
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

God, Hell, the zen of NLT

While we will soon get to the question of how we change of space, energy and matter with multiple dimensions which are conserved to get them to combine but we're going to talk for a moment about more of the religious overtones of NLT compared to other theories.
Yes, any of those "big bang" concepts allow for some versions of "creation" but you have to get to Einstein Hologram theory and Non-linear time in order to really get to heaven or hell.
Have you ever had one of those "cringe-worthy moments".  Where you feel if you had to experience it again you would shrivel up like a snail on the salt flats?  My life is pretty much composed of a series of those.
So what is heaven and what is hell in NLT
Imagine a world where everything happens at once.  Not where things are pre-destined, but a place where you live your live over and over again infinitely.  If that isn't rolling a rock uphill, I don't know what is.

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