
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Subscription Form-SendinBlue

The Print version of AuM 2nd Edition as updated 1/30/19!
It may now be ordered in either print or e-book!

But Wait, There's more!

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As a free initial gift, you will be directed to a link where you can view for Free the PDF drawings for the latest edition of Algorithm Universe Model!   Sweet!

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The future is now!

Now Available
All the excuses, at least as to the e-book are now moot.
The newest edition is now available!!!!

It will probably be some time before this theory is updated, something of a relief.

This edition revolutionizes the old edition although it does contain this list:

Energy and Matter are the same thing. Space and Energy are the same thing.
Time and change are different.
These conclusions give rise to a different view of Atomic and molecular Structure and force.
The model universe is a Quantum Universe, Quantum solutions for quantum point driven, Time Free, Dimension Free, Thermodynamic Free and therefore entropy free below ct3-4 compression.
AuT built this list:
1) All dimensions present (at least 6) exist together within the matrix of the universe and in any regional matrix, subgroups of these dimensions are present.
A) Space has no dimension, precharge exists in a single dimension, prephotons exist in two; neutrons (complete matter) in 3 and black holes in 4.
B) The definitions of time and space mean that exchanges of information state (ct state) between space and prephotons occur independent of time.  Time begins between the prephoton state and ends with compression to neutrons.
2) All change is quantum change in response to a single variable leading to the universe existing as a series of quantum states or snapshots. Force and time are effects based on this quantum change.
3) Time and change are different. Changes in the single variable leads to time, but time is not required for that underlying change nor does it affect that change.
4) Time is an effect like force and dimension of the quantum change between states some of which occur without a time-based reference giving rise to features like wave - particle false duality and the impression of charge among other features.
5)  Space is made of the same type of information as all other states (energy, matter, black holes) which are folded from space based on exponential compression/folding.
6) Waves, Photons, Electrons and protons are examples of transitional states (ct3-ct4) between prephotons (ct3) and neutrons (ct4).  Atoms (after hydrogen) and molecular states through neutron stars are transitional states between neutrons (ct4) and black holes (ct5) along with intervening transitional ct3-ct4 states.

The future is now!

This is being presented, albeit with only an hour, on the 5th.
There are currently 50 slides (basically 1/minute) which might not allow me to get to the end of the presentation, but the model is early and then it gets to the newer work.

I plan to post the 50 slides over the next 50 posts, but perhaps not.  Planing to move on and do something fun for a while, like work and get to a couple of those novels that have been ignored.

I need to exercise a little more.  I did nothing but walk the stupid dog today who is just annoying.
Its better than doing nothing, but not by much.
Just being alive, but I had a lot to do and I am pretty excited about finishing the physics.
I still have the two articles to finish, but I basically have those under control and just need to polish one and brush up the other.
I am also going to be doing some auido to go with these and may put those up and link to them.
It is all very exciting and quite a relief even though the otiginal draft was only ready on the 7th.
I will post again with the print version is approved, although that will probably take more than one draft.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Physics is coming

Newshub: Supermassive black hole appears to be firing a beam right at Earth.

Are they trying to contact me?
That is just a joke of course.
I swam 2000 yards tonight.  I know what you are thinking, I should hang my goggles in shame.  In my defences not only did I do 1000 im at a pretty good clip but I ate half a bag of popcorn before I went and somehow managed to finish the swim anyway.  I am not happy about it, but I am not too disappointed.
Tomorrow I plan to get the patent filed and begin posts related to the presentation on the 7th of next month, one post at a time.
I will also try to get that presentation posted.
I am already getting some pushback.
AuT is irrefutable, being math all you can say is the math is wrong and it isn't but it is going to be a slog through the mush because the universe is goverened by irony and I am the embodiment of that great humbler of intent.
It will be grand and horrible.

I need the math in that slide for the presentation just in case.

Here is my list for bingo cards:
          AuT is a model which uses observed mathematics to explain:
1)      How dimension arises from a non-dimensional framework (as mathematical expression of a specific algorithm);

2)     A definition of time, (a change in dimensions within a ct state matrix over values of a single variable x result in gradually changed wave forms),

3)     What the big bang was (an inflection point in the non-dimensional underlying formula);

4)     When the universe will stop expanding and why (7 billion years, next inflection point);

5)     What forces are (where compression changes between dimensional states, the higher concentrations are referred to as information arms; forces represent changes in information arm loading over values of x);

6)     Why force range is limited in some cases (associated with narrow range of affected information arms) and not in others (ct1,2 and 3 not subject to time, dimension or both);

7)     What dark energy is (the opposite of gravity, net negative (decompression) solutions between ct2 and ct1)

8)     Gravity (transition between non-dimensional and dimensional ct1 and ct2 state solutions and the opposite of dark energy)

9)     Solutions to the paradox and the dual slip experiment and more theoretical explanations of exotics like dark matter and antimatter are suggested.

That has the answers in it, of course, I would just give the questions and make the audience listen for them, but you are a special and weird audience, a little to quiet, a little too willing to look through these blog posts for the wisdom which is so much more complete in the book.
But I can't say to buy the book today, but by thursday...
This is very exciting.
Very few days left to get this edition....

Sunday, January 27, 2019

The intersection of mandelbrot and schrodinger

I wonder about today, the idea of exercising seems both desirable and superfluous.
In the newest article there are two things that are being dealt with.
One is a mandelbrot type iterated equation compressing 2f(n)^2^n and the odd version for hinge states plus a reversal equation for unwinding the iterated equation in the form of the net value of an infinite series which is hiding in plain site under the numerator of pi.
In place of a probability, you get the varying certainty of this set of equations.
The Mandebrot type equation suggests that as you create the infinite fractals, you get the inter nal neutron fractal surrounded by the proton fractal and exponentially further out the electron fractal which is not an electron at all but 5.4plus/minus ct4t12 states within a soup of ct4t13.
Indeed, the geometry generally suggests that the outer states would continue this fractal geometry all the way to ct1 with increasing specificity as to result.
There are no "probabilities," since the results are certain in this type of equation, but it would be impossible to do more than approximate results because of the number of calculations involved.

Someone in the near future will automate the calculation of the fractals and the results should be astounding.  Wake me up when they're done. New insights into magnetic quantum effects in solids.

So what this article?  Because there is no spin in AuT.
AuT suggests this is an article about nothing.
So which is nothing?  AuT, this article or both?

If it depends on which is more predictive, it also depends on which is more right.
Not much question in that regard.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The end of the world is coming, when will I

I swam 2,000 yards only, but it made for 5 days of relatively hard workouts in a row.  I at a little too much for dinner as a reward for finishing I did not watch it like I should, and I feel a little guilty for it, but I exercised and that after a long walk.

I have been struggling with this article issue, developing interacted and fractal research and the ties that bind between fpix and f(x); the transitions built into odd and even exponential equations.  I have two days left and will have to make some choices.

So here are two things worth thinking about:
This is nothing to us, but it does make me wonder how it fits within the fractals which I have not taken out as far as I like but which have opened reactions by showing how the electron wave and spew interact.

Futurism: A Jupiter-Sized Black Hole is Floating Around The Milky Way.

And then there is this.  This is real, perhaps inevitable and proof that the universe can squash us like a bug any time it wants.  How do I fit into this, perhaps I am as close as I am to what I am close to because the universe can allow me right before it squashes me like a but.
What have you done to prepare for this?  What should you do?
I wonder why I dont know what the country and the world thinks about this and why planning is necessary.

Anyway, the future is not here, it is coming tomorrow and what are to do with it?

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A weak look at the strong force

I wrote a letter to an old lover, it was a rather long letter, but was too warm so I did not send it.   it makes me melancholy.
Before that I did 30 minutes, second day in a row, on the stair machine, a little harder than last night, followed by 3 sets of weights at about the same level.  It was crowded because of the rain; rain which closed the pool with its lightening, tomorrow will be cold and I will not have much competition swimming.
it stopped raining and I walked the dog as the air cooled and it started to rain again, but not too hard and I had a heavy parka.
The rain has been dreary and it suits my mood.
A note on politics,if there were term limits the people in power who now onlystrive to stay in power for their lives would instead stand up to petty dictators and dowhatis best for the country.  Oh how terrible it is to witness the stupidity of man.
An out of print book perhaps I will get to republishing one day.

But on to physics.
I am only 4 days away from the deadline for the submission of the two articles.
And at this moment in time I find that it is time to abandon the pre-AuT definitions of the strong and weak force.
This does not mean that the strong and weak force do not exist, but their definitions are skewed, particularly those related to the weak force attributed to effects of decaying quarks which, of course, do not exist as such in AuT.
This turns out to be the bridge between the two articles, the one that updates the original published for peer review article and the new one which covers the development of the periodic table.
The forces will be better defined than they have been, divided between those holding the prephoton into the neutron, the larger group we experience, those which bind the neutrons together for the ct5 transitional states and the hybrid joining the outer shell protons and their bundles together as a raised force above the ct5 information arms.
It is more than can be covered well in 4 days, it will be a weak bridge, but there it is; i surrender my attempts to try to force a force into the definitions of true force that is a farce of a force and will instead force myself to work within the fearful features of a new physics.
Or whatever.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Time and the tiny galaxies of AuT

I don't know if it was the cold, the eercise, the lack of exercise, the fighting, the exhaustion of my eyes from editing on a less than perfect computer, attempting to decipher my handwriting or some combination, but I slept for many hours last night, too many for my inner ear issues.
But as I lay getting ready for sleep, having determined somewhat the nature of black holes from their origin in atomic nuclei and working backwards toward t6 photons, I suddenly stumbled on the wave form which up till then I had largely just ignored.
I will get to that in due course.

I am torn between happiness at not being able to swim till this afternoon and wishing I could go and get on with it.  There are other options, but the last one, two days ago, just led to exercising twice, not a terrible compromise, but not one that I am looking forward to.

I have a lot do do in the next 8 days.  I would like to leave the hard copy edits and just edit the electronic copy, but it has been working well and there is so much material to cover.  There are new drawings, edits to old drawings, new conclusions and technology openings all of which jmble together in the printed copy of arrows, notations, deletions and hastily scribbled notes, some of which have been rained on.  And yet, out of this blotted mess has come some of the most impressive, if obvious, insights to date, new views of energy, time and the interaction of the various compression states; a better idea of the specifics of gravitational consistency and how it is reflected in large and small compression states...and, as set out herein, where the wave structure comes from; an issue which has largely been ignored up to this point.  I could now write an entire book just dedicated to that transition which before now I could barely define.

And this is all part of the power unlocked by AuT.   A power that would infinite if it was not so damned self limiting.

I am including some double slit article because these things overlap in a way that up till now I did not fully appreciate.
You see the problem is that AuT is quantum and therefore particulate.
 Non-particle Waves exist and there has to be an easy, obvious answer to how they can in the face of their obvious particulate quantum origins.  The answer suggested by the fractal correspondence of absorption and spew states lies in the time and pretime nature of observations.
If you take a galaxy and fix it to a line (e.g. the line defining the main or average axis of decompression) and rotate it along that line you get a sin wave.  If you increase or decrease the sie of that galaxy you change the parameters of the sine wave just as you can change them relative to time by speeding the movement up or down.  You can change the shape of the galaxy to also get results, apart from the diameter.
This is done on a sheet of paper over time and the results are then viewable a moment after.  In AuT these changes can occur free of time and then, afterwards, be viewed as time begins to change.  Hence what are quantum particulate changes appear to be linear waves.. Classic double-slit experiment in a new light.

Friday, January 18, 2019

If I only had a brain or a university

So where have I been, you ask.
I have been busy.
Tonight I have just finished my latest group of edits, before that...
A 7 mile bike ride followed by a 2000 yard swim.
I was a little hesitant to extend my exercise that far, but after just walking yesterday, I feel that I am back to even for the week.

I have spent a great deal of time on practical application, grants focused on devices and techniques which will yield financial results, both for grants and for the accelerator route:

This is good if you're a teacher or a student, but what if you're in the real world, ancient but you've solved the mystery of space time?
Forbes: 5 Amazing College Incubators.

The answer is that there are options, but I have something special and while I appreciate the standard program and would be grateful if I went into one, I have to be honest and point out that the scope of what I have done is way beyond the creation of a brilliant app or product.  I do not mean that what I have done has the "value" or "profit potential" of those, although in the right hands it certainly would, instead it is the level of understanding that it brings.

I said recently, 6 months ago I was begging to be published, now I have people begging for articles.  Begging may be the wrong word in both cases, but it reflects the importance of the work that I have done and the climb up the technical food chain.

The next will be math, physics and chemistry, a combined quantum leap for each, although in the case of the math it is in its infancy.  Hell, they are all in their infancy, but it is 3-5 years ahead of everything else in its practical application in all 3 fields.

I would very much like to tell you to buy my latest book and you should, but the truth is that the changes that are coming out at the end of this month are mind blowing in their scope.  While covered in the prublished book in concept, the changes to the periodic table have led me to add this:
I can now definititively add to my physics, this statement on chemistry; "the hydrogen atom does not belong in the periodic table."
Indeed the atomic, molecular and radioactive strides in the next book, coming out at the end of this month, are so staggering that I am staggered.  Not that I don't stagger a little anyway.
In its own way it is an advance almost equal to the main features already laid out, although the definition of time and change; the understanding of dimension; and the unification of space, force, time and dimension are such an enormous step forward, it is unlike anything before.  I would say "and likely to come" but there is still g-space to define, something AuT will make possible.
I am upset that I have largely been ignoring my other writing, but I have deadlines.
I wish I had more time for the molecular part because the few steps I have made in that direction indicate an importance that is too important to ignore.
Truthfully, I have only touched on organic and almost no inorganic molecular design.
Even so, there is enough there to stay busy with for years.

And the applications....
That is something new and important.  Along with identifying and renaming important fractal states, I have just begun the laser work but I have made huge strides in the fusion arena even though I spent less time there.

Enough of that, I have 10 days to finish the next book, file the next patents and submit the next round of articles, two which are preapproved.  I have a third one out which I am about ready to flip off, but they have the same 10 days to respond positively, then their article will be one of the two submitted.

The plan is to give theoretical physics the overview article, previously summarized in this blog and save for the practial application and 1000-2000 word summary of that 21 page updated overview article (thankfully essentially written) probably entitled, "(why) Space is the same thing as energy" and the second one will be the 1000-2000 summary plus 3000 words with a name like: "Hydrogen does not belong in the periodic table; 3 and 4 dimensional Fractal states as a replacement to electron orbitals in the design of the periodic table" a focused article on one applied area.

Can't wait?  You don't have to.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Confirmation of Aut from recent science/new fractals

Was truly shocked to swim 2500 yards tonight.  It was too cold to get into the pool at all and then that.

At the botttom of this post is the newest fractal art.  I like it a lot better.
This leaves the proton fractals as what i will call shell fractals surrounding the neutron shell, 1:1; 4:4; 8:8; 8:8 on the other side of the 1:1;16:16 on one side then the other.  It works well although the art needs some work
the 2, 10, works perfectly with N, then you get the plus 4 which reflects the balancing of the 8:8s on either side allowing more Ns to be stabilized by the resulting additional spews.
Then you get something a little more sporadic as the size of the atom or molecule allows for more N to have sufficient lower state spew to remain largely independent of the  matrix.
imporantly this provides for fractal electrons around protons, fractal ct3 around ct4 states and the like.
I have a ways to go with this and i am running out of time.

One good thing about the new fractal ct4 art is that it shows no stable states  between t12 and t16 which is good for the predictability of the electron.

Futurism: A Black Hole Inhaled a Star. Then It Started to Shrink.

And last but not least the article above.  As you recall, AuT requires that higher dimensional states shrink, thus a black hole absorbing a star may well shrink due to moving to the next higher compression state.  Indeed AuT almost requires that what we call black holes are in fact chains of black holes, just like helium is a chain of neutrons.

And bizarrely, these chains become less visible as they compress and therefore stretch out into the 4th dimension.

Once more aut rules.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The mad grifter 7

I haven't been writing this story because it just is too weird to be believed but perhaps ill catch up tomorrow.   I can't believe 50 percent of the population is willing to put racism down as their single political hot button issue. Or maybe I just don't get it. It seems like it's time to match on Washington.  I'm not saying we should drag anyone into the street but I do think a public showing of political will would not be out of line.

M is on vacation with his admittedly beautiful trophy wife.
President is upset at you, his wife laughs.  She doesn't care.  She is in Cabo with her wall street husband, mission accoplished.  While he is something of a financial spoiled rich kid and a sycophant to the president, he is attentive and not a bad lover.  She had some choices, spoiled though she was, and his very awkwardness as a human being made him more attunded to her needs which was all she cared about.
M looks at his wife.  He adores her.  He decides to impress her.  Honey, I am going to call he banks to reassure them.  From his Wall Street background and meetings as Treasury secretary he knows these men at the top six banks.  He puffs himself up, as he talks to them, knowing the richest and most important men in the world will take his calls.  his wife gets bored and takes a drink out to the veranda.  One of the calls is representative.
Hi Mr. M.  Do what do I owe this pleasure on christmas eve.  It is clear that the banker wants to be polite but still get off the phone on this least business oriented day of the year.  Even bankers have families, the banker is thinking.  Doesn't this moron I see on tv flaunting his wife who is flaunting M's money realize that?
I wanted to make sure you know the government stands ready to help banks in these troubling times.
Troubling times?  the banker wonders what he is talking about.
Do you have liquidity for your business operations?
Our what?
You know, making loans, business investments, payroll.
We're the 3rd largest bank in the world, you really have to ask.
Well, great, carry on then.  I have other banks to call.
The banker sits back in his chair.  An assistant had come in at his signal to monitor the call lest it be something important.  If I had had another second, the banker tells the assistant, I'd have told him not to call the other banks.  What an idiot.  I hope noone finds out what he's doing.
The stock market is beginning to tank, the assistant says looking at his phone.
The phone on the banker's desk is ringing.  It is a financial reporter asking his opinion on the "liquidity crisis."
He sighs.  Before he picks up the phone, he tells the assistant.  Tell my wife I may be a few minutes late, I am going to spend the rest of christmas eve until we close calming down our shareholders and answering questions from financial reporters.
So, how did you hear about the call with M, the banker asks.
The reporter replies, he emailed me and told me he had called the top 6 banks in the United states to insure they had sufficiently liquidity to make loans.
The banker sighed deeply.  It was going to be a long day.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

These guys are reading my paper-print ready-accelerator ready

For those of you not already on my mailing list, here is an upcoming article, a preview of the preview as it were.
Maybe you can sign up for that mailing list, I dont know.
This is not the best job of writing I have ever written but its a start and i already know the mistakes and the content, including the preview is good and a lot of it is free.

The article below is bunk of course, if you dont use my model you are just wasting time.
I did not sleep last night and have spent most of the morning dealing with emergence issues that are due this Month.
I swam 2200 yards, shocked myself considering that i was so cold and tired going into it that i did not think id make it to the pool.

I am in at least one accelerator program and checking to see what real resources other than a minimal amount of cash come with it.  I dont want to say i am not in it for the minimal cash because there is the patent stuff, living expenses and the like.  But it is the resources they bring to the table.
I know when one calls me to set up an appointment they dont know what they are talking about.  why you ask?  Because if they knew they would either include me as a matter or course or exclude me for the same reasons.  I am right, probably, and that means that my work is among the most important (and unfortunately sadly depressiong) physics ever written.  Even though sad, it is too important not to participate, so anyone who understood it would want to be involved.  If they understood it but refused to believe it, and it is really obvious once you look at it, self proving math is self proving math, but logic also dictates the accuracy of the exponential compression model using the same fractal structure for each increase. 
Having been accepted helps.  I am doing the practical work and I want to focus on it; but the resources of a larger group are...well larger. Hopefully I can get eponentially more done with the right group.
The news of the day is that the print version of the book is out, although I had to give a link to the drawings which, sadly, had text which was too small to fit.

These are the guys who are reading my universe.  They are getting closer...still 3-5 years ahead of everyone else.
ScienceAlert: New Paper: A 'Mirror Image' of Our Universe Existed Before The Big Bang.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Little Jimmy and the Pre-Photon Laser

At last I have gotten to the point where I can (1) get my speech done, (2) do the two articles, one has been submitted,  (3) prepare a grant, at least started, and (4) work on some other stuff!  I am in one accelerator which is somewhat nice although I am not 100 percent sure what that means.
The 2200 yard swim two nights ago was tough, I could not force myself back in time yesterday, so I ended up riding my bike to work and back.  Tonight I braved the cold and did 2500 yards including 1000 im sort of surprising myself.

The high comedy of the president's speech in conjunction with his scare advertisement calling on the people of the USA to don armor and rush to the border to repel what we expect must be a horde also in order with rusty swords, pikes and whatever is is in that rediculous advertisement.  I have not updated my new book, a grifter in the white house  but I have this new new book i am working on, little jimmy and the prephoton laser to go along with the real thing which i have been developing on paper in light of the coming grant application.

I am working on a grant and the story which will be the comic start of a coming post, but not tonight.
AuM is published, at least electronically, and close to a print book and its time to start talking about it with more specificity.

but since the print version is not quite finished yet, I think I can wait.  Tomorrow or by the time you get ready to order it perhaps.

Monday, January 7, 2019

The universe in four acts Act 4

At last the 2nd edition of AuT Model is finished.  It is taking forever to get it through the publishing process, but I will be able to link to it in the next post, I suspect in the next 24 hours it will be generally available.
The picture on electromagnetism below is in the middle of the book, the discussion of that part alone is well worth the cost, at least since you are buying it.  It shoudl be ready in the next day or two, make sure you get the second edition.  I'm going to do what I can to kill the first edition, but you never know with these things.
Yes!  The e-book is ready.
and uk, for example:

A model for folding is set out that is much more complete.

The most important test of any physics theory is the Parmenides Test which was put forward by Parmenides via Zeno.  Does it deal with infinite divisibility of distance?
A modern (AuT) test is, does it give a definition of time and space that can be tested?
Another is does the theory provide a reason for pi and other features?
The standard model does not attempt, in its most general form, to address the Parmenides test or Zeno’s paradox.
If space is made of quantum points then the elimination of these points between matter A and matter B draws Matter A and B together or at least eliminates the space between them, thereby solving the Zeno’s paradox of infinitely divisible space.  The only form of quantum point which does not involve dimension is one or more (here two) solution states.
This strange picture discusses that in conjuction with electromagnetic phenomena, and leads to a werid result, discussed in Act 4.

An amusing side note, the second edition does not contain the 4th act.

Act 4

What is hard to accept
Time is not equal to change
That one variable changes all points
even without time
That dimension and force are nto what we thought

How do we know the results are obvious
Space is
Time is
Force is

Diminsion is
an alignment of information
and accumulation of consistency
an illusion

Time is
a result of dimension
memorized pictures
in a limited range of alignment

Force is
the same as time
the illusion of time
an illusion within an illusion

What Effect on phyiscs
on religion
on us
on truth

What is life
it is copying recycling
from a history recycled
in a universe which recycles

Randomness is
Individual action
built on the tolerances
forcee by lower ct state pillars

we recycle adp
the outer core history
the solar system orbits
the universe expansion and contraction

and what is recycled
it is plus or minus
and back again

what is our purpose
all that is left, is that we act
to solve the writings of the
smallest bits of information combined

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Grants and patriotism

This weekend, other than a 2000 yard swim Friday and a walk yesterday was spent cleaning up AUM 3rd Ed.
That only got me to page 53 of 186, but that is close enough to say, 1/3 of the way and the last third part needs less editing being the newest work.

Today I did a bike ride and three sets of weights, it felt like it might be my last day riding back.  I am not in good shape.

What woudl I do if it were my last day?  would I spend it with the only person who believes in me more than myself?  Probably not.  I would just die in a corner somewhere.

Of course there is a reason for everything.  When you recover from a cold, there is that brief period of time when you are starting your life all over again, when health and why would I get in the way of that?  I know the answers but I don't know that any of this matters.

To make this work, however, we need money.  So lets talk about grants.  Now for the initial version, I decided to be as free with my thoughts as possible, a highly recommended writing tip.

Now I make it look like I am a little bit patriotic here and I may well be, but logically patriotism is xeonphobia on some level.  It is irritating knowing if I was at MIT everyone would be falling all over themselves to fund this, but the world is populated by idiots and I am just one more.  If such a laser was possible, it would be important after a fashion; but if it is, things are werid.

I am not happy, the anxiety of what comes next is hard to bear; the certainty or not of every single thing, and somehow I need to take the next step.



            The goal of the initial grant is to design a pre-photon laser.
Pre-photons are compression states below the level of photons as first discovered by mathematical deduction in AuT.  This is an extremely difficult task, because it envisions affecting dimension at a level below thermodynamics.
There are several lesser tasks that could be undertaken.  Some examples are given below.
Simultaneous with the grant application, private US funding and overseas funding in whatever form is sought, it being obvious from prior grant applications that US funding is bogged down by preconceived notions of the universe.  While it makes a lot of sense to take US funding seriously, it is difficult to imagine the level of insight and understanding necessary to realize the potential in both the military and industrial area of such a radical change in our understanding of physics.  As an exercise grant writing is useful.  In addition, when someone weaponizes this technology as they certainly will and as the power generation features become more important, a certain segment will wonder why it was not developed for the United States as opposed, for example, for China or Russia; and we can both point to this application and reach the appropriate conclusions.
After the last grant application was filed, AuT was accepted and published for peer review.  Advances in the theory led to the realization of several features of the universe which are relevant to this application.  The big insight was a clear definition of time and the ability to separate time from change which makes this application possible.  The other, was a clarification of the relationship of the compression states and the transitional states which give rise to the universe that we experience which is also important to this undertaking.
Some other goals which might play a role in this development, the “lesser tasks” referred to above include: 1) Firming up the relationship between odd and even exponent results, the hinge/compression state interaction and the free state/limit equation features of dimensional interaction; 2) refining the derivation of the periodic table using AuT mathematics;  3) getting specific transitional features for the electron and proton; and 4) Figuring out what photon (as opposed to pre-photon) features are being used in the transition from fractal ct3-4 T states and which give rise to wave features.
Any one of these goals alone would be more important than all of the funding wasted in, for example, particle accelerators, but the grand goal of working below the level of thermodynamics with its promise of fusion and fission and material science is so great that it is worth the investment.
AuT was developed over 5 years beginning in late 2012 and early 2013.  The primary mathematical feature of the theory is that a single equation gives rise to solutions for all points in the universe which equation gives a built in fuse in the form of fpix (the denominator of pi) solutions.
A resulting feature is that f-series folding (2f(x)^2^x) occurs with alignment of solutions to give rise to a steady increase in dimension.
Both force and time were determined to be features of the interaction of these two equations.
            AuT replaces the standard model with a more predictive model and a model more consistent with observations with change being according to a single counter, a block chain type result. 

The next book will cover a great deal of this which is ready after a fashion as I said, but whether it will be next week or not...I don't know.  Most of it is here, but it is really going to be worth waiting for assuming I get there eventually.