
Monday, October 21, 2013

Impossible time travel in the e-hologram universe-non dimensional stretching

in the prior blog we explored the concept that under e-h theory time travel was possible along any dimension other than the clock dimension for the person attempting travel.
Now we will discuss what it means if time travel is impossible.  That is what we determine if there is only clock time and not dimensional time per-se.  This is the concept of stretching time.
We have determined, at least in our observational universe, that time is quantum time and that time is conserved relative to dimension which is additional proof that dimensions do not exist exclusive of time and that all singularities can be presumed to go to the same singularity as a result.  This means that all dimensions are a function of time.  But it does not necessarily mean that the prior analysis is accurate.
Conservation may result from time stretching, but not in dimensional space.   It is non-dimensional stretching because dimension doesn't exist.
Remember that we want there to be dimensions, but E-H theory belies the existence of any dimension except as an illusion (as compared to string hologram theory which wants to accept at least two dimensional space).
Hence, in E-H theory the movement of time in multiple dimensions is impossible because those dimensions are a function of time (The proof of this is in the book and prior blog entries, if you haven't kept up).
What this means is that time doesn't have dimensional and non-dimensional qualities.  Instead, time expresses itself as clock time and removes clock time to express itself in a way that projects as dimension and in certain aspects it shows itself as energy and matter.
In the book, E-H theory this is referred to as changing of time coordinates and it is explained that time expresses itself as dimension (space), then energy, then matter depending on the allocation of time coordinates to different aspects of time, all of these increasing the amount of clock time, the amount of apparent uncoiling from the singularity to space to energy to matter.
Looking at a single quanta of time, it is possible for it to have completely coiled time (in the singularlity), to have uncoiling (with or without clock time?) and with only one or two dimensional coordinates (space or String-hologram fundament), to have uncoiling with no clock time but with linear dimensional coordinate changes experienced in multiple dimensions, energy, or to have clock time along with multiple dimensions (matter).  This transition of energy and matter is observed and predicted by relativity, but only after time and space are assumed and this eliminates.
The collection of all quantum times are therefore collections of time in its many different potential time coordinate changes from coiled time with zero coordinate changes in black holes, to time with coordinate changes in every apparent dimension, matter.  But if sufficient matter accumulates, you have a collapse of time back into the singularity (black holes) so a circular transition of time is observed from coiled time to uncoiled time.
Time travel is not possible along any perceived dimension, because there are no time coordinates that actually define dimension.  They are all just clock time changing dimensional coordinates.
This is expressed in prior entries as T1, t2, t3 where each of these are coordinates for time quantum.  The give rise to dimensional impressions, but they are all just a stretching of clock time without dimension.

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