
Sunday, March 2, 2014

zeno-socrates dialogs chapter 13 of 17

Zeno's paradoxes as the predecessor of all hologram theory: The Zeno-Socrates dialogs:
The Zeno-Socrates dialogs
Chapter 13
By Exia, a servant in Zeno's house and future grandmother to Eudoxus of Cnidus.

I have read this obscene material and it speaks of betrayal and of the Hebrew idea of one god. It denies the gods of Athens that have made us great and who have therefore proved their validity.  Would anyone hear argue I should not have the charge of godlessness and treason in the charges pending before these defendants?”

These are matters of logic and philosophy and not of religion. The references to one being refer to the being of the universe and not to the being of the pantheon.” Solon said in a surprisingly loud and authoritarian voice. There were murmurs of agreement from the audience.

I will not hear from you again Solon,” Draco said. He looked at the audience, many of whom were armed as well as his guard if not as well armored. “But I will table this matter until after we have heard from your clients. I presume the audience approves of this?”

Someone in the back yelled, “Yes, let's hear from the Defendants. Give us a show!” There was scattered, uncomfortable laughter.

Anyone in the gallery who mocks the court, will be invited to join the defendants up front.” Turning to the defendants he said, “I have read this document and I have to admit that I do not fully comprehend it myself I you are not intending some plot in favor of the Asians.” This mention of the Asians scandalized the audience. Zeno wondered what had been done to his documents to get this reaction. “Which of you would defend this treatise.”

Zeno saw Socrates start to stand and without even realizing what he was doing he kicked his leg out from him and stood simultaneously and in a voice that barely covered the loud “ouch” from the now reseated Socrates, Zeno said, “It is my work, I will defend it.”

Editor's note: This work treats Zeno's paradoxes and really the writing of Parminides, although I was slightly off course when I started down this path-we know who started that!- as the predecessor of all hologram theory and more significantly the story of why what we perceive of the universe is much less than what the universe actually is.  A few would deny that we could be but "a dream" as Shakespeare put it; but those who have even rudimentary exposure to relativity understand that the universe is not at all what we perceive in Newtonian, or perhaps given the idea of beginnings, say Euclidean or even ancient Egyptian, space.  While probably not the beginning of this idea which is easily rooted in ancient religion and the dichotomy between man and god or man space and god space, Parminides (and in a somewhat watered down version mathematically Zeno, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle)  began to see what would ultimately come back as Non-linear time theory or the more watered down version in Einstein Hologram, String Hologram and the bulkier String theories which are built on Einsten's recognition that our reality is only our reality from our "relative" perspective.
But more on this later, we should not keep the mob waiting for the outcome of the trial and the last 4 chapters (only 4 left?  how sad)

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