
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 9 clock time attributes

As you will recall from earlier chapters we discussed the fact that time could be looked at as having three separate aspects.  We talked about the first time that governed space, the second time that governed energy and the third that governs matter.
In this way, you must have sufficient compression of of energy to matter to achieve a "slow down" in clock time vs dimension in order to begin clock time 3 which we know as watch time and which slows to zero along a gradient as matter is accelerated back towards the speed of light.
You need, theorized, clock time two sufficiently compressed from space(and presumably slowed down from the speed of light along the clock 2 time gradient) to start clock time 2 which (clock time 2) presumably goes to zero as energy is accelerated to the speed of light along this new gradient.
And last but not least (or maybe least, who knows) is clock time 1 which you get from the compression of space into non-linear time, unless there is something between non-linear time and space but then that's another story.
What that means is that
Clock time 2 would be the time of waves
Clock time 3 would be the time of particles
Clock time 1 would be the time of space
Unless I got the order backwards.  And how weird is that?
and so we start on time compression.

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