
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

China takes the high road as usual in Crimea

Why does our country insist on throwing our weight around the world, forcing our values on others when the real war has nothing to do with preventing the majority of a population from doing what it wants?
Perhaps part of the reason is that our corrupted government fears that it will face a united republic which will put them where they belong.

The Chinese have it figured out, or at least Sina Weibo does: "Morality and justice are bu****it. Power is truth; that's just the way international affairs work."

What this says is that Russia knows what is true, the US wants to change the Truth.  The Chinese have historically known how to play the parties arguing over truth while they take the real power, therefore the real truth, from both.

Now before you accuse me of being a "Ruskie sympathizer"  I do know what happened in WWII.  If you give a Nazi a cookie, is the phrase that comes to mind.  And don't I know that Putin has cast lovingly a longing gaze towards the old soviet union.  To be sure he probably thinks he could be the next Alexander, I seriously doubt he'd want to be known as Stalin or Lenin come back from the grave.

And of course even the Chinese know better than to want to turn Europe into a nuclear slag pile, since then they'd be the kings of nothing.  So where's the morale in this story?  If the usa was still the arsenal of democracy (i.e. if we hadn't outsourced everything we make to China due to our corrupted government and overcentralization and the failure to defend against a highly weaponized economy) then we would have power in this situation (and hence a greater command of Weibo's truth).  If we could figure out how to uncentralize things we could create localized power within the communities (countries) around the USSR, if we weren't so blasted stupid and self centered, we could provide a better government role model that focused on what we need to keep the planet habitable till we can figure out a way to get off this time bomb (but that would take us to non-linear time theory which is a different topic entirely) but unfortunately, none of those things occur so perhaps the failure of those things to exist is the morale.

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