
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Back to the past for the future one of two, perhaps

A dry post for a dry morning.  I stepped away from this blog and may not come back.  I am not sure where I am going from here, perhaps it is the pool being closed for so long that disturbs me so much.  I leave it to you to determine this.  I dont care how much i weight right now or what i am doing for exercise.  even what i eat does not seem to matter much or how much coffee it takes to get me through the day or how much my stomach hurts as a result.  It is not so much surrender, as it is the need to continue for the sake of putting one step in front of the other, the actions of the doomed man walking through a desert without hope of succor and yet walk on he does until he finds the place where his bones are destined to bleach over time.

Which brings us to time and the subject of this post.

AuT goes pre-Einstein to sove the Einstein dilema.
The goal of post Einstein physics was to use a modification of space time in order to do two things, 1) justify a fixed rate for the speed of light and 2) support observed physics, namel y Maxwell's equations.

The speed of light is defined by aut not as speed per-se, but post time change rates observed at the level of the photon, ct4t9 perhaps being the most likely element although the energy equation ties this more closely to the ct3-4 transition.   Recent studies suggest that the speed of light can be controlled in certain environments which makes this element less important.

Maxwell's equations are a set of coupled partial differential equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism, classical optics, and electric circuits.  It is a durable model, but really is largely just a series of equivalents applicable to systems operating wthin the narrow transitions of ct4t9 within a ct4-5 transition state universe.  It uses change over time and therefore ignores the pre-time elements of change.

The so called Lorentz-Poincare (care-long e) group of "transformations."
A fairly strong argument could m made that both Lorentz Equations and Poincare observations are too deep for me to examine; but that would be to ignore the fact that inserting aether back into the mix simplifies, rather than increases the complexity.
An exemplary article can be found here for those of you interested in such things.
In truth both L and P do nothing more than ignore pre-time change and instead remain fixated on the post time effect of time based change L focusing on C (the speed of light) and P focusing on the dissasembly of light into into its post-time effects.

The keystone of L is (1-(v^2/c^2)^1/2) which is a way of ignoring pre-time change by saying that everthing is tied to the relationship of velocity to the speed of light; a relativistic concept that leads to all sorts of misdirection and falacies like time travel which are previously disussed in too much depth to recover here.  Suffice it to say that qunatum change means that whatever the rate change of individual groups of point relative to time, the fixed march of quantum change is unaffected, making the universe a much more barren and unexciting place; but then you knew that deep down inside.

P focuses more on the variations possible for dimension given particular velocities and works well as long as pretime elements are not considered but begins to fall apart outside of the molecular ct 4-5 transitions and more or less completely falls apart at black holes which are so easy to deal with in AuT,  again discussed in detail in the most recent verions of Aut.  Neither provides a ready explanation for dimension which is accepted as an approximation within the narrow range of change (defined between zero dimensional change and the speed of light) for which the complex equations are observed.  
The L-P-E approximations are just a way of smoothing out the ct3-4 transition and largely ignore what goes on within the higher dimensional framework of ct4-5 transition except to the extent that these contain the lower ct3-4 transitions and makes the mortal sin of ignoring ct1-ct3 transitions that generate time as a dimensional framework from which the other dimensional states are observed by those 3 august if inaccurate mathematicians operate; ignoring the fixed values for pi and change which otherwise are observed and obvious if only they had continued to peer at the ct1-3 aether instead of getting lost in observed time based changes.

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