
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

On the acceleartor and article front Loop Quantum Gravity Theory Could Answer Fundamental Questions about Black Holes | Physics.

The model summary has grown to 162 pages.  Yikes.  Even though much of the information from unposted blog posts has now been inserted, it is difficult to imagine that before the patent is filed that the number will not grow to over 170 pages and well over 30,000 words.  That being said, it will not be heavily edited past what has already been done, huge cuts will be made to keep the patent length in line with expectations especially in the art place where all of the art in the early patents will be pulled out and put in small form onto sheets to reduce page length.

The funding and accelerator fronts are necessarily working with pre-holiday disclosures which are in turn necessarily not as convincing or significant.  As hard as it is to believe, only 8 or 9 days have passed since the first attempts to reconcile the periodic table with the model started, and yet the riddle is mathematically indentical to that in the last patent in terms of modeling and very nearly complete in terms of reconcilation with the model as derived for the electron and proton after the presentation in Chicago and using Fractal states, although it goes further, necessarily while being true to the underlying math which is essentially consistent from the first patent forward, varying only in the terminology used and certain result oriented mathematics.

It is largely unfortunate that nothing has materialized specifically on that front yet in terms of what I would call a worthwhile level, several unworthwhile (in the sense of incomplete in terms of support and funding) have been proposed, but the fact that writing, speech preparation and publication will continue to be slowed by developing adequate networking.

The two articles will come directly from this book and to keep them honest and sufficiently sumarizing I see this:

1) The Jour ATP article will merely update the first article with references to the primary math generation being set out, but with reference to that article or the book for the details.  It will correct the compression type and accept precharge and prephoton terms to further differentiate the observed pre-aut ideas and those of AuT.  It will probably include, as a result, the proposed solution to the twin slit experiment.

2)  The APS article will be an AuT through the periodic table article with substantial references to and some discussion of how self determination arises from predestination and dimension related variations result in what we see as true force.

Hence one will be pure theory and the other more in line with application but both will be very similar and neither will completely replace the original article and neither will be as complete as the books.

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