
Thursday, March 27, 2014

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 10 The "Time Bomb" revisited

When we talk about "compression" we are talking about the equivalent of fusion just as the opposite is the equivalent of fission.
So this brings up back to the "practical" aspects of NLT.  NLT is basically a thing now, you don't have to buy into it, but it's pretty much there as a concept.  Say, for example, you want to ignore all the parts that don't fit nicely into a linear time universe, that is you want to ignore Einstein (even though he only indirectly alluded to it) and some of the other "positivists" who are at least willing to look at time as "ending" in black holes (which is so obviously absurd-as much as saying that matter ends when it fissions). NLT is almost the default standard for those who study black holes whether they admit it or call it something else.  You are still stuck with NLT as offering a conceptual framework for the explanation of what happened immediately before everything that is explained by quantum gravity theories, hologram theories, string theories and the like.  Sadly, most of the theoretical scientists are going to fight NLT since its so obvious they have to balk a little bit.  They say "time began" with the big bang which is just silly the same as saying matter begins with fusion although that nonsense analogy isn't as clean.  However, it is only silly in retrospect.  It is now "clear" that time went Non-linear with the big bang.  And this, along with all these other analogies means that some of you are going to start asking, "can you make a bomb out of it?"
Now to start with, the answer is clearly yes.  The big bang is such a bomb.  The problem is that only an idiot would build one since it would destroy just about everything there is more or less.  A discussion of such a weapon is outside the scope of this chapter but the only purpose of such a device would be to commit suicide on a galactic-plus scale.  Instead, the focus of this chapter is on "what" could make such a weapon.  I'm not entirely sure that we have the ability (since we exist in linear time) to take non-linear time and manipulate it.  We do not, for example, even experience space or fully comprehend how it "accelerates" except through the magic of NLT.
So let's start there and see if it takes us a layer back into the onion-and maybe a layer out from the layer we live in.
Energy, as we "know" in NLT, is the expression of space in the first easily experienced form.  The reason that space causes so much damage to matter is because it is moving so fast (in what direction?) that it would necessarily "take your breath away".  The relative speed of space to matter is "theoretically" on a scale at least the square of the speed of light.  It is likely that it could be some multiple of that.  Worse still, it seems to be accelerating in a "direction" that is not entirely clear although it "clearly" moves with the rotation of the universe in terms of coordinate change which is how we measure speed in the linear time universe.  We also can infer (or theorize) that it has a different "time" just as we have to infer that energy has a different time even though we "know" that all times are conserved along with dimensional aspects.
This can be seen in the following manner-take a minute:
1) Acceleration of matter stops clock time 3 (watch time); so deacceleration of Energy (along with compression) starts clock time 3 (watch time or particle time).
2) Ergo (if you would accept ergo as "theoretically" under NLT theroy) acceleration of energy stops clock time two (wave time) so de-acceleration of space (along with compression of space) starts clock time 2.
Are you beginning to see the onion peel?
3) Ergo (sort of) the acceleration of space stops clock time 1 (space time) and the de-acceleration of "SUBSTANCE X" (along with compression of  "SUBSTANCE X") starts clock time 1.
What this suggests is that there may be an infinite number of clock times, all conserved with dimensional changes-how else would NLT be consistent with space time-connected by deacceleration and compression.
This suggests that the "big bang bomb" or BBB is really not much of a weapon in the grand scheme of things and the nuclear weapons that we worry so much about, especially on days like today where it seems possible Russia might start tossing them around just to see if they can get away with it-they can't because they kill everyone.

It is important that we understand the inter-relationship between these different "times", the different manifestations (space, energy, matter, whatever comes after the next slow down of time-oh yes, it can potentially expand in both directions, but then that's another story.

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