
Monday, January 14, 2019

Confirmation of Aut from recent science/new fractals

Was truly shocked to swim 2500 yards tonight.  It was too cold to get into the pool at all and then that.

At the botttom of this post is the newest fractal art.  I like it a lot better.
This leaves the proton fractals as what i will call shell fractals surrounding the neutron shell, 1:1; 4:4; 8:8; 8:8 on the other side of the 1:1;16:16 on one side then the other.  It works well although the art needs some work
the 2, 10, works perfectly with N, then you get the plus 4 which reflects the balancing of the 8:8s on either side allowing more Ns to be stabilized by the resulting additional spews.
Then you get something a little more sporadic as the size of the atom or molecule allows for more N to have sufficient lower state spew to remain largely independent of the  matrix.
imporantly this provides for fractal electrons around protons, fractal ct3 around ct4 states and the like.
I have a ways to go with this and i am running out of time.

One good thing about the new fractal ct4 art is that it shows no stable states  between t12 and t16 which is good for the predictability of the electron.

Futurism: A Black Hole Inhaled a Star. Then It Started to Shrink.

And last but not least the article above.  As you recall, AuT requires that higher dimensional states shrink, thus a black hole absorbing a star may well shrink due to moving to the next higher compression state.  Indeed AuT almost requires that what we call black holes are in fact chains of black holes, just like helium is a chain of neutrons.

And bizarrely, these chains become less visible as they compress and therefore stretch out into the 4th dimension.

Once more aut rules.

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