
Sunday, October 6, 2013

What does e-hologram theory say to a nobel prize nod for the higgs boson?

Congratulations, of course.
That doesn't mean that the H-B exists.  That is for someone else to confirm.
Which E-H theory does not rule out.  It only says that if an H-B exists, then it is a manifestation of time, like energy, matter and space.
PRE-BEGINNINGS: Other theories start with space time.  E-H theory differs only in equivalents.  It starts with time without dimension and without linearity.  Time without linearity or dimension is a singularity.
BEGINNINGS: Other theories accept time as a dimension.  E-H theory accepts time as non-dimensional, everything happens at once in the singularity.  The linear aspect of time is a function of the singularity, as much as time itself.
E-H theory doesn't rule out anything, because it both too new and too firmly built on the foundation of other theories.  What it does to fundamental particles, however, is to rule out the super-specialization of string theory.  You don't have H-B type particles because gravity is a function of the linearity of time, not of individual particles.  It is suggested that pure "space", the "vacuum of outer space" should have some gravitational and space component.  this is suggested by the "bending of space" which Einstein envisioned.  This would not so much be "bending" of space, but the gravitational equivalent of space, like matter (or energy) tending to return to the singularity.  If such is the case, then this would be one more indicator that the predicted method of growth from the singularity outward in recent posts is accurate.  More important than the dimensional component is the time component, however.  If time is fundamental, then even the limited dimensional components of time reflected in space are secondary to the tendency of time to lose its linearity.
MATTER  In string theory, the us of vibrating strings in multiple unseen dimensions looks a lot like unwinding time which can be seen as a string of time.  But how do these vibrating strings of time or dimension give rise to HB particles?
Of course, HBs are not predicted or necessary in E-H theory.  The tendency of time going to zero coordinates, dropping back into the singularity, doesn't require any particulate element and instead involves acceleration towards a singularity by time itself.  Matter is time, so it may well look like matter, since mater only looks like matter in E-H theory by virtue of it getting les compact.  That is, time is at its most compact as coiled time.  As it uncoils, its dimensional qualities increase.  This is observed, necessarily.  As time itself slows down, its linear components expand.   This is observed when clocks slow down as the dimensional aspects increase along any vector.
You don't have any "matter" in E-H theory.  You don't even have the two dimensional matter of Hologram theory.  You don't need it.  It doesn't mean that we don't exist, it merely means that on a fundamental level there has to be an explanation for all the space, and everything it contains around us.
If you asked me what the biggest questions of E-H theory are that prevent you from abandoning any other theory in its favor, you'd have as many as any other problem theory.
For example, if we exist in a singularity or if we issue forth from a singularity as time (the second being less likely) where everything happens at once, where does that singularity come from.  The dissatisfying theory that the singularity is caused by the events of the universe all happening at once does not explain how they happened to be there.  It is like explaining the origin of a movie based on the fact that you have the movie in digital form.  Almost all theories of the universe fail this test.  I say "almost all" because one must be right (even if we don't know it yet) that explains this.
So E-H theory is a crutch like all the other theories, but it has fewer inherent flaws than at least a few others because it goes back to a fundamental (time) and thereby gets rid of all the other crutches which include Higgs-Bosons (and every other form of matter).
Another example is why does everything seem so real if we're really just an unwinding of time.  The short answer, of course, is that just because we are an unwinding of time doesn't  mean we aren't real.  Traditional physics (even Newtonial physics) envisions huge spaces (see earlier blogs) between atoms.  Even each atom is primarily "empty" space.  This is not a problem in e-hologram theory, but it is still a problem.  The reason it is not a problem, is that we are looking (in EH theory) at quantum time within a singularity.  There is no space, only a sharing of some, but not all coordinates and the change of those coordinates.
This difference between E-H theory and any theory allowing for a H-B is that E-H theory doesn't need a carrier for gravity.  Gravity is merely the tendency of time to rewind itself.  It can even be said that these two things are the same and that E-H theory only approaches it differently.  For example, instead of the unlikely gravity handling particle, E-H theory assumes that even space has gravity and that this gravity of space is the tendency of space to collapse back into the singularity.  Using the database analogy, it is a tendency for the data to go back to all zero coordinates instead of the three coordinates of space and one of time.

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