
Monday, March 31, 2014

coffee 3

Almost feel energized today.  While the global warming report (note to self-real life end of the world scenarios are bad bedtime reading) woke me up at 3:00 am, I was able to go back to sleep, at least fitfully.
Also had a dream that almost made 4 hours of sleep enough, about flying on of those parachute/fan harnesses somewhere where everyone else below was getting stuck in traffic while the dream person was able to fly over pretty fields not so high above..  Not surprisingly it just turned weird when it was time to stop for gas, use the gas station bathroom and taking off again at night.  Perhaps better to go to sleep again, like everyone else who saw the news report on global warming.

coffee 2

I have done the motorcycle thing before.  Its part fact part fiction when it comes to the motorcycles.  There was only one.  There could have been a second and perhaps that will be discussed because that will come as a diary as the story develops.  The contents are what are uncertain, too many choices, like the universe.
Today is day 3 without coffee.  Day two is day one.  There may be a reason for that, maybe not.
Today was marked with headaches and with tiredness.  I worked through them because I had more than one reason to be tired, a long swim and weeks of sleeplessness.
The future is not certain, but the requirements for this coming week are few, at least those I can deal with.  Those I can't deal with are like leaves in autumn.
Things should get better as far as coffee is concerned with the coming days, but the leaves of autumn will remain.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

NLT 14 Purpose

our purpose is quite irrelevant compared to the purpose of the universe, or is it?
Is there such a thing as purpose?
Many "scientists" would argue, convincingly, that the universe doesn't exist except from some sort of cosmic coincidence.  This would suggest that we are random, which might be a slight improvement over the "pre-ordained" EH universe, or is it?
NLT dictates that the universe comes from a non-linear time environment which means that there is something decidedly bigger than us.
Even if one accepts the circular EHT concept of concentrated intelligence giving rise to the linearity; there is still a question of the environment of non-linear time, an environment devoid of linearity, an environment devoid of dimension and separation.
You can say we live for each other, for love, for any number of things.  You can say life is pointless as it appears pointless.  You can say we are all a part of an Einstein Hologram Universe where we exist in the absence of time and space.
If you want to get past the onion skin that is non-linear time you have to either engage in a type of math that we haven't experienced before or we need to try to figure it out some other way.
Does this involve just you and I or is it just the universe and we are a coincidence or are both a part of some masterplan?
Should we even bother with the realm of god?  Should we assume it is outside of our capability to determine?
Is the entire universe just a movie, idle entertainment for some viewer we cannot understand as the bible describes?  Is that why we are beset with dangers on every turn, because it is entertaining?  Or in such a case are we just an accident, like the bacteria that feed on nutrients in paintings, unintentional but hard to eradicate blemishes on artwork that we also record and post on our web pages and book covers in recognition of its majesty?
NLT seeks to take "time" and therefore the universe, back a tiny fraction of a second from other quantum theories.  But there is an answer, whether it gives us relevance or does not.
It doesn't matter to you and to me.  But it does matter to the ignorant mass we make up together.  Why as individuals we are so smart and so stupid as a group might be answered by answering this question or it may just be that we have to be content to be intelligences one at a time, and we all die alone.

DQ 14

Seventy Percent answered the door to Don Q's house.
The man of the coat and top hat was there with another man dressed in a brown suit.
"May we come in?"
"Please come in, Don Q is waiting for you at the kitchen table."
The house was much cleaned up by now.  Seventy Percent had cleaned the house finishing what Don Q started.
"Can you show me where the motorcycle was?" asked the other man in a calm voice.
The back wall where it had been torn out was reinforced with new studs and heavy plastic had been nailed over the opening which came in and went back out with the wind from outside.  The room was brighter with the opening and many boxes, some still unopened remained along with tools, now neatly gathered together.  The room smelled lightly of oils, but the boxes that had been opened were gone.
"Hmmmm," was all the man in the brown suit said.
"I am David Curate," the man in brown said as he introduced himself to Don Q who was pouring over a manual.  Others, with pictures of motorcycles were scattered on the kitchen table along with several well worn books on adventures, perhaps all dealing with motorcycles or self determination.  A copy of Siddhartha caught his eye in particular.
"You are the psychologist, aren't you?"
"Well, I am a psychiatrist, but I consider myself just a social worker."
"Well, ask your questions, I am yours to examine."
"It is not really an examination I am after.  Your friends are worried about you."
"My associates, perhaps my family, I have very few friends."
"Well, even a single friend is often enough."
Don Q did not respond, but continued his reading.
"What are you working on?"
"I want to make sure the motorcycles will start when they are oiled and fueled.  I want to know how to oil and fuel them.  I want to make sure I did nothing wrong when I assembled them.  I am planning on ridding them across the country."
"That sounds like a quite an adventure."
"Exactly so."
"Well, what are your plans."
"I will take to the road and I will look out for everyone who I come across.  Does that make me mad?"
"No, I suppose it does not.  It is admirable.  Do you plan to do anything illegal?"
"I don't plan to govern my life by another's laws, but I intend to do what is right."
"How will you know what is right?"
"How would you have me know?"

coffee 1 and dq quotes

the absence of a drug you are addicted to is a drug almost as powerful as the drug itself.
if you’re not in bed by 11pm . . . go home”
if you want to date a supermodel you have to ask one out

Saturday, March 29, 2014

NLT 13-Concrete proposals; more on time states and folded (accordion style) time

Non-linear time is not a purely theoretical model.
For example, if we can show conservation of time, can we artificially limit time to get acceleration without other power sources.
If gravity is the tendency of time to go non-linear we might be able to create linear time from a non-linear environment and create a type of acceleration which is different and "not affected by gravity" which is suggested by the expansion of the universe, but which expansion seems to occur only in the absence of gravity...i.e. you create gravity in areas where there is little or no gravity through expansion in the form of the creation of quantum space.
For example:  by taking clock time and making it zero through concentration could you create a high speed change in dimension?
The idea no one wants to hear about is "prediction".  You might say that if you knew what was going to happen you could stop it.  This would be counter-indicated in E-H-T but it might well be statistically driven.  That is a prediction of the future could have more to do with infinite choices which is NOT an NLT concept, but it is an accepted way of looking at probabilities under quantum universe methodologies (not NLT).

Folded time vs series time:  This is an alternative to time states and also encourages the idea that times do not continue indefinitely.  Here is an example:
Clock time 1-space time
clock time 2-energy time
clock time 3-matter time
These times are experienced insofar as we know that matter time "exists" because our watches and the movement of the the stars tell us so; but we also know it only exists in a linear fashion when we drop below light speeds.  That is all "wave" forms have a different "time" which we know they experience because they move relative to other objects.
Space time "converts" to energy time when energy is created.  This is not observed and, at best, is a theoretical concept.  It assumes that even space is quantized but allows a basis for this in a "single" non-linear time giving rise to all "space quanta" so that they necessarily are quantized, being the result of this one item which can expand in a time based universe infinitely since it exists in a time absent environment (and hence has all the time it needs simply because it has none);
Energy time converts to matter time (clock time goes non-linear) when matter is created and this, at least, is observed.
Matter time converts back to space time when matter collapses
This keeps you from infinitely expanding the types of time but keeps a series of times separate which may be separate by being separate "states" of the same time, different concentrations of the same time (since we know concentration occurs at c^2 at least for matter and presumably in a similar scale for space to energy) or different types of time entirely.  We also know that all the times have coordinates associated with them which allow space to move at one speed (not discussed yet, but its coming); energy to move at the speed of light and matter to move at speeds below the speed of light but necessarily constantly moving to be detectable the idea being that if the coordinate changes were to stop entirely you would create a singularity (at least a temporary one) which is observed to some extent in super colliders, at least in theory and in terms of relative motion although that is a different  chapter.
In this scenario it is "suggested" that time may be non-linear in some cases, for example "black hole space" may have a non-linear type of time but remains linear in its other forms and they can fold together as they move from one state to the next..

Coffee and Insomnia

Sleepless again.  Well, that is more the norm these days than an exception.  I suppose there is nothing to be done for it other than to swear off caffeine again, along that foul, dark, bitter drink that carries with it all the things that are good and evil out of Africa and those delicate green leaves out of China that promise peace, but only deliver restlessness.
I have to pick a target and so I will leave off for the month of April.  I assume that this means that the already poor quality of my work will suffer further and perhaps this will make it easier not to read what is written.
In this same time frame I plan to finish the second edition of the E-hologram universe-The non-linear time Universe.
The future is a foul thing; the past not much better but sweetened with distance, the present a gift easily squandered.
The chapters, the maxims, the poems, the futures I wrote in my insomnia are lost now in this caffeine free morning, perhaps forever.

Friday, March 28, 2014

DQ 13

Seventy was turning the card over in his hand.
"Call," his wife said.  She was holding the children to her.  They looked on with large intelligent, immigrant's eyes.
He punched the number of the man with the coat and the top hat.  "You told me to call you if anything scared me."
"You did the right thing," his wife said after he hung up.
"I suppose you are right, but..."
"You cannot go getting yourself killed for a madman."
"How do we know he is mad?"
"He broke the door out of the back of his house."
"He put those motorcycles together.  You should have seen them.  They looked...they looked as if they would run."
"But he knew nothing about what he was doing."
"I know, but he seems to know what he is doing."
"But you told him you could not ride."
"I did.  And I told him I was afraid."
"What did Don Q say when you told him of your concern?"
"He said, he could only ask me, for if you want to date a supermodel you must first ask her out."

DQ 12

Seventy Percent walked up to the house.  Something seemed different.
The leaves were all gone.
He walked in.  The room was cleaned up.  The power wasn't on, but the windows were open and they were never open when he arrived.  And, something he had not experienced before, there was a breeze coming from the back.  He didn't remember seeing a door.  A window?
The motorcycle books were on a shelf.  A table was before the couch and the motorcycle books were spread out.
"It's finished," Don said.
"Senor Don?"
"The motorcycles are finished.  Don't stand there with you mouth open, if you don't believe me go look."
Seventy Percent walked through the hallway.   He was unsure what he expected to see, but whatever it was, he didn't see it.  The room was empty.  A huge hole had been knocked into the back of the house.
"They wouldn't fit through the door," Don said.  "I had to open the room up, they are behind the house."
"I don't understand, what does this mean?"
"It means that we are about to begin a journey of self discovery and self determination.  We are going on an adventure!"

NLT 12-Compression, Gravity and time states and molecular energy states

While we're looking at alternatives to time states of gravity, t1, t2 and t3.  Folded times was mentioned and now we're going to discuss a more intringing alternative, time states.
We see "states" in molecular orbitals.  In molecules electrons "jump" between states.  This observed and theoretical concept is seen in most energized experiments, but perhaps the most relevant for illustration purposes is the excited states that lead to flourescence where the drop between states is reflected in the emission of photons, or light.
Now one way to try to deal with gravity is to say that in concentrations, time is gradually exhibited (clock time) and this, in fact, is observed where time slows down as matter is accelerated to the speed of light.  But this explanation provides very little illumination for the transition states of space to energy to matter and, perhaps, beyond (in either direction).
But what if Time and Gravity behave like the electrons.  We need to discuss how the states exist, but before we get to that, let us look at the broad concept.
Time is expressed as time 2 in one state and time 3 (clock time) at a higher "time state".
Time jumping from one state to the next is reflected in the movement of gravity from one type to another and that is, reflected in space/energy/matter jumping from one state to another.
What is next?  Just wait...or don't.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 11 The "Black Holes" revisited

Under traditional physics theories, quantum probabilities allow for multiple universe, indeed they suggest that everything that could happen from the beginning of time forward does happen or that it is only prevented by having probabilities collapse into one central probability.  Neither String hologram theory nor the "more sophisticated" non-linear time theory requires this, although String hologram theory would be more likely to cling to it in certain branches.
Traditional physics theories have trouble at the beginning of the universe where relativity breaks down under the collapse of time...where under those theories it doesn't exist.  It hasn't begun.  The minor difference, that it does exist but that it is not non-linear (Einstein's anti-corollary, if you would-anti matter suggested by matter but is the opposite of matter of destroys it so anti-corollary seems an appropriate designation for the idea that everything happens at once when time goes non-linear) allows for an entirely new vision of the universe.
In this NLT universe, we live within a narrow band, a potentially infinite, but narrow band, of times under compression.  While there is much to say that we experience all of compression, who are we to deny the possibility that large amounts of what we call matter cannot compress to make  something less complex (space is suggested by expansion) but it is also possible that something entirely different is happening.
Under this scenario, instead of time going non-linear in black holes, instead of all black holes going somewhere where we cannot follow, you have something quite different happening.
To follow the progression (from the earlier discussions):
1) Time goes non linear from "Substance X" to make space (clock time 1)
2) Space compresses and slows down to make energy and clock time 2 begins;
3) Energy compresses and slows down and clock time 3 begins and then....
4) Matter compresses into black holes and slows down.  Instead of time coiling and becoming non-linear, something magical happens, clock time 4 starts.  Hence what we see and experience as the coiling back of time, might actually be the beginning of clock time 4 with the compression of matter.  We "experience" what energy must experience when it changes to matter and, indeed, what space must experience when it changes to energy.
I am not ready to buy into this theoretical model which would greatly complicate the model and would force us to rethink many of the tenants of NLT, but it does have a certain "i don't know what" to it.  The problem with this type of progression is that gravity is almost clearly the tendency of time to go non-linear.  The answer may be more complicated however.  It is possible that clock time 2 collapses and clock time 3 replaces it when energy compresses to make matter and that clock time 1 collapses and clock time 2 replaces it when space compresses into matter.
With the idea of conservation of dimension and time these shifts make for interesting models, but those will have to covered in later chapters.

DQ 11

"Don," The man in the nice suit said.  The rain had come and he had added his hat and held his hands clasped before him.
Don Q continued raking, as if completely oblivious.
"We are all worried about you.  Even Jen..."
Don Q ignored this and a number of over pleas.  Even the tentative touch on his shoulder failed to get his attention from his raking.
After the conversation was over, the man in the suit shrugged.  He looked to Seventy.  "Is he always like this."
Seventy throught of the strange sculptures that were supposed to be taking shape as motorcycles.  "Not exactly like this senor, sometimes he is worse."
"Do you need anything?"
"No, not that I can think of."
"Will you stay with him?"
"As much as I can Senor.  I have a family you see..."
"I understand, thank you for doing what you can." the man said and turned away.
"How is she?" Don Q said.  The man in the suit froze.  He turned back slowly, but Don was raking and he turned back as if unsure what he had heard.
Then again, "How is she?"
"She is fine, Don.  She might want to hear from you."
"No," he was raking again, "she made the only choice she could.  She does not want to hear from me, but I will not forget her and I will dedicate my life to her memory."
"What does that mean?  Why would you do something as absurd as that?"
There was no reply.
"Don, I need you.  You left a desk full of work that isn't complete, your clients are looking for you."  But he could tell it was wasted effort, Don was raking leaves in the rain and paid him no more attention than if he had been a ghost.

DQ 10-The parade for Don Q

Don Q was outside raking leaves into piles and the wind blew them from the piles back into the yard.
When Seventy Percent asked what he was doing, Don only said "Idle hands are the Devils playthings." and would not come in despite the intermittent drizzle and cold.
Inside Seventy looked at the motorcycles if you could call the collection of parts stacked more than assembled in an almost random pattern as near as he could tell.  Seventy crossed himself.  He would be Pope before anyone convinced him to ride one of these.
Inside the living room beside the candles a few books on motorcycle maintenance had been stacked against the travelogs.  The one open, visible now that SEventy had pulled aside the blackout curtains to let some light into the room was a parts manual, but it seemed to show one of the motorcycles broke into its component parts.  The pages were greasy.  He notice a book, "Walking in the Holy Land" and picked it up and was reading the introduction when there was a loud banging on the door.  'It is the devil himself," Seventy said with a start.  The door was not locked and it flew open.  The 'devil' was a woman wild eyed with a look that stripped Seventy Percent down to his skeleton and left him as naked as the day he was born.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Seventy Percent," he said.
"Seventy...?  Where the hell is Don Q?"
"In the back," Seventy said unable to withhold information and he immediately felt he had betrayed his benefactor, but just that fast she was gone.  The walls seemed to vibrate from the screaming.  Seventy gingerly crossed to the still open door and pushed it partially shut.  He picked up the book but could do nothing more than hug it to his chest.
"What the hell are you doing?" he heard.  He could not hear the answers, but what followed was the loudest, most blasphemes filled harangue he had ever heard, but he was unable to make sense of it.  Later, there was the sound of rubber peeling and he allowed himself a sigh.  When he went back and checked, Don Q was raking leaves as peacefully as ever.
Seventy went back to Walking in the Holy Land.  A more tentative knock.  Seventy was too afraid to answer, but the door, still not fully shut, swung open a bit and a man's voice asked, "Don?"
"It is only me," Seventy said.
"A man, even older than Don Q came into the room in a formal black coat that reached his shins below which was an expensive suit ending in well polished shoes.  "And you are?" he said with a smile.
"P-p...SEventy Percent."
"Well Mr. Percent, that is certainly a strange name."  Before Seventy could explain the main continued, "I suppose from your expression, you have met Jen?"
"The one that left the track marks outside."
"Diablo!" Seventy said before he could catch himself.
"Well, she is capable of being quite professional, but you are not the only one who has used that expression."
"Who is she?"
"She was married to Don Q.  I believe she came looking for something from him, but what it is I would not know.  I hope she did not kill him?"
"No, senor.  She came and...spoke with him then left."
"I'm sorry, I wanted to come first, but..." the man looked down at his hat, "I'm sorry, can you show me where Don is?"
Seventy took the man with the hat into the back yard where what transpired will be told shortly.

Don Q quote

“I feel that life is divided into the horrible and the miserable. That's the two categories. The horrible are like, I don't know, terminal cases, you know, and blind people, crippled. I don't know how they get through life. It's amazing to me. And the miserable is everyone else. So you should be thankful that you're miserable, because that's very lucky, to be miserable.” Woody Allen

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 10 The "Time Bomb" revisited

When we talk about "compression" we are talking about the equivalent of fusion just as the opposite is the equivalent of fission.
So this brings up back to the "practical" aspects of NLT.  NLT is basically a thing now, you don't have to buy into it, but it's pretty much there as a concept.  Say, for example, you want to ignore all the parts that don't fit nicely into a linear time universe, that is you want to ignore Einstein (even though he only indirectly alluded to it) and some of the other "positivists" who are at least willing to look at time as "ending" in black holes (which is so obviously absurd-as much as saying that matter ends when it fissions). NLT is almost the default standard for those who study black holes whether they admit it or call it something else.  You are still stuck with NLT as offering a conceptual framework for the explanation of what happened immediately before everything that is explained by quantum gravity theories, hologram theories, string theories and the like.  Sadly, most of the theoretical scientists are going to fight NLT since its so obvious they have to balk a little bit.  They say "time began" with the big bang which is just silly the same as saying matter begins with fusion although that nonsense analogy isn't as clean.  However, it is only silly in retrospect.  It is now "clear" that time went Non-linear with the big bang.  And this, along with all these other analogies means that some of you are going to start asking, "can you make a bomb out of it?"
Now to start with, the answer is clearly yes.  The big bang is such a bomb.  The problem is that only an idiot would build one since it would destroy just about everything there is more or less.  A discussion of such a weapon is outside the scope of this chapter but the only purpose of such a device would be to commit suicide on a galactic-plus scale.  Instead, the focus of this chapter is on "what" could make such a weapon.  I'm not entirely sure that we have the ability (since we exist in linear time) to take non-linear time and manipulate it.  We do not, for example, even experience space or fully comprehend how it "accelerates" except through the magic of NLT.
So let's start there and see if it takes us a layer back into the onion-and maybe a layer out from the layer we live in.
Energy, as we "know" in NLT, is the expression of space in the first easily experienced form.  The reason that space causes so much damage to matter is because it is moving so fast (in what direction?) that it would necessarily "take your breath away".  The relative speed of space to matter is "theoretically" on a scale at least the square of the speed of light.  It is likely that it could be some multiple of that.  Worse still, it seems to be accelerating in a "direction" that is not entirely clear although it "clearly" moves with the rotation of the universe in terms of coordinate change which is how we measure speed in the linear time universe.  We also can infer (or theorize) that it has a different "time" just as we have to infer that energy has a different time even though we "know" that all times are conserved along with dimensional aspects.
This can be seen in the following manner-take a minute:
1) Acceleration of matter stops clock time 3 (watch time); so deacceleration of Energy (along with compression) starts clock time 3 (watch time or particle time).
2) Ergo (if you would accept ergo as "theoretically" under NLT theroy) acceleration of energy stops clock time two (wave time) so de-acceleration of space (along with compression of space) starts clock time 2.
Are you beginning to see the onion peel?
3) Ergo (sort of) the acceleration of space stops clock time 1 (space time) and the de-acceleration of "SUBSTANCE X" (along with compression of  "SUBSTANCE X") starts clock time 1.
What this suggests is that there may be an infinite number of clock times, all conserved with dimensional changes-how else would NLT be consistent with space time-connected by deacceleration and compression.
This suggests that the "big bang bomb" or BBB is really not much of a weapon in the grand scheme of things and the nuclear weapons that we worry so much about, especially on days like today where it seems possible Russia might start tossing them around just to see if they can get away with it-they can't because they kill everyone.

It is important that we understand the inter-relationship between these different "times", the different manifestations (space, energy, matter, whatever comes after the next slow down of time-oh yes, it can potentially expand in both directions, but then that's another story.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

DQ 9

"Sancho, I'm done working with anyone else, writing for anyone else, acting for anyone else," DQ told Seventy Percent.  He had started calling him Sancho which confused Seventy Percent.
I'm done working with myself either.
"Who are you working with?" Sancho asked.
"I'm working with my machine."  Seventy "Sancho" Percent looked at the collection of parts, some of which seemed assembled at random.  "I am going to forsake everyone.  If I write, it will be for the machine, if I eat, it will be for the machine.  I want you to go with me."
"I don't have a motorcycle."
"There are two of them."
"What did you say?"
"There are two frames, go look if you don't believe me."
"Well, you know they say, 'seeing is believing'."  Sancho went into the room.  "Holy mother of mine!"  There were two.  Of course, neither looked much like a motorcycle.  Seventy was fairly certain that one of the wheels was mounted to the steering column of one of the frames.
Senor," Seventy said, "I do not know how to ride a motorcycle."
"I will teach you.  I will make you famous."
"I don't want to be famous, Senor."
"I will pay you well, I will make you rich."
"how will you make me rich."
"Everyone who goes on a motorcycle on a trip of this type is rich and if we do not make money, I will pay you the equivalent of a year's wage."
"When will you start paying me?"  Up till now Don had only provided money for groceries, although it meant that Seventy Percent could bring some food home. Don seemed to be getting skinnier by the day.  Seventy even felt he might starve to death.  What would people say to him then. "The hungry bird flies south with the coming of winter," he mumbled.
"Yes, Sancho, we will fly with the coming of winter and we will follow the sun."

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 9 clock time attributes

As you will recall from earlier chapters we discussed the fact that time could be looked at as having three separate aspects.  We talked about the first time that governed space, the second time that governed energy and the third that governs matter.
In this way, you must have sufficient compression of of energy to matter to achieve a "slow down" in clock time vs dimension in order to begin clock time 3 which we know as watch time and which slows to zero along a gradient as matter is accelerated back towards the speed of light.
You need, theorized, clock time two sufficiently compressed from space(and presumably slowed down from the speed of light along the clock 2 time gradient) to start clock time 2 which (clock time 2) presumably goes to zero as energy is accelerated to the speed of light along this new gradient.
And last but not least (or maybe least, who knows) is clock time 1 which you get from the compression of space into non-linear time, unless there is something between non-linear time and space but then that's another story.
What that means is that
Clock time 2 would be the time of waves
Clock time 3 would be the time of particles
Clock time 1 would be the time of space
Unless I got the order backwards.  And how weird is that?
and so we start on time compression.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

God, Hell, the zen of NLT

While we will soon get to the question of how we change of space, energy and matter with multiple dimensions which are conserved to get them to combine but we're going to talk for a moment about more of the religious overtones of NLT compared to other theories.
Yes, any of those "big bang" concepts allow for some versions of "creation" but you have to get to Einstein Hologram theory and Non-linear time in order to really get to heaven or hell.
Have you ever had one of those "cringe-worthy moments".  Where you feel if you had to experience it again you would shrivel up like a snail on the salt flats?  My life is pretty much composed of a series of those.
So what is heaven and what is hell in NLT
Imagine a world where everything happens at once.  Not where things are pre-destined, but a place where you live your live over and over again infinitely.  If that isn't rolling a rock uphill, I don't know what is.

DQ 8

Don couldn't find his keys any more.  His sense of unease seemed to be getting worse every day.  He tried to put his finger on the problem, the death of his father, his absence from work, his inability to assemble the motorcycle with its baffling parts, gears, tools, guidebooks, cables and things which he could not identify as parts of this motorcycle or that.
His time was spent between reading the books on motorcycle travels and attempting to maintain some sense of order.  He had made piles of different types of items found around the apartment other than those in the machine room.
Seventy Percent showed up for a couple of hours sporadically, it may have been every day or there may have been large gaps in the time as Don could no longer distinguish one day from the other or even night from day except the days were bright and hurt his eyes and the nights black and forbidding.  He had not left the house in some time.  Seventy Percent brought food, but Don was not even sure whether he had eaten or not.

Monday, March 24, 2014

DQ 7-Enter Seventy Percent

He was covered grease from opening just some of the boxes, more black than tanned.
Don opened the bag and lit another "roach" by candle light and took a hit, the gas from the oils setting off small flares from his fingertips.
A knock on the door.  'I'm hearing things,' he thought.  Again "knock, knock" louder.
The door opens to a gust of wind, the smell of wetness.
"Q?  Is that you?" a voice
Don turns his eyes, glowing in the light of candle.  He says nothing.
"It's me, Seventy Percent," a shadow in the door suggests.  There is a head in the glow of the light.  "Q?"
"Seventy Percent?"
"You're not Q," a little fearful.
"I'm his brother, Don.  Q...Q is dead."  It sounds more like a question from Don.  He feels he is more and more his brother, that he became more and more his brother as he dug deeper into the boxes, as the fumes and reefer unhinged his mind further and further.
"Oh, sorry man, I didn't hear."
"What did you mean, Seventy Percent?"
"That's what Q called me.  He said that I never did more than 70% of anything so he called me 70 percent."
"You did stuff for...Q?"
"Sort of fixed stuff for him.  Hey, can I have a toke off that reefer?"
Don was silent again.  He eyed the books, the scripts.  His brother was calling him to take to the road.  This Seventy Percent, this Sancho Panza was a sign.  He pushed the ash tray towards him.  "I suppose you were paid for what you did?"
"Yeah, he owed me some money," SP breathed in a glow lighting up an honest, but clueless face.  "Hey," he said, in a chocked voice,smoke coming out with each syllable.  "I don't expect to get paid now.  I'm not here to collect money from anyone.  I just hope I have enough gas to get home."
"I have a job for you."
"What?  What's the job."
"Do you know what a squire does?"

Sunday, March 23, 2014

when you'll stop seeing poems

You want to stop seeing poems
and one day you may
you want to have love you way
well we had that chance
and we threw that chance away
maybe instead of the perfect love
we should look at what we have
because for all its failures
we see how strong love be be
whether its done right or wrong
focusing on storybook love
is not focusing on real love
we love this world you and i
and would do a lot to care for earth
would we sacrifice each other for it
and if not do we love it less
you should focus on something else
how long love has lasted
what its like to be together
how strong it is
what we'd do with it
what we suffer without it
but maybe you are right
and maybe we should think
only of a perfect love
done in a perfect way
because aren't we perfect
or are we only in love

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 8 Both sides of the looking glass-space peas

So before we go to compression, maybe we should discuss what is the difference  between Penrose and Hawkings and me.  There is some reason to say, there's no difference, we're saying the same thing differently.
But the truth is that would be unfair to all the string theorists as it would leave them chasing things that aren't there.  Maybe the Hologramists would get there eventually, but they would have to fight through all those strings first.
So let's talk just briefly about these differences.
One is that they say that in black holes time ceases.  You can say this is the same thing, but nothing could be further than the truth in Non-linear time theory.  Yes, your coordinate changes cease, but not time.  At most it goes non-linear or its linearity ceases to affect nearby time the same way.  Non-linearity only means that it can be made linear again and, in theory, this can explain expansion of space.  The idea that time actually ceases in black holes is, according to NLT, a poor choice of wording.
Second, string theorists are constantly trying to deal with space which is like trying to chase the wind, only harder, because space doesn't exist except as coordinate change.  An example is the origin of string theory in the connectivity of the poles of particles which give them spin and motion(energy) and mass are all that string theorists (and all other types of physicists) have to make up matter.  The connect these poles about which rotation can occur with strings which make for nice math models, but the strings themselves are inexplicable.  Yes, you can call them strings or gravitons, but when you try to define them you end up talking field/stretching or reproducing graviton mumbo jumbo that sort of goes away to be replaced with different mumbo jumbo about the interrelationship of time changes in NLT-which is what compression is all about.
But we're not going to talk about compression just yet, we're only talking about differences in this chapter and I think I've talked enough and maybe I'll have to make this into two chapters, or perhaps I will go on.
Another point of interest is the beginning of time.  If everything has already happened without linearity, then questions related to "the beginning of time" need to be rephrased.  Time is a dimension in traditional physics, but in NLT Time is not interchangeable with dimension, instead dimensions are mere manifestations of time.  While the difference is subtle to the point of irrelevancy (NLT doesn't say if you get hit by a bat it won't hurt) the truth is that solving for fundamental physics requires that the approach be done correctly, especially if we are going to manipulate time coordinates to move about the universe without which the whole discussion of space and time is irrelevant over time.

Don Q 6

The next chapter where Don Q works on his new found bike and other droll matters leading up to his transition to insanity following his brother who was without a proper wind.
The hurricane lamp he found was a vast improvement over the candles and he was able to lay out the contents of at least some of the boxes.
Some were so heavy that they had to be dragged across the floor leaving huge gashes in the wood.  One was clearly the bike frame, longer than Don.  Another was the engine, too heavy to do more than unwrap even with the cylinders and cams in different boxes.  He laid it out like a crashed airplane would be laid out by investigators after a crash.  It began to almost look like a motorcycle, but it was so old, the gas can dented.  One of the boxes that wasn't oiled contained a small book with a picture of a motorcycle from world war II, that Don could only assume was the same thing that was laid out on the floor.  Outside, it continued to storm. Another box contained tools, a rubber hammer, wrenches, spare parts, something that he vaguely recalled as being a torque wrench.  There was a strange backpack with a light metal frame, the bottom of the frame cut off leaving open holes for no obvious purpose, a small tent, sleeping bag, military issue mess kit and other camping equipment, some of which seemed familiar, some not.
He found himself outside watching the rain at one point in time, some of the water on his hands beading up with the oil.  He saw a door on the side of the house opened to the outside and remembered standing in the door looking at sunshine a day or two before.  How many days had he been here?  He didn't know.  He had had nothing to eat for some time, but the water was still turned on.  Inside on the table the books and the script were open.
'I am a veteran and an officer of the court,' he thought.  The equivalent of a modern day knight to the extent that anything could make one such a thing.
It is old and beat up thing.  An entire generation out of date.  It looks more like a antique than a road machine, and truly that is what it is.  But what would it be other than a time machine if it was put together.  Many would have looked at the parts and boxes, as many unopened as open, and given up on it as a lost task.  Why didn't he?  He wasn't a mechanic, he wasn't a restorer of antiques.  He had never ridden a motorcycle more than a few miles.  And yet none of this affected him, nor did time.  He was free of time now, as free as his Brother who everyone called Q.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 7 Both sides of the looking glass-space peas

Let's continue with our discussion of the "couple of ways" to approach the universe, "every other way and Non-Linear Time theory."

We have outlined PUG Theory (Perminides Universe Greek) and  CET (Cabal Einstein) and the "GARA" theory most of you might subscribe to.

Let us go a little further: Under NLT, there is not any real space.  This means that "space" can be quantized, but not in terms of existence.  Instead it is quantum non-linearity coordinates.  What we perceived in ancient times (pre-CET) as a medium is not anything and is everything as it were.  That is, it is the same time that creates everything out expressing itself as coordinates, P1, P2, etc.  What we perceive as a "separation" of the quantum fluctuations is nothing more than the changes of quantum times expressed with some linearity.  The "why" is important.  Why do some NLTs stay in proximity while others appear (space expansion) far apart?  These are the real physics questions that survive NLT, although to some extent they are inherent in the theory.  We know, for example, that linearity in different time dimensions and concentrations expresses itself in the tendencies to go non-linear that we perceive as EMT, Gravity and Clock Time.  And this gets us at last to time concentration, but before we go too far into that, let's finish this further analysis.

 Space is just a manifestation of time (theorized), just as energy is a manifestation of space (theorized) and matter a manifestation of energy.  If space is just a manifestation why should it have any rules.  If we want to change them (and we do change them if we can-this is a pre-destination question, we certainly "think" we change them as we use "free will") we need to know why they act the way they do.  Why are their movements so linear.  The supposition is that because they are quantized in nature (one time sequentially changing) it makes sense that it would change in the same fashion except in some situations it appears that it doesn't.

We can look at time changes then as being of two possible types.  One type, most commonly observed being those we observe in everyday "gravitationally affected space" (GAS) that is space that involves more than one changing time coordinate P(x,dy,dz) or P(dx,dy,dz) or P(dx,y,dz).

This compares to what we call "empty space" P(x,y,dz); P(dx,y,z); or P(x,dy,z) if you would.  Empty space may have the ability to have non-relative quantum changes.  The second derivative of time manifests itself as gravity or EMF and there is a good argument for either (the prior being a manifestation of the first derivative of time in the creation of space).  But whatever the manifestation, it has the effect (under this conceptual framework) of encouraging nearby times to change at the same rate which allows for combination.  So are we going to talk about combination at last?

Well, maybe not right away.

If NLT says space is just time going non-linear, and by that we can add it is at least appearing to go non-linear and if we "perceive" this as a three dimensional framework and if there are facets of time (we can't really call them forces because they are not the forces of our universe) which encourage combination, then the forces of our universe are likely reflections or manifestations of those.  So Combination now?

No, not yet.  Space, energy and matter are not things, they are only manifestations of change.
Hence to think of combination, you have to think of changing in the same way and at the same rate.  It sounds like we're ready for combination, but there's more to reconcile first.

Remember, Einstein seemed on the verge of grasping the true nature of things (time), but he was stuck with the idea that "everyone had their own time" which would be similar to saying "every fundamental particle has its own time" which is only true in a universe with space time and discrete "matter" which, sadly, we are not.  He also failed to recognize that it was only change in time that was perceptible or even important to us.  He instead accepted that space-time and its contents were "created" which is contrary to intuitive thinking.  In short, no one stood behind him saying "All glory is fleeting and Parminides figured out that reality was an illusion 2500 years ago."  I on the other hand, have just such a person behind me.  "Quiet, let me think."

We now know several things that Einstein didn't know.  One is that there is conservation of time just as there is conservation of mass and energy, at lease in a closed gravitational system.  Another is that what we "perceive" (and what can kill us) is on the change in time coordinates of a non-linear time.  (one perhaps or more).  We do not "each have our own time" but instead we all have one time with many dimensional facets of change and these facets are conserved.

Ready for compression?  We'll have to wait for the next chapter.

Don Q 5

The next chapter where Don Q finds pot goes crazy, and discovers the terror waiting in the next room and other droll matters leading up to his transition to insanity following his brother who was without a proper wind.

Don awoke in the dark.   It took some time to remember where he was.  The rain still beat on the roof, or perhaps it was a different rain.  Using his phone as a flashlight he found a candle and an old box of wooden matches and started a candle fire.  There were several messages on his phone, all of which he ignored, not even pretending to see who they were from.  How long, he wondered, had it been since he had ignored his phone.
There was a stack of books by the matches and he picked it up and carried it and the candles back to where he sat.  Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, diary of a motorcycle rider in WWI, a marked up script of easy rider and others.  Don looked at the script and wondered who had made the notes.  Perhaps it would be worth something if it was an actual actor's script.  At the top there was, in an unsteady hand, as if the writer had been ill, "Better to travel hopefully than to arrive."  A small bag fell out.  At first, Don thought it contained maggots, but after getting over his initial squeamishness, he realized they were left over marijuana cigarettes.  Medical Marijuana, he thought, although it didn't seem like a prescription bag.
Anything stronger than a glass of wine, certainly a hallucinogen, even a modest one like pot, had always messed with Don's mind more than a normal person.  He had been unable to do drugs as a young man as a result.
He thumbed through the books, this chapter talking about LSD, that one mescalin.  He remembered vaguely something about trying to make synthetic mescalin.  Who knew what they had now.  He thought about the prescription they had tried to press on him for anti-depressants.
There is a noise, something heavy falling and a ripping noise.  Don jerks his feet up.  What should he do, there is stuff everywhere, but nothing like a weapon.  It came from the room with the wet looking boxes.  His heart hammered in his chest as a million dangers came to his mind, zombies, bodies coming alive out of the blood stained boxes, or killer robots, the vampires from his childhood when he'd bend paperclips into crosses to protect himself because his family was jewish and there were no real crosses, monsters, dinasaurs, land sharks.  He pulled the lamp off the table, but was too afraid to reach down to unplug it.  Finally, he settled on a cushion that had a little strap at the back which allowed him to hold it before him.
With the candle in one hand, the cushion in the other he went to the room.
This time his senses were more allert.  He smelled oil.  Killer robots it is, he thought.  He held the candle up and saw where one of the boxes had torn open.  The flicker of the candle made it look like it was moving at first, but standing in the door breathing hard he came to realize that it was still.
Something heavy, dull silver, metallic had spilled out, as if it had decided if Don wasn't going to voluntarily open the boxes, whatever was in them would come to him.

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 6 Both sides of the looking glass-space peas and Universal expansion finding

There are a couple of ways to approach the universe.  Every other way and Non-Linear Time theory.  Now that isn't really fair to the variety of other theories, but many of them fall under NLT (or some derivative thereof like Einstein Hologram Theory and perhaps Biblical creation which I posit is more likely under NLT than the big bang or its progeny, not that there isn't a big bang in NLT, it's just a different big bang).

I will now, in advance of a bunch of other things, layout a framework for this.
First, we'll start with pre-NLT and Post PUG Theory (described below in more detail).  This is the "mistaken" theory of the universe dating from roughly 2500 years ago to say three years ago.
 NLT occupied by the "cabal" and such worthies as Einstein who laid the groundwork for NLT (Einstein and to a lesser extent the cabal).  We'll call this Cabal Einstein theory (CET)
In this theory there is something for the big bang to expand into.  Now not all versions of this allow for space outside the observed universe, but they don't explain what's out there (nothing under NLT theory since there is no "out there") or if they do explain it, the do it with a lot of mumbo jumbo that describes a certain something other than our space out there.  One of my favorites, before NLT was another type of space which was "eaten up" by our space moving into it just as we might be eaten up by some other type of space.  Makes for a good science fiction story, but pretty unsatisfying considering what actually was found out.  It's like believing your whole life that moon is made up of precious resources and a launchpad to the rest of the solar system only to discover one day that it's only cheese.  And of course, you don't need a launch pad under NLT to get anywhere else in the universe, but that's an earlier chapter.
Further, under the more developed theories, "space" bends.  This brilliant interpretation of the data almost seems like an intentional red herring.  You have to think, in light of some of the other writings that Einstein was just trying to see if he could fool everyone else...but why?
And, of course, under CET you have to ask questions like why does space bend, how come you don't have unified fields, why does matter and energy interchange, etc and most people just accept that blindly.  Also, these theories don't explain why a type of god is possible (not that one exists, but at least you want a basis for one in your physics if you're not going purely on faith which is ok too if you're into that kind of analysis), how to deal with the clear evidence that the universe is an "illusion" (given infinite series and the like) that PUG Theory dictates (see below) and a lot of other stuff that CETs apparently don't give a "rat's ass" about (to use the greek term).
Under NLT, there is not any real space.  Now I know, the purist among my readers are saying that this is just Perminides Universe Greek Universe Theory )PUG Theory (I had to rearrange the letters to give it a cute acronym); but they didn't have relativity, astronomy or String Hologram Theory to work with so their pitch was a little low (or at least what survives of it) even though its basically correct.  If someone wants to argue my Nobel Prize should go to some dead Greek guys, I'd just point out that I don't have a Nobel Prize to give.  The fact that I'd never heard of any of the pre-socratic philosophers is only because the education system in this country is down the tubes and apparently has been for years, but that's another blog.  Fortunately, my critics are smarter than I am.
Anyway, not any real space...Instead space is just a manifestation of time (theorized), just as energy is a manifestation of space (theorized) and matter a manifestation of energy (proven, sort of-at least we can blow up other time manifestations with the theory).  So what's the difference?  Well, in Einstein and earlier theories (going back to Zeno/Perminides where they get closer back to NLT) "space time" is presumed to exist.  While there is massive speculation of what "space is" and while Einsteinian and even Z/P misconstrued it (leaving the door wide open for NLT to fill this void) you still had "space-time" of some sort, something real after Z/P, something more like NLT before, but not specified.
NLT fills the void, by telling exactly what space is. Space is just time going non-linear or at least appearing to go non-linear.  More on this in the next chapter.

Friday, March 21, 2014

broke again chapter 4 Don Q

Money has no value.  Peace of mind is worth more than a dollar.  Being poor and doing the right things is worth more than being rich and doing the wrong things.  Perhaps not as much fun, but worth more.  So I develop something new, perhaps something worthwhile, I look for the right way to share my love, I do what it takes to make myself rich again but to what purpose?
Its better to be broke than rich, far better.  The rich have to constantly be on guard.  everyone is after their money and nothing is too horrible to separate them from it.  Theft, riot, kidnapping, murder, even seduction!  There is, of course, an uncomfortable place, even worse, between busted and rich where there is just enough that you have to hold onto it but you don't have enough so that you know you will fail. 
But being broke, ahhh that's where peace of mind is.  but you have to be truly busted.  it is not a matter of being naked only a state of mind.  there is nowhere to go but up.  you have plumbed the bottomless depths and have found... the bottom!
Don opened the strange door with the strange key and entered.  It was dark and musty.  The light switch was of no effect.  How long had this place been without power.  He loosened his tie and sat heavily on the overstuffed couch.  A morner's kadish pamphlet fell out of his pocket.  How much had he failed to appreciate his brother before his death.  And now there was nothing but this old house and the life insurance which had been payable to Don.  His brother who he had not seen in so many years, who had died alone, eaten with cancer, leaving behind this legacy.
Don had taken a leave of absence, unspecified as he thought of what his loss was, and how little the money now meant to him.  He had never felt more alone or more broken.
His brother had had nothing, but in his death he had provided for his brother.
The floor was strewn with the diatrius of a batchelor who lived without the influence of women.  Clothes, and teh like, but surprisingly, no evidence of food.  But of course he had not been able to eat with the cancer.  So he had slowly wasted away alone here while Don had lived in his uptown flat.
WEll, at least tehre was a little bit of yard in back, perhaps when it was warm...he could have sat there.
But how did yo uget to the back?  He followed the hallway, and spotted some greasy boxes.  Not just one or two, but several.  Adn there were some that were not greasy at all.  He pondered these for a moment, in the dark there was something forbidding, almost frightening about them and Don retreated back..
He went to the door, sure he would leave, but the sky had turned black and a blinding rain began to fall.
He sat on the couch, eyeying the doorway that led to the strange boxes.  He would rest, the thought and then the rain lulled and despite his fear he fell asleep.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

A set of quotes-1 Don Q

For the updated version of don-q.  As a matter of fact, that's the name I'll use.  Don-Q.  Stay tuned for the first chapter.  Which of us does not have the blood of a knight errant flowing in our veins.  Prepare as I open the artery and let it flow out.  It will be the biography of a poet-scientist trapped in a world where the insane are not appreciated for what they bring to the world, please go there with me.

original quote:  Everything comes with a price and the more valuable it is and the longer you have it without consequence the more expensive the cost.

a german proverb:  Too soon old, too late smart

insouciance-relaxed calm feeling; feeling of not worried about anything.  Yeah, right.

Nat King ColeThe greatest thing you ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

William Makepeace ThackerayIt is best to love wisely, no doubt; but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all.

SocratesThe hottest love has the coldest end.

Henry DrummondYou will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.

Thomas MooreBut there's nothing half so sweet in life
As love's young dream.

George MooreThe hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough.

William ShakespeareIf love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking you and beat love down.

Sigmund FreudWe are never so helplessly unhappy as when we lose love.

"If one does not know to which port he is sailing, no wind is favorable."  Seneca

I think when it was told to me, it was, "No wind is a bad wind if you don't know which port you are sailing to."  Both mean something similar, but not the same, very curious.

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan. John F. Kennedy

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 5 Both sides of the looking glass-space peas

So, we've now established a number of parameters and equivalents on each side of the looking glass even though their order is somewhat confused because what is one way to us, is pretty much the opposite to god.  We live in a linear universe, but God, at least according to Einstein (don't call me the heretic, I only work here) God lives in a universe where everything happens at once.
P1 and P2 are what we want to look at.
First, we're going to pull them into our universe, but only with one dimension for the sake of your sanity.  Mine can't participate.
P1=(D(x(ct1,ct2,ct3)dt) where the rate of change (dt) of ct3>0.  some forces exist, either watch time, gravity or the electromagnetic forces, but not all 3.  P2 is defined the same way but x is different, otherwise they would occupy the same space and since, in theory, a single god time must make all P's it would be the same P (all the peas in the universe come from a place where there is no dimensional or time separation of necessity so therefore we should presume there is only one source of everything, it's what the bible says, after all, so don't blame me, blame Moses).
We know we need to have heavy concentrations (c^2) of these "space peas" which means that the juxtaposition of the x(s) must be close.  They all start without dimension so this is not unlikely.  Where else are they going to expand to but right next to one another?  Later in the universe as the amount of "gravity" increases, the forces required to allow time to go non-linear move outward into "empty" space; but that doesn't really affect us here because we are, after all, ignoring all the other dimensions.  Further, we don't want a lot of gravity concentrated here since that would tend to prevent any remaining time from going non-linear, so we might think that CT1 is still changing at a rate of zero if that is associated with gravity.
Space peas form in abundance in this theoretical environment until there are enough of them to combine to allow clock time 2 to go linear (the wood has started to smoke, according to the prior analogy).  Not P1=D(x,(ct1,ct2,ct3)dt) where the rate of change of ct3 and ct2>0 but we also know that P1(x)=P2(x) plus some small "quantum" change which necessarily has to be very small or else they won't combine.  Otherwise, the whole universe would fold into itself and time would go non-linear in its entirely.
Now we have to pause and get philosophical.  We have said that time is ct1 but we only see it when wehave gone the next step in the process and taken energy down to sub-light speeds by combination of matter.
What this tells us is that we see things incorrectly, backwards as it were.  Clock time 1 really is clock time 1 even though from human perspective the numbering seems backwards.
We have discussed how quantities (compression) using the speed of light squared separate space, energy and mass sequentially.  It is observed that speeds slow by a factor of the speed of light when you separate mass with time from energy without time, so why shouldn't space be moving at a similar speed shift, at a speed greater than the speed of light by the speed of light?
If you are trapped in relativity, you cannot escape the trap to do this.  But Non-linear time theory is not restricted.  In fact, it contemplates and we observe movement over universe size distances instantly in two cases: 1) all black holes going to the same place despite separation and 2) in the creation of space (expansion).  How is this possible in a universe governed by relativity?  It's not, but that's the Stanford/Cern view of the universe.  God's view is a little different.  If clock time 1 doesn't exist at the point where space exists, (no clock time 2 or clock time 1) then it can move at any speed that it wants (miles/hour where hours go to zero means the speed goes towards infinity).  The existence of a higher degree of non-linearity means that it can move independent of space and its speed may be even greater than the speed of light.  The question this raises, however, is whether there is a speed limit or not.
We argue that space concentrates and posit that the quantities are related to the quantities of energy necessary to create matter.  But if the speed is approaching infinity, the the quantities should also approach infinity.  The alternative, however is a little confusing but you see it in cases where time goes non-linear.  In this case, you literally see time going non linear, towards zero, and therefore you have apparent speed (Perminides and Zeno argue that speed and movement is nothing more than an illusion) go towards infinity and EHT/SHT and NLT theories all allow for this.  The formula looks something like this:
P1=D(x(ct1,ct2,ct3)dt); ct1 and ct2=zero and the formula (D) for P1-movement of the point so it is visible- would involve F* 1/(1-ct3)dt as ct3 approaches 1 and F is a formula describing the other features of time change.  You see this at black holes (see prior chapters) where time goes non-linear as matter drops out of the universe but never completely leaves the universe (thereby allowing for the gravity of black holes to increase as matter "falls" into them.  Black holes have different gravity and this means either (1) time cannot go completely non-linear or (2) that it hasn't gone non-linear yet because it's a gradual movement (infinite series gradual-going half way across the street than half way again type) but will actually go there in parts which is theorized in space expansion.
But we need to cover compression, isn't that what this series is about?  Well, there's always chapter 6

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

China takes the high road as usual in Crimea

Why does our country insist on throwing our weight around the world, forcing our values on others when the real war has nothing to do with preventing the majority of a population from doing what it wants?
Perhaps part of the reason is that our corrupted government fears that it will face a united republic which will put them where they belong.

The Chinese have it figured out, or at least Sina Weibo does: "Morality and justice are bu****it. Power is truth; that's just the way international affairs work."

What this says is that Russia knows what is true, the US wants to change the Truth.  The Chinese have historically known how to play the parties arguing over truth while they take the real power, therefore the real truth, from both.

Now before you accuse me of being a "Ruskie sympathizer"  I do know what happened in WWII.  If you give a Nazi a cookie, is the phrase that comes to mind.  And don't I know that Putin has cast lovingly a longing gaze towards the old soviet union.  To be sure he probably thinks he could be the next Alexander, I seriously doubt he'd want to be known as Stalin or Lenin come back from the grave.

And of course even the Chinese know better than to want to turn Europe into a nuclear slag pile, since then they'd be the kings of nothing.  So where's the morale in this story?  If the usa was still the arsenal of democracy (i.e. if we hadn't outsourced everything we make to China due to our corrupted government and overcentralization and the failure to defend against a highly weaponized economy) then we would have power in this situation (and hence a greater command of Weibo's truth).  If we could figure out how to uncentralize things we could create localized power within the communities (countries) around the USSR, if we weren't so blasted stupid and self centered, we could provide a better government role model that focused on what we need to keep the planet habitable till we can figure out a way to get off this time bomb (but that would take us to non-linear time theory which is a different topic entirely) but unfortunately, none of those things occur so perhaps the failure of those things to exist is the morale.

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 4 Through the looking glass

Since we are a mirror image world, to understand what is happening, we have to step through the looking glass and make ourselves cognizant of god's view of things.  In the process we will discuss what "component x" might be.
Time 1 goes non-linear, Component x, Time 2 goes non-linear, Gravity, Time 3 goes non-linear, clock time.  The equivalent for stone age man would be piling up wood (component x), heat added yielding smoke (gravity), critical heat and flame occurs (time).  While the Newtonian guys at Stanford and the Cern are seeing increasing order, Einstein hinted that we are seeing the burning of time.
Once we see that everything we see as "concentration" is actually the opposite, it makes more/less sense.  We can talk this way because we are, after all, through the looking glass.
To see the whole burning thing, we go to our equation and see how different times burn depending on PT1 and PT2 being increasingly associated, a type of "fusion".  In terms of concentration, we have non-linear time getting less concentrated while linear time is getting more concentrated, which is to say that the coordinates of time (x, y and z) as they change are more closely linked by the tendency of time to go from non-linear to linear.
Now let's look at the forces that necessarily must be linked to Clock time 3, electromagnetic forces.  Here things get a little dicey since this allows that the tendency of CT3 to go non-linear produces electromagnetic forces which, from inside the looking glass, means that electro magnetic forces are the tendency of clock time 3 to go non-linear.   The argument of whether gravity and electromagnetic forces are tied to (respectively) clock time 2 and clock time 3 or clock time 3 and clock time 2 is far from a purely theoretical one.
Either is equally likely and, fortunately, equally measurable.
If space has gravity (one potential explanation for dark matter, it being necessarily (in theory) concentrated along a factor of 1/(c)^2 as dense as energy or 1/(c)^4 as matter; then we should infer (as observed) that clock time 3 creates the gravitational force and clock time 2 the electromagnetic force.  This appears to be the case since energy reflects the electromagnetic force.
However, if space does not have gravity, even dilute as this would show, then gravity must come from clock time 2 meaning that electromagnetic forces must be able to exist in empty space.  While counter-intuitive, it is not impossible.  Energy, for example, lives in clock time 3 (relative to matter) even though it doesn't "experience" clock time 3 because at light speeds clock time 3 is non-linear (watch time doesn't change).  The reason is that clock time 3 exists whether it is linear or not, it just exists without being linear.  What's more, as we accelerate matter towards the speed of light, thereby eliminating clock time 3, it never really ceases to be experienced completely until the conversion to energy.  Hence, electro-magnetism as a force is possible without an effect if there is nothing for it to have an effect on just as clock time as a force exists notwithstanding the fact it doesn't change in energy.
This, of course, leaves open the idea that all the "forces" are confused, for example, clock time may be associated with what has been called clock time 3 and electromagnetic forces with clock time 1.  While we intuitively observe the opposite, from the other side of the looking glass, just the opposite is likely since what we call concentration of matter, god sees this same process as the "burning" of non-linear time.
You may not like a universe that starts with electromagnetic energy before there are electrons to carry it, but the bible does have light coming into things pretty early in the process, but without watch time, it would not have an effect even though it could exist so this is structurally sound from the other side of the looking glass.
What a mess, you say, and we haven't even gotten to the compression of of time.  Well, read on.

Monday, March 17, 2014


Why do flowers come
in so many colors
wouldn't one color
be more than enough

why does life come
with so many flavors
happiness and sadness
hope and futility

life together
is a collision of feelings
some beautiful
and some dark

what is ugly to one
is lovely to another
shouldn't we accept
each others favorites

if i gave you only one rose
wouldn't you miss the others
or would it be enough
that it came from me

all of the colors
the ones we like
and the ones we don't
make our common garden

and love is taking my gifts
and giving me yours
and liking them both
because they are shared

Expansion, the new evidence of gravity waves and misinterpreting data
This is a fun article insofar as it goes, which is nowhere.  I dare say that I'm not right about my theories, but since they are my theories, I look on all this (from my relativistic pedestal) as so much balderdash and self back scratching, something that makes my blood boil, if only because these scientists and their literary toadies would say such outlandish things about so much based on something technologically extraordinary, but theoretically less than the proof that gravity curves light.
It doesn't help that faster than light expansion was covered some days ago in this self same blog not only as something which occurred 14 billion years ago (give or take a few zillion hours) but occurred just now, yesterday and tomorrow and with a scientific basis that, were I inclined to write quicker would have come out even before this from another perspective in my entries on the looking glass.  But I am forced to digress as the "Stanford Cabal" have taken their admittedly clever observations and instead of pointing out that it is entirely consistent with non-linear time theory, are using it to attempt to bolster their antiquated ideas of the universe.
In this regard it is important to note that even their periodical toting toadies say they only go back to .0000(some additional zeros)1 to the beginning of the universe and how mysterious it is before that when I can go back a complete layer of the onion.
And nothing in this article "explains why we are here" as the article would have us accept.  It doesn't explain why time goes non-linear, it just says, oh look, gravity "waves" and "space expanding faster than the speed of light which is ok, but why is it ok?  Even Non Linear Time admits that while it explains these things, it only does so by creating questions about what the environment of non linearlity is.
These observations merely show that something happened, hardly does the sight of something explain why it exists.  Now I am so full of self righteous self righteousness that I dare say that I am tempted to take my chapters from the other side of the looking glass (yes, the OTHER SIDE) and just delete them.  Oh, but wouldn't the cabal love that, so they could relish in their unexplained space expansion which their toadies say is explained, the higgs bosons which don't exist because there is no gravity carrier, gravity being only one of the three tendencies of time to go non-linear (yes, one of three, why on earth I waste my time telling you about other two and how they look from the other side of the looking glass is beyond me because my ramblings are lost among the nonsense that the common scientific rabble spout out all over the internet.
That isn't to say that there wasn't expansion, at least apparent if not actual, but to add insult to injury, these technological buffoons spout the buffonery about how amazing it is that 200 years of scientific exploration could yield "these amazing results" when 2500 years ago before alternating current and without even the most primitive (not to mention something as evolved as the telescopes used to observe these disruptions) was even invented, the ancient Greeks had figured out it was all an illusion.
There are, so many misstatements and misconceptions in these articles that it is difficult to find a grain of something worthwhile in them, the grain being that they were prognoticated and turned out to exist (like the curvature of light by gravity)...but, of course, my complaints are only according to non-linear time theory.  From the Cabal's point of view, it's all terribly consistent as they continue to insist they have evidence of particles that don't exist and, I have to give them this, they admit to quantum gravity; although they are "baffled as to why it is quantum and not otherwise" except that they have this wonderful "higgs boson" which is all around but impossible to find.  Of course in NLT, quantum this and that is easy to understand since everything can come from a single nlt and therefore is quantized of necessity, but Lord forbid (the lord also being at least potentially defined by NLT) they'd give credit to NLT which explains all of this when they have all their multi-dimensional explanations that are convoluted that the defy the principle that things should be as simple as the can be and no more complicated than they need to be because then, of course, they'd have to let me speak at one of their afternoon teas which would certainly upset the tea cart.
But I ramble on...

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 3 looking into the looking glass

Before going further, let's recall that ct1-ct3 are just different aspects of clock time.  Clock time manifests itself differently in concentrations.  That is clock time 3 is what we call watch time at the highest concentrations, clock time 2 we're associating with gravity (which is, after all, the tendency of all clock times to go to zero) and clock time 3 we're associating with "component x" which we're going to make a lot less mysterious by one theory shortly.  That is, clock time manifests itself differently in different concentrations, but we're still assuming they are all clock time.
When we left off we were left with this problem:
We know that x, y and z "start" with ct2 and ct3 changes being essentially zero, that is no change but that space appears to occupy some location so that x, y and z must exist even though we can't see them in terms of gravity and time but only "component x" which necessarily is interchangeable with gravity and watch time.  In order to understand this better, you have to look at gravity and watch time for what they are and what they are not.  In newtonian/relativistic space we see them as "things", but what they are in non-linear time, is the destruction of non-linearity along various lines of clock time.  This is better understood from an examination of "compression" which is another way of saying, time coordinates changing at the same rate in terms of coordinates which is another way of saying its going non-linear at the same time coordinate changes.
So with space you end up with something like this:
Pt1=d(x(ct1,0,0), y(ct1,0,0), z(ct1,0,0)dt) and a similar equation for PT2 where pt stands for point.
Strange things begin to happen, however, as PT1 approaches PT2 in terms of "equality".  CT1 "breaks into" CT2 at one level and into CT2 AND CT3 at another level of combined coordinate change.  Again, this is an "approach" question and not an identity question although as they approach the "break up" of CT1 to CT1 and CT2 is offset by the tendency to combine back into CT1 alone and this tendency is manifest as gravity just as later the tendency to combine CT2 and CT3 back together will be manifest as watch time.
The other problems we have with Stanford and the Cern will have to wait while we solve all the fundamental physical conflicts they have.
You can think of this as happening backwards to get a better understanding.  Non-linear time is "concentrated" in that ct1,ct2 and ct3 are equal to zero.  An explosion occurs and ct1 goes from zero to some other unit so that x,y and z now have a single component of change.  An interchangeable "component x" is created which is interchangeable with clock time and gravity and therefore is a manifestation of CT1 to go non-linear.  A second explosion happens and energy is created along with gravity as we know it.  This "explosion" is seen by us as a mirror image.  That is, we see contraction (concentration of space to form energy, concentration of energy to form matter) whereas in terms on non-linearity, just the opposite is happening, things are going from concentrated time to linear time.  This is a fundamental flaw in Newtonian, relativistic, string approach to the universe which is painfully primitive.
To discuss how this compression in our universe and decompression of time occurs, we have to wait for the next chapter and we have to step through the looking glass.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 2 - Approach to the looking glass

We now move on to discuss how "compression" is created in order to give rise to different aspects of matter, in this case "gravity" and "time" which will be shown to be separate sides of the same coin as it were.
in order to do this, we'll return to the equation:
P1=D(x(ct1,ct2,ct3), y(ct1,ct2,ct3),z(ct1,ct2,ct3))dt) with P2 being similarly defined.  We can add to this that a single non-linear time gives rise to both in order to enhance the understanding of the process which leads to a true "god" particle since all thought is concentrated without dimension or time separation in non-linear space.  You can have, in this analysis, more positional coordinates since the number do not change the features and it is easy to discuss aspects of this that involve multiple additional dimensions without affecting the underlying equation which yield, if available, self determination and the consequent "large quantum averaging" which refers to the fact that we can do whatever we want in our little space of the universe as long as the overall universe is not affected (another chapter, I'm afraid, for those of you who want to think you can turn left or right according to whim as opposed to what Einstein says has already happened-blame him, not me or if you really want to get classical, blame Perminides).
You don't need dt1,dt2 and dt3 since ct1, ct2 and ct3 are assumed to be the same thing just as we know that ct3 is experienced as watch time and ct2 experienced as gravity or at least one element of gravity and that these, like ct2 and ct3 are interchangeable.
We know that x, y and z "start" with ct2 and ct3 changes being essentially zero, that is no change but that space appears to occupy some location so that x, y and z must exist even though we can't see them in terms of gravity and time but only "component x" which necessarily is interchangeable with gravity and watch time.  In order to understand this better, you have to look at gravity and watch time for what they are and what they are not.  In newtonian/relativistic space we see them as "things", but what they are in non-linear time, is the destruction of non-linearity along various lines of clock time.  This is better understood from an examination of "compression" which is another way of saying, time coordinates changing at the same rate in terms of coordinates which is another way of saying its going non-linear at the same time coordinate changes.
So with space you end up with something like this:
Pt1=d(x(ct1,0,0), y(ct1,0,0), z(ct1,0,0)dt) and a similar equation for PT2 where pt stands for point.
Strange things begin to happen, however, as PT1 approaches PT2 in terms of "equality".  CT1 "breaks into" CT2 at one level and into CT2 AND CT3 at another level of combined coordinate change.  Again, this is an "approach" question and not an identity question although as they approach the "break up" of CT1 to CT1 and CT2 is offset by the tendency to combine back into CT1 alone and this tendency is manifest as gravity just as later the tendency to combine CT2 and CT3 back together will be manifest as watch time.
Interested yet?  Read on in Chapter 3.

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 1

One of the problems with trying to understand non-linear time theory from a newtonian point of view (or even a string or relativistic point of view) comes from the fact that we want to look at time as concentrated which we observe but which is not the case.
Despite several entries covering this, the remains a great deal of unnecessary confusion on this point.  Mathematically, the confusion can be addressed even if it isn't addressed in any other way.  in order to do this, several assumptions will be made.  The first is that there are 3 clock times (as discussed previously, one gives rise to matter, one to energy and one to space as the time is "concentrated").  It will be further assumed for purposes of allowing this to be understood (not because it is rational) that each of the clock times has 3 coordinates (the use of 6 coordinates would also be possible, but is unnecessary to explain this feature of Non-linear time.
Therefore, for these two points you get something like this using newtonial concepts:
P1=D(CT1(x,y,z)+CT2(x,y,z)+CT3(x,y,z))dt.  P2 would be described the same way.
However a "better" equation might be P1=D(x(ct1,ct2,ct3), y(ct1,ct2,ct3),z(ct1,ct2,ct3))dt because what's really happening is that all you have is clock time and the dimensional aspects are the consequence of the changing of clock times which is non-newtonial, non-relativistic, non-string; but still Einsteinian, somehow.
In order to understand this equation, you will see that D is an equation which is based on the "change" in time, such as integrating the point from an initial clock time to a final clock time.
Several features of this equation serve to define it.
First, there is a conservation of change.  Clock time changes are conserved with changes in dimensional coordinates.  If you change your x,y, z coordinates fast enough, for example, clock time 3 goes to zero.  It also appears that clock times are conserved relative to one another which leads to the assumption that:
Second, Clock times interchange with one another along a factor a the speed of light squared, at least between clock time 2 and clock time 3.  This means that when you go from energy to matter, you require a tremendous (by our newtonian standards) amount of clock time 2.  For similar reasons, "space" seems empty because of the huge amounts of clock time 1 which are necessary in order to form clock time 2, presumably along the same ration, but a discussion of how much is required is a separate chapter in and of itself.
Third, the "visibility" in newtonian space or relativistic space of clock time is defined by change.  If the coordinates are not changing, we don't see it.
Fourth, in the absence of clock time 1 and 2, it is likely that "instantaneous" movement around the universe is possible.  This is observed at two, possibly related points.  First, in black holes where clock times 2 and 3 g to zero with the results that (a) before they hit zero they are ejected as high speed energy, (b) theoretically in the expansion of space outside of gravity wells we see the instantaneous movement of space to expand space.
Fifth, with clock time 2 and 3, coordinate change is linear, there is not instantaneous movement, which leads to the corrollary that dimensional coordinates are not changing with clock time 1 but are instead "fixed" which reduces the visibility as noted above.  For purposes of instantaneous travel about the universe, this means that you have to eliminate clock time 2 and 3 in order to have this type of movement, but once you do you can move about the grid with relative long as you aren't planning on coming up near any gravitational field.
Sixth, since gravity is the tendency of time to go non-linear, it stands to reason that watch time is the tendency of clock time 3 to go to zero and that is is, therefore, equivalent to gravity or, if you would, that gravity is equivalent to clock time 3.  This, of course, is inherent in the formulation of gravity which is, after all, an acceleration which is coordinate change.
Seventh, All three clock times are part of a single clock time just as all dimensional coordinates are part of a single aspect of all three clock times.  Other aspects of the equation will be covered as we continue on with this discussion.
For the compression of clock time 1 to yield clock time 2 (and therefore energy) and the compression of clock time 2 to yield clock time 3 (and therefore matter) two things occur.  In the first case (ct1 to ct2) you have to establish "linear" coordinate change (x,y,z must change "together" and in "proximity" to one another or you cannot get "concentration".  You don't have this when clock time 2 and clock time 3 are zero.  Clock time 1 apparently allows for a near random movement to locations where there is "no pre-existing clock time 2).  This suggests, that gravity is a function of clock time 2, although there must be some interchangeable quality defining the linearity of clock time 1 which yields some gravitational component.
This feature can be described as CT1-non linear time along one "time line" yields "component x", CT-2 yields gravity (as a time feature), CT-3 yields watch time.  It is noteworthy, that CT1, 2 and 3 exist in all phases of clock time (otherwise energy would be invisible and space would drop out of the universe), the key element being that they cease to change at certain dispersal (as opposed to concentrations where they appear).
The Zeno/Perminides theoretical, says this is based on the illusory nature of the universe.  It is less about illusion, however, and more about the nature of time.  We are not an illusion, so much as we are a manifestation of time going non-linear which is the Einstein prediction.
Now that we have a framework, we can move on to how these time coordinates get progressively closer together and why this allows for the different clock times to go from zero change to a positive change, but that is the subject of the next chapter.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Chicago across the lake

It is easier to love
when there is no sex
impossible to love
when there is no desire

it is possible to love
forever without coupling
a frustrating affair at best
friends bound but unfulfilled 

to what end is love
without satisfaction
to what end life
without fulfillment

I am your friend
you are my lover
we stand apart
to protect each other

Love me fully
satisfy me now
there is no tomorrow
for the passion of the night