
Friday, October 25, 2013

time and space-a discussion of the relationship of "empty" space to black holes

While sleeping last night
a dream came to me
where it was clear
the connection between
time and space
before the morning came
waking clouded the dream
and at 5:00 I surrendered
and rose to swim away
the pain of loss I feel each day
though it was 5:30
the pool was alive
with thrashing bodies
floating in water, not touching
what did the water care
about the contact of the people
and I thought about the dream
and after 2000 yards
with the sun still set
I went outside
where I could sit alone
the cold night air
the hot water and palm trees
the moon high up
not caring about the star nearby
The problem I thought
is that there are black holes
little temporary ones and large
and then there is space
they should be the same
but they are not
the black hole appears a hole in space
and I thought to myself
if space is coiled time
and black holes are time
seeking to recoil itself
then they could be the same
and they could be different
so the distance between
fundamental particles
and the portions of space
that are truly empty
are both spaces between
and both are coiled time
but we are not next to them
because we are in the singularity
and there is no distance
only time gives the appearance
of the vast difference
between the moon and the star
between me and you
only because we are linear
because we have changes in time coordinates
are we able to perceive each other
are we able to pretend distance
coiled time exists next to us
without changing coordinates
how are we
trapped in our three dimensional world
supposed to understand the juxtaposition
of coiled and uncoiled time
to themselves and one another
and for a moment I remembered the dream
and knew what it was like
to eliminate space and distance
and even to stop time
when we kissed

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