
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

non linear time theory-time compression Chapter 5 Both sides of the looking glass-space peas

So, we've now established a number of parameters and equivalents on each side of the looking glass even though their order is somewhat confused because what is one way to us, is pretty much the opposite to god.  We live in a linear universe, but God, at least according to Einstein (don't call me the heretic, I only work here) God lives in a universe where everything happens at once.
P1 and P2 are what we want to look at.
First, we're going to pull them into our universe, but only with one dimension for the sake of your sanity.  Mine can't participate.
P1=(D(x(ct1,ct2,ct3)dt) where the rate of change (dt) of ct3>0.  some forces exist, either watch time, gravity or the electromagnetic forces, but not all 3.  P2 is defined the same way but x is different, otherwise they would occupy the same space and since, in theory, a single god time must make all P's it would be the same P (all the peas in the universe come from a place where there is no dimensional or time separation of necessity so therefore we should presume there is only one source of everything, it's what the bible says, after all, so don't blame me, blame Moses).
We know we need to have heavy concentrations (c^2) of these "space peas" which means that the juxtaposition of the x(s) must be close.  They all start without dimension so this is not unlikely.  Where else are they going to expand to but right next to one another?  Later in the universe as the amount of "gravity" increases, the forces required to allow time to go non-linear move outward into "empty" space; but that doesn't really affect us here because we are, after all, ignoring all the other dimensions.  Further, we don't want a lot of gravity concentrated here since that would tend to prevent any remaining time from going non-linear, so we might think that CT1 is still changing at a rate of zero if that is associated with gravity.
Space peas form in abundance in this theoretical environment until there are enough of them to combine to allow clock time 2 to go linear (the wood has started to smoke, according to the prior analogy).  Not P1=D(x,(ct1,ct2,ct3)dt) where the rate of change of ct3 and ct2>0 but we also know that P1(x)=P2(x) plus some small "quantum" change which necessarily has to be very small or else they won't combine.  Otherwise, the whole universe would fold into itself and time would go non-linear in its entirely.
Now we have to pause and get philosophical.  We have said that time is ct1 but we only see it when wehave gone the next step in the process and taken energy down to sub-light speeds by combination of matter.
What this tells us is that we see things incorrectly, backwards as it were.  Clock time 1 really is clock time 1 even though from human perspective the numbering seems backwards.
We have discussed how quantities (compression) using the speed of light squared separate space, energy and mass sequentially.  It is observed that speeds slow by a factor of the speed of light when you separate mass with time from energy without time, so why shouldn't space be moving at a similar speed shift, at a speed greater than the speed of light by the speed of light?
If you are trapped in relativity, you cannot escape the trap to do this.  But Non-linear time theory is not restricted.  In fact, it contemplates and we observe movement over universe size distances instantly in two cases: 1) all black holes going to the same place despite separation and 2) in the creation of space (expansion).  How is this possible in a universe governed by relativity?  It's not, but that's the Stanford/Cern view of the universe.  God's view is a little different.  If clock time 1 doesn't exist at the point where space exists, (no clock time 2 or clock time 1) then it can move at any speed that it wants (miles/hour where hours go to zero means the speed goes towards infinity).  The existence of a higher degree of non-linearity means that it can move independent of space and its speed may be even greater than the speed of light.  The question this raises, however, is whether there is a speed limit or not.
We argue that space concentrates and posit that the quantities are related to the quantities of energy necessary to create matter.  But if the speed is approaching infinity, the the quantities should also approach infinity.  The alternative, however is a little confusing but you see it in cases where time goes non-linear.  In this case, you literally see time going non linear, towards zero, and therefore you have apparent speed (Perminides and Zeno argue that speed and movement is nothing more than an illusion) go towards infinity and EHT/SHT and NLT theories all allow for this.  The formula looks something like this:
P1=D(x(ct1,ct2,ct3)dt); ct1 and ct2=zero and the formula (D) for P1-movement of the point so it is visible- would involve F* 1/(1-ct3)dt as ct3 approaches 1 and F is a formula describing the other features of time change.  You see this at black holes (see prior chapters) where time goes non-linear as matter drops out of the universe but never completely leaves the universe (thereby allowing for the gravity of black holes to increase as matter "falls" into them.  Black holes have different gravity and this means either (1) time cannot go completely non-linear or (2) that it hasn't gone non-linear yet because it's a gradual movement (infinite series gradual-going half way across the street than half way again type) but will actually go there in parts which is theorized in space expansion.
But we need to cover compression, isn't that what this series is about?  Well, there's always chapter 6

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