
Thursday, October 31, 2013

why e-h theory? dark matter continues to confound traditional physics

Why don't these people read my book?  Apparently physicists have forgotten how to read exotic  theories that don't follow the party line written by increasingly irritated neo-physicists
Here is one of the original conceptual response to this dark energy equivalent idea:  Stephen Hawking sees universe's 'dark side' as next breakthrough hunt -
For those of you who have been following this blog throughout, you will be reminded that Hawkings book on the hologram universe according to string theory was instrumental in formulating conceptually E-hologram theory which is largely the combination of string hologram theory with the Einstein concept that the only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once. The only other items that are essential to this are that matter and energy break down on small scale analysis and time disappears into black holes. The attempt to find a relationship of these concepts brings us to a singularity where things happen at once and the tendencies when combined with time yiled our universe. Likewise, at high gravity, time is stripped and these tendencies return to the singularity. This in turn requires that all gravity wells (black holes especially) return to the same singularity which in turn means that "gravity" is only the tendancy of time to be stripped from tendencies and return to the singularity. This indicates that time is attached and that in all probability we exist within the singularity with only the appearance of dimension. Dimension as well as velocity are merely functions of time. You cannot travel along a vector (creating a dimension) without time so existence within the singularity with the appearance of dimension from the addition of time seems intuitive under this theory.
Any search for dark matter and dark energy that doesn't focus on time will not likely yield results.
Dark matter can be several things (previously discussed) e-hologram theory. None of these things can be "seen" unless you use e-hologram theories to look for them which are suggested above.
Some examples of potential dark matter would be:
1) the same tendencies with time with different dimensions (if even one were missing it might be invisible to us and if they were all different they would be invisible)
2) The singularity to which time is not attached at all.
3) The portions of the singularity which have not happened yet but which are tendencies none-the-less

By concentrating on "matter" and "energy" dark matter/energy achieves an undeserved mysteriousness. The real mysteries are 1) what is time and 2) what is the least in e-hologram Theory. If this theory holds true, those who look for dark matter and dark energy are doomed because they are looking for something which they cannot see using matter and energy measurements.

You can see the misdirection in the article. Black holes do not "swallow" anything. All they do is concentrate gravity enough so that it succeeds in stripping time (and therefore dimension) from what would otherwise be seen as matter or energy.  This is what we now refer to as recoiling time since stripping time is too much like attributing dimension.  Recoiling time might just mean it loses its linearity (no dimension and everyting happening at once).

Eventually, we will go over the things which we "know" or which are "intuitive" in the e-hologram model, but for now, let us just cover issues as they come up.
One good thing about e-hologram theory is that it provides lots of answers to the question of what occupies a vacuum. One reason, of course, is that there is no vacuum required.
Space (and all dimension) is a function of time which is inherent in all of our math. For example, e=mc^2 has the speed of light in it which includes time.
But however you view this, how do you explain the movement of on block of matter/energy with one time (common to block) moving through a vacuum which must have some aspects of space and therefore must have several independent times (obviously any particle in a complete "vacuum" would have separate time from the space itself).
Time may or may not be a type of awareness, although that appears to be relevant. Space may or may not be a function of time, but that appears to be foundational to e-hologram theory, otherwise you have space time and we lose a block of unified field theory. We cannot unify other forces with gravity if gravity is not the tendency of matter/probability/etc to return to the hologram. Without this or another unifying principle we might as well talk about loops and stings and we don't ever get past o-space.
We cannot fully comprehend in this blog entry what time is, but there are some things which we know. To understand what e-hologram theory says about time we need to cover what we know about time.
First, time is effected by both gravity and space; or, in e-hologram theory, gravity and space are a function of time. In E-relativity "relative velocity" and "increasing gravity" "slow time". This is why you eventually expect to stop aging as you drop into a black hole. If you accept that gravity is the tendency to give up time and that time is fully stripped in a black hole, then you can see gravity removing time gradually which has the effect of slowing time relatively but only for objects falling into the time stripping gravity. The question that is asked by this is why does the tendency to remove time slow it relative to unstripped time. Likewise, why does relative speed have the same effect. Relative speed indicates the same effect as giving up time which should be consistent with hologram concepts.
E-hologram theory makes this more intuitive because speed, being a function of dimensions, doesn't exist in the hologram. Therefore, time doesn't change, instead the dimensions change.
Let's look at some equations: Time dilation (Lorentz):
TD=1/sqr(1-v2/c2)). The difficulty of measuring TD being a function of the large size of c^2.
Velocity is a relative concept (the difference in speed between the two observers). In e-hologram theory V^2 can be further reduced as (t1(vector1)-t2(vector1))^2 which are the dimensional differences along one vector of two different times to define the "times" (time 1 and time 2) attached to the different observational points. This means that time dilation can be defined in terms of two separate times with light being defined in term of time. The solution approaches infinity as v approaches the speed of light and if it were to surpass the speed of light time would run backwards which is where a lot of time travel stuff comes from and is why I speak in terms of "apparent" rather than actual faster than light travel. The reason to substitute t1 and t2 for velocity is because this allows us to cut out impossible variations and it helps to explain the constancy of light and the failure to be able to combine the speeds of matter with the speed of light to get light to go faster (light has its own time, t3 which can vary in theory but it isn't additive to mass times)
Likewise light (without mass) can be affected by gravity (relativistic-ally) because time
attaches discretely to matter (and perhaps non-discretely) to energy and time may be stripped from either (as seen at black holes) and hence both would show gravity; the tendency to give up the time in e-hologram theory.
This is the concept of blended time where there is the tendency of masses in proximity to share the same time is not supported by light because time would tend to slow by mass. Time would become the same for mass which is combined (hence the whole planet has the same, blended time) and light would slow in proximity to mass. If this were true for energy, then as light passes through matter, the times of the light and the times of matter tend to combine and perhaps this is shown by absorption and emission, although other explanations seem better.
Light may be a wave, but the time may be discrete (or light may be photons and time may be discrete) allowing for duality of light and may also allow for the treatment of matter in the same fashion.
The question of dark matter can be at least one of four things:
1) it may be singularity with a different time, but in proximity to the tie we live in;
2) it may be "damaged/different/defective" time with different dimensions;
3) it may be the singularity itself; that is it may be tendency/possibility to which time hasn't attached
4) it may be tendency after time has moved on to the next tendency
All of these are different sides of the same coin.
The exact nature of dark matter, The question of how time attaches to light or matter will have to wait till later.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Increasingly irritated

As my frustration increases, expect increasingly cynical posts.  For a while swimming 2500 yards 5 days a week was calming me down, but now I am puffed up like some bizaro-weight lifting alternate universe version of myself.  Not only am I jacked on natural steroidal adrenalenes but my poor frame is not used to carrying the extra weight realigned about my shoulders.  In addition everything is twisted about by not one but two rear end collisions like wylie coyote painted a target on the rear of my car.
The increase in tostesterones with no outlet other than to exercise more which just increases them further doesn't help, but if I stop exercising the tension and anxiety builds to the point where I can't sleep; I wake up at 5:30 in the morning and go swimming again.
It just doesn't get any better than this (sarcasm).  Eventually I'll outgrown my clothes if something doesn't give, then eventually I begin to look like one of those alien swimmers whose body appears to have been redesigned to resemble a light bulb.
And the blog entries will reflect my frustration at you, society, china and the universe in general more and more until you'll think I'm just another raving lunatic, but am I or is this your fault?

The walmart/internet death spiral draconian measures

Part of China's weaponized economy is directed towards solutions.
Solutions to the centralization of purchasing, a critical element in allowing China to weaponize it's economy exist.  They are not simple.  The word draconian may be too mild to describe these, they are considered war footing requirements, desperate in some cases.
The purpose of this series of blogs is to posit some solutions, many of which are in place already.
1) Limit internet sales to products manufactured in America for at least some products, particularly high tech devices such as cell phones and computers.
a) this would have to be implemented over a period of time and focus on fundamental parts (displays, chips, assembly).  The time would allow for interested companies to set up manufacturing facilities in the USA.  We would end up with more store sales and some really lousy cell phones, but the alternatives are too awful to imagine.  It is hoped that both the internet sales companies and manufacturers could move manufacturing to the USA to supply part of the demand.  Computers and monitors could be added.
2) Require online sellers shop deliveries to local companies where possible splitting the profits and possibly setting price markdown limits for online sellers.  This would require that local products be listed as available locally on sites and that users disclose their locations and probably would not work.
3) Zone for a minimum of big box stores or limit what any one store can carry, amazingly inconvenient.
4) Require that a percentage of each type of product in a big box store come from US manufacturers.
Want more draconian requirements, just wait, it doesn't get better.
One potential benefit is that if these are suggested, the affected companies might find better choices; just as term limits pursued at the state level might lead the politicians to provide a superior remedy or at least an inferior one.
Want to know why they are justified?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

giving up on poetry

I've decided to give up on true love
it is too fickle
too easily confused with sex
impossible to attain without sex
it asks the impossible
and gives nothing in return
except heartburn and time alone
or worse still bad time together
I'm giving up on passion
of one person for another
in favor of anything empty and easy
why go through all the effort
if all you get in return is silence
those people who have it
are just flaunting their eventual failures
i will be happy with empty pleasures
you can have your tidy cottages
your romantic brunches
if you can take the heartache
that comes when they're gone
i will not have this roller coaster
i never liked circus rides anyway
i will take the highs of life
and retreat only back to a quiet place
without the stomach wrenching falls
because there will be nothing serious
to drop me in free fall
and you can have the same
because i will not make you love me
all we will ever have
from this day forward
will be comedy and farce
I will leave love for someone else

Monday, October 28, 2013

Dealing with demons and Pears

Do all the great leaders have a partner?
Karl Marx had Lenin; Watson had Frick; Bell had Watson and of course all of Shakespeare's work was written by a girl (allegedly); even in fiction, the more creative the hero, the more likely they are to have a partner, but even the self contained Superman has a series of women with the initials LL.
It's impossible to fight these battles alone.  Being a member of the right teams isn't important, it's critical.
If I don't save the world, if I don't completely capture time (and therefore the rest of the universe) in a bottle; do not blame me, it is not my fault, it the fault of my absent partner.

If I have to deal with the demons technological and human without the necessary companion, who but the absent is to blame.  And what demons can be worse than our own malfunctioning government, the virus like destruction of our economy by our technology and solution to our escape from the time bomb that is our universe by splitting of time instead of splitting events.  What do you have to do that is so important that you doom everyone by not leading me in this important quest?  And how can you blame me if things fall apart if you are not there to hold me when the terror of the challenges ahead of us gets to be too much, and how can you not blame yourself?

waking up early

everything should be as simple as possible but no simpler-einstein
the bridgemaker had this quote along with an article on waking early.
The combination appealed to me.  One of the benefits of insomnia is that you wake up early.  The article in t-b spake for itself.
I'll add my 10 cents (overpriced at that rate).  At 5:30 in the morning, 2 days a week, the pool i use is empty or essentially empty.  Outside it is still dark and cold and there is a hot tub that I have to myself to contemplate the nearby trees, the moon when it's up, the stars and the day ahead of me.  I can swim for an hour and contemplate breakfast and the day ahead while approaching the time when I would normally wake up.  The other three days of the week, other swimmers like me get up comparably early and ruin the peace and quiet of the pool; but no peace is a perfect peace and the night is full of nightmares and regrets as well as peace.

The walmart/internet death spiral and the war with china

One of the things which allowed China to win the war with the USA was the consolidation of shopping both in big box stores and the internet.  This article does not intend to suggest we stop shopping at walmart or on the internet.  We do not have to revert to hunting and gathering to survive, just the opposite.
The solution is covered in some detail in the book,but it can be reduced to requiring that we create incentives to have local manufacturing of products whether efficient or not (see the Walter Chronkite quote previously for the justification:  i.e. If you hate America with manufacturing, wait till you see the alternative).
So what is the death spiral?  You are in it,  your unemployed neighbor whose house is in foreclosure can explain it to you, the homeless executive with a middle class family can explain it.  You know what it is.  The consolidation of sales, the exporting of manufacturing that accompanies accumulation of products so that their manufacture can be exported (along with most of the cost and the pollution) means that there are fewer local jobs, that our money is exported meaning there is less available capital (eventually we will lose it nearly completely as the dollar collapses if we don't act quickly; brought on by the the foreign banks withdrawing their cash-over a trillion dollars held by China).  Walmart then loses customers, Amazon loses customers and the economy weakens and more people head out to the street to make it as best they can.
You already see the collapse of industries; book stores and movie rentals.  The former is not acceptable even if the loss of movie rental businesses is acceptable.  However, eventually, the country will have to replace franchises with soup lines if this continues.
We need small manufacturing operations and we need small businesses.  The inability to save those, means that we become what Walmart directly or indirectly intends, that we all become nothing more than consumers.  Unfortunately, when that happens, Walmart itself will collapse, like the virus that takes over the body and kills it.  This does not impart evil to Walmart or Amazon, it merely means that our government has to be healed (i.e. we have to vaccinate it against career politicians with term limits and other reforms) and come up with solid solutions, potentially those suggested in the books below.  Even our colleges are in danger of being killed by the technology that they made possible.
Without solutions, we are going to kill ourselves with the virus of progress.  We must be able to save progress and ourselves, we must evolve to live with our cancer.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The first recorded information on the e-hologram universe

E-hologram theory in one respect or another appears no less than 5000 years ago.
Ancient Hebrew tradition not only defined god and creation consistent with EHT
But it also held that when a person is born their mate was born at the same time
Is it possible to miss someone that you have never met?
Maybe you believe that and maybe you don't, but if you're old enough
You may know what it is like to meet someone and miss them forever after
and if you have never been lucky enough and unlucky enough to know this
then perhaps you've been unlucky enough to meet the perfect person
and then to have lost them...or perhaps the ancient tradition, is just ancient

Walter Cronkite and exporting our manufacturing and technology to China

"Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation."
Walter C.
Imagine what he would say about ignorance of technology at our current level of development.
His message, is that whatever the cost, we must reclaim our manufacturing base from China, because it is cheap compared to the consequences,.
I don't doubt that we are incapable of doing this since even simple things that individuals can do to improve their lives are often left till they are too late.
What is it about us that prevents us from doing the most simple things to improve our lot?

NSA Surveillance, Term Limits and China; the juxtaposition of dangerous forces and technology

Surveillance is here to stay.  It is developed not only by the US government, but also by several large and small entities.  Fortune 500 companies have developed this technology and individual hackers have developed it.  Every government has access to the patents which describe how the technology works and the equipment to carry out this software based technology are readily available to anyone with a relatively modest budget.
The only limitation on the access to the groups who are investigating this is access to the information, that is the phone switches and the internet switches.
Every phone and every computer has an identifying address.  The only requirement to know where everyone is at every moment in a modern society is access to the switches, ten thousand dollars in hardware and a copy of voice recognition software which is generally available for various uses, such as transcription.
Everyone acts like the Snowden disclosures are something extraordinary.  This is true and false.  Everyone with any knowledge in this area, already knew what Snowden disclosed.  But what he did was to point out from someone who was actually involved what everyone knew was going on.  You say, "I didn't know?"  You did, whether you recognized it or not.  How else did you think your computer knows what you are thinking and communicating.  When I post this post, even as I type it, the hosting companies are scanning the key words and targeting advertisement towards those key words.  The step of converting voice to text is absurdly simple, every time you call your bank or anyone else who "records for quality control" you are leaving information "voluntarily" that may be copied; but if you have access to the "switches" then you can get every communication, written or oral; convert them all to written form and can then search them for whatever you want for whatever purpose you want.

Have set the groundwork for this; let's talk about term limits.   As long as we have an imperial congress, this surveillance is for imperial purposes.  It will exist, it is private as well as public.  What we need is a government as much subject to surveillance as we are.  Only then will our government act responsibly.  Likewise we need a dynamic government that will understand, as much as anyone can, the full extent and the short term, medium term and long term effects of a loss of privacy.

Industries understand this already as a group, but many large companies do not understand the full extent of their exposure to industrial espionage, just as it was up to Edward Snowden to focus the common man on even the existence of this technological phenomena, but incorrectly focus it on the "government".

The two enemies are those who control the technology, increasingly China, and those who control it locally (China increasingly controls it globally) and that is the government, and those who would use it against you is the imperial congress which must be reined in, by term limits if there is no better mechanism.

It is necessary that the powerful parties be limited by limiting the access to acquire money by threats (actual or implied) compared to though policies or competence.

These are dangerous times, increasingly liberty is subject to the whims of smaller and smaller groups of people.  But this is the subject of a future post.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

bizarre foods

I watching greek cooks make octopus and octopus ink saks in a greek restaurant where everyone is speaking greek, the mollusks coming straight out of the Mediterranean.
In the middle of November Greek Fest will last three days right here at home.
That scary image won't keep me up tonight.  2500 yards swimming on my day off, complements of a surprisingly cold afternoon and a consequently empty pool.  And tomorrow when I wake up before the sun comes up, I'll deal with overthrowing congress and rethinking the origin of the universe.  And knowing that next week is coming whether I want it or not, I'll be trying to figure out what to do next and the time after that.
And in 5 days the night will bring Halloween with its own haunted memories.

Congressional reform; economic intelligence; the einstein universe and what is really important

There is too much to cover.

Whether to spend time talking about the importance of moving to the west, (why does that one come first?); dealing with the issues that have to be added to a congressional act's constitutional convention for that roll out including dealing with societal prejudices, whether justified or not; and discussing the frustration associated with the moments of clarity in hologram theory which fade when there is not a paper.   Discussing how and why quantum time interact as they do in our universe.

The first answer will go on forever, or a while yet.

The CRA might include:
tax reform-perhaps that each part of the code would have to be redone or drop within 4 years
Penalties if determined any tax that doesn't pass short term, medium term and long term intelligence tests against the congress that passed it and a reassessment by subsequent congresses;
How to deal with the globalization of manufacturing and destruction of neighborhood businesses that accompany our new technological advances; perhaps the biggest challenge of our generation to date;
While these are covered in the CWE, there is so much more detail that needs to be added.
Also, curbing the quasi criminal process of getting campaign contributions by adopting a Texas style prohibition against soliciting funds when congress is in session (and adding to that when there is a criminal investigation pending or known by the soliciting campaign) and stating that the potential violation of such would be probable cause for wire tapping the official or organization involved.

For E-H-T:
Times combine for reasons that have to be defined.  One reason, of course, is that they do because they already do.  But the interactions are based on something more important and those forces in our universes are reflections of the singularity; just as gravity is the tendency of time to rewind and linear time is the opposite of gravity.
This raises the question of whether we "can we jump the tracks?"  The answer is that yes, we can; assuming we already have, another Mobius loop of the universe.  How, that is another question.

But for now, the questions await the answers they need, the biggest question being, what to do next.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Congress as an 8 year old-the need for term limits

Is there a way to launch the congressional reform amendment movement in the near future.
The goals are to place term limit on congress consistent with the number of terms of congressmen serving in the first 25 congresses (averaged) so that we will achieve a congress consistent with that envisioned by the founding fathers when people only lived to be 35 years old on average.
It is possible the term may be extended for 1 year depending on the number of terms.  In this way, at least a portion of the congress will not have to pander to the constituency and can govern.
Other provisions limiting the benefits of congress are set out in earlier blogs and can be found at the end of the book below.
Another element is to apply proactively where possible and retroactively where not the ideas of short term, medium term and long term intelligence to congressional action, also set out in the book below.
Otherwise, we have situations where congress acts like children.
I thought for a time perhaps we should allow congress to pick certain members for continued service, but they may serve if so desired in different functions and do as much as within some safe bubble they would need to manipulate the rest of congress to secure.
And then there is the argument that a congress free from the need to pander, would rule of self interest, but doesn't that just require we hire men of integrity?  And those who rule in the lame duck sessions (without hope of re-election) will know that they will be returning to those places where they will have to face their constituents without the protection of their office.

another night

I felt emptier than normal
knowing that tonight
you had let me down
by being the smarter
of the two of us
not making me make
a difficult decision
and I will not be seeing
our meeting my family
frightening to consider
but that is not happening
instead I'll lie awake
afraid that without
being able to swim
before dawn breaks
I'll  face the day
without answers
without the evening before
without peace
without you

time and space-a discussion of the relationship of "empty" space to black holes

While sleeping last night
a dream came to me
where it was clear
the connection between
time and space
before the morning came
waking clouded the dream
and at 5:00 I surrendered
and rose to swim away
the pain of loss I feel each day
though it was 5:30
the pool was alive
with thrashing bodies
floating in water, not touching
what did the water care
about the contact of the people
and I thought about the dream
and after 2000 yards
with the sun still set
I went outside
where I could sit alone
the cold night air
the hot water and palm trees
the moon high up
not caring about the star nearby
The problem I thought
is that there are black holes
little temporary ones and large
and then there is space
they should be the same
but they are not
the black hole appears a hole in space
and I thought to myself
if space is coiled time
and black holes are time
seeking to recoil itself
then they could be the same
and they could be different
so the distance between
fundamental particles
and the portions of space
that are truly empty
are both spaces between
and both are coiled time
but we are not next to them
because we are in the singularity
and there is no distance
only time gives the appearance
of the vast difference
between the moon and the star
between me and you
only because we are linear
because we have changes in time coordinates
are we able to perceive each other
are we able to pretend distance
coiled time exists next to us
without changing coordinates
how are we
trapped in our three dimensional world
supposed to understand the juxtaposition
of coiled and uncoiled time
to themselves and one another
and for a moment I remembered the dream
and knew what it was like
to eliminate space and distance
and even to stop time
when we kissed

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Black hole growth

Because black holes give up matter which has turned to energy in large amounts, perhaps as much as 90%, the part that stays (10% doesn't, in e-hologram theory) just turn into a heavy mass as you find in a neutron star where collapse is incomplete, instead it begins to wind, but does not fully wind (stop changing in every dimension) since if it did, the mass would cease to have gravity. This is because the fall into a completely wound state takes longer and longer as the speed approaches infinity.
It is even possible that neutron rings would form in orbit around the gravity sink, although there is no specific mathematical model for this in e-h theory.
The model, instead is one where you have acceleration of matter to the point where it beings to approach the speed of light, clock time changes go to zero and dimensional time changes increase towards the speed of light, falling gradually until all time dimensional changes stop and everything begins to happen at once in the singularlity.  However the majority of the converted matter escapes as energy.
In a neutron star, you don't have the same type of collapse.  Instead, the clock time increases to the maximum amount of change and the dimensional time changes slow down or cease allowing the time quantum to get closer together for purposes of moving through apparent space or apparent movement through nonexistent space if you must.
Why the difference?  That's for another blog.

E-Hologram University: Introduction-for the presentation in New Orleans

This is for those who will not see the presentation:
The Origin:
String Hologram Theory: This is a two dimensional film from which our universe is projected.
In 2011 I read a book by Steven Hawkins, on this topic and found it intriguing but incomplete.  Like all theories of the universe are incomplete.
As I was writing my commentary over 12 months I came across a quote from Einstein : “The only reason for time is so everything doesn’t happen at once”.
Eventually the quote warmed its way into the commentary and in the process. What if “without time everything happens at once?”
This led to an analysis of what happens to the universe when time is removed and this led to the question of what happens when dimension is removed from the universe.
While it seems like it may not make sense to you, as reality as we understand it begins to unravel, answers to questions to unexplained phenomena began to fall into place.
String Hologram theory requires an acceptance of space-time; e-hologram theory moves farther back, explaining not only three dimensional space, but going back before space and time as we know it.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A short personal story

in 1976 and 77 I took engineering and advanced physics courses while doing summer work, mostly cleaning up after hurricanes on roofs in the hot sun.  Now 37 years later I am anon graduating alumni with access to a heated indoor saltwater pool for the winter. It is so dark late at night it is like swimming in a cave with rock music playing loud enough you can hear it when swimming the back stroke.  Had second accident in 4 months another texting driver slammed into my car as I sat still in a red light so wasn't able to swim tonight but last night was sweet. It allows me to think of all the things I can't allow myself to think of in the light of day so tonight is particularly hard. Of course we ask know what it's like to feel damaged by life and abandoned by the support we want the most m at least two of us.
I think I need to add a rider to congressional reform act to cover this issue it is so out of hand.
Tomorrow will be if the forces that control our lives will it and if not perhaps we'll meet somewhere more interesting still

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Time coordinates in the e-hologram universe

Once time is active, we can follow the movement of time.
When everything is happening, i.e. uncoiling or linear time, the coordinates can look like this T1(a, b, c, d) where a-d are clock time and the dimensional coordinates we experience.  They are not really there, but we are able to measure them as we existing within the "projection" which is not a projection at all.  It is viewed as a projection in string hologram theory, but we have proved that theory is incomplete based on observations (temporary and permanent black holes being the primary evidence and gravity being secondary evidence) and the discussions herein.  I say incomplete as opposed to inaccurate becasue we do have a transition from a zero dimensional framework to a "four" dimensional framwork (T1(a, b, c and d)).
In the projection a-d are constantly changing.  At energy rates, a=clock time does not change, but the "slower" dimensions do with a conservation of the total rate of chnage.  I.E. if the rate of change of a goes towards zero (or goes to zero) the rate of change of b-d speed up proportionately to make up the difference.
At T1(0,0,0,0) where the rate of change of all times go to zero, however something different happens which suggestion an infinite series, ie. something that as you approach it it goes to infinity.  The easest example is the equation 1/(1-a) where a approaches 1 as you approach the starting point of time. The equation can look a number of different ways, but you have the same basic concept.  This may be viewed as a "rate of change" equation.  That is the rate of change of the time coordinates must go to infinity (infinitely slow then zero) as you approach the singularity (observed, fyi) because everything happens at once in the singularity. 
Now if you remember the prior math, what you have observed is that in a black hole clock time goes to zero.  In fact, just recently this was shown as the reason why so much matter falling into a black hole is converted to energy.  This is because you are taking matter and increasing the speed towards the speed of light as it falls in, but more specificially you are converting the change in clock time to dimension time.
As clock time approaches zero in a black hole two things happen (observed): 1) the rate of change of time goes to zero so that everything is coverted to energy (energy necessarily (e=mc^2) has zero clock time change and much of the energy escapes as the dimensional change increases proportionately.  2) For a small amount of the remaining time quanta (proportionately) it loses linearity or approaches the loss of linearity towards infinity using the equation type for infinite series set forth above (1/1-a as a approaches 1 in this example), first dropping to two dimensions, then one in the process as described in reverse for the creation of space time as set out in the book.

Monday, October 21, 2013

and a poem

Tonight i jumped
into the emptiness
of an unheated pool
i wondered if the cold
would kill me
or perhaps just
freeze my heart
rock hard
like yours
but the cold
did not kill me
it did not hurt
it was the slap
filled with life
ice and water
your signs
and mine
the water flowed
over me making me
stronger than before
and when done
when i climbed out
dripping with life
my heart beat
just as hot
as it was before
each beat pulsing
with the sound
of your name

A little artwork-time to overthrow congress

In the course of politics, it occasionally becomes necessary for the public to put limits on their government.  This occurs when government becomes irresponsible because of too much power, too much incompetence, stagnation or a combination of all of these things.  This is what we are experiencing and if we fail to act and act quickly then our country will fail, our civilization will lose whatever potential it has to survive the inevitable disasters that we face and life will lose its meaning.
Do you care if your life has meaning and what are you willing to do to give it meaning?

Impossible time travel in the e-hologram universe-non dimensional stretching

in the prior blog we explored the concept that under e-h theory time travel was possible along any dimension other than the clock dimension for the person attempting travel.
Now we will discuss what it means if time travel is impossible.  That is what we determine if there is only clock time and not dimensional time per-se.  This is the concept of stretching time.
We have determined, at least in our observational universe, that time is quantum time and that time is conserved relative to dimension which is additional proof that dimensions do not exist exclusive of time and that all singularities can be presumed to go to the same singularity as a result.  This means that all dimensions are a function of time.  But it does not necessarily mean that the prior analysis is accurate.
Conservation may result from time stretching, but not in dimensional space.   It is non-dimensional stretching because dimension doesn't exist.
Remember that we want there to be dimensions, but E-H theory belies the existence of any dimension except as an illusion (as compared to string hologram theory which wants to accept at least two dimensional space).
Hence, in E-H theory the movement of time in multiple dimensions is impossible because those dimensions are a function of time (The proof of this is in the book and prior blog entries, if you haven't kept up).
What this means is that time doesn't have dimensional and non-dimensional qualities.  Instead, time expresses itself as clock time and removes clock time to express itself in a way that projects as dimension and in certain aspects it shows itself as energy and matter.
In the book, E-H theory this is referred to as changing of time coordinates and it is explained that time expresses itself as dimension (space), then energy, then matter depending on the allocation of time coordinates to different aspects of time, all of these increasing the amount of clock time, the amount of apparent uncoiling from the singularity to space to energy to matter.
Looking at a single quanta of time, it is possible for it to have completely coiled time (in the singularlity), to have uncoiling (with or without clock time?) and with only one or two dimensional coordinates (space or String-hologram fundament), to have uncoiling with no clock time but with linear dimensional coordinate changes experienced in multiple dimensions, energy, or to have clock time along with multiple dimensions (matter).  This transition of energy and matter is observed and predicted by relativity, but only after time and space are assumed and this eliminates.
The collection of all quantum times are therefore collections of time in its many different potential time coordinate changes from coiled time with zero coordinate changes in black holes, to time with coordinate changes in every apparent dimension, matter.  But if sufficient matter accumulates, you have a collapse of time back into the singularity (black holes) so a circular transition of time is observed from coiled time to uncoiled time.
Time travel is not possible along any perceived dimension, because there are no time coordinates that actually define dimension.  They are all just clock time changing dimensional coordinates.
This is expressed in prior entries as T1, t2, t3 where each of these are coordinates for time quantum.  The give rise to dimensional impressions, but they are all just a stretching of clock time without dimension.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Easy time travel from defining nuclear reactions in terms of time coordinates changing

I previously left for a future blog entry will discuss what form matter takes in this interim stage where it is falling into the singularity, but has neither reached the singularity nor has it transitioned to energy.
We need to start by looking at whether e=mc^2 can be solved using EH-theory and the conversion of time coordinates.  In order to do this we need to correct the equation to show that it is a function of time and not of energy and matter which does appear earlier in this discussion.   That is, the conversion of mass and energy functions into functions of time has occurred and appears in the Einstein Hologram Universe.
We are now going to approach the same solution from a different direction.
We are going to take this equation and look at it from the change of dimension requirements and this is a function of the change in time from the dimension of clock to the dimension of movement.
If you walk backward, you'll see time moving backwards and it doesn't look to strange.  It is the easiest was to envision time recoiling.  But this blog is not about time moving backwards, it is about time conservation in a quantum environment and giving rise to the fundamental equation of energy and mass conservation.
e=time changing only along dimensional lines.
m=time changing along time lines and dimensional lines.  The rate of change fluctuates according to the amount of change along dimensional lines.  The greater the change in dimensional time, the slower the rate of time change.  This is established in traditional physics, and this is only the recognition that time is necessarily the foundation of dimension and that time is conserved.
The quantum aspects of time are clear from this equation.  The "size" of time quanta are also revealed.  If e=mc^2 we know that the minimal amount of time is tied to the minimal size of energy quanta.  For example, if a photon is the smallest amount of energy, then we know that 1photon/c^2 is the minimal quanta of matter, that is dimensional time.
The exact measurements  show that time only is involved in this analysis.  A photon has no known dimension (It does have features that prevent it from being "touched" in theory, at .5x10-15m, but this is less about size and more about having time coordinates combined at a quantum level.  This is why you can't get past the wave vs particle analysis of photons in traditional physics, although it does have changes in time coordinates at the speed of light. 
That is, wave-particle duality is a completely artificial construct necessary only if you insist that space time exists in place of time with changing coordinates.
Only when you add time changes and take away form the dimensional changes is it possible to define a size and this necessarily is a function of the square of the speed of light since that is the first point at which you can make a transition.  The Planck Length understands this relationship, but does not describe it as a function of time since Planck also saw space-time as a give as opposed to a mere impression given from time.  This takes us from the two dimensional foundation of String Hologram theory and eliminates dimension completely.
This means that the nuclear relationship necessarily involves the change of time coordinates in a conservation environment where time along one coordinate (that we observe as time) changes relative to those we experience as dimension.
What does this have with walking backwards?  Conceptually, it is apparent that time must be the same whether there is one dimension or three, but it is conserved across time or the other dimensions according to a set formula so that there should be some relationship, if not identity, between these different time streams.  We can move back and forth along all the other dimensions but not the time stream.  This means there may be different time streams along each of the other time dimensions which we cannot observe, but for those, presumably you could go backwards along our time strings.
I.E. it is suggested, although not necessarily required, that for each dimensional time string, there is an interchangeable clock time string that cannot be traversed in either direction along that dimensional time string but can be traversed in either direction when the point of reference is switched.
This means that anyone experience clock time along what we perceive as a dimensional time string could easily move back in time on our clock time string.  more on this later.

Can there be a winner at the end of the "imperial" congressional standoff

Can there be a winner at the end of the  congressional standoff
The answer is that we can all win if we can overthrow congress
Overthrowing congress is about creating a non-imperial congress
That means term limits.  We are lucky because we can base those limits on the congressional history of the founding fathers (term limits based on the number of terms of the first 25 congresses, before life spans continued).
It is also about stripping imperial prerogatives.
Certainly stripping the prerogatives of the congresses that have brought us close to an economic collapse and that have given away our manufacturing base as punishment as much as for any other reason would make sense.  Perhaps it should happen and happen while there is time to visit the harm on them that they visited on the country.
In the prior blog on this subject, I set out the broad outlines of an act to limit congress and strip the imperial prerogatives and in the book below I cover the ideas set out in this blog in detail.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Gamma ray bursts as part of e-h theory

The e-h theory related to causation has to do with the fact that instead of being caused by energy that is left over during the collapse, the energy to drive the gamma ray burst comes from a conversion of matter into energy because of the inability to fully collapse into the singularity.  The matter transitions as a result of changing from a dimension oriented time, to a single vector, timeless state that is the difference between energy and matter as discussed previously.
This means that gamma ray bursts can occur whenever a sufficient amount of matter is introduced into a black hole.
While huge "quasar" like bursts would be expected during the transition of a star into a black hole because of the amount of matter involved.  Since you open a pathway into the singularity, the real question is how much matter is involved and what transition states it reaches.
For example, we know temporary black holes can arise with very small amounts of matter involved and this is suggested by e-h theory (see prior posts for a more complete discussion or the book below).  However, with large transitions, Newtonian and Relativistic analysis suggest that the black hole maintains a certain amount of mass.  At the point of the singularity, in e-h theory this would have no gravitational effect, so the matter involved must not completely reach the singularity, nor must it have transitioned to energy due to a change in the time coordinates (from one time dimension to another).  So a future blog entry will discuss what form matter takes in this interim stage where it is falling into the singularity, but has neither reached the singularity nor has it transitioned to energy.
A fission or fusion type mechanism is suggested, of course, but the mechanism envisioned by e-h theory is a direct conversion of time coordinates which may be the same horse painted a different color.   The idea that matter is changed to energy by the reduction of one time dimension in favor of another with a conservation of the total amount of quantum time need not be completely different in effect from fission or fusion, but if it yields a better understanding of the fundamental nature of the matter and energy involved, it is important.
For more on this you can see the earlier blogs and the summary in the E-H Universe.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

no expectations

i know we spoke
and I laughed
at your jokes
but don't expect
to make me love you
Yes your eyes
glow with life
you like my riddles
or maybe you don't
yes your skin is soft
your attitude cool
your kisses hot
and your body
hard as a tank
but don't expect
to make me
do something
that happened
a long time ago

congressional reform act-Congressional Term Limits

This is the start to get rid of congress.  This is not what would be submitted to the state legislatures, but this is the foundation for what will be filed which will come later.
Tell me this is not what we need after seeing our current congress at work.  And that does not even touch the problems that we have with China that they have caused.  Before it's too late:  The Congressional Reform Act:

1) Term Limits: The following will apply immediately after passage by fifty percent of those entitled to vote.
A. _____  three year Senate and House terms (This total will be based on the average terms of each senator and house member serving in the first 25 congresses).
B. At the end of each term or when replaced, a congressman is entitled to up to 1 year of paid consulting exclusive of any other employment for his replacement unless or until his replacement rejects his employment.  During this time, the consultant ex-congressman must pay his own expenses and has no access to the capital except as provided by his replacement.  His pay is set by congress at no more than his salary when in office.
2. No Tenure/No Pension.
A Congressman collects up to one-year salary while serving as consultant under 1(B) until terminated.  After the end of that one year or upon termination from that position by his replacement, he/she collects six months of his salary during the time when he/she is resettling.
3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security or other retirement held by the rest of the general population.  No federal retirement applies and all funds in the Congressional retirement funds move to the Social Security system.
4. Congressional pay raises. Congressional pay will fall proportionately with GDP but rises only by constitutional amendment or vote of 90% of each house and only for congressmen entering after the vote except that it will not fall below the lowest state congressional pay for state congress nor be higher than the highest state congressional pay plus 10%.
6. Congress participates in the same health care system as the American people and may pay for any other health care from their salary.
7. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
8. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void.

9. Lobbyist: No Congressman may act as a lobbyist while receiving money under any provision of the law or for 4 years thereafter. A congressman may run for congress again after a period off of 7 years unless they serve as a lobbyist in which case they may run 7 years after they last serve

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

fools at christmas

You know how i feel
I tell you every day
i don't even know if you listen
i suspect you don't
what fools we'd be if you did
me the hopeless romantic
with you imprinted in my mind
and you so selfish
you think your own self interest
in actually you liking me
so unfocused that you
accept my mindlessness
as if it were intelligence
as if I had anything to offer
to someone so special
what would I have to offer
a warm body, a cold mind
that sometimes wonders
what you are thinking
is it whether to wish me
merry christmas
or that you won't

world war c-the price of a congress without term limits

Technology and innovation are the key to progress.  As we export our technology and consequently our innovation offshore, we give up our progress.
Progress is power.  When the West entered China, we paved our way with stolen technology, chemistry and in particular gun powder.  We stole it and remade it better and broke down their gates with it.
When the Chinese break down our gates and enter our cities, they will do it with our technology, remade better.


It is possible that we can change this by changing our government, unlikely but possible.

How to deal with a congress of fools-term limits

Congress wants you to believe that term limits, the first step to an honest, independent congress, the first step in arming against the war with China, is a difficult road.  It is not difficult or long.
We have seen active revolutions occur in a day in the middle east.  The technology exists in order to have an orderly transition in a democratic country with no immediate danger, no economic downside.
Here is the reason why it will be quicker than the state convention, more immediate than the next elections.
First, it is easy to have a grass roots movment.  As more people join, as the draft amendments to the constitution are circulated, as the ideas behind it are brought forward for discussion, more people can get on board.
Second, it originating at the state level, there is no Federal Congress to bring on board to limiting their own benefits.
Third, just the idea that the states are going to take back control of this narrow part of the election process will give a certain amount of freedom to the handful of congress who actually want to govern and they may inspire those pandering politicians more focused on re-election.  Congress, may actually see the wisdom in acting first.
Fourth, the fact that the USA is focusing on short term, medium term and long term issues will allow us to decide how to deal with the serious problems facing us at each of these terms before the laws are even changed.
Start now, it's never too early, but one day, it may be too late.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Do we really want tem limits?-The politics of pandering

Poll: Just 25 Percent Think Their Own Member Of Congress Deserves Reelection

It looks like people don't want to re-elect the same politicians; but are they ready for politicians who actually work towards a better country?  The truth is that the majority of the body politic, the people, are too weak to want to term limits.  That is why the same people will inevitably serve; why a dynastic family, like the Bush family will allow for someone who is relatively incompetent to become president based on family status as opposed to demonstrated ability.

But the President is restricted to terms.  In the case of congress, we need a great deal more will because we need a state constitutional convention.  Why do people act like this is such a big deal?  The reason is that they are too weak to want term limits.

Term limits mean that politicians are not beholden to their constituency.  It means that at some point, many of the politicians would be lame duck politicians.  It means that policies would be passed without deference to the special interest that put people in office.  The very rich would lose their strangle hold of money and the very poor would lose their stranglehold of numbers.  The rich would pay more taxes, the poor would lose their benefits.  But perhaps the budget would be balanced.  Perhaps difficult long term issues, like the war with china, the aging population, the near inevitability of a catastrophic event that could end human life on the planet could all be addressed.  What might this mean for the future of the country? 

I believe that the country would benefit, that it would be worthwhile to have a congress that would govern instead of pandering.  That is the benefit of term limits.  I think it is worth the experiment.  What would the congressional reform act look like.  You can see it now in the book below, but if you wait you will see it here again.  The state constitutional convention is set out previously but will be discussed in more detail in the second edition.


cook time

it takes 4 minutes
to boil water
over an open flame
enough to fill a cup
to fool my brain
it is only hot water
but i do not know it
3 days and 4 minutes
it always took too long
to make love to you
the work of hours
not like with the others
where it was the work
of only minutes
why were you
so inconvenient
of all people
so greedy
of all my time
and why now
are you still here
not giving me
a minute of peace
to drink a cup
of hot water

Monday, October 14, 2013

World war c now do you see it? Why term limits/why congressional reform
World war c and China s weaponized economy tell the tale of the undeclared economic war between China and USA and how an incompetent usav government lost it without ever realizing it was a fight.
Do you see it now?

Every time

My heart races
even as my head
feels like it will split 
I know what I need
and what I don't do
every time I see
a picture of a beautiful
or peaceful place
why do I think
of being there
with you
I know I will
Never be able
To enjoy these things
Without these visions
Because You are more
Lovely and peaceful
Haunting me
you don't have to
be near someone
to like them
but you are always there
the Isolated Italian beach
the clear water by
the Greek island
to icy slopes
of a tall mountain
the dark side of the moon
every place of mystery
of loneliness and joy
the silk curtains
blowing in a tropical breeze
the storm on the ocean
from a safe harbor
and the barren emptiness
of a vast desert


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Overthrowing Congress: a timeline for Term limits- to defeat congress

Term limits could be in place in 24 months.  It probably cannot happen quicker, but beginning the process will begin the cure for congress.  It will also start the discussion of alternatives in Congress.

1) The first step is to come up with a congressional reform amendment.  This will be set out in a later blog, but if you're in a hurry, order the book below.

2) The number of terms will be based on the average terms served by congressmen in the first 25 congresses averaged together.  Some will have served only a single term, some will have served several, but this gives the same terms that were effectively envisioned by founding fathers.  It may be changed later, but it's a good start.

3)  The next step is to set teams up to put this on the ballots of all the states so that the state legislatures and governors will have to either sign on or fight it.  This could be done within 12 months so that all 50 states will have some group.  Want to join?  Friend world war c:

4) Within 24 months it could be possible to call a constitutional convention, but it might take years.  Too slow?  Start now it will happen quicker.

The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. None of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by constitutional convention. The Congress proposes an amendment in the form of a joint resolution. Since the President does not have a constitutional role in the amendment process, the joint resolution does not go to the White House for signature or approval. The original document is forwarded directly to NARA's Office of the Federal Register (OFR) for processing and publication. The OFR adds legislative history notes to the joint resolution and publishes it in slip law format. The OFR also assembles an information package for the States which includes formal "red-line" copies of the joint resolution, copies of the joint resolution in slip law format, and the statutory procedure for ratification under 1 U.S.C. 106b.

Want more?  See China's Weaponized economy, soon to be re-released as "How to take Congress back from innept and corrupt career politicians" or some such name.

two sided swords

a peaceful quiet morning
alone can have different meanings
it can be liberating or lonely
most times it is both
I had to give up coffee again
comfort and addiction
the second day dawns
it is healthy and a crutch
now the crutch is too heavy
and my head is pounding
the quiet moments hold forth
i cannot relax as i'd like
the pain is too great
my soul is too restless
the sense of destiny too loud
there are too many rocks
that need rolling up the hill
there is always some work
there is political change
the fundamental nature
of the universe itself
but only one thing calls me
love is source of great power
it cuts deeply in ragged lines
each of the senses
mock its absence
the bird songs today
rattle like marbles in my head
where before they seemed sweet
the air is fresh and sweet
but takes my mind back
to other smells i miss
loss even in the sweet air
scent more than anything else
ties us to our ancient selves
the sky is blue with early wisps
high above everything
they beckon me to travel with them
to be free at last, mocking me
in the prison  i build for myself
mortared with crushed desires
heavy blocks of regret
wrong choices, lost opportunities
that allow us to enjoy
whatever is left to us
quiet mornings alone

Friday, October 11, 2013

everything is foreign

I have been disengaged
from my expectations
sufficiently so that I
am disassociated
from the events
around you.
even the expected
is unexpected
a traveler
the familiar
melting like a dream
There is no place
there is no time
not dissolving
under its own weight
it is like being in love
but without the joy
I experience this
and have several times
in the last five years. 
A succession
(ok, a series)
of unfortunate events
a medical condition,
the completely illogical
actions of a company
the completely logical
actions of a person.
the timing mechanism
(words and music)
came and went
without me hearing
the water is gone
I don't remember
the water
I do not even feel
the water
and yet I am wet
so I must have swam
There are many things
that I feel too deeply
foreign and non-existent
time long past when
things that should
have happened
and some that did
go by un-noticed.
And now everything
is foreign to me
I barely feel my skin
The sky is like a screen
my memories
at once sharp
and like those
of someone else
I am not where
I belong tonight
alone, scared
uncertain of you
of everything
foreign to me

Death of the poet

The poet writes to someone
or the poet writes to no one
either way the poet writes
and what do poets write about
happy things and sad things
funny things and serious
the death of ancient civilizations
and the birth of little babies
Waiting to hear from his muse
the poet sits still pen in hand
will the voice ever come
or will purgatory call instead
and if the poet ceases to write
the person will live on
it is the death of the poet

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A few notes on the bp oil appeal

The subtlety of appellate review is often not subtle at all.  But there are still points to be made.
I am going to only comment today on the majority opinion and only then to fix these thoughts in my mind for later.
1) The court made much of BP's waiver of the $75 million dollar cap under the OPA, essentially beginning with a mention of this, so let's start with this.  First, this is true and at first blush completely noble of BP to take this responsibility.  Even at second blush it looks good, but the blush dies down slightly (it was and is a grand gesture) on further review.  This is both a great deal and a compromise.  Were the cap not waived,  the remedy to those hurt would not have stopped, in this case, at 75 million dollars. Instead, the remedy would have derived from criminal penalties.  BP (and others) were charged and pled guilty to various crimes which I will save for another blog.  Restitution is the word for compensation in a criminal case and it is routine to award it.  In this case, electing restitution over civil penalties would have deprived BP of almost any defense to payment that exists in the civil case.  One judge might well have ordered the company dissolved to pay restitution.  This way, the very worst case scenario (hardly necessary in this situation as it currently stands) would be a chapter 11.  Because BP made this election, to waive the cap, they are largely in control of their own destiny.  Will this be insanely expensive for them?  Yes, it already has been.  But it is a matter of "compensation" and that is what this hearing was about.  Who should be compensated under a settlement. 
2) The court made a footnote dig at the PSC for not objecting to review and arguing that "The Court" meant that review stopped at the district court judge handling the case.  After making this pronouncement which appears to question whether the PSC is captained by "perfect" attorneys who never miss anything, the majority goes on to ignore the relevance of this issue.  The law is not perfect, and those who work with it are fallible, perhaps the majority just wanted to remind everyone of this in case there were problems within the opinion.  The court could easily have said that this issue of who was the final arbitrator resided in the district court and that the PSC was merely imperfect for not raising this issue, but they were not about to let this matter go.  The dig is merely to strengthen their position, since further appeal is possible, perhaps even likely given the amount of money involved if not the chance of success.  I question anyone taking this settlement further, but I can't dispute their right to do so. 
3) The court ruling goes on, as I interpret it, to say that despite an "apparent" agreement to compensate according to a mathematical formula, regardless of actual causation, that actual causation is a requirement.  This is the antithesis of the settlement which sought to reduce everything to a math problem.  That doesn't mean the decision is wrong, but it is goofy to attorneys who work in an imperfect world.  It is not quite, but almost a decision that says that if a party settles a case and that after the settlement the defendant wants to question whether the party has a claim or not; they can do so.  A defendant (like BP) can, in effect, settle the case and then try it on causation since the plaintiff has nothing with which to settle if causation doesn't exist.  Anyone who has ever gone to court knows that the primary reason for settlement, for good or ill, is to save the possibility of losing.  This is why it is so aggravating when cases are half researched before trial, ignoring the actual facts or law in favor of a quick resolution, but in some cases that is better.
4) Note that I use the wording "almost" in the preceding paragraph.  This case was actually decided on a very narrow issue, the interpretation of the settlement.  It doesn't say the parties couldn't settle for something else in any other case, but focuses primarily on the wording of the settlement in this case.  While the appellate court builds a shaky platform under future settlements (presumably no one will open those in the past) where causation is an issue, it almost makes sense.  Why almost?  Because like all compromises, this case pays some people who should not have been paid, but ignores many others who have factual situations that would have allowed payment had the case gone to trial, but who did not fit perfectly in the math model.  Further, the BP lawyers who structured the model were not stupid, despite leaving questions open like the one on appeal.  Most of those paid under the settlement are receiving far less than their "actual" damages.  Only someone on the coast knows how deeply this injured the economy there.  Almost across the board real estate development alone dropped 60% and this continued for 3 years, only now does any real recovery exist.  People lost their homes, the livelihoods, and much else.  They are then paid a "settlement" not full compensation years later.  If some other people were paid also, it is both a failing of a system and a compromise of the system and the appellate court was unwilling to leave it at that and decided instead to set some potentially unwarranted precedent.  It will be interesting to see where this goes.
5) This should have been an interpretation question, instead it sets out a form of law that governs settlement.  I will be interested to see whether someone raises this in the future.  Whether they "settle" a claim for a sum certain and then the other side sites this appellate decision in order to question whether the plaintiff had sufficient causation to wrest the actual payment of the settlement. Perhaps I read too much into this decision.
Conclusion) Oh, to wax eloquent on this further, to have that type of time.  How nice it would be to discuss concurring opinions and the dissent.  But that may have to wait for another day, my insomnia gives way to dawn and the time when all the innocent people wake only after getting enough sleep and after the sun rises.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Burning soul

I have to leave now
what does that mean
the sound of you leaving
is the sound of worms
moving through a corpse

love sets you on fire
my soul is burning
and when it is done
and when you are gone
there will be nothing but ash

The illusion and power of self determination in the Einstein Hologram Theory

Have you heard a phrase like "The thought came un-bidden to me" or perhaps you find yourself writing a blog where one word follows the other and  you're aware of the thought, but not aware how it will be put in words and yet it still gets written down.

Is this self determination or is this predetermination?

Einstein Hologram treats existence like a program being displayed to a large extent. 

While you might think this is dis-empowering, the truth is just the opposite.  Do you want to get rich, you already did!, do you want to change the world, done!, do you want to write a fundamental field theory?  Well, everyone does that, so it's no big deal. Imagine how empowered you are if you can do anything because it's already been done.  Imagine how  courageous you can be, you're already dead, where's the risk?  Imagine how little you have to are already finished...and how important you are...along with the other intelligence you drive the universe.

That is the interesting part of E-H theory.  It is very Zen-you are nothing and you are everything, you have nothing to fear and you can accomplish anything.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

An unlikable understanding

How do I convince you
I still love you
Do I remain faithful
Perhaps monogamous
Tell you
Though you can't
Believe Me
I don't convince you
How do I convince myself
I don't have to
It is something
I feel every day
Seeing you
In the clear blue day
The orange contrails
Of a jet at high altitude
At Sunset
Saturn and Venus
On opposite sides of the sky at night
Their distances
on opposite sides of the solar system
seem not so far
As you are from me

The correct term limits for congress-(how to) Overthrow congress now

I owe an apology to the USA readers.
I now realize that according to the 1776 philosophy discussed earlier, there is a historically inherent correct term limit.
I am going to stick with extended terms, but I'm only going to go up from two to three years.
How do we determine how long the cumulative terms are to be based on history?  Easy, we determine the average number of terms for the first 25 terms (or 50 years) (1776-1826) for those who served at least one term during this period and use that as the deadline.  Now I have to find a history major with some time on his hands.
These are easy statistics to locate and give us something we can work with that takes into account what the founding fathers had to deal with if not what they had in mind. - The first place I asked.  Of course, they are shut down by the current government shutdown.

The soon to be renamed: "How to retake congress" or some such:

Why term limits now and why extended terms

Why term limits now and why extended terms?
In 1776 people died.  It is just that simple.
You didn't need term limits.
In 1776, the life expectancy was 35 years old (assuming you had a large supply of leeches).
Today, it is 78 years old.
This is not a reflection on the age of congress.  When it was set up, Franklin was one of the oldest people alive and one of the most valuable members.  Instead, we are talking about the natural replacement of members of every age (from 35 up).
In addition. issues are more complex, things happen quicker and the power of congress is farther reaching.  This means that congress (as a whole) needs more time to review issues and to measure the results of their actions.
What is suggested is set out in more detail in "China's Weaponized Economy" a book better described today as "How to take back Congress from innept career politicians" but that's a job for later in the week.
The basics are two terms of 5 years with limitations thereafter of increasing severity.  I don't think "any" exception is justified since there are other ways for people to serve, but if you wanted an exception, an example would be to require that 25 states vote to allow an extended term for someone to run past the two terms and then increasing the number of states thereafter.  Someone the country considered essential (like a Franklin or an Adams) could continue in office).  This coudl even apply to presidential candidates.  Unfortunately, this would potentially lead to worse corruption than we have.

As I have mentioned previously, this is something to do at the state level.  The reason is congress is too corrupt to do this to themselves.  The good news?  It's relatively easy where, as now, the majority of the population sees the need for this.

The authority to amend the Constitution of the United States is derived from Article V of the Constitution. After Congress proposes an amendment, the Archivist of the United States, who heads the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), is charged with responsibility for administering the ratification process under the provisions of 1 U.S.C. 106b. The Archivist has delegated many of the ministerial duties associated with this function to the Director of the Federal Register. Neither Article V of the Constitution nor section 106b describe the ratification process in detail. The Archivist and the Director of the Federal Register follow procedures and customs established by the Secretary of State, who performed these duties until 1950, and the Administrator of General Services, who served in this capacity until NARA assumed responsibility as an independent agency in 1985.
The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures. None of the 27 amendments to the Constitution have been proposed by constitutional convention. The Congress proposes an amendment in the form of a joint resolution. Since the President does not have a constitutional role in the amendment process, the joint resolution does not go to the White House for signature or approval. The original document is forwarded directly to NARA's Office of the Federal Register (OFR) for processing and publication. The OFR adds legislative history notes to the joint resolution and publishes it in slip law format. The OFR also assembles an information package for the States which includes formal "red-line" copies of the joint resolution, copies of the joint resolution in slip law format, and the statutory procedure for ratification under 1 U.S.C. 106b.

Want more?  See China's Weaponized economy, soon to be re-released as "How to take Congress back from innept and corrupt career politicians" or some such name.

Monday, October 7, 2013

the importance of poems

i am sorry for every post
that is about war
that is about physics
that is about anything else
but nonsense poetry

i hate to think of disappointment
your disappointment
when you look for my soul
and see only my attempts
to turn my mind from you

dozing off
under a warm blanket
a glass of wine
close at  hand
thinking of being together

why is everything
not about the difference
between that picture
either dozing alone
or hugging each other