
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

NLC-the circle flux capacitor part 6-a very simple equaiton

Waiting makes absolutely no sense in a non-linear environment.  If you're putting something off, ok, if I'm putting something off, waiting for something else to happen, understanding the universe perhaps more perfectly than anyone else, what does that say about me?
Or, is first irrelevant even though it already happened?  There are, occasionally, situations where things must be done in order.  You cannot, for example, eat your omelet before you make it.  You can't eat tomorrow's breakfast today because then it would be today's meal.
So waiting is illogical in once sense and a necessity in another.  This is a paradox of linear perception.  It's a pretty lame excuse for not doing something, but those of us who put off things while waiting for things to happen are made as miserable as the innocent who suffer with us.
None of that helps, there is something called opportunity cost, the price of not taking advantage of the opportunities that are available. Opportunity costs are the highest costs in life.
This morning has dawned breezy and surprisingly cool.  I have an excellent cup of coffee and were it not for the obvious health issues, obvious to me, and the massive opportunity costs, also obvious to me, today would be very different from what it is.

How do we modify the Euclidean equation for higher states?

The area of the lens is a function of area of the circle itself, pir^2.  The amount of one circle overlapped by another defines the area which is shared and is, not surprisingly, being the second stage of dimension the function of change over both the angle and the radius over a given period of time where R in this case is the distance to the edge of a given line (the edge of the circle).  Since we are now dealing with linearity, we have to look at the "movement" of this Radius from non-linearity (zero) to its actual length R.  So this part of the equation is I (integration) from 0 to R of rdr.  However, we are only dealing with a part of the circle within the lens, so we must also limit it by the angle that defines the two lines R intersecting the circle at either point where the two circles overlap.  This two is linear so this angle must be calculated from an angle 0 (corresponding to overlap at a single point) to O (the actual angle in degrees) or I angle (Ia) from zero to O.  This is the definition of only half the lens so the actual equation is:

Ac(O)=2Ir(0 to R)Ia(0 to O)r dr da or R^2
Where Ac(O) is the area of the lens formed by the overlap of circles with a radius R and where the angle between the two radius to the two points of overlap of the two circles (which we will get to in the next post except for a reference to which you will be directed shortly) where they overlap.

This suggests for spheres a fairly simple modification:

Av(O)=3IR(0toR)Ia(0toO)Iz(0toR)drdadz which is in formula for the lens and then adding the next intersecting lens in 3 dimensions over the number of intersecting lenses.  First, we are no longer working with an "area", instead we are dealing with a volume.  Volumes are vastly different from areas.  Superficially, we are only integrating over an additional variable, but the qualities of the resulting dimensional characteristic and the number of points that can be found within a volume as compared to an area vary according to different features.
Informational changes are 2^n.  Integration suggests the addition of features r^n.  This suggests that r=2.  But we're about to look at something spookily similar and very different.
Now, this is not precisely the lens calculation we are looking for but it is a very simple version of the calculation (solving it for the volume of a circle (where there is complete overlap in every direction of every circle in a sphere) would yield the equation for the volume of a sphere (4/3 * pi*r^3) which is another way of describing the equation 2^2/3(the number of derivations) times pi (the constant mandated by a spiraling coordinate process) time the radius^3; in this case the radius itself, the radius of the angle O and the radius of the angle of the spherical element.    This is, necessarily a function of integrating to determine the very issue of quantum coordinates (whether the quanta be inches, meters, points or any other quantum unit).
If there are multiple ways to combine the circles, then you have multiple types of resulting informational states, just as you have multiple amounts of overlap of intersecting spheres.  The question of whether this type of diversity is possible.  Even in our complex universe, there have to be quantum limitations or the variation in materials would be greater than what we observe.  There are infinite levels of two dimensional overlap, imagine the diversity of three dimensional overlap.  While the increasing complexity observed in going from space to energy and energy to matter suggest quantum changes in the amount of overlap, there are limitations suggested by the limits of observed phenomena.
     It is of some concern because this formula (4/3pir^3) yields a different result than that required for compression (10^4) in this case vrs r^3 it is important to note that what we are looking at here is a static volume and the volume we're dealing with is of dynamic (moving) time which would add another dimension to r, that of time.  While interesting, the equation that follows 2*pi*r^4 isn't as easily resolved.
We see a number of interesting variations.  Let's look at the volume equation as we move forward.
2pir (circumference-the line)
pir^2 ("area" of a circle)
4/3pir^3 ("volume" of a sphere)
16/4pir^4("new dimensional feature" of a black hole)
32/2pir^5("new dimensional feature" of a compressed black hole)
While the features of information theory are absent from the volume side (increasing 1 coordinate change at a time), the exponential equation (information theory) does appear in the equation leading to the volume.
So we have R varying with n and the numerator changing at the rate of 2^n
This suggests that the solution is .
If we know that compression of a single point in three dimensional euclidean circles and 3 coordinate time we end up with an equation that can easily look like this:
P(point of photonic energy)=A(O)[as derived above]=E(10^2);
P(point of wave energy)=E(10^4)
P(point of matter)=E(10^8)
If we put these together we get a very different result than you may be thinking (unless you've thought about this).  The reason is that a single point is only one part of a dimensional characteristic.  The dimensional characteristic here is r.  So....using the most simple linear equation (a spiraling line):
2pir=Tot(p) where p is the quantum unit (inches, meters, points).  Thus the point equation becomes:
Tot(p)/2pi+tot(p)/(pir^2)+tot(p)/(4/3pir^3)+etc=r where r is the fundamental quantum unit of information.   The interesting feature of this equation is that it does not require an analysis of time, but it does suggest that we can determine from the amount of gravity (points of every type) in the universe what r is if we know what the fundamental measure of gravity is which is covered in an earlier post somewhere.  The remaining question is do we have to include integration over time to get to the value of r?  The answer may not be yes, if we assume that a measure of all volumes in the universe (one dimensional on up) includes time which is suggested since we're really talking about measuring points of information, not points of information at any given point in time.
Not very complicated, eh?  (Eh is my new word for everything, apparently) so we'll call this new unit of quantum gravity R or quantum information R an "eh unit" of information
It is important, therefore, to differentiate between a model of NLC information theory and NLC dimensional theory.  One deals with a dimensional representation of something which is non-dimensional; the other suggests that information compresses according to the dictates of information theory as more simultaneous changing points are added.  In this case, each dimension is the equivalent of a data set (+/-, 1/0,etc) so every time you add one you take 2 to a higher power by one regardless of whether you change the euclidean geometry of the model for representing it.  Instead the change in the model reflects the way the increased information is expressed on a quantum level.
Notwithstanding that, the overlap of dimensional theory (one unit of dimension at a time) with informational theory (one +/- data change at a time) yields overlapping results which isn't shocking, it's just a function of the addition of units one at a time in an exponential equation.
They have some theories that "spiral around" this more correct model.  One of them can be found here:
Is the Universe Bubbly? Searching in Space for Quantum Foam
The difference between foam and tiny circles lies in how the spirals come to exist and what they represent.  In the foam analysis, space time exists independent of non-linearity.  It becomes a little less clear what happens to the analysis when you begin to examine flat surfaces (holograms) where NLC got its start.
NLC is much more specific.  The information stays the same.  The singularity doesn't change.  The information is displayed linearly based on some "quirk" which is the cosmic cd player, I suppose, and gravity and linearity are the result.  Linearity is illusory, but the illusion has certain qualities.  (1) One is that for every action there is reaction, vibration. (2) Another is that it is staged based on information theory, apparently.  (3) Another is that it appears to exist as a spiral as a result of the first stage which is rotation and anti-rotational.  (4) The fourth is that when rotation begins to spiral (albeit at a very very very small angle due perhaps to the very very very small size of the rotating singularity (technically there are two singularities, one which appears to rotate and the other which doesn't which may be just a relative way of looking at the same one) the reaction to this action is gravity which ensures that the spirals approach circles as opposed to straight lines. (5) The universe has a specific amount of information which means a specific number of quantum points and a specific amount of time.  There are many other intermediary features, but (6) the completion of the circle lies in the transition to CT(x) where x is equal to all the information in a single quantum moment of the universe where we're back to everything happening at once.
This is all pretty simple, too easy to digest I suppose.  You're looking for something to make it harder to digest.  Let me see if I can do that in the next post.

Monday, June 29, 2015

NLC-the circle flux capacitor part 5-where do circles come from

This month we have been focusing on the theory that we're made up of quantum spheres which are made up of quantum circles.  Now we address the question of where these circles come from and, more importantly, why.
For those of you waiting for the last post, waiting a little longer won't kill you, at least not quickly.
As has been set out previously, pi is one of the many things, like infinite division, that proves we live in a quantum universe. While this is generally known to every student of geometry, I explained that there was a solution to pi, even though it is a very long solution because once we get to the total amount of information in the universe in terms of decimal places, the solution to pi ceases to have any relevance.  This isn't a solution, but recognizes that, in conjunction with the Xeno paradoxes in support of Parminides that dimension is illusory.
We have also determined that circles form a crucial model for our universe, allowing for lenses of two dimensional concentration of information which in turn allow for three and successive dimensions along the same framework.  More importantly, this type of solution allows for the existence of the smaller quantum units within a larger quantum unit (energy and space within mass, mass, energy and space with black hole stuff, etc).  But where and, more importantly, why do these quantum circles exist.
There cannot be true circles, that would require a solution to pi.  So quantum circles are actually quantum spirals where the differences between true circles and spirals are so small that they are not easily observed,
Pi is like a sign post pointing quantum physics in the right direction.  We don't need a sign post because we're all pre-programmed.  If physics tells us anything, it is that randomness is just another word for not having sufficient information or understanding to plot a predetermined outcome and it turns out these outcomes are curved.
To fully understand this, you have to go back to a prior post which discusses what the pre-universe looks like.  It is a very, very high gravity point which has left non-linearity the only way it can (since it has no dimension yet)  It is spinning.  It is spinning in every direction at once and so fast that the only way we can calculate its speed is to assume that it is spinning at the rate of all quantum moments in the universe (past present and future) at once and since it is spinning in every direction at once, it appears motionless (but don't touch it!).  This spinning is a type of dimensionless, and essentially timeless playback of the entire universe and it continues to exist, it is a type of vibration without movement as we perceive it.  When we talk about the next state of the universe, it is only a perceived state, something is going to "touch" the universe and "project" our existence.  What is this event?  What is this thing?  You ask too many question.  It's like asking how long will this take and will you be there when it is finished.  Its a very good question, but the answer is unsatisfactory already, why dwell on it?  And why is that relevant anyway?
The point where the vibration ceases to be non-linear is upon us.
We talked about points being composed of dimensional and force characteristics.  The euclidean analysis suggests that the points are vibrational in nature; going in one direction yields spirals resembling circles, the movement in the other direction generates force characteristics, at least gravity.
Not immediately upon us but close enough.  But we're talking about the transitions from non-linearity to linearity.  Something touches the singularity, now set into motion and the vibrations transition from in place to linear and gravity comes into existence.  In this model, the movement from non-linear spinning vibrations to linear vibrations happens on a quantum scale and the movement, following immediately as it does from the spinning (and returning to the spinning) is in a quantum spiral.  Hence the framework for the curvature of space, the framework for the spinning universe and the framework for the quantum solution of pi are all necessary.  Now, why does the universe as we perceive it curve primarily along an axis if the initial point spins in all directions at once?  The only solution that suggests itself is that the application of non-linearity is at a point along the vibrating singularity.  Going back to our "cd" analysis of the universe, the cd is set to spinning and the information is accessed by a laser contacting the cd at one point in its rotation and information is pulled off from this one location as the universe cd spins by this one point.  The information comes off in lines that are curved at such a quantum level (the speed with which they come off is a non-linear speed and are not governed by speed of light considerations, but instead are limited by the amount of information involved.
This spinning shoots off spirals and these spirals turn to curve in on themselves due to gravity which, must also spiral at the quantum level in the very tight minimum size for pi type spiral since gravity is vibrational counter-movement to linearity.  These are informational changes, data changes, since the singularity remains constant but they exist for us, nonetheless.  This means that while we argue that gravity is a straight line force, it is not, it just curves at a very very small quantum level.
If space were real, then we would observe it, but since space is merely the expression of non-linear information, the only way we see it expressed is the curvature of "space-time."  This provides an intermediary answer to why and how much space is curved by gravity, but what's one more nobel prize winning theory more or less compared to the time apart, eh?

Saturday, June 27, 2015

NLC-the circle flux capacitor part 4: spherical overlaps and the end of time;

it is, perhaps, time stop writing this blog.  Have I covered enough?  Is it time to move on to something else?  Is it purposeless to write to you?
It has been asked "if the euclidean approach is only a model, what is the purpose?"  The answer is that we know that these infinite series are the analysis that ties our perceived reality to the singularity where everything happens at once.  But everything doesn't happen at once in our perceived reality and it is likely as not that everything that we can control is obvious within the euclidean lenses, those of two dimension, those of three, four and five dimensional overlaps where exponential concentrations of information are possible.
But that is not the important lesson in all of this. The important lesson is the lesson of Lucretius.  That is that if everything happens at once, over and over again, if each moment is constant, then how much sense does it make not to live, not to love for the moment.  Who is living life correctly, a person who lives every moment as if they were on a stage, who takes to the stage with every moment in reality or someone who lives life safely?
There is too much of my life spent in waiting, and yet there is so much that I am waiting for, so much that involves accomplishing much in a short time, but which is not accomplished yet.  So much waiting backstage, and you don't know what I mean so you cannot judge fairly, but you can certainly judge.
It was Napoleon who said if you cannot do great things, then do small things in a great way and that is much of what I would like to say that I am doing, but if life is an indication of anything, it can be said you must take what life is and most immediately seize the moment and do what must be done to take that pivotal role in things.
I would propose to ask for a short wait for so little do you know what is right around the corner because you give up my confidences for want of a willingness to share the mediocrity which is the consequence of living life waiting for something else to happen.
Wait, don't wait.  Read don't read.  Write don't write.
But live, but love.  Immediately and with reckless abandon.
Anyway, let's review the clock time equations adding in the Euclidean formatting.

CT0-non linearity: No dimensional equivalent, everything happens at once (concentration level is 100%)
CT0 goes pre-linear-point linearity (10^2^0=10).  A single point spinning without dimension at the speed of all time and space, but space and time now exist.
CT1-point geometry (space and gravity formed from the transition from non-linearity to linearity) becomes possible (10^2^1=100).  A transition point for CT0.  The changes are so fast that they appear invisible to us in a CT4 state and we see the informational state as an invisible substrate which is it not, instead it is just the building block of future states moving faster than we can measure in terms of coordinate change.  Everything remains in the singularity, we are able to watch the "movie" play for the first time, even though it is invisible and we call it space.
CT2-linear (not planar) two dimensional geometry possible (10^2^2=10,000).  Photons possible but nothing more complex.  The first transition from all things happening at once to a time based system, the speed of light becomes the speed limit.  The transition and light speed do not appear to be functions of space, but that's possible.  This is still a series of lines, but they are perceived to "move" in any direction because they are now moving slow enough to be perceived since the two changes are happening at once.  Because the lines can occupy two dimensions they can bend into circles and do so using a uniquely non-linear function pi, which is not subject to definition in a linear environment except as a function of the maximum amount of time possible.
CT3-electromagnetic forces possible (10^2^4). This is occasioned by the "lines" of CT1 and CT2 begin to curve and begin traveling in circles and, theoretically, by the overlap of the circles forming areas, lenses where the circles overlap, where concentration is possible.  A background framework (space) allows for this because the lines may form in two dimensions.  This is the first three dimensional time state and the first where the speed limit becomes transitional.
CT4-mass energy conversion is possible (10^2^8=e=mc^2) as the overlap becomes of "lenses" of energy in concentrations sufficient to form a stable informational state exponentially greater than the first.  Speed is now slowed down sufficiently for us to measure the time fluctuations.  The overlaps of circles are exponentially greater, contain lenses of exponentially greater density due to the number of circles forming the lens and can be thought of as spherical overlaps, since we have a name for 3 dimensional pi functions.
CT5=The first five dimensional state (10^2^16).  Black holes form and disappear from our perspective and the time changes slow down so much as to appear to disappear just as space is invisible due to the speed of change in the opposite direction.  We no longer understand exactly what we are looking at because he have a fifth dimension of overlap which is outside of our comprehension.  Compression states arise from change in a dimension we do not experience through the overlap of spherical overlaps overlapping.  This process will continue until a state is reached where all points are changing at once which brings us to the "end of time" where we are back at a singularity state.
Mathematically the progression is an information exponential progression based on the compression of information for 2^n from n=0 to 2^n=total amount of information (past, present and future) in the universe.
And still every moment has to count, so what am I doing?  What are you doing?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

NLC-the circle flux capacitor part 3-fulfilling the promise

You are probably thinking that I don't stand behind my promises.  I've done what I can for now.  There is more that could be done with cruelty  in mind, but I've done what I can and whether it is enough or no is my problem not yours.  I know it isn't enough and I'm not asking you to perceive it that way.  I asked for friendship without deserving it or expecting it, that is what I need for now.  What happens next, happens next.
The promise at the beginning of this series, was that while there are several approaches to this graphic representation.  The crucial part is that any dimensional representation is necessarily flawed since it requires space time.  However, the universe we experience is experienced in a linear format, so there should be some relationship which shows the transitions in a way that allow for exponential compression of information, but also phase shifts through matter and beyond.
What we are looking at here is merely a representation of linearity, what happens when Non-linearity is expressed a linearity.  In the prior post we looked at the transition from non-linearity to linearity, something that is really rather unique.  Now we are expanding linearity.
I promised some interesting features association with the ratios we were dealing with and now I am going to keep that promise since it is the easier promise to keep.
First you must remember that a line has no area.  It does have length.  The point that we begin with (space is point time or CT1) lacked even length.  So the first two transitions are CT1 (space) and CT2 (length without area).  No we see that off of these points and lines we are going to create CT3 which will have area.  What we are looking for and what we will get is exponential grown (n=2) and the r^2 equation present in all area calculations reflects this (a box is length times width and if both are equal it is l^2.  We are also going to look at the lens that is created in the overlap which must have the same area features.  The area of a circle (piR^2)=(pi/O)AreaO for the lens.  This, of course, defines the relationship of the angle O to the radius squared.r^2=O/areaO or r=(O/areaO)^1/2 which is, not surprisingly, the exponential information equation, but this is nothing more than moving from one dimension to two which is necessarily an exponential relationship.
If we require the circle to be filled with the prior states, the equations fail and for this reason we have to assume we are dealing with models.  In this case, the most likely definition of the lens is one where the lens is defined by the area as the angle O approaches zero where there is no overlap other than width of a single line and the circle itself is composed of a line moving in a circle.  In other words, the single quantum point evolves as follows:
1) The point begins to spin rapidly (see the prior post for the speed) and thereby achieves linearity at the point of the big bang.
2) The point begins to rapidly move in a linear direction with no dimension but thereby creates many very fast moving lines.
3) The lines begin to curl into circles as the point density along the line increases as it spends more time at a given location along the line, (CT3) at compression of 10^4
4) The circles form lenses where they intersect.and we see 10^8 compression states.
The next step (5) is fairly obvious, the lens formed by intersecting circles begins to have circles incorporate the lens in multiple dimensions.  The lens is important because at that point lines have overlapped and that is where you would find compression, the existence of an intersection of two lines might have a similar feature (ct3) but only where they overlap to form a new area would concentrations be expected to be exponentially greater.  The amount of overlap in this model could account for different features/energy levels.  Since unconcentrated time changes more quickly, it may be perceived as more energetic.
 The moving forward to the cube relationship does not hold true to this model, not directly.
And you were thinking there wouldn't be a relationship.
For more information on this topic from the Eucliding perspective (which doesn't mention NLC because NLC didn't exist when the article were written, I direct you to:

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

ncl-the circle flux capacitor- part 2

It is with some difficulty I pick the pen up
it feels like I am looking through blood
I swam in the thunder, the rain choking me
hoping that the lightening would come down
and spare me the pain of having not courage
nor wisdom, nor even the folly to chose
love of love, love of friendship, love of family
So I cannot think, except of the blood I see
And in that blood you are mixed with everything else
My vision never good to begin with
is clouded even further
the water going by threatens to drown me
but instead disappoints.

It is important to know that the circle and Euclid do not live alone in a non-linear invironment.  It is tempting to see points within a circle, but then you must have something between the points.  It is all fine to say that we are not dealing with real geometry, nor anything past a real point, but that degrades the model.  So we must envision two dimensional lines from which there is no space, the line begin un-bisect able just as the singularity is not.  So too we must envision the circles which come off of the lines or surround them as being filled so as to have no space, filled with points turned into lines so that there is no space between them, the lines formed by an infinitely fast moving point along the lines.
Now we can get to the point immediately after linearity, immediately after the big bang.  The singularity has now taken on dimensional qualities in the form of spin and the time of the universe is defined by the rate of spin which we can calculate to be the rate of all change in the universe, past, present and future per  quantum moment, the nearly infinitely hot point of pre NLC phsyics, but now defined with specificity within a model.  the point them moves to an infinity of lines so that spacing is not a problem but ct1 exists and so does space.  Circles form containing the space and allowing for dimension for the first time and now we must deal with Euclid and NLC.  Euclid was the great thinker of circles, a Greek pi maker if there ever was one and someone who spent a great deal of time measuring lines within circles.
if a circle begins at the center of another circle of the same diameter, how much of the area of the second circle is outside of the first circle.  This MC Escher drawing is calculable and being so determinable and the shape formed in a perfect lens reflecting in shape the approximate shape of the universe as we observe it today.
The area of the lens is a function of area of the circle itself, pir^2.  The amount of one circle overlapped by another defines the area which is shared and is, not surprisingly, being the second stage of dimension the function of change over both the angle and the radius over a given period of time where R in this case is the distance to the edge of a given line (the edge of the circle).  Since we are now dealing with linearity, we have to look at the "movement" of this Radius from non-linearity (zero) to its actual length R.  So this part of the equation is I (integration) from 0 to R of rdr.  However, we are only dealing with a part of the circle within the lens, so we must also limit it by the angle that defines the two lines R intersecting the circle at either point where the two circles overlap.  This two is linear so this angle must be calculated from an angle 0 (corresponding to overlap at a single point) to O (the actual angle in degrees) or I angle (Ia) from zero to O.  This is the definition of only half the lens so the actual equation is:

Ac(O)=2Ir(0 to R)Ia(0 to O)r dr da or R^2O.
Where Ac(O) is the area of the lens formed by the overlap of circles with a radius R and where the angle between the two radius to the two points of overlap of the two circles (which we will get to in the next post except for a reference to which you will be directed shortly) where they overlap.
I will go into this equation in more detail if the mood strikes me, if I am not electrocuted which is what I would rather happen than suffer this madness, but that must wait, apparently, not tonight.

From this group of interlocking circles must rise a series of circles in the third dimension to form spheres. spheres of information.

For those of you who cannot understand how everything can come from circles, you have to understand that until we get to spheres we are only dealing with Energy.  For those of you who say that energy is much to diverse to be represented graphically in this fashion, I was looking for the right example, and so I direct you to this article on folding circles:
Therein lies all the variation of energy and matter.

Monday, June 22, 2015

nlc-the circle flux capacitor-in control or out of control-part 1

I envision a universe where everything is governed by physics and therefore the feelings I occasionally feel where things are out of control make sense.  However, I also have some insights as to what I think I need right now, whether it suits your purpose or not I have to say it.  My need is for the unique friendship which predated the passion.  It isn't a rejection of the love, but merely the need that it be tempered in its time, just as it is readily withdrawn.
And so, whether this works for you or not, I will discuss an alternate view of the NLC flux capacitor, replacing the lines with points and the points with circles.
first we must be mindful that the points move along the lines and that at each point there is gravity and this is a representation of the time experienced based on the perceived change of position as all particles must move.  But we start with space which has no place to move from except non-linearity  While we "say" space is everywhere, that presumes a linear universe which NLC rejects as unworkable.  And so we start our NLC FC with a series of points, infinitely small, touching each other and being everywhere at once.  But something unique is happening because to create a universe the points are touching, but they cease to overlap, a quantum space appears between them.  This isn't the space of separation, but is instead the space of informational separation.  It is, in effect the big bang, points having a quantum separation and gravity pulling them all back to a non-quantum point.  At some point in time, this quantum separation (10^2^1) becomes large enough that a second quantum diameter is formed and at each point (10^2^2) along that quantum diameter gives rise to a second circle of the same size.  Now we come to our first puzzle.  Does the circle come off of the first circle or does the circle bisect (hitting it twice) the first circle.  Does each second circle come off of the first circumference or does it merely leave momentarily and come back.  Either embodiment requires that as the circle leaves the first circumference (at least most of it must, and a unique ratio, which I will come to in the next post is established by the portion within the first circumference and the part out assuming that it goes all the way to the center of the first circumference) that part which has left must be filled with quantum points sufficient to fill the circumference to the extent not contained within the first circumference, but both are the same size.  Many of you are beginning already to picture the synergies of this model, but before we discuss them, we must discuss the next circle which is formed when enough of the second circles are formed (10^2^3) to allow for additional compression and a third circumference and in this way the gravity comes off of the points within each circle in much the way they come off the points of the line, and the lines jump off when the single point has, infinitely quickly (because it isn't subject to space and time) forms concentrations along the line to jump to the next highest informational state, but now the point is moving about within the circles exploding outward in a spin as it expands around the ever increasing diameters formed thereby.
Now some of you are observing, quite correctly, that the concentrations appear all over the universe and not just at specific points, but you are missing the true nature of things which is that they exist within a singularity and the separation is merely the expression of the information that necessarily must be a part of a universe built on exponential growth of 2^n concentration from a point of perfect concentration back to that same point as discussed previously.
Now how do we reconcile friendship that I need with love that we want and how do we determine whether the circles originate from the surface of circumference outward or as circles originating their circumference from the middle of the first circle and moving outward?  For those answers, you will have to wait for the second part of this discussion.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

NLC-sunday morning with the flux capacitor

Today was actually supposed to include a post on worm holes.  That will come in due course, but the article is proving elusive or, rather, the version of blogger I am saving it with appears to be malfunctioning. Suffice to say that while they hem and haw about the strange "new" idea that worm holes may go to the same "mysterious" place through entanglement and even hint at the idea of holographic phenomena at play (, I described the process three years ago in The Einstein Hologram Universe.  They will undoubtedly give the nobel prize to someone who re-writes what I already did (not doubting their originality, just their timing) three years ago just as I have already moved far past that initial concept which someone else will probably do in 5 or 10 years getting another nobel prize.
At that point, of course, they will realize it doesn't matter who gets the Nobel and that is when they will probably parade my books around saying things like, since it doesn't matter we might as well acknowledge that this guy was hacking at it, but relegating me to sad role of science fiction writing, secondary in status to everyone other than maybe the unacknowledged write or poetry.
And that thought brings us to the subject of today's blog.  The Flux Capacitor. I will, of course, need to come up with another name.  The more descriptive A Graphic Representation of Non-Linear Coordinate Theory Showing the Transition Between Compression States seems a bit wordy.  Sadly, I have taken all the "spook" out of "spooky physics" the sp being a term used by pre-NLC physics wannabees (most of whom have advanced degrees in physics) who are trying to explain NLC concepts like quantum entanglement without Non-linearity which makes it all pretty obvious.  Of course, I have covered all that before, both in blog and in book and in the third edition I only clarify these issues.
So today, I'm going to describe the NLC-FLUX CAPACITOR so sharpen your pencils get out a piece of paper and prepare to draw in two dimensions the representation of dimensionless non-linear time.  Prizes will be awarded to those submitted the best drawing.  It is important to note that this is a representation of a dimensionless singularity giving rise to the illusion of linearity in which we live and hence the winning prize appears within these parenthesis ().  Correct, it is nothing. However, the second place position is still open and the empty non-space doesn't make for a very entertaining Flux Capacitor, so prepare to draw, pilgrim.  Literally draw, of course.
The place to start is with a line with arrows on both ends and labeled S for "space line".  This represents the initial twang of the universe with a single particle of non-linearity moving along a single line without true time or dimension and therefore with no speed limit, however it does have an illusory speed limit.  The illusory speed limit is very fast and is something like a multiple-1) however many quantum particles exist in our universe times 2) the speed of light.  This limit has nothing to do with the singularity, but it does affect us. All the gravity of the universe is created and therefore there is a second line (this one may well only have an arrow in one direction) which comes off of the line at one point only although technically it comes off at all points.  Since this point has very little to do with anything immediately (but will be very important and exponentially longer at one point which we will get to momentarily) it goes off at a 45 degree angle to the line.
At certain points along this line of near infinitely fast movement (certainly it is as finite as time itself) a sufficient number of points are changing together to form photonic compression and these points are represented by a single P-line running perpendicular in both directions with an arrow on either end to the first line.  P-lines ultimately would run along every point on the S line but at any quantum moment, they only appear where photons or larger appear and since you are reading this and drawing it in a moment, you can try your hand at this as the eternal, pre-ordained, linear creature we all are.  This is NOT the singularity (which I already drew above) but is merely a representation of the linearity in which all the clown physicist (those disagreeing with me-100% in this case) think and plot our existence.  I'm not trying to make friends here, I'm just writing a blog.  Some of my best friends are clowns...and a couple of physicists too.
Anyway, while you have been reading this, your more industrious co-pre-ordained cohorts have probably finished their drawings, so let's go on.
At an angle of 45 degrees from this P-line comes another force line, but this one goes in two direction, an arrow on either end.  Now looking at this today, I'd draw the W line off of the P line perpendicular (and therefore parallel to the S line) but that didn't seem right to my subconscious which apparently thought that this perpendicularity would indicate some relationship between every other state so it is drawn at right angles to the F line.  The F line in this case is exponentially longer than the first F line so you might want to get your eraser out.
This process continues only through another few renditions (the M line, the BH line in this case) but it could go on for a while if you were bored and had a long enough piece of paper.
However it is Sunday morning and describing a drawing with as little artistic value as this one hardly seems to be a worthwhile use of my time, especially since every moment of it will go on forever.
And, of course, that makes them all to valuable to waste, especially on fighting with you.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

NLC and the flux capacitor

I drew my own "flux capacitor" this morning.  The picture of it will only be shown to my most ardent supporters, although it may grace the cover of my third edition.
I call it a "f-c" only because I dreamed it last night (didn't fall off a chair, alas) and when I drew it this morning, I realized it might have some significance.   There is a short write up on it and this will be the initial discussion.  It doesn't look much like the one in back to the future.  It looks more like a staggered series of intersecting two dimensional graphs but it makes a pretty fair representation of compression time states (exponentially increasing compression for phase changes) and if I like where it takes me so much the better.
It is interesting because as mentioned in the prior discussions of "the big twang" vibration, which is a flux of a sort plays a role in the expression of linearity in the singularity.
Of course, time travel is not possible in NLC, not because time is fixed, since it is not, but because all events are fixed. While this allows for time travel of a sort, that is if we've already done it we certainly can and all points existing at once we're in a constant state of time travel, the theory doesn't allow one to alter events.  This isn't to say that someone outside of NLC could not observe, or even alter that singularity, but that would change the singularity itself and we, as parts of the singularity are not able to do that unless we already have which could otherwise create obvious paradoxes which are not allowed where everything happens at once.  Paradoxes are limited to theories with multiple universes, not a single universe which is frozen and where predictability is therefore perfect.
For those of you who know it is coming, you will see the flux capacitor in due course.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

carpet bombing on a peaceful morning

It is early Thursday morning.  It will be some time before the formal heat of the day kicks in.  A tropical storm hitting far away in texas resulted in a cooling trend, at least overnight.
I have taken on quite a bit of work this week which has slowed the process of editing to a crawl.  It would be less than a crawl if not for these posts.
I think I've had enough of caffeine for a while.  I woke up early and fell asleep late and had no real desire for it.  Since I'm not really suffering any effects from it, I don't plan to stop drinking it; not in a conscientious way; but I am awfully happy with my decafinated chai tea this morning.
The displaced of the world has apparently hit 60 million, the effect of the wars which look only likely to get worse.  This number is impressive, but 3500 years ago it would have represented 150% of the population of the planet.
Occasionally, NLC comes across to me as an unlikely thing with its predestination aspects (which it borrows from traditional physics, of course) and lack of true self-determination, but how could a "highly evolved" species be as stupid as we are otherwise.  A lack of self determination provides a better explanation for random violence.  Car bombings provide a good example.  Typically these are carried out by local residents with the possibility of randomly killing someone they'd otherwise like.  Even something more organized like the carpet bombing during World War II shows a complete lack of logical undertaking, the "emotive" of exact chemical reactions playing a bigger role in each than careful logic either in the action or the events leading up to it.  It begs us to admit that we are pre-planned creature in a non-random environment, how else could we sleep with ourselves?

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

dizzy NLC

i am still here.  occasionally i go off the grid.  in this case i was editing the prior post on relativity in a singularity driven non linear universe.  cannot say ive been too busy, instead i have been less productive.  i need to dedicate more time to my editing of amber the third edition but planning for an illusory uncertainty occupies much of my time.
For someone who is fixed in place, the kind of fixed that means that the addition of coordinate change to mass is perceived as an increase in mass even though that requires accepting a non-nlc view of matter which is largely senseless, I seem to have an uncanny feel for the constant feel to which all things, mass, space, etc, must be subject to in an NLC universe.  In other words, I am dizzy.
However, there are no gaps in space and constant movement would result in gaps in space, at least if there was randomness to the movement.  The uptick of this is that the entire universe must be a point universe or must be so fixed in terms of what happens next that a so called space vacuum cannot exist.  NLC points out that these two results are largely the same,but that illusory time and dimension make more sense since they would lead to the high degree of predictability and correspond more closely to what we see in movie theaters, quantum entanglement (points necessarily influence each other since they are the same point); future events affecting the present (they are part of the present), etc.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

NLC-agree or disagree with Einstein,

Occasionally I catch myself trying to disprove some clearly accurate formulation in the name of the concepts of NLC.  This is ridiculous since NLC is consistent with observed phenomena, it is a quantum analysis that explains observed phenomena as they occur but on a quantum level.

So it happened as I was examining relativity.  It is, after all, all relative.  This originally began as I was fuming over the money spent "looking for" a black hole or looking for something that isn't there, at least not in the sense that we 'see' things.  In NLC a black hole is there but if they really want to test a theory, they should look for the black hole for what it is, a system of 5 time coordinates changing together which appears to disappear for the same reason that space appears invisible, because the rate of change is so foreign to us.  It occurs to me that the reason we don't see the higher forms of time compression (those involving multiple times (past, present and future) is because the rate of change is so vastly different from ours that they disappear from our relative view.

The theory works so well, it is likely to have some legs, but it is frustrating when they spend all this time trying to see a black hole, but they don't listen to me to know what to look for.

Anyway, the idea of mistaking NLC for an alternate theory to what we observe is incorrect.  NLC is merely the background theory for relativity.  It is worth looking at this and I'm going to make a cursory stab at it here as a preface to the more detailed analysis in "a world in amber".

"NLC-agree or disagree with Einstein, its all relative" or "looking for something that isn't there".

The other day, I was listening to someone discuss the "new" idea that there is a connection between the future and the present, the future having an effect on the present.  The "someone" was telling me the "new" thing in physics is that the future has an effect on the past and I was boiling mad, since I not only wrote this three years ago, and explained it, but have taken the concept far from this absurdly cursory discussion of things.  I held my tongue because I don't have all the answers, or if I have them I haven't had time to write them down yet.

Let's look at relativity.

NLC doesn't disagree much with Einstein, but it does hold that time passes at the same rate for everyone, just the time line varies.  Time dilation exists, but the sum of all time within any system remains constant, the rate of dimensional change (sum total) remains the same.  Systems in this statement, merely refers to compression states where, until they are separated by distance, speed or rate change along any one or more coordinate, they share a common rate within each state within the system for each coordinate..

Another place with imperfect agreement is with the interchange of mass and energy.  While necessarily both are the same, they are also the same as space and black holes, but all are different not because of features but because of the number of coordinates changing at once and therefore the rate of change of any one coordinate at once.  At any point where one coordinate changes at a speed sufficient to cut out another coordinate change (because of the conservation of change requirement government by the speed of light number) a phase shift occurs.  Nothing else happens, just the compression equation shifts.

Another related problem is the increase in mass with velocity due to adding "energy" in the form of movement to the non-moving mass.  This has special relevance in NLC. What we're dealing with here is not as complicated as one might think.  Under relativity, the increased mass is because of the relationship of mass to energy and that formula applies under NLC.  However, changing coordinates as mass represents transitional states of different time coordinates and this shows the relationship between time dilation and the mass energy conversion.  What is being done is not an "increase" in mass through the addition of energy.  Energy and mass are combined to increase the total mass under Relativity.  In NLC you are increasing the amount of change along some coordinates at the expense of others. There is no increase in mass in the system, but the amount of change of two systems interacting (one changing at one rate combining with one changing at the other rate) results in the same net effect.  However, while the rate of time change along any one axis varies, the mass of the object does not change for the object any more than the weight of the earth varies as it moves through the universe.  It only results in a change when two masses combine time changes.  In such a system, the total amount of change does not vary.  It may express itself in different formats, primarily, if not exclusively mass to energy or mass to dark matter depending on the level of concentration which is to say the level of coordinate change for the multiple resulting systems.

Rate of change is limited by the speed with which any one coordinate can change which provides that at the rate of the speed of light, no acceleration is possible because energy and mass interchange at this point.  Mass continues to remain the same.  In relativity, the interpretation of this data is that the mass has "increased" to the point where there is not enough energy to provide additional acceleration.  In a NLC analysis, coming to the exact same result, there is a transition from mass to energy because one coordinate is changing so fast that others must stop shifting because of the total time limit.

Relativity envisions a fixed space-time; a fabric.  NLC envisions only time and space is illusory as is change.  The singularity is the only "fabric" and it exists in a non-linear format.  Our universe is nothing more than the illusory expression of this singularity and saying that our universe is a fabric is like saying the movie playing on the screen is the same as the background where the actors are filmed to create the movie.  The later has actual fabric, the later does not.  This idea of "movies" creating "movies" is so foreign to us that it is hard not to reject, but mathematically it appears clearly to be the case.  Every moment, in its entirety exists forever, every quantum moment includes the entirety of time and space just as for every point it contains its past and future in its entirety.  These two seemingly inconsistent very long (but not infinite) lines meet and the meeting point is the singularity where, as Einstein predicted, without time everything happens at once.

Gravity is the force generated when time goes non linear in NLC.  In relativity, space time is changed (bent) by gravity.  In NLC the amount of gravity represents the amount of linearity in a system.  Since linearity is illusory, gravity can be seen as the effect of lighting a slide.  The slide doesn't change,  This raises the question of why gravity from one body effects forces and other gravitational bodies and the concept is that it involves sharing time states in various ways.  Some sharing of states will alter the change, such as bending light.  This is where we have to be careful, because many of you are saying that I want to re-write relativity.  That is not the case, I just want to explain what the background to relativity is.  Gravity has all the effects we appreciate from our "relative position".  But if we were to examine the universe from a quantum level, we would see that the distances and masses and velocities in the gravity equation do not exist except as projections.  We already know that we can predict gravitational interactions, this "proves" that the events have already happened, this supports the idea that they can continue to happen as quantum moments, this in turn more or less assures that there is a relative position from which we can see our universe as a dimensionless, timeless, non-linear environment from which individual quantum moments (complete with perceived pasts and futures) exist, but are nevertheless fixed, as if the world was locked in amber.

This means that when we "create" linearity, a quantum of gravity exists for each quantum of information.  The information itself can be broken into different coordinates which have a fixed sum rate of change.  As space, the rate of change is very fast, it exponentially slows down as more coordinates change at once.  To maintain the decrease in rate change, to stabilize it, concentrations occur and between concentrations rate changes are shared.

And this brings us to the big difference.   The Einstein universe is a universe of cause and effect.   The existence of true randomness is no more likely, but the NLC universe adds a wrinkle in that everything is not just preordained, but it has already happened.  This changes the nature of force or at least the way we should look at force.  We have, up till now, looked at force as a tool.  If we are part of the same fixed timeline, then we are as much a part of the force as the force itself, and the mass energy equation assures us this is not an unexpected result.  This insight should increase the amount of effect we can extend over the universe, even as it renders the idea of manipulation irrelevant.

And this does make me miss being with you every moment even more, but it makes me happier when we are happy together!

Monday, June 8, 2015

A most random post on a timely quoate

"Everything I write is either for her or about her.  I with her whether she is with me or not"
From Californification, an author's response when someone in pain asks the writer how he can do it, "when the woman he loves is out there but he knows he can't have her."

Sunday, June 7, 2015

NLC, the length of time and sacrifice

It is a matter of some ease to calculate the length of the universe in NLC.  Rather than the infinite and random universe of Lucretius, it is both finite and perfectly defined.  It is also, calculable with a certain amount of ease.  The text of Lucretius which will be gotten to in due course is the subject of the book I'm reading (the swerve) and covers quantum mechanics (albeit a version which I've abandoned), psychology, religion and the like in the cruel, irrefutable logic of the Greek (ancient and to some extent current).  The part I will focus on initially has to do with his infinite universe and my finite one.
If something is finite, you should be able to say "how much of ______ is in it."  In this case there are two related answers.  Since linearity is offset by gravity, we can use gravity to tell us how much "time" there is in any quantum moment (knowing the sum total of information is equal to all the moments of time times this total amount of information at any one time).  It remains possible that the amount of information in the universe varies from moment to moment, I've touched on the fact that we humans create information and to the extent our information equates to the information reflected in linearity we would assume that our actions increase the amount of information.  While much of our time remains non-linear (if we make a cd, chock full of information, it doesn't play the information linearitly until it is put in motion) but I think this is where we must assume the "information" of the universe is different from the information created by consciousness because our information does not create gravity, if it did the sheer quantity produced might have a measurable effect..
This question is not academic.  It is observed that information in the form of matter (4 coordinates changing at once) has an enormous compression ration to information stored electronically (waves have 3 coordinate changes at a time).  This means that the "matter" in which the information is stored is vastly larger than the electronic waves storing information within the matter, but both have some gravity if space equates to dark matter. This however, is a side issue and for the moment I am going to assume that for whatever reason our information is different from the information that causes the universe to exist in a linear form and that "our information" is merely the restructuring of it, a very Lucretion concept (forming of unforming of combinations of matter)
Knowing what % of the universe is dark matter and assuming that dark matter is linear space, the smallest quantity of information being represented by the amount of quantum gravity generated by the linearity of a single point in space, then one can assume the rest of the universe can by this ratio be converted into space.  Knowing the total amount of space it is only then necessary to figure out the quantum measurement of gravity.  Having this (very large number), one need only assume there is one point in time, one quantum of time for each finite quantum of gravity and this tells you how much information there is at any quantum moment of time in the universe.
Compression theory assumes that all the times together (past present and future) provides the amount of information necessary to compress all the information at any quantum moment at a scale allowing all changes to happen in concert (at once) which gets us back to a "singularity" based on compression of information based on shared coordinate changes (the number changing at once).  So you need only "square" the first number to know how many quantum moments there are in the universe and you can take this number (the amount of time at any quantum point) and translate it into linear seconds and you can find the exact moment the universe will end (from the big bang assuming that is the beginning (see prior posts) and assuming combination doesn't require time from any other "universes" or "linearities').
This assumes that our universe has all the time to recycle (see prior posts for compression to the point where all times happen at once is actually back to the singularity).  The existence of other universes created by god like non-linear beings (also discussed previously) could radically change the equation.
You might ask why I don't do this calculation right at this moment if it is so easy and I would answer that I have no sponsor who pays me for these things and therefore I must do them when the struggle for survival allows for it.
While Lucretius is no doubt more brilliant that I am (he continues to exist in my theory while he ceased to exist in his own), having done more with less, he undoubtedly had sponsors or private convenience in one form or another.
I also want to disagree with him on the true meaning of love which he attributes to the same failings that lead to misleading religions, that is the evolutionary mandate (Lucretius did envision evolution in a very direct sense rather far in advance of Darwin) of striving for safety.  For religion he envisioned that it was our projection of a psychological safe haven, the perfect safety (or disaster) of an afterlife which he firmly rejected (I don't need an afterlife since moments continue, we are stuck in this one-and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make).  In love perfect safety I opine that he opined is reflected in perfect love which he, therefore, believed to be an illusion.  On this I accept his premise, but having experienced perfect love, I refuse to accept it is an illusion and instead believe, it being fixed for all time, has some purpose to me, however inconsequential it might be in the grand scheme of the universe, it remains as fixed as the quantity of time for me.
I, by virtue of my understanding of the universe, have a better method of determining how it changes and could, if time so dictated do whatever I want with it.  This unusual insight would make all things possible to someone like me, a power in understanding that is shared, perhaps less directly, by those who found new religious, perhaps by confusing vision with power.
I do not believe in true randomness, a cornerstone of the Lucretion (and most pre-NLC universes) universe, but I do believe in a more powerful illusion of self determination.  For Lucretius believed there was no afterlife, while I believe that each moment continues indefinitely so that his true randomness has none of the staying power of my illusory self determination.
Lucretius' beliefs led him to believe that we should live hedonistic-ally and on this I have to agree to some extent, for if we don't seek happiness, and time with our true loves, then those moments that occur forever are lived over and over in its absence.  The idea of causing pain to another for some reason inhibits me from seeking happiness and to this I must answer for both of us.
Before I knew love existed I could be happy in the simple hedonism of Lucretius, Having been found while love remained unattainable, I could have satisfied myself otherwise, with empty acts of which Lucretius would fully approve.  But having found what I will call true love possible, despite those who say it does not exist, there is nothing else that I want, nor do I want to want anything else.
The idea of being otherwise satisfied is abhorrent.  If I cling to it, I find myself as doomed by my fiction as those who are tied to their false religions.  To someone unwilling to do what is required I find myself with two choices, satisfaction or self sacrifice and there is only one logical choice in that.
Having power over the universe that comes with understanding, is different from using it.  The unwillingness to manipulate it, as I have proven personally it is a relatively easy undertaking, can only be a weakness in my spirit that I can fathom no reason to accept, even though understanding the importance of hedonism is different from the selfishness required to sacrifice others to find it.  Hoping that somehow I can find assistance from events outside my control to make it easy and that i won't lose courage and be doomed to the results of sacrifice instead of an eternity of happiness.  It is worth waiting for, to have that type of happiness, but waiting makes little sense.

Saturday, June 6, 2015


I've been sitting outside in Miami drinking coffee this morning.  It is not nearly as romantic as it sounds although I am surrounded by palm trees, ripe mango plants (and noise).
The trip started out very stressful and hasn't changed much, the main attraction may have been yesterday, but the reason for the trip happens today.
It was, perhaps, the stress, but more likely the feeling of age that left me sleepless.
How old do I have to be before I finally give up on the last vestiges of hope for life.  But while I am old, and while everything is failing, from my broken eyes to my broken heart, yet I can still draw out strange resources of strength on increasingly rare occasions, racing against much younger people through the water, sometimes winning by speed, at others by endurance, more often losing; and more importantly occasionally inspiring that ember of passion to flare, what used to happen whenever I thought of you.  It is certainly true that each of these posts represents that smoldering ember which should have gone out when I began to accept my own ramblings, but for whatever reason, it remains warm to the touch even as I get steadily colder, even as the bonds between us get attenuated and my ability to justify them is reduced, not by the lack of potential, but by the lost opportunities which can never be recaptured and the increasing likelihood that each flaring of the ember is its last.
I should give up on life, but you can hardly consider it unreasonable if I refuse your requests to hurry its inevitable demise, for the certain darkness at the end of that does not frighten me, but a world without you does.

cinder world of the mad gods

I told someone how to write a book yesterday.  One chapter at a time, although it is likely more correct to say one letter at a time.  I think someone suffering from writers block could easily hit the space key over and over again.  That would probably generate a more interesting book than mine; but it is the living of our story that makes it interesting and how we chose to share that is entirely different.
Sleepless again, after learning of the futility of my undertaking and for those things that do have some potential for me, being forced to see how high the mountains are that I have to cross, I took the opportunity to dwell on a conversation about radical religion.
Given my belief in a universe that is predestined, there are certain observations.  First, it seems that the two warring religions are 'hell bent' on turning the beautiful earth into a cinder.  Even those who are largely rational, are doing nothing to prevent this and science teaches that no matter what we do, our choices are between the inevitable cinder and taking steps to end with a cold world which might be worse.  That, by the way is the subject of another book which I have not published; but perhaps one day science fiction.
Even that book, about mars, does little but discuss our ability to put off the inevitable and the prices that will be paid for that undertaking.
Those of religious bent who wish to expedite this process, those who are so casual with the environment that they don't actively act to prevent it, play slightly different rolls.  And who is to say that the radicalized religious don't have a better point, in a world where joy is only possible when it is set off against the pain of living is it any wonder that the mad priests of religions can get their followers to commit suicide in the name of following god.
And if NLC is really something, then it is entirely likely that they are in fact following god because in a world without true self determination we are all reading lines from a play; we are all following the dictates of an insane diety and if the god of NLC is the god of our world, then each of us is a small piece of the brain of the mad god.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

NLC-writer's equation block

I haven't done much to finish the third edition (a world in amber).  It isn't writer's block per se.  Instead, having solved conceptually the interaction of things, unified the fields, calculated in concept a finite life and informational content of the universe, solved the problems of dark matter, defined both space and black holes and higher forms of information in a single cohesive universe, put to rest once and for all true self determination, located this "missing" source of information sufficient to allow a circular universe where everything at any point in time happens at once, given the basis for quantum theory and, in short, done everything short of coming up with an explanation for how such a complicated system could be established to begin with other than from an even more complicated system (i.e. I haven't solved the question of god yet) I am dealing with the very difficult task of coming up with better equations for measurements without time or dimension.  It is true that this is largely the allocation of time to a difficult task but despite having done so much I have not a single sponsor and thus must define the universe in my spare time which has largely been absent.
mathematics without dimension, the chapter I have run aground against, is a blog post that I haven't taken time to edit lest I answer those questions and have time to move on.
There is a part of the mourner's kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead, the last line in fact which reads:

May the One who creates harmony on high, bring peace to us and to all Israel.
To which we say Amen.  This is sometimes interpreted as "harmony in the universe" and such is the nature of my exploration, to determine the source of the harmony and to explain it and, if it proves possible, to glimpse or render naked the "one who creates" unlikely as that may seem.  Or is it that hard to envision.

The true quantum physicist, and I would put myself in that category, although my classical training is somewhat limited, would be able to see into what I call g-space at least a short distance and so I can at least speculate on what g-space is and I will do so now, for your entertainment much as I find the result distasteful for credit it gives to one line of reasoning other than my own.

If we are locked in amber, but if all of our intellect is concentrated into a single spot, a singularity from our perspective, and if all of our forces are the result of the perceived linearity, and if all dimension, including time, are no different from one another, except to us, because we are trapped in our one universe, doomed to repeat all of our mistakes and revel in all of our success for eternity, what is god's world like where all of our intelligence is ready to be used.

This tantalizing or distasteful glimpse is the basis of my difficulty moving forward.

First, we can assume that in g-space, the "time" or linearity dimension is as flexible as all of the others.  In g-space, the concentrated intellect of our universe is free to go back in time and correct its mistakes.  It can try to explain what it did wrong decades ago and try to get a different result.  If this is possible, then each "correction" to existence creates another universe locked in amber.  If this sounds to you like the multiple universe model with true randomness or at least true self determination and an infinity of universes each changed by a single act, then, sadly, I must admit that that model is a "part".  The difference, however, is that in my model "we" don't create the change, we don't have true self determination.  Instead, there is a force of intellect creating those universes that is not shackled by time and space; at least not the way that we are.  It has no forces, at least in the sense that linearity, fixed linearity, creates them.  It is a place where movement along any dimensional axis (and we can predict there are as many axis as there are quantum points in our universe) is done with equal facility.  If we are nothing but a complicated recording from g-space, we embody at least a part if not the entirety of the intellect of the universe, past present and future which is the intellect that can move about freely in g-space.  The idea that each time this intellect picks a different point in space it creates another universe like ours, fixed in its linearity, without true self determination says something about the denizen of g-space but the only thing that I can tell from my own observations, is that it is a god of irony, one who creates war so that peace can be appreciated, death so life is valuable, sadness to create a perspective from which joy makes sense and, unfortunately, vice versa.  But that is another story.

For now, I present merely a glimpse into g-space only to stop short of a full panorama of the origin of the universe.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

walking in the summer

tomorrow I will retrace the path, at least as far as the east coast, of that storm which did so much to alter my life plan.
I have been unwilling to check the weather because my impression of the heat I will face is unpleasant enough.
I went walking one night, it was so hot and humid that drops of water condensed and fell like rain mixing with the clouds of insects that seemed to be too lethargic to do more than get entangled in my hair, eyelashes, mouth and the skin wherever it was exposed.  Those that would feed on me made only half hearted attempts, but were nonetheless successful on average, despite the deaths of so many of their bretheren.
I had attended the wake of my dead friend, eating the food afterward I thought it was one more meal she had served me, the first being when I was but 10 years old.  How it took me back and I went back further still when asked to speak.
And then the rain increased, and steadily it began to pour and there was lightening, but it was far distant, counting the half miles in seconds from the flash to the rumble.  It was like a baptism of sorts, as if after the meal she cried for the child who was always too good for anyone else and the days she would not spend with her children and grandchildren.
And I continued my walk, drenched to the skin, eyes squinting against the rain, occasionally brushing sheets of it off my head for a moments reprieve.  At least the bugs were washed away.
And then I came to the church where I would often sit and talk to you.  In the lights you could see the rain coming down in sheets, but I stopped for a moment and remembered, and the rain came down like sheets of tears from the sky.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

moving backwards

I was looking at apartments today (don't get any ideas) although I'm not sure where I intend to end up.  There are too many directions to know which one to go in or when to go there.  And there is always the questions.
It was funny however, because I think the last apartment I stayed in, the actual apartment on the river, where I dragged my kayak to the river through the sliding glass door is vacant and for rent.  If I moved in there, would I be moving backwards?  Would any place like that be moving backwards.  Me, who lives in mansions and who prepared a 40 million dollar claim today, should I, the most worn of the careworn, question moving backwards to a place where an earlier, care free me used to live with nothing and the whole world ahead of me.
Now, I am in the world, both waiting for the next wave of wealth, and clinging to the floatsom of the last one.
People are builders of things.  The book I'm listening to talks about the stone hand ax as the passport from Africa to the rest of the world.  It was a different place, where apartments didn't exist, where 40 million dollar claims did not exist, where mansions didn't exist.  Where the passport to the rest of the world was not a art laden small blue book, but was instead a piece of stone, designed to fit within ones grasp.
But everyone lives and everyone dies within a paradise of sorts, a paradise of life and death as they learn what language means and invent art and use a stone ax without a handle to carve out life.
I'm not doing well, I swam only 1700 yards tonight, I wouldn't make much of a survivor tonight.  I look at what I have to do and I am gratified and horrified by how little I have to do, how much I have met my obligations and now I only have to wait.  I am not much of a waiter.  I'm sure my ancestors had to spend a lot of time resharpening their tools, but they also had to wait a great deal.
And they died young and at one point in time, there were so few of them, that only coincidence and pieces of stone kept them alive so I could wonder about moving backwards and waiting for the next wave to overtake me before its too late..

Monday, June 1, 2015

between a rock and a cold place

I live in an artificially cold place.  It is hot outside, but where I live it is so cold that it sucks the life out of me.  I have been in tombs in Europe and they feel like this, but not as conductive, the cold there did not pull out the life of me so fully.
Soon enough this will end, the cold will absorb me directly or I will go out into the oppressive heat.  Either way, it will end, soon enough, too soon, not soon enough.  It all depends on how the ending plays out.
Tomorrow I will pick up where I left off and then I will leave and go further south, further towards the equatorial heat which will do nothing to offset the coldness where I live.
Do you think for even a moment that I ever stop thinking of you, and how cold you leave me when you are gone?