
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

How to overthrow congress (without anyone getting hurt)

For those of you who have read my book (below) you know the answer.
To everyone else, let me provide the short version.
First, understand that the country today has changed a little bit from the country in 1776.  Also keep in mind that the way that the senate is elected changed in 1916 (or thereabouts).
Even in 1916, however, people died.  They just go on living now.  Congressmen get old.  But that's not the problem, there are more young congressmen causing problems right now than old ones.  Heck, we might be better off if they were all old, but I digress.  This is about why we need to do this, then we'll discuss how to do it.
The next problem is that congressmen run for reelection constantly.  They don't have time to govern and they have to pander to their constituents.  Worse still, they have to grandstand to stay in power.  There is no incentive to give way and govern.  If they had set terms, say two 5 year terms just to give them a chance to govern, then they might be more civil and might spend more time governing, especially during that magical lame duck term before they had to go home and face their constituents.

Anyway, we have a lame congress if not lame duck.  Let's talk about how frigging easy it is get rid of them (without anyone getting hurt).

One-Figure out what you want.  Two 5 year terms is my vote.  Want more details? (order the book you see at the end of this blog entry).  And while you're at it strip their perks and tie their pay to the average for state legislatures.
Second-go to the state legislatures and ask for it.  That's the way to change congress, you can't expect them to regulate themselves.
That's it.  No revolution, no storming the white house, just a simple "Republic" solution built in the constitution and based on the original idea that states (and their citizens) still have rights.

Want more?  I'm re-writing the book below to be named "How to overthrow congress".  It actually works if all I do is change the name!

Just go to Amazon and type "China's Weaponized Economy"

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