
Sunday, January 27, 2019

The intersection of mandelbrot and schrodinger

I wonder about today, the idea of exercising seems both desirable and superfluous.
In the newest article there are two things that are being dealt with.
One is a mandelbrot type iterated equation compressing 2f(n)^2^n and the odd version for hinge states plus a reversal equation for unwinding the iterated equation in the form of the net value of an infinite series which is hiding in plain site under the numerator of pi.
In place of a probability, you get the varying certainty of this set of equations.
The Mandebrot type equation suggests that as you create the infinite fractals, you get the inter nal neutron fractal surrounded by the proton fractal and exponentially further out the electron fractal which is not an electron at all but 5.4plus/minus ct4t12 states within a soup of ct4t13.
Indeed, the geometry generally suggests that the outer states would continue this fractal geometry all the way to ct1 with increasing specificity as to result.
There are no "probabilities," since the results are certain in this type of equation, but it would be impossible to do more than approximate results because of the number of calculations involved.

Someone in the near future will automate the calculation of the fractals and the results should be astounding.  Wake me up when they're done. New insights into magnetic quantum effects in solids.

So what this article?  Because there is no spin in AuT.
AuT suggests this is an article about nothing.
So which is nothing?  AuT, this article or both?

If it depends on which is more predictive, it also depends on which is more right.
Not much question in that regard.

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