
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Gamma ray bursts as part of e-h theory

The e-h theory related to causation has to do with the fact that instead of being caused by energy that is left over during the collapse, the energy to drive the gamma ray burst comes from a conversion of matter into energy because of the inability to fully collapse into the singularity.  The matter transitions as a result of changing from a dimension oriented time, to a single vector, timeless state that is the difference between energy and matter as discussed previously.
This means that gamma ray bursts can occur whenever a sufficient amount of matter is introduced into a black hole.
While huge "quasar" like bursts would be expected during the transition of a star into a black hole because of the amount of matter involved.  Since you open a pathway into the singularity, the real question is how much matter is involved and what transition states it reaches.
For example, we know temporary black holes can arise with very small amounts of matter involved and this is suggested by e-h theory (see prior posts for a more complete discussion or the book below).  However, with large transitions, Newtonian and Relativistic analysis suggest that the black hole maintains a certain amount of mass.  At the point of the singularity, in e-h theory this would have no gravitational effect, so the matter involved must not completely reach the singularity, nor must it have transitioned to energy due to a change in the time coordinates (from one time dimension to another).  So a future blog entry will discuss what form matter takes in this interim stage where it is falling into the singularity, but has neither reached the singularity nor has it transitioned to energy.
A fission or fusion type mechanism is suggested, of course, but the mechanism envisioned by e-h theory is a direct conversion of time coordinates which may be the same horse painted a different color.   The idea that matter is changed to energy by the reduction of one time dimension in favor of another with a conservation of the total amount of quantum time need not be completely different in effect from fission or fusion, but if it yields a better understanding of the fundamental nature of the matter and energy involved, it is important.
For more on this you can see the earlier blogs and the summary in the E-H Universe.

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