
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Solutions to the internet-China's weaponized economy
These are ideas not answers, like the Walmart offer to sell more products made in America.  These are recognition of the problem but they are not answers.  The answers must be as flexible and changing as the problems which will always evolve faster than our ability to address them.  while an examination of the long, medium and short term consequences might increase the chances that the answer is a good one it is unlikely they will make a dent but it is the curse of humanity to feel they need to try, the noble mind cannot surrender.
Band aid approaches to epic disasters to the overall economy like the internet and big box stores and china's weaponized economy and the corrupt government our system of entitlement which created it will not work, nor will static solutions provide permanent solutions.

Our society can learn a lot from the individual.  Just as an individual should "respect yourself so you can better respect others" so the society should be something we respect as a reflection of us so that other countries can respect us.  If you don't respect where our country politically and economically are going, no one else would and the requirement for change remains until or unless that condition is met.

For a long time we have relied on a fiction, that our system can be the best and be static.  That is wrong unless our system is flexible and static and flexible are not the strengths of our system.  Figuring out what parts are strengths and what are weaknesses are very difficult and dangerous, perhaps not so dangerous that we should let our system collapse under its own weight.

Our system became less Greek as it shifted from a republic of autonomous to a single government with semi-autonomous states during the civil war, a system which has become increasingly dominant and is reflected by the career politician system which we now experience which is a small step from an imperial government, i.e. the final form of the Greek system reflected by imperial Rome and today by Putin's Russia, perhaps.

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