
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

ncl-the circle flux capacitor- part 2

It is with some difficulty I pick the pen up
it feels like I am looking through blood
I swam in the thunder, the rain choking me
hoping that the lightening would come down
and spare me the pain of having not courage
nor wisdom, nor even the folly to chose
love of love, love of friendship, love of family
So I cannot think, except of the blood I see
And in that blood you are mixed with everything else
My vision never good to begin with
is clouded even further
the water going by threatens to drown me
but instead disappoints.

It is important to know that the circle and Euclid do not live alone in a non-linear invironment.  It is tempting to see points within a circle, but then you must have something between the points.  It is all fine to say that we are not dealing with real geometry, nor anything past a real point, but that degrades the model.  So we must envision two dimensional lines from which there is no space, the line begin un-bisect able just as the singularity is not.  So too we must envision the circles which come off of the lines or surround them as being filled so as to have no space, filled with points turned into lines so that there is no space between them, the lines formed by an infinitely fast moving point along the lines.
Now we can get to the point immediately after linearity, immediately after the big bang.  The singularity has now taken on dimensional qualities in the form of spin and the time of the universe is defined by the rate of spin which we can calculate to be the rate of all change in the universe, past, present and future per  quantum moment, the nearly infinitely hot point of pre NLC phsyics, but now defined with specificity within a model.  the point them moves to an infinity of lines so that spacing is not a problem but ct1 exists and so does space.  Circles form containing the space and allowing for dimension for the first time and now we must deal with Euclid and NLC.  Euclid was the great thinker of circles, a Greek pi maker if there ever was one and someone who spent a great deal of time measuring lines within circles.
if a circle begins at the center of another circle of the same diameter, how much of the area of the second circle is outside of the first circle.  This MC Escher drawing is calculable and being so determinable and the shape formed in a perfect lens reflecting in shape the approximate shape of the universe as we observe it today.
The area of the lens is a function of area of the circle itself, pir^2.  The amount of one circle overlapped by another defines the area which is shared and is, not surprisingly, being the second stage of dimension the function of change over both the angle and the radius over a given period of time where R in this case is the distance to the edge of a given line (the edge of the circle).  Since we are now dealing with linearity, we have to look at the "movement" of this Radius from non-linearity (zero) to its actual length R.  So this part of the equation is I (integration) from 0 to R of rdr.  However, we are only dealing with a part of the circle within the lens, so we must also limit it by the angle that defines the two lines R intersecting the circle at either point where the two circles overlap.  This two is linear so this angle must be calculated from an angle 0 (corresponding to overlap at a single point) to O (the actual angle in degrees) or I angle (Ia) from zero to O.  This is the definition of only half the lens so the actual equation is:

Ac(O)=2Ir(0 to R)Ia(0 to O)r dr da or R^2O.
Where Ac(O) is the area of the lens formed by the overlap of circles with a radius R and where the angle between the two radius to the two points of overlap of the two circles (which we will get to in the next post except for a reference to which you will be directed shortly) where they overlap.
I will go into this equation in more detail if the mood strikes me, if I am not electrocuted which is what I would rather happen than suffer this madness, but that must wait, apparently, not tonight.

From this group of interlocking circles must rise a series of circles in the third dimension to form spheres. spheres of information.

For those of you who cannot understand how everything can come from circles, you have to understand that until we get to spheres we are only dealing with Energy.  For those of you who say that energy is much to diverse to be represented graphically in this fashion, I was looking for the right example, and so I direct you to this article on folding circles:
Therein lies all the variation of energy and matter.

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