
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Grants and patriotism

This weekend, other than a 2000 yard swim Friday and a walk yesterday was spent cleaning up AUM 3rd Ed.
That only got me to page 53 of 186, but that is close enough to say, 1/3 of the way and the last third part needs less editing being the newest work.

Today I did a bike ride and three sets of weights, it felt like it might be my last day riding back.  I am not in good shape.

What woudl I do if it were my last day?  would I spend it with the only person who believes in me more than myself?  Probably not.  I would just die in a corner somewhere.

Of course there is a reason for everything.  When you recover from a cold, there is that brief period of time when you are starting your life all over again, when health and why would I get in the way of that?  I know the answers but I don't know that any of this matters.

To make this work, however, we need money.  So lets talk about grants.  Now for the initial version, I decided to be as free with my thoughts as possible, a highly recommended writing tip.

Now I make it look like I am a little bit patriotic here and I may well be, but logically patriotism is xeonphobia on some level.  It is irritating knowing if I was at MIT everyone would be falling all over themselves to fund this, but the world is populated by idiots and I am just one more.  If such a laser was possible, it would be important after a fashion; but if it is, things are werid.

I am not happy, the anxiety of what comes next is hard to bear; the certainty or not of every single thing, and somehow I need to take the next step.



            The goal of the initial grant is to design a pre-photon laser.
Pre-photons are compression states below the level of photons as first discovered by mathematical deduction in AuT.  This is an extremely difficult task, because it envisions affecting dimension at a level below thermodynamics.
There are several lesser tasks that could be undertaken.  Some examples are given below.
Simultaneous with the grant application, private US funding and overseas funding in whatever form is sought, it being obvious from prior grant applications that US funding is bogged down by preconceived notions of the universe.  While it makes a lot of sense to take US funding seriously, it is difficult to imagine the level of insight and understanding necessary to realize the potential in both the military and industrial area of such a radical change in our understanding of physics.  As an exercise grant writing is useful.  In addition, when someone weaponizes this technology as they certainly will and as the power generation features become more important, a certain segment will wonder why it was not developed for the United States as opposed, for example, for China or Russia; and we can both point to this application and reach the appropriate conclusions.
After the last grant application was filed, AuT was accepted and published for peer review.  Advances in the theory led to the realization of several features of the universe which are relevant to this application.  The big insight was a clear definition of time and the ability to separate time from change which makes this application possible.  The other, was a clarification of the relationship of the compression states and the transitional states which give rise to the universe that we experience which is also important to this undertaking.
Some other goals which might play a role in this development, the “lesser tasks” referred to above include: 1) Firming up the relationship between odd and even exponent results, the hinge/compression state interaction and the free state/limit equation features of dimensional interaction; 2) refining the derivation of the periodic table using AuT mathematics;  3) getting specific transitional features for the electron and proton; and 4) Figuring out what photon (as opposed to pre-photon) features are being used in the transition from fractal ct3-4 T states and which give rise to wave features.
Any one of these goals alone would be more important than all of the funding wasted in, for example, particle accelerators, but the grand goal of working below the level of thermodynamics with its promise of fusion and fission and material science is so great that it is worth the investment.
AuT was developed over 5 years beginning in late 2012 and early 2013.  The primary mathematical feature of the theory is that a single equation gives rise to solutions for all points in the universe which equation gives a built in fuse in the form of fpix (the denominator of pi) solutions.
A resulting feature is that f-series folding (2f(x)^2^x) occurs with alignment of solutions to give rise to a steady increase in dimension.
Both force and time were determined to be features of the interaction of these two equations.
            AuT replaces the standard model with a more predictive model and a model more consistent with observations with change being according to a single counter, a block chain type result. 

The next book will cover a great deal of this which is ready after a fashion as I said, but whether it will be next week or not...I don't know.  Most of it is here, but it is really going to be worth waiting for assuming I get there eventually.

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