is going on over there, comes the voice from the cell phone.  Then the cell phone goes dead.