
Thursday, June 11, 2015

NLC-agree or disagree with Einstein,

Occasionally I catch myself trying to disprove some clearly accurate formulation in the name of the concepts of NLC.  This is ridiculous since NLC is consistent with observed phenomena, it is a quantum analysis that explains observed phenomena as they occur but on a quantum level.

So it happened as I was examining relativity.  It is, after all, all relative.  This originally began as I was fuming over the money spent "looking for" a black hole or looking for something that isn't there, at least not in the sense that we 'see' things.  In NLC a black hole is there but if they really want to test a theory, they should look for the black hole for what it is, a system of 5 time coordinates changing together which appears to disappear for the same reason that space appears invisible, because the rate of change is so foreign to us.  It occurs to me that the reason we don't see the higher forms of time compression (those involving multiple times (past, present and future) is because the rate of change is so vastly different from ours that they disappear from our relative view.

The theory works so well, it is likely to have some legs, but it is frustrating when they spend all this time trying to see a black hole, but they don't listen to me to know what to look for.

Anyway, the idea of mistaking NLC for an alternate theory to what we observe is incorrect.  NLC is merely the background theory for relativity.  It is worth looking at this and I'm going to make a cursory stab at it here as a preface to the more detailed analysis in "a world in amber".

"NLC-agree or disagree with Einstein, its all relative" or "looking for something that isn't there".

The other day, I was listening to someone discuss the "new" idea that there is a connection between the future and the present, the future having an effect on the present.  The "someone" was telling me the "new" thing in physics is that the future has an effect on the past and I was boiling mad, since I not only wrote this three years ago, and explained it, but have taken the concept far from this absurdly cursory discussion of things.  I held my tongue because I don't have all the answers, or if I have them I haven't had time to write them down yet.

Let's look at relativity.

NLC doesn't disagree much with Einstein, but it does hold that time passes at the same rate for everyone, just the time line varies.  Time dilation exists, but the sum of all time within any system remains constant, the rate of dimensional change (sum total) remains the same.  Systems in this statement, merely refers to compression states where, until they are separated by distance, speed or rate change along any one or more coordinate, they share a common rate within each state within the system for each coordinate..

Another place with imperfect agreement is with the interchange of mass and energy.  While necessarily both are the same, they are also the same as space and black holes, but all are different not because of features but because of the number of coordinates changing at once and therefore the rate of change of any one coordinate at once.  At any point where one coordinate changes at a speed sufficient to cut out another coordinate change (because of the conservation of change requirement government by the speed of light number) a phase shift occurs.  Nothing else happens, just the compression equation shifts.

Another related problem is the increase in mass with velocity due to adding "energy" in the form of movement to the non-moving mass.  This has special relevance in NLC. What we're dealing with here is not as complicated as one might think.  Under relativity, the increased mass is because of the relationship of mass to energy and that formula applies under NLC.  However, changing coordinates as mass represents transitional states of different time coordinates and this shows the relationship between time dilation and the mass energy conversion.  What is being done is not an "increase" in mass through the addition of energy.  Energy and mass are combined to increase the total mass under Relativity.  In NLC you are increasing the amount of change along some coordinates at the expense of others. There is no increase in mass in the system, but the amount of change of two systems interacting (one changing at one rate combining with one changing at the other rate) results in the same net effect.  However, while the rate of time change along any one axis varies, the mass of the object does not change for the object any more than the weight of the earth varies as it moves through the universe.  It only results in a change when two masses combine time changes.  In such a system, the total amount of change does not vary.  It may express itself in different formats, primarily, if not exclusively mass to energy or mass to dark matter depending on the level of concentration which is to say the level of coordinate change for the multiple resulting systems.

Rate of change is limited by the speed with which any one coordinate can change which provides that at the rate of the speed of light, no acceleration is possible because energy and mass interchange at this point.  Mass continues to remain the same.  In relativity, the interpretation of this data is that the mass has "increased" to the point where there is not enough energy to provide additional acceleration.  In a NLC analysis, coming to the exact same result, there is a transition from mass to energy because one coordinate is changing so fast that others must stop shifting because of the total time limit.

Relativity envisions a fixed space-time; a fabric.  NLC envisions only time and space is illusory as is change.  The singularity is the only "fabric" and it exists in a non-linear format.  Our universe is nothing more than the illusory expression of this singularity and saying that our universe is a fabric is like saying the movie playing on the screen is the same as the background where the actors are filmed to create the movie.  The later has actual fabric, the later does not.  This idea of "movies" creating "movies" is so foreign to us that it is hard not to reject, but mathematically it appears clearly to be the case.  Every moment, in its entirety exists forever, every quantum moment includes the entirety of time and space just as for every point it contains its past and future in its entirety.  These two seemingly inconsistent very long (but not infinite) lines meet and the meeting point is the singularity where, as Einstein predicted, without time everything happens at once.

Gravity is the force generated when time goes non linear in NLC.  In relativity, space time is changed (bent) by gravity.  In NLC the amount of gravity represents the amount of linearity in a system.  Since linearity is illusory, gravity can be seen as the effect of lighting a slide.  The slide doesn't change,  This raises the question of why gravity from one body effects forces and other gravitational bodies and the concept is that it involves sharing time states in various ways.  Some sharing of states will alter the change, such as bending light.  This is where we have to be careful, because many of you are saying that I want to re-write relativity.  That is not the case, I just want to explain what the background to relativity is.  Gravity has all the effects we appreciate from our "relative position".  But if we were to examine the universe from a quantum level, we would see that the distances and masses and velocities in the gravity equation do not exist except as projections.  We already know that we can predict gravitational interactions, this "proves" that the events have already happened, this supports the idea that they can continue to happen as quantum moments, this in turn more or less assures that there is a relative position from which we can see our universe as a dimensionless, timeless, non-linear environment from which individual quantum moments (complete with perceived pasts and futures) exist, but are nevertheless fixed, as if the world was locked in amber.

This means that when we "create" linearity, a quantum of gravity exists for each quantum of information.  The information itself can be broken into different coordinates which have a fixed sum rate of change.  As space, the rate of change is very fast, it exponentially slows down as more coordinates change at once.  To maintain the decrease in rate change, to stabilize it, concentrations occur and between concentrations rate changes are shared.

And this brings us to the big difference.   The Einstein universe is a universe of cause and effect.   The existence of true randomness is no more likely, but the NLC universe adds a wrinkle in that everything is not just preordained, but it has already happened.  This changes the nature of force or at least the way we should look at force.  We have, up till now, looked at force as a tool.  If we are part of the same fixed timeline, then we are as much a part of the force as the force itself, and the mass energy equation assures us this is not an unexpected result.  This insight should increase the amount of effect we can extend over the universe, even as it renders the idea of manipulation irrelevant.

And this does make me miss being with you every moment even more, but it makes me happier when we are happy together!

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